Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Ghrom the Molten

Ghrom the Molten

NAME: Ghrom "the Molten"
FACTION: We Who Survive
RANK: Acolyte
SPECIES: Hurikanean
AGE: Young only 50 years or so
SEX: Seems male but species is sexless
HEIGHT: Over 3 meters
WEIGHT: Over a ton of rock
EYES: Red - Black gems
HAIR: None
SKIN: Greys and Obsidian
FORCE SENSITIVE: Force Sensitive - Dark side user

  • Stone Skin - Body is made of stone making it resistance to heat, blaster, electrical, EM and minor kinetic damage.
  • Shatter Point - Body made of stone, very weak to cold, Sonic and major kinetic damage.
  • Stone Strong - With over a ton of moving mass Ghrom is very strong, equal to that of enhanced power armor.
  • Stone Touch - A big towering mass of rock he has no fine motor skills, is slow and not very dexterous. His attacks are easily avoided by most smaller races.
  • Blunt Instrument - His fighting style is a crude as the rock he is formed from, no fancy attacks or counters. He knows only shear force, crush and smash
  • Stone Legacy - Ghrom was ostracized from his people because he embraced their stone traditions. As his people moved toward a more crystal existence, believing it brought them closer to the force. His crystal body is encased in hardened stone as noted above. But it inhibits his connections to the light side and all abilities there in.
A moving avalanche, a walking mountain. These are some of the many phrases used to describe Ghrom by other lesser flesh lifeforms. A being of rock held together by his own life force he is roughly in the shape of a three meter tall, biped with long arms and legs of stone. On his face he wares Moonlight's vision, which gives him a more human look but very off putting as well with his red glowing gem eyes that shine through the eye holes.

As a young stone, Ghrom was offered a chance to go off world and explore the galaxy by spacers who visited his home of Hurikan. Excited by the opportunity he soon discovered the galaxy is a cruel and dark place. Recently enslaved in Sith Empire space he was freed only to find out while he was gone his home world was invaded and his people near exterminated. Now freed with only hate, fear and rage as his steady companions he searches for ways to satisfy is need for destruction and hole left in his soul from the loss of his people.







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