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Approved Tech Gauntlets of the Golden One

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Source: cropped photo of Darth Mawrok by Grrrod on Deviantart
Intent: A set of gauntlets to protect Warok (within reason) from harm
Development Thread: (suffers devastating defeat from a force user. Ongoing, but has already suffered one and is soon to repeat it.)
Manufacturer: Warok the Defiler
Model: Gauntlets of the Golden One
Affiliation: Warok
Modularity: No
Production: Unique
Material: Cortosis-woven Durasteel, Electronic components
Inspired by a plethora of technology, Warok’s gauntlets are an amalgamation of his accumulated knowledge. They possess a number of features, but also include a fair number of drawbacks.
+Echani Shield: The energy shields of the Echani have been incorporated into the gauntlets, giving the user the capability of activating a half-dome shield of energy for a temporary amount of time. These energy shields are capable of deflecting incoming energy attacks, as well as limited forms of physical attacks. I.E. it can stop blaster bolts and a few bullets, but a tank shell will easily break through. Likewise, a powerful blow from the lightsaber can be resisted, but only once. A second strike will drain the battery of the shields. They function based on reactive kinetic sensor technology found in the original Echani Shield.
+Shockwave/Repulsor Generator: The same generators utilized in the power hammers of miners have been built into these gauntlets on a smaller scale. The effect is that the user of the gauntlets can hit an object with incredible force, capable of shattering a rock, sending an opponent flying across the room, and smashing armor.
+Cortosis: the lightweight metal used to construct the gauntlets is capable of deflecting lightsabers. The gauntlets have built in knuckle dusters to give that extra oomph.
-Batteries: The batteries powering the shields can be quickly drained, especially by powerful, prolonged contact such as from a lightsaber or sword. In fact, a melee weapon will drain the battery life almost instantly if it strikes the shield with enough force.
-Electronic Components: The large amount of wiring inside the gauntlets is highly susceptible to EMP and ion attacks, which will completely fry the generators and the shield batteries. The shields are projected from two circular disks on the gauntlets. They are not fashioned from alchemical metal and can be destroyed if struck, rendering the shield function useless even if new batteries can be procured. Also, certain metal-eating funguses and spores are capable of destroying the wiring.
Classification: Anti-Projectile, Anti-Physical
Weight: 2kg (scaled to Ewok-size)
Quality: Energy Shields - Class 8 against energy based projectiles, Class 4 against physical projectiles. Gauntlet - Class 7 against energy and class 5 against physical weaponry.
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