Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Getting into Trouble


Corran Conner was floating around between job to job. Nobody seemed to understand his unique sense of humour and abilities. So he decided to go to a spaceport, most people hired others from space ports right? that was how people got around. Wasn't it? He was almost sure that's how most people got around.

As he got there he waited before someone approached him. "So you gonna give a job to Doctor Conner? I have a multitude of skills in the ways of being a doctor. Well probably way more than you or that you would understand considering I am the smartest person here. But that is why you want me isn't it?"

The cloaked figure shook it's head moving away again. "Come on you know you want me. I am out of my comfort space here looking for a job and I am probably the best option around." He then muttered a few swears and waited for the next person to come along.


Well-Known Member
Here's the thing about having a big mouth:

Eventually, someone with big ears will hear what you say.

Looking for work in a spaceport... that was not exactly where I'd expected to find him. But, I suppose, although he would never ever hear it, this lad was apparently a lot smarter than me, and after a little digging, I was inclined to believe him. Perhaps there had been some method to this madness that I had failed to see. Or, perhaps, he was quite simply just as insufferable as he appeared to be in his file, and no one was willing to put up with him.

This was certainly going to interesting.

Thankfully, I had a picture of the lad. Corran Conner. There he was, saying something a hooded figure as they left. I took a moment to adjust the hat on my head, to ensure it covered my features. Beyond that, I had on simple black leathers, some a little more figure-hugging than they perhaps needed to be. To begin with, I made my way there slowly, sauntering across the spaceport to ensure that the hooded fellow was well and truly out of earshot by the time I arrived.

I didn't face him, simply coming alongside him and leaning against the wall, gazing out at the people rushing to and fro before us. My hat was tilted slightly to my right side, where he was, so unless he purposely tried to look, he wouldn't see my face at all.

"I don't know that cussing will get you what you're after," I began with a purr, "Connor, isn't it? Corran Conner?"

[member="Corran Conner"]​

Corran was surprised by whoever this was. They were hiding there face which didn't surprise him it was the oldest trick in the book. "People find me obstinate, swearing certainly doesn't hinder anything." He would turn to look getting a quick glimpse at her face but that was enough for him. "Doctor Conner for those I don't know. Although I need to ask why is a lady such as yourself here." He would ask looking forwards unwilling to look at her again.

He knew her race. He was one of them. Not that he would say it out loud. "From the look of your, I would say your about 20, you have brown eyes not uncommon for some of your race, cause I can tell your not human and black hair. Always did like black hair. I am going to guess you are a shape shiftier however you selected rather tight clothing for such an outing. If I was inclined that I would be having a ....... man reaction." Corran would say simply. He had got all that from one glance at her.

Donning the guise of a security guard, C-02 was able to stand anywhere he liked. So why not an interesting fellow looking for work? C-02 had overhead. And while a doctor would not prove as much worth to a droid perhaps the droid could see some other interesting folks. Perhaps someone that would hold the droids interest long enough to keep him around. And someone did indeed approach...and yet the droid made no move to go towards them. C-02 listened in carefully, they had his interest now.

[member="Corran Conner"] [member="Ahtemis"]


Well-Known Member
I hadn't expected Corran to blatantly peek around my hat and try to glimpse my face. Most people respected the desire for privacy.

That was the only reason I hadn't been able to react quick enough. Then he spoke, spilling my oldest and deepest secret loud enough for anyone around us to hear. My cheeks burned, my heart racing with fury in my chest. My reaction to what he said was instant. I swung around, pivoting on my right foot and raising my right arm to place at his throat and pin him against the wall. I wasn't gentle, it would have likely caused him to hit his head on the wall. I moved my face as close to his as I could, my lips practically brushing his ear. He'd see nothing but the brim of my hat now, and hear only a soft, low purr that rumbled with all the power of a predator waiting to strike.

"I have killed men for knowing what you just found out." I hissed. A half-truth. I didn't know exactly what conclusion he'd come to about my race, but he knew I wasn't human, that was dangerous.

"If you weren't as valuable to me as I believe you are, you'd be joining them."

I let out the tiniest of sighs, a small huff as I leaned away from the wall, releasing him. Adjusting the hat, I allowed him to see only a small smile as I adjusted my leathers.

"Congratulations, Doctor Conner," I went on, "you just made indentured yourself to me. You're now too dangerous to let loose, so you're coming to work for me. From now on, I control your life. I will personally be overseeing your induction into The Family. I'll be watching your progress closely, and if I hear so much as a whisper from that loose tongue of yours, I will kill you and everyone you told."

A pause. I thought for a moment. How could he have known? Then an idea came to me. If it worked, then we would both have confirmation of what the other was. If not, then I would have to investigate further,

... Kin or not

Gurlanin have the ability to telepathically communicate, but only with another of their own race. If he heard that, reacted or responded at all, then it would confirm how he knew what I'd been, it might also afford him the slack he would most assuredly need in the future.

"Also," I finished, a playful smirk on my lips, "be thankful you're not that way inclined, Doll, I've killed men for that as well."

[member="C-02"] | [member="Corran Conner"]​

Corran would be slammed into the wall rather unexpectedly. Generally people only slammed him against walls when he was right about some real deep dark secret. His guess was she was trying to keep her true race hidden as much as he was. He knew his only way out was to talk it out. "Then those men were shit guessers." He said still held against the wall. "Oh, your one of those people. Someone who keeps things so secret you would kill for it. Lots of people are like that. However I wouldn't kill for my secret, it's not worth that much."

Corran smiled, he had got a job. Not exactly the way he had wanted to but still a job was a job. "You want to watch me go to the loo as well? and if I am right about this secret then why would I of all people tell. Before you threw me against the wall I thought my family had sent you to track me down." He would then hear her voice in his head and decided might as well respond in kind.

I might be kin. But I can understand why you don't want people knowing. I myself prefer that people don't know.
Corran smirk "I am grateful for a lot of things. I have to wonder why the hell I am so fething important to you. Most people just prefer just not to deal with me at all. But a job is a job even if someone else is controlling my life. It's basically going home, only without the badly cooked meals."

[member="C-02"], [member="Ahtemis"]
C-02 tried to get a read on all that was said. Something about killing, too dangerous, induction, and a family. Was this a sort of recruitment? What could this be for? It certainly held the interest of the droid. He tried scanning the face of the hat-wearing figure, but it was too dark. All the droid got was the figure. But the other figure, he had already scanned over. Perhaps their figure could be used to the droid advantage. He scanned the voice, and tested it in a whisper a few times before mastering. But, who was the mysterious figure? C-02 could hear their voice, and managed to copy but their look was nigh impossible. C-02 was most interested and planned to pull all sources to find this out. With this in mind, the droid began to leave.

[member="Corran Conner"] [member="Ahtemis"]


Well-Known Member
Corran didn't seem the least bit phased by my threat.

That could either be really good... or really bad. If he could withstand a threat to his life so easily, it would be unlikely he could be coerced into working against me or giving up secrets. On the other hand, however, that also meant that I would have difficulty keeping him in line. At least, that was, until I found what he wanted. This was risky, and I don't normally like risk. In fact, by all rights, I ought to have simply taken him into an alley, silenced him for good, and gone home. An uncontrollable personality who knew my inner-most secret? Logic was most assuredly against him.


"Did you... hear that?"

I looked around from the human to the crowd around us. I can only reliably hear from one side, so I couldn't be sure, but that one side had the hearing of a wolf. Corran had confirmed that he had the same level of hearing. It had been incredibly soft, almost inaudible in fact. But it had been there.

We were being watched.

Glancing back to Corran, I put a finger to my lips, silently hushing him as my eyes scanned the crowd for an anomaly. Well... now was as good a time as any for the arrogant genius to prove himself, I suppose. Not exactly a standard test, but it would certainly do.
[member="C-02"] | [member="Corran Conner"]​

Corran was then asked if he heard that. Which he had. He knew there was some kind of someone watching them as he had kept his eyes on one of the guards who had been eyeing him. He looked around for the man however couldn't see him. Which was not a surprise really. As [member="Ahtemis"] put a finger to my lips she wanted to be told telepathically. Well here it goes.

Yes, I did there was a man not twenty meters that way. Looked like a guard but I can't see him now meaning either holographic projector of some kind or I simply can't see him but given the amount of EMF he was giving off I would say holograph projected. He was far enough so I couldn't smell him though and he is probably gone now.

He shrugged waiting to hear what this woman who was now his master basically had to say.

[member="Ahtemis"], [member="C-02"]
C-02 listened in no further. He had information to go off, and left the area. Being as subtle as ever, blending in best he could with the nearest crowd. Occasionally, he changed his hologram when rounding a corner to lose any tails. Shimmering for a moment in shadows, only to come out another man. He had much research to complete...and all for ruining the day of a few organics. Oh how the droid loved it's life as it was, causing mischief where it went.

[member="Corran Conner"] [member="Ahtemis"]


Well-Known Member
I raised an eyebrow at Corran, studying how nonchalantly he reacted to apparently being spied on.

His words intrigued me. Clearly, he'd already noticed, studied, and assessed the apparent threat. That was a most useful skill and I couldn't help but smile to myself. Perhaps this had been the right decision to make after all. Already I could think of situations where his intelligence would be most useful... even if he did know my secret. Well, perhaps I should have seen that coming. All he'd done was prove that he was as good as I thought he was.

"You don't seem too concerned." I remarked, taking a step to one side and moving to take his arm.

It was my intention to walk side by side, arm in arm. Not unlike one might expect to see a pair of lovers. This was partly due to my nature to be... well not flirtatious per se, well perhaps a little. But no, it had function as well. Like this, we would draw little attention, also I had a measure of control, being able to guide him towards my ship. After all, he'd already mentioned his interests were elsewhere.

"In future, I would like to be in the loop on your analyses, and me allowed to make my own judgement." A pause, "however... I won't lie, that was impressive."

[member="C-02"] | [member="Corran Conner"]​

Corran shrugged. "Why should I be, he wasn't aiming a gun at my head, nor mind you was he trying to hold me against a wall with all his strength." He said simply and then said "Besides you get all sorts at space ports, bounty hunters all the way to those who are being hunted." As he was walking side by side with this woman who had basically given him a job and probably somewhere to live.

He caught on pretty quick with her ruse though and decided to play into it. "Sorry darling, your right. Next time we go out together I always get lost." Then he went quiet. "That was nothing. Just a little use of my sense and a bit of deduction. Besides people have patterns. Everyone says they don't but when you watch long enough you begin seeing the difference between someone watching and someone out to kill you. But next time you will be the first to hear." He then followed along as if he had been lost and this was his special one taking him back.

[member="Ahtemis"], [member="C-02"]


Well-Known Member
I became aware that I had rolled my eyes.

Oh boy, this Conner was insufferable. Why should he? Why should he? I physically bit my lip to keep myself from berating him, although listed off a few reasons in my head. However, I had to remind myself, not everyone was as careful as I. Not everyone had to be. Some had called me paranoid, which I supposed wasn't entirely incorrect. Then there were those like [member="Ivory Stroud"] and [member="Shaun Castanic"], who believed I wasn't careful enough sometimes. A soft sigh uncoiled from my chest. Perhaps one day I'd find the balance.

We continued to walk, to my relief, Conner seemed to accept my gesture and walk with me.

"It's often not the people doing the watching you have to worry about," I replied, "but those to whom they report."

We rounded a corner. Soon enough we'd come to the docking ports where my ship sat waiting for me. I was anxious to be back on board and in the relative safety of my shadow, but focused on keeping my steps slow and even. Conner hadn't been worried about whomever was spying on us, and he'd already shown incredible aptitude.

I just hoped that my faith wasn't misplaced.

"So what loose ends have you got to tie up? I expect we shall be keeping you quite busy."

Surely even someone like Corran Conner had family, friends, someone he would need to inform of his departure?

[member="Corran Conner"]​

"Report, pfft, I am not important for anyone to report on and from what you said and how you were when I figured out what you were most people have no idea who or more importantly what you are." He said simply shrugging "However something like brown sauce now that is something someone would look into. Cause most people don't know what it's made from and so many people seemingly don't care." He followed her around the corner towards a ship.

He smiled looking at it. Very very unique design, something he could get behind, but all in all it was a ship. Conner outright laughed at the tying up strings. "You really think someone like me has loose ends. That is funny. No my family hasn't spoken to me in around a year and I have never managed to have any friends or anything who cares. If you had killed me in that spaceport, hell the guards might have even covered it up for you. Less paperwork for them and one less annoyance." He said simply.



Well-Known Member
Oh this kid was insufferable.

I inhaled through my teeth sharply, biting back a response that would not have helped the situation any. There would be time for teaching, and there would be time for chastising and discipline. I figured with something of a smirk that he would likely be unresponsive to both. Such was the burden of great intelligence; prone to believing there was nothing more to learn. But let it never be said that The Donna was not up for the challenge. Quietly I snickered to myself at the inevitable flak I was likely to catch from whichever of my caporegime ended up with Corran under their command.

But they would accept it, and do so without complaint. Because for all the trouble he promised me, Corran was a rare mind amid a galaxy that was moving quickly towards making such things invaluable.

I raised an eyebrow at him as we approached my ship. The Shadow sat in her docking bay with the ramp raised, the metal walkway sliding out as we approached it.

"Well don't get comfortable," I replied, "if you weren't valuable before, you certainly are now. I trust you'll take more care in future."

There was no upwards inflection in my tone, nor did I give the poor young man a chance to respond as the door to my ship slid open, bidding us entry. I kept my pace brisk as I passed the familiar luxury interior. Once the young doctor was on board, I simply bade him to sit where he liked with a wave of my hand and disappeared to the bridge.

Silently, I hoped I'd made the right decision.

[member="Corran Conner"]​

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