Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Ghosts Of The Past


This was a big one.

Of all the little trinkets she'd been searching for, this one had actual merit. A holocron. An actual holocron. It might not be one that directly linked to her family, but the programs in those were sentient, right? They probably knew something more about the Tremiru family. Certainly more than she herself was able to find out in the burned out ruins of her family's estate. Now she's here, stalking through the halls in a black robe like most of the other cultists here. Blend in. No one thought twice to her with how small she was. Easily overlooked. Or something.

Honestly she wasn't sure, but now she was in the main chamber, eyes locked on the small, faintly red pyramid on the middle of the altar. Her prize. Just yoink it and leave.

Should be easy.

Darth Strosius Darth Strosius
Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge
It had been all too easy to track down this particular bunch of cultists. Their eagerness in buying a holocron off of the underworld markets had made them sloppy, leaving a trail of credits all the way back to their little hidden sanctuary. While Alisteri himself could sympathize with them in that regard, the most recent orders from on high regarding wayward Sith and Dark Side groups had been clear.

Besides, they outbid him on that holocron anyway.

Without warning the front door to the hidden sanctum was blown open, blaster fire and the marching boots of Inquisition soldiers heralded their advance as they gunned down whoever got in their way. Alisteri himself rushed forward from the center of the troops and leapt into action against the immediate guards, hacking off their blasters and limbs alike as the entrance filled with soldiers and bodies. "Slay them all, we must purge this den with fire and blaster. No survivors!"

It didn't take long for the aggressive invasion to be noticed by the rest of the cult, most of them either springing into action and rushing to face the invaders or rushing instead to the armory to stand a better chance when the soldiers eventually reached them.

Aliris Tremiru Aliris Tremiru


Aliris just needed a distraction.

Nothing too big, nothing too crazy. And certainly nothing that would put eyes on herself. Maybe a mess? Knock over a vase in the corner like in the comics she used to sneak into her dorm? No, no, that wasn't real life. Something she could do on her own without having to fight people. There had to be something.

Blasterfire was her answer. Not from her, though. Surprise utterly took over her face as she heard the gunfire from where the entrance was. They were under attack? What in the world?

"Sith! Sith are here! Take the artifact and go!"

Wha- oh. She blinked before nodding once to the priest that seemed to be talking to her. Convenient. Without hesitation she ran up, grabbed the holocron, and booked it for the back door. If there was ever a time to leave, it was when these poor fools were getting eliminated by Sith.

"Got it!"

Darth Strosius Darth Strosius
Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge
True to their nature as cultists, most died charging into battle against the invading soldiers. They were cut down in droves with only a handful at a time competent enough to take cover and try to fight back in a meaningful manner. The occasional grenade or lucky shot did help in slowing down the soldiers as the entrance was captured and fighting spread to the narrower hallways and passages between the rooms.

What they couldn't stop however was the Sith Knight leading the advance, as Alisteri was more than happy to cleave through whichever cultist threw themselves at him at that moment. Any grenades launched his way, or desperate charges with them clutched in hand, were thrown back with a wave of his hand. Any blaster bolts that threatened to put him down were batted aside with a simple flick of his wrist. The cultists may have been eager to explore the depths of the Dark Side but they hardly knew how to combat a champion of it.

There was simply nothing to counter him other than the hope of a lucky shot or grenade, and luck did not appear to be on their side thus far. "Spread out and bring in the flametroopers to flush them from the rooms. I'll handle the holocron."

Without having to worry about the soldiers slowing him down Alisteri marched through the cultists and left a bloody trail in his wake, with his enemies either cut down by one of his blades or thrown into the nearest wall with enough force to crush bones. He drew closer and closer to where he could feel the signature of the holocron, his last obstacle being what appeared to be a priest that was rousing the inner sanctum's defenders to a last stand.

Having no time to bother with such things, Alisteri simply launched a bolt of lightning and scorched the priest dead where they stood as he moved forward to cut down the enraged defenders.

Aliris Tremiru Aliris Tremiru


They were really getting slaughtered. She ran down the hall, keeping lower to the ground, keeping the holocron tucked away. They didn't matter. She hardly knew any of them more than the cloak she'd slipped on. No attachment meant no need to look back. At least until she felt a presence following her. Someone knew where she was. The holocron was. She cursed under her breath as she sprinted through the escape tunnel.

Whoever it was wasn't even slowed by the Head Priest.

So she dropped the holocron. Left it somewhere in the path. Didn't really matter where, cause she just rounded the corner to pull her dagger, crouch, and wait. Wait for the figure following to arrive so she could spring out and kill them herself while they were distracted by their prize. Should be easy, right?

Darth Strosius Darth Strosius
Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge
Carving through the valiant defense of the inner sanctum was probably the biggest hurdle that had been thrown at the invaders thus far, Alisteri still easily cut through them of course but their desperation was more apparent here than ever before. Like animals backed into a corner and lashing out in one last defiant bite or claw. However there was no holocron waiting on the altar after the last body had fallen, but he could still sense it within the building itself. Someone must be trying to ensure that it doesn't fall into the right hands, how noble of them.

Alisteri strode through the sanctum and then through the threshold of what appeared to be a rear exit of sorts, finding no enemies in his path this time. He could still hear the sounds of the cultists dying in the distance, although now blaster fire was accompanied by the sound of flames wheezing forth from their launchers. Finally he spotted the holocron he sought, just sitting on the ground as if it had been dropped.

Perhaps the carrier had been in too much of a rush to escape?

The masked man slowly walked forward down the hallway as he approached the artifact but stopped short a few steps away from it. He tilted his head and reached out with the Force, sensing what was most definitely a person nearby. He clicked his tongue and sheathed his sword before reaching the newly free hand out to call the holocron into it as he reached out once more to pluck it from the ground with his will.

Aliris Tremiru Aliris Tremiru


There he was. Aliris peeked around her little corner just to see him crouch to pick it up, then lunged right into action. Blade out, speeding along the ground to try and be even smaller than she already was. Small target, easier to go unseen. Get close enough to bring the lethal edge of her sith steel dagger right for the figure. No hesitation, no waiting, no clearing. It didn't matter if it was another of the cultists or a Sith.

That holocron was hers.

Darth Strosius Darth Strosius
Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge
As expected the holocron was not simply left behind in a mad dash, but rather laid in waiting as a trap. One of the cultists dove at him with a blade in hand and kept low to the ground. Harder to hit with his lightsaber that way, but thankfully Alisteri was faster than he looked. In one swift move his free hand shot up from the relic to instead try and grab ahold of the incoming hand that sought to bury a dagger into him.

He shifted his weight and brought his other hand around, aiming to either throw the attacker against the wall or deliver a punch right to their head. At least this one was smart enough to try the ambush tactic.

Aliris Tremiru Aliris Tremiru


He was quick. Chit. Faster than her, and seemed to realize she was there. How'd he know? Not that she wondered long. She was faster than the normal person, but she wasn't trained enough to keep up with him.

Next thing she knew, she was thrown. Aliris kept a grip on her dagger at least, but the sharp pain of being thrown certainly had her wince. Then growl.

"Holocron's mine, sleemo!"

Darth Strosius Darth Strosius
Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge
"You should've actually bothered to learn something from it when you had the chance then." Alisteri leveled his lightsaber at the cultist as he plucked the holocron from the ground. It looked as serene and undisturbed as one could manage with such artifacts. Given how lackluster the defense of it had been he doubted the cult had even tried to crack it open and see what lessons it could teach them.

"Credit where credit is due though, you actually tried to kill me instead of just throwing your body into my blade." He chuckled and gestured to the robed cultist. "Come, raise your head and allow me to remember your face before you die. The only one among this rabble worth remembering from what I can tell."

Aliris Tremiru Aliris Tremiru


"Oh shut up. I'm not some stupid cultist. I came here first for the Holocron, now give it. I earned it." No, she didn't actually think she earned it, but with how this Sith was talking it had to be some kind of honor system. One day she should learn how the Sith really worked, not how the Ashlan's said they did.

She also just tossed the robe as she stood on her own. Kept the grip on her dagger, just in case he did deside to strike.

Darth Strosius Darth Strosius
Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge
Alisteri scoffed and rolled his eyes at the response, finding it rather self-righteous for one still on the ground. "Then get up and take it from me." He supposed he could spare a few moments to put this interloper in her place. And then she stood up and threw the robe aside, and his grip on his lightsaber faltered for a brief moment.

"No..." He muttered the word under his breath and took a step back before regaining his senses. "Cruel little relic you are!" The masked man glared at the holocron in his hand, clutching it hard enough to shatter it if it were simple glass. "Using a face from the past to torment me, what vile secrets do you contain hm?" Finally his gaze snapped back to the 'cultist.' "Are you merely an apparition? An illusion?"

Aliris Tremiru Aliris Tremiru


"I dunno what you're seeing, but that's still mine." Something seemed to change as he didn't immediately strike out at her, but whatever it was didn't mean he suddenly stopped being dangerous. There was no chance to just beat him from the get go, right?

So tricks. She had tricks. She flipped the dagger around and threw it right for him. Which was the trick. He dodged, he caught it, didn't matter. She followed it with a zap of lightning. Didn't matter where she aimed or where she ran around him, it went right to the blade.

Darth Strosius Darth Strosius
Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge
"I'm seeing a fething ghost." Whether by hesitance or by the sudden burst of speed from his opponent, her trick worked. He pulled back, protecting the holocron as he sidestepped out of the path of the dagger. The bolt of lightning actually caught him off guard but his reflexes snapped to attention to intercept the lightning with his lightsaber.

Evidently the appearance of a familiar face had more of an effect on him than he cared to admit. Alisteri still had to actually get out of the sanctum with the holocron after all. "Come and take it then! I'll be haunted by her face no longer!"

Aliris Tremiru Aliris Tremiru


"Who even are you!?" He was off balance, chasing ghosts of some kind. That worked in her favor. Even if he was stronger, she could work with that. The sheath of the dagger came up in her hand. Something to defend herself at least. And, well.

Lightning rippled across it. She ignored the smell of singed skin, drew on that pain. Launched herself forward. She wasn't leaving without the holocron if she could help it. Aliris darted right for him this time, swining the charged sheath with the only intent of having the resulting blast knock his saber away and let her lunge for the Holocron itself.

Darth Strosius Darth Strosius
Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge
He readied himself for whatever was to come as best he could, fighting against the nagging part of his mind that wanted to do nothing but stop and stare at his opponent until her appearance changed into something far less familiar. Holding onto the holocron must be what was causing such a prevalent illusion bit he wasn't about to drop it and allow it to be swiped from at his very feet. "I'm more curious as to who you are among these cultists!" The answer didn't matter in the end he supposed, he'd have the holocron regardless.

Alisteri flipped his lightsaber around in his grip as she charged forward and readied a swing to try and slice into her before she reached him, but he couldn't manage it. He paused, hesitated one might say, and muttered a curse under his breath when her sheath subsequently knocked the weapon from his grasp and made him stumble back from the blast of lighting. "Oh damnit all!" He shook off the hesitation once more and went in to try and land a strike in her center with his newly disarmed hand.

Aliris Tremiru Aliris Tremiru


She was far too inexperienced to notice he hesitated. Too focused on her own goal. The fist came, slamming into her chest. Knocking the air right out of her lungs and leaving her sputtering. But it didn't matter. Aliris's free hand just went for the Holocron, wrenching on the Force to drag it from his hands with her as she was thrown back.

Darth Strosius Darth Strosius
Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge
Alisteri glanced down just in time to see the holocron be pulled from his grasp, his grip on it having loosened at some point during the skirmish. This was an embarrassing display on his part and it was about time that he finished this nuisance. "Clever. But not clever enough." He summoned her lost dagger to his hand as he moved forward, taking only a moment to aim before throwing the blade right at her knee in order to hopefully keep her form getting too far before he got to her.

"I grow tired of these games, and tired of seeing her face." He stalked towards the girl and drew his sword from his hip without much fanfare, too eager to have his opponent dead and out of the way. "You may have her face for now, but you're certainly no Alina Tremiru." A nice slash across that painfully familiar visage would probably break the illusion.

Aliris Tremiru Aliris Tremiru


She got the Holocron. She actually got it! Aliris landed back on her heels, ready to just turn and run. She had what she needed, right? He seemed distracted by whatever he was seeing, so if there was a time to go it was now. Find something to trip him up, trap him a- Danger. She spun on a heel just as the dagger cut through her calf. Pain, more pain. She caught sight of the dagger just past her in the dirt, now dripping with blood. Her blood.


".. Alina? Who even is that?"

Even with all the pain though, the name pulled her attention. How could it not? Her eyes turned to him, stared at him. Pale blue, devoid of the typical Sith coloring that Alina had always had. ".. Do you know my family?"

Darth Strosius Darth Strosius
Breaker of Chains
Codex Judge
Alisteri raised up his sword and stepped in close, eager to destroy what he believed to be a mockery of his good memories, and yet once more he hesitated as she spoke. Her question brought him a moment of pause. A moment just long enough for him to stare into her eyes and realize that they lacked same color that Alina's had bore for as long as he had known her. Then his mind flashed to the death of Alina's mother, to how similar the two had appeared and then to the twin-like visage of his friend before him.

"Oh you've got to be joking." It was a lie, it had to be. And yet it nagged at him until his blade lowered and his free hand clenched into a fist. "No more games, one sly remark and I cleave your head from your shoulders. You will answer one question to the fullest extent possible or else I will leave you in bits and pieces all around this pathetic hideout."

The masked man cocked his head to the side ever so slightly, as if properly examining her for the first time. "Who are you?"

Aliris Tremiru Aliris Tremiru

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