Hira Mitsae
Ain't No Rest For The Wicked
Tion Cluster
[member="Gerion Ardik"]
Every once in a while a man gets an epiphany, it could happen anywhere really. You might simply wake up from a bad dream, sheets damp from sweat and a subtle migraine coming up, might happen when you were in the shower, the head suddenly falling of the wall and hitting ya straight on the nose.
Really, it could happen anywhere and for Carach it happened during one of his weekly dinner sessions with some influential members of the Sith hierarchy, one moment all was well, the other? He could practically feel the ocean of ‘feels’ starting to approach his mental horizon, it took him two seconds to excuse himself and go visit the bathroom.
Which is where the true party started, a feeling of dread, visions of impossible quantities and at the end of it all? The distinct sense of purpose that shet was going to go down real soon, and even if Carach was not entirely sure what was going to happen? He knew that he would have to be ready, he, his company and the Hegemony at large.
Jacobs had taught him how to flow-walk, the Sith Lord wasn’t a Master of it by any means, but he had always been very attuned to the more esoteric arts of the Force. It had never been his prerogative to smash skyscrapers into each other, make himself invulnerable or shoot out huge lasers out of his eyes. His art had always been subtler than that.
Anyway, the construction of a new headquarters had begun the very next day, its location? Lianna. Carach was very familiar with Lianna, he had spend many weeks here directing Santhe Corporation and the Hegemony’s base of power was located within the Tion Cluster, so in an ironic way? This was coming home again.
It wasn’t coincidence that [member="Gerion Ardik"] was in the progress of moving his own company’s headquarters to Lianna too, and neither was it a coincidence that both businessmen would find themselves sitting in comfortable chairs, with cigars and wine, just exchanging conversation whilst in the background the construction of their towers were approaching the final stages of completion.
‘How’s our company doing these days anyway?’ the Sith Lord asked, sipping from his wine and pondering thoughts.