Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Gideon Nicolas d'Avout Vandeleur

Gideon Vandeleur

Name: Gideon Nicolas d'Avout Vandeleur
Species: Human
Age: 63
Gender: Male
Homeworld: Volterravan

Faction: N/A
Allignment: Lawful Evil


Physical Information

Height: 1,91m
Weight: 85kg
Complexion: Fair
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: White
Haircut: Orderly
Facial Hair: Shaven, except for sideburns
Body: Normal
Voice: John Noble
Distinguishing Marks: Non recorded
Illnesses: Non recorded

Psychological Information

Personality: Extrovert
Intelligence: 122
Education: High civil and military degrees
Sociability: Condescending, outgoing
Temper: Calm
Illnesses: Non recorded
Fears: Defeat, death, failure - dishonor
Hopes: Success, victory, glory, fame

Philosophical Information
Political Values: Conservatism, Militarism, Aristocratism (Stratocratism)
Military Values: Total War, combined-arms-doctrine, quality not quantity
Economic Values: Protectionism, Mercantilism, Interventionalism
Religious Attitude: Force Atheist

Occupational Information

Faction: N/A

Biographical Information
After the fall of the Galactic Empire and its successors, the system of Corulag was left in harsh conditions. The wars and switching occupations joined by its central position made it a welcome target for looting and garrisoning of various militaries. The lower levels of the city-districts soon turned into criminal wastelands for the next decades. Following the breakaway of masses of workers and farmers, the upper echelons soon suffered equally. Times of crisis and of despair shift priorities and ideologies. Soon the occasional street fights turned into skirmishes and battles and set large parts of the ecumenopolis on fire. The planet and its holdings were on the edge of total anarchy.
Somehow surviving and shining as a rare beacon of order and structure, was the Corulag Academy, still training able bodied humans who could afford it or show skill in trials. Soon the masters of the academy realised that they would and could not hold against the chaos which was spreading around them. From the ranks of the academy as well as from planetary landowners and industrials was an army formed and funded to reinstate law, order and a government. The following conflict took the lifes of hundreds of thousands people, 15 years and destroyed many city-disctricts.
Rising from the ashes were successfull military leaders from both the academy and the former industrials, forming a new nobility which would establish itself in the coming centuries and shaping the system into a stratocracy controlled by a council of military commanders and administrated by aristocrats, owning land and industry.
Gideon Nicolas d'Avout Vandeleur was born into this militant aristocracy.
Vale of Plenty
Born sixty-three years ago into the family Vandeleur, one of the most renown and powerful of the system, Gideon was named after one of his ancestors a famed general of the Consolidation Wars. Being the firstborn son, the first of four children, he received major attention throughout his childhood. Private teachers, trainers and instructors accompanied him through most of his childhood which was marked by a serious absence of anything related to love or even parental attention of his family.
Put into a class of equal high-born children of other noble families who could afford an equal excessive and expensive education. Teached in multiple languages with an emphasis of Basic variations as well as High Galactic, basic sciences, economic matters and of course the art of war. Competition of friendly and of hostile nature developed between the often equal hearted, self-centered and up-nosed young aristocrats. For mental health and physical fitness as well as finesse the usual hobbies were fencing, classical dancing and hunting.
Established by the nobility was an elite school for the aging children to train and educate them. The work of the small private classes of the youth was enhanced and specialised here. Gideon was always among the best of his peers, especially showing much potential in the subject of warfare. His education and teaching made a very direct and condescending individual of him if you were not of his social class. He maintained this attitude as a part of his personality for the rest of his life.
In the advanced school the teenage aristocrats were given a specialisation based on the evaluation of their personality, grades and experience.
During his childhood, his teenage years and his entire education, the allignment and indoctrination into an imperial attitude and doctrine were focused. It was normal for the nobles to support the single party of the Empire of old. Gideons parents were high officials and renowned supporters of the party, equally with verbally and financially.
Early Service
Following a remarkable graduation at the elite school of the planet, the eighteen year old son of house Vandeleur was joining the Imperial Academy. Between the military cadets the young aristocrat was not necessarily popular or liked, but had some serious reputation as a proud but capable man.
More to come ...

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