Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Getting Started

Carona Totsari

It takes true strengh to turn the other cheek
Carona listened carefully as the mentor spoke. So serious and no-nonsense minded the girl was; she only cracked a small smile of amusement as others laughed at her joke. The smile faded when she asked if there were any questions.

Her blue eyes immediately darted to the other Padawan with the crutches for a split second, then back to the teacher in the center of the room. Still sitting in a straight, attentive posture, she tapped into the mind of the teacher next to her again.

I was wondering if you could maybe can ask for me, please? Even the girl's thoughts were jumbled and nervous, Where would I be able to learn healing? Like, helping people? I understand that Jedi are kind of about enforcing order and keeping the peace. I would like to join them, but not as the police, y'know? I want to be a healer. I… I know what it's like to be trapped in a crippled body.

All while she delivered her message, her eyes stayed focused on the teacher leading the class.

Kaiza Pawaro

Do, or do not. There is no try.
So many new faces! Seeing sentients originating from vastly diverse cultures and backgrounds and united under a noble cause always gave Kaiza hope. It proved how compassion and selflessness inspired others to spread kindness or justice as well, which ultimately validated the Jedi Order’s endeavours more than anything else. Witnessing one’s efforts take seed and blossom into something good - there was nothing else like it, strongly reminding the former farmgirl of her old life. Unable to hide the toothy grin currently dominating her expression, the Mirialan slid her gaze towards the young Togruta who’s been introduced by another Jedi.

“Hi, Carona.”

The small and colourful girl was probably shy and slightly intimidated by so many grown-ups, and thus Kaiza’s lips curled in an encouraging smile, hoping to cheer her up a bit. She was among friends, after all. A big family that helped each other out - a much needed support, for these were trying times. Kaiza relished the peaceful moment, focused on the present and letting the calming river of the Force flow through her. This continued until the Grandmaster’s little joke elicited a soft chuckle. Still, despite realizing the humour in her superior’s words, the yellow skinned Padawan wasn’t one to take the chance at education lightly. Back on Mirial, she led a simple life devoid of knowledge that didn’t concern life at a farm. She’d definitely grasp the opportunity to expand her horizons.

Slightly shifting in the seat, Kaiza remained silent as a sign of having no questions so far.

[member="Arisa Yune"] [member="Eri'anya Forr"] [member="Valae Kitra"] [member="Darren Torran"] [member="Carona Totsari"] [member="Kiran Arlos"] [member="Rayvon Rath"] [member="Yusana Fenni"]
The darkness lays ever near the light.
Darren gave a huff and a roll of his eyes as a small grin emerged on his face. It was a bad joke - cringy, in fact - but you couldn't help but laugh slightly. The Grandmaster then began to pace around the room, asking if there were any questions. When she reached Darren, he simply shook his head and said, "I don't believe so - Grandmaster - but may we speak after this is over, please?"

[member="Arisa Yune"] | [member="Kiran Arlos"] | [member="Valae Kitra"] | [member="Yusana Fenni"] | [member="Kaiza Pawaro"] | [member="Rayvon Rath"] | [member="Carona Totsari"]

Kiran Arlos

Kiran's attention broke from the Senator when more of the Jedi introduced themselves, at which Kiran gave a nod and very small smile to them thus his own uneasiness stood out a bit. While Kiran had molded well into the Iron Empire, simply because that seemed more natural to him. Given his many jobs that he took part in on Corellia. This journey was something completely different though. On Ilum he hadn't focused on the force but more so his military training. As the grandmaster started speaking he glanced up to her and was as attentive as he could be. The young man taking in everything she was saying and it all seemed rather interesting.

Safe and loved, eh? The thought drifted through the young mans mind as he thought back to his own upbringing and the good times that he had had. And while he didn't have a difficult childhood, his later years were indeed marked by pain and difficulty.

However the more she talked about the force and different areas, specializations, classes and such. It seemed to him that he could have started a new life here. Over the course of a few moments the young man felt Something that could make him forget and forgive himself for times past. Kiran lightly cleared his throat as he glanced towards the door, as he almost made a move for he doorway to leave, yet something had him mobilized in that spot. The reasoning as he wondered if he was worth and able to start over as he did. Those that he called his friends weren't' aware of what happened. Simply because he wasn't sure if he could trust them to understand, and even if they did what would they do.

He heard most of the individuals in the room start to giggle and lightly laugh at the Grandmasters jest and Kiran feigned laughter as his mind was elsewhere at that moment when it should have been in the room with them all.

"May I be excused?" Kiran said with a small smile, standing up and not waiting for a reply. "I just need to get some fresh air." Kiran then moved towards the door and would make his way outside.

[member="Darren Torran"] [member="Kaiza Pawaro"] [member="Carona Totsari"] [member="Eri'anya Forr"] [member="Valae Kitra"] [member="Yusana Fenni"]
As the Grandmaster spoke her piece, it seemed that the orientation was winding down. There would be plenty of time for the others to mingle and ask any questions they might have. Her brows rose slightly, she felt the small mental tap of [member="Carona Totsari"] once more. Turning to face the young woman, Valae let the words flow into her mind. She listened closely, noting the hints of nervousness present. But a pleasant smile found her face upon hearing the Torgruta’s question.

“I think we were meant to meet,” Valae spoke into the girl’s mind. “I’m one of the healers here at the Silver Temple, and I can see to it that you’re trained.” Her smile grew, “In fact, I’m looking to take on another apprentice – I’d be happy to help you.”

For a moment, she turned her eyes back towards the center of the room. The force worked in mysterious ways, indeed. She couldn’t deny the connection she was beginning to feel, it was promising.

“Once you’re settled, I can take you on a tour of the healing center, if you’d like.” She added, glancing sidelong at Carona.

Carona Totsari

It takes true strengh to turn the other cheek
When a young mirilian greeted her, the timid togruta managed a peppy smile and waved from her seat.

It was then that the Jedi master's words echoed in her brain.

A hopeful smile crossed her face as excitement sparkled in her eyes, Really??

A moment later the smile faded, she stiffened and held her arms out at her, the body language making her telepathy visible to those unable to hear her, Oh no, I'm not a trained healer. I've trained here my whole life, but never learned healing.

A nervous chuckle was made, but due to her disability was never heard in a verbal way. Even grunts were silent as her vocal chords simply did not work. She maintained a proper posture again and attempted to focus on the teacher in the center of the room once more.

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