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Approved NPC Geron Shizuna

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Intent: For reference when Akabane meets his father in a roleplay.
Image Credit: It's a photo of the actor, Keanu Reeves
Role: Akabane's father
Links: N/A (I wanted to make the sub before actually making a thread)

Age: Late 40s
Force Sensitivity: Heavily trained in the force but holds no rank.
Species: Human
Appearance: Geron is a man who looks to be in his late forties with medium-length black hair. He is a few inches above the average height for a man, at 6'1. He appears to be muscular. Geron has many scars covering almost his entire body and a little bit of his face, as seen by an eye patch over his left eye. The man is never seen without a rather expensive looking cane.

Name: Geron Shizuna
Loyalties: None
Wealth: Geron has quite a bit of money from gambling and past work.
Notable Possessions:
  • Large home on Naboo
  • Gold cigarette case
  • Very expensive looking cane always on his person
  • Geron was born a Kro Varian, he was taught how to harness the different elements as a result. Initially, it started out as him only knowing how to shape wind but he learned how to use the others as he aged.
  • Geron is limited on what he can do now because of both age and his past injuries, but he is well versed in martial arts.
  • Geron knows of and can use most force powers.
Personality: Geron is much like his son in that he enjoys joking around and flirting with women, though not as much on the flirting part. He speaks in a proper manner and treats all with great respect. Rarely does he get serious, Geron believes it's a waste to be serious all the time. However there are times when someone angers him and he kindly asks them to stop.

Weapon of Choice: The force more often than anything else.

Known Powers
Combat Function: Geron used to be strong in every area. Unfortunately now he's getting older and can't move like before so he relies on the force most of the time. Hand-to-hand combat isn't something he'd avoid entirely but chances of him losing are greater against someone in their prime. Taking away his cane would also help someone win in a fight against Geron. He requires support when climbing or just simply walking because of his weak joints. Geron cannot see in his left eye, leaving him with only the right.

Geron lived a majority of his life on Kro Var where he fought courageously for his clan. While there; he rose to power as the head of the Wind Clan, met and married the love of his life, and had a child. Life seemed to be great for him until another clan came along... he watched it all crumble. The clan, the wife, and the kid... all gone. Geron Shizuna was said to have died in the last bloody battle between the two clans along with the rest, but it was false.

Life was tough for the man as he carried on without his family. Geron had no idea that his child survived the chaos so he lived as if he had no children. While he hated his life at the time, a life of recklessness and prosperity would follow him after the Shizuna tragedy. The success wasn't immediate and it definitely wasn't easy to find, but under the guidance of a certain man he was able to find it.

Geron met a random guy in a bar one day and they got drunk that night. The two exchanged many words with each other in their drunken states. Geron said he was a very skilled warrior and the other man said he had a business that might interest him. The only thing he had to do was become his assistant and use those combat skills to protect him. Geron had no issue with that and worked for this man, after being promised a lot of money as an initial payment plus more along the way. The man had a different way of doing things and it seemed shady but Geron didn't really care since it was the only way to go.

Eventually, the man got sick and began to die. Geron was sad because this man not only helped him advance in life, but he also turned him into a better man overall. He even promised to give Geron his business when death fell upon him. It was sad seeing a man who'd made you who you were die before you. The man followed through with his promise and handed the business over. Geron tried to keep it running smoothly like his predecessor did. Unfortunately, there were many times when he almost got it destroyed but his abilities saved it entirely each time. He decided that he himself needed an assistant so he carefully chose someone just as his late teacher did. Operations ran much better from that point on.

Several years later he settled down in the Lake Country on Naboo, while still running the business from afar. His body had become weaker than it used to be and he didn't feel like being at the front anymore, so settling down seemed to be the best choice.


The Flesh Of Fallen Angels
Large home on Naboo(I plan on making a sub for that too if this goes through)
Remove what's in parenthesis.

Weapon of Choice: The force more often than anything else.
I will need you to lay out his force powers with their respective articles if his first choice for a weapon is that.

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