Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Geek Squad

Zoar obviously didn't perform so well against his opponent.

Sensor data feeding into the Miln's implants told him Thelma was more than a match for the confident Twi'lek. Which was good, because Zoar couldn't keep up with his own. The Rodian, built like an athlete, darted around Zoar's defenses, trying to slip under his guard with a green blade.

Zoar was only able to keep up due to his gyroscopics, his torso rotating in time with the other Padawan, no need to move his legs. He had the Rodian in a stalemate, unable to break through, but Zoar himself couldn't mount a counter-attack. He was stuck in place, a poor thing for an Ataru duelist to be.

- Thelma Goth Thelma Goth -
Ow! I yield!” the Twi’lek exclaimed, still shocked that she had lost to the “pale pipsqueak”.

Grinning, Thelma released her, then turned toward where Zoar was still fighting the Rodian. Telegraphing her charge with a war cry, she pounced on the Rodian, sweeping his legs out from under him.

Get ‘em, Zoar!


The Rodian was obviously surprised when Thelma tackled him, sending him tumbling to the ground. Seizing the moment, Zoar took a step forward, lightclub swinging down like a guillotine...

Before he stopped the downward slash, and lightly bopped the Rodian's nose with the low-powered blade. "Yeah, 'kay, I yield too," he said after a moment, hands raised defensively.

Zoar stared down at the scene, his faceplate somehow containing disbelief. They...

//W-we won?// He looked to Thelma in shock, his excitement suddenly mounting. //YOOOOO!//

The suit pumped it's fist, rotated around in a circle, and executed a bunch of oddly-robotic, yet entirely spontaneous gestures of confused excitement, before offering an open hand for a high five to his partner.
//We actually did it! You're awesome, Thelma!//

- Thelma Goth Thelma Goth -

Should he had won?

Probably not, no. His technique was, generously speaking, mediocre. The only two reasons he'd been able to outlast the Rodian padawan was because of his suit's mechanics, and Thelma being so quick to defeat her own opponent. Frankly, he was lucky not to have been a hindrance to the slight Jedi.

All those thoughts burnt through his head as Thelma's hand clapped against his metallic manipulator. It colored their victory in colder shades, which Zoar fought to keep warm. He turned to the two defeated padawans, and bowed gently.
//Ah... thank you for the duel,// he expressed, before returning his attention to Thelma.

//Thanks for carrying the team,// he said, conceding that their win was entirely hers. //I've never even come close to winning an Ataru duel before. You're kinda cracked.//

- Thelma Goth Thelma Goth -
After remembering to bow to her defeated opponents, Thelma stood up a little straighter, grinning toothily at Zoar. “Is being ‘cracked’ a good thing?” she asked. It had to be. Right?

You’re not that bad. Although, I don’t think Ataru is really your thing.” Which wasn’t bad. Thelma sucked at Soresu. It just meant she was better off using other Forms, like Ataru.


//Yeah,// Zoar said, replacing his lightsaber on his belt. //Cracked means good.//

At Thelma's other statement, the Miln audibly chortled, shaking his head mechanically side-to-side.
//No. I'm bad at this. No need to sugarcoat it, I already know.// His smile died on his face, not that the emotion was visible past his suit.

//But we did win. So... that's gotta count for somethin', right?//

The class was called to an end, other students beginning to filter out of the room, some staying behind to practice the day's exercises. Zoar looked around, before returning his ocular sensors to Thelma.
//Well, that's quitting time. Thanks. For being my partner. And for kicking butt with me today.//

- Thelma Goth Thelma Goth -
"Then I guess I'm cracked."

Zoar was adamant that he was bad, so she didn't push it. "I sure hope it counts for something," she said. "A couple of underdogs working together can get a lot done, I guess."

//Well, that's quitting time. Thanks. For being my partner. And for kicking butt with me today.//

"Thanks to you too." The magic of the victory beginning to wear off, Thelma began to curl inward, closing herself off again. But she gave Zoar a final smile and wave goodbye before she left the classroom behind.

Zoar Zoar

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