Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Galdua Ruins

Kevros's feet twitched as he hung in the air suffocating. His green eyes sliding to the corner to see if Juro was going to help. Unfortunately his mask didn't allow for a peripheral glance. Gravid had a nice grip on his throat. Kevros' veins began to change from a olive green to a sudden purple, popping as Gravid constrained his neck tighter.

The sound of beauty reached his ears, lightsabers humming nearby. Valis backed up into his view as he head was cleanly sliced off. It all happened so fast Kevros couldn't react . Falling out of the air, Juro had grabbed Gravid's attention. Coughing Kevros slammed into the muddy water below. His massassi hilt still tightly clenched in his right hand. Letting out a giant gasp of relief his shook his head, angered at the humiliation he had endured.

His left hand reached for his mask, his gloved fingers smoothly played with the design until he ripped it off. Kevros revealed to both Juro and Gravid what hid beneath. A young complexion of a Zelosian male with long dark hair. His face was normal, human-like in every way. His lips were thin, but dark. As Kevros smirked his cloak fell. His two muscular arms revealed by his cut off tank. a tattoo of the Kovani symbol encrusted into his right bicep. Reaching his feet his toned physique impressed.

The expression came faster than the dark side could react, clenching his white teeth, he charged. His long hair flowing behind. Swinging forward he ignited his saber, Gravid preparing for the impact smiled.

"That's it boy, let it consume you." Gravid said calmly.

Kevros slammed his saber into Gravid's the tiny spark fluttering to the sides. Gravid brought his other saber forward, aiming for Kevros's abdomen. With his left hand Kevros forced Gravid's second saber back. As if the force kept it there long enough to push off and gain a small distance. The fight was far from over, but Kevros's emotion grew deeper with the force. Soon his anger would turn to a calming power, something that both Juro and him would need to survive such a menacing adversary.

Kevros Dashed forward, and Juro was right behind him, loud humming was surrounding them as the five lightsabres danced through the air. Kevros blocked an attack that would have been devastating, had he not negated it. Juro jumped, spinning as he flipped over Gravid, sparks flashed as their lightsabres clashed. Landing behind him, Juro was attacking Gravid now, the assault from both sides continued. Gravid was once a skilled duelist, his form while fighting two apprentices was quite impressive. There was one thing he did not have, a body. His connection to the force was limited as he was merely present due to a ritual. Him and Kevros were the only reason he was even able to surface. They were capable of beating him but they needed a strategy.

Suddenly it clicked in his head, he knew what he needed to complete. His left hand would shadow his right, tracing where his sabre had previously been a second before. The lights followed each other as Juro began to attack randomly to catch Gravid off guard. The humming lead to a crash as Gravid pushed off his first attack, and another crash right behind it. Gravid was practically fought Juro one-handed. Another attack Gravid blocked as he glanced back towards Kevros. Only this time he didn't feel the second sabre clash. Instead a sabre grazed his hosts stomach as he just barely dodged Juro's attach, the bottom part of his cloak fell to the ground. By the time Gravid glanced back to Juro he had his second sabre hooked on his waist with his left arm outstretched. The cloak ripped as the holocron tore through it, flying through the air as it smacked against his palm. A smirk grew on his face.

"Sometimes it's better to keep your weaknesses to yourself." Juro grinned.

[member="Kevros Kovani"]
He felt it, the dark side had finally clutched to his very being. His veins tingled for more power. Kevros could hear the whispers of the force telling him what to do. Without another thought he stretched his lengthy fingers. His fingers buckled backwards the sensation of a mild burn reaching his finger tips. He had felt the sensation before. It was only moments from now that a red streak of lightning would escpae his finger tips. Only this time it seemed different, it felt right, almost manifested through the force itself. Kevros stepped forward his black pants creasing as walked.

"It isn't going to end for us Gravid, we already have power over you. The holocron is no longer in your possession." Kevros said calmly, his approach finally coming to a halt. His right arm extended forward, deactivating his saber. Sliding it back into his cloak with a quick motion his two arms rose. "It's over Gravid, don't try going for Juro." A sinister grin grew wide on his face.

The dark side finally let loose as Gravid went to strike Juro. Kevros could feel it once more, the burn intensifying as tiny red sparks began to escape his control. Splintering forward the strike of lightning zapped Darth Gravid. The red bolts of energy sending him flying into the barrier of the backside of the cavern. Looking to Juro, he nodded.

It was time for the Ancient Sith Lord to be put to rest.

Juro watched as the Darth was sent into the barrier and dropped to the ground. The Sith believed that the strong survive, they believe if they die it is their fault for being weak, such is their culture. Juro realized it was their duties as dark side users to destroy this holocron and end Gravid. Juro turned his left hand up looking at the holocron, this was the first time he had held one in his hand after hearing about them for years. Though this reunion would come to a quick halt.

"Gravid, only the strong survive in this world, and I can tell from our brief time together that you would not have lasted long among the sith. You divulged your weakness, sacrificed your physical body and mortality to some what bother weak acolytes. I can say with certainty that this will be your last fight. Soon you will only live through the memories of those you connected with. Farewell Gravid" Juro threw the holocron straight up in the air, grabbing his lightsabre with both hands he swung like a baseball bat. Squeezing tightly he watched Gravid rise to his feet. For the first time he saw the look of fear. This is it, Gravid is finally defeated.

"You know Juro, maybe if you realized the truth, you would let me teach you the....." Gravid was interuptted as the Kel'Dor cut though the holocron, blood oozed out as it was fused for the ritual. Gravid yelled as he vanished into nothing. The barrier dropped and all that remained was Valis' body, a robe from Gravid, and his lightsabre. Juro turned to Kevros who stepped up and unleashed power Juro had not expected. He retracted the red glow back leaving just the hilt in his hand. He attached it to his belt as he spoke to his partner.

"Well fought Kevros, It appears that a second combatant was too much for the old sith." Juro allowed himself to gloat over the fights they had. The blood still running from his side, but it seemed to have fuel him. He was content and realized what he had done. "I am not sure what you came to the ruins for but I sure hope it wasn't that holocron."
Kevros stepped up onto the stone slab. He stood next to Juro as he swung vigorously and cut through the holocron. The splatter of blood that ruptured from within showed Kevros it held no real value. Its square compartment sparking lightly as its other half hit the ground. Something about its shape gave everything away, Kevros was seeking a true dark side artifact, not a light side one. Gravid in the end was a betrayer after all. The light side was weak to the emotions that drove Juro and him in battle. In the end the real chronicle of it all was the possession of Darth Gravid. Kevros had finally witnessed a living spirit of the force.

"That artifact wasn't the prize Juro. Two sabers, I haven't seen a style like that in a while. I was to say the least impressed." Kevros lightly chuckled, his hand sliding through his long, dark hair. "I can't thank you enough for helping me. Things turned out a lot differently than I had planned. Why are you here Juro? Clearly this wasn't on your list of things to do." He paused.

"Or was it?"

Patting his clothes off from the dry mud he leaned over. The bangs of his black hair tickling his left eye. Scrapping off his boots he sighed, looking back at his mask and cloak behind him through his legs. Fixing himself in a standing upright position he shook his head. The dark side of the force finally one with him.
Juro replayed today's events in his mind. The realization that he was lured to this chamber was confirmation enough that he was still an apprentice and his old master was still alive. The thought exited and annoyed him. He would have to hunt him down and track him throughout the galaxy, but the gratification he would receive for killing him would be satisfying. This Sailo would be his first step in reuniting with his master. Thought this was on the forefront of his mind, he wasn't sure how interested his new acquaintance would be of his mission.

"Believe it or not I'm looking for leads on another who seemed to escape death." Juro thought of the irony of fighting a man who escaped his fate, just as Zokaw had. " I am looking for someone by the name of Sailo, he is suppose to have some information I was interested in." Juro reached down to grab his robe. Concealing his body and sabres once more his appearance reverted back to a hooded figure. "After the day I'm having, I don't believe my conversation with him will be as civil as I first imagined." Juro glanced to Kevros. "You seem to be familiar with this place, any idea where I would find someone hiding in these ruins?"

[member="Kevros Kovani"]
He turned away from Juro as he listened to his story. A man by the name of Zokaw seemed to have escaped the acolytes cruel intentions. Kevros knew he had other things to concern himself with. Although finding the person responsible for Juro's grief may prove useful. Finding allies among even the Sith was a risky business. Kevros only knew of one other way to find the man, or someone that knew this Zokaw. he remember back from the log detail that there was a pulse scanner used to map out the area of the ruins. This could lead them straight to where Juro needed to go.

Bending over he grabbed his cloak and mask. Putting his cloak on he reached into a hidden compartment. Pulling out a datapad he pressed a onto the flat screen and tossed it towards the ground. The sharp edges coming to life as it dug into the ground with four cornered legs. A loud electronic pulse was sent throughout the cave. A light ring reaching their ears. The datapad was modified with a pulse survey. Something that hadn't been around in the galaxy in a long, long time. The pulse continued as it gathered the information Juro seeked.

"I'm looking for you right now as we speak Juro. The least I can do for someone willing to save my hide. As a Kel'Dor warrior you must get a lot of awkward looks. I've read about your kind. They say that the warrior class of your people are twice the size in muscle mass. I always found that impressive." Kevros said, waving his hand to the side as he placed his mask neatly onto his face. He flipped his hood over his head and waited for the survey to finish.
Juro was impressed by the amount of knowledge Kevros possessed on his home world. Kel'dors did not have too many off worlders due to Dorin being positioned between two black holes. No one that was not a Kel'Dor can visit Dorin without a mask that added oxygen to their air. He was torn away from his thoughts as a blip appeared from the datapad image. It appeared to be one individual in the ruins with them. Out the other entrance of the chamber, down the hall to the left, no more than fifty feet away.

"That is Sailo." Juro was facing the direction he needed to go. "I need to track him down, I don't expect you to follow, but you may do as you wish." Juro began walking to the other end of the chamber, the dark side energy that had once resided in this tomb was starting to vanish. Walking down the hall he approached the door to a control room pushing it open. A tall man stood behind a desk, multiple computers laid the back drop as the monitors streamed live footage of different parts of the ruin. This man had blonde hair and appeared to be human, he turned to Juro as he spoke.

"My my haven't you been busy." Sailo mentioned as he pointed to the cameras. "I have been waiting for you."
Kevros followed leaving the surveying to continue even though they found the heat signature moments before. Juro was almost sure that who he was looking for had been deeper in the ruins. The cavern slowly turned from its natural rocky scape. Metal and blinking lights slowly began to transform the deep hallway into a construct more than a cave. The grotto they were previously in was no more. The darkness of the force leaving along with it. The floor turned from muddy to a solid steel as the quiet clanks of Kevros' and Juro's boots made their way throughout. The hallway opened up, ladders, stairs, and metal doors began to appear. What lied in the small opening was a single door, Juro pressed down on the authentication pad and the door swung open.

Cameras filled the room with flashing images and static communication. A blonde man sat behind the impressive security measures, a long thin desk blocking Juro's progress. Kevros stood in the doorway now, looking for any threats as Juro proceeded in. Something was off. Why were there no officers, soldiers, or like they encountered when they first arrived, Droids. Kevros looked to the counter on the far left a static sound buzzing through as a odd voice slipped through.

"Sir, we're in position. Sir? Permission to fire?" The voice was rough to make out from the awful reception. The blonde man lightly chuckling as he waved his hand through the air once more. Kevros knew it was coming the dark side of the force warning him that the room would soon be lit up with blaster bolts. If it wasn't for Sailo's men paging in he wouldn't have been so alert. Kevros tried to deduct what really was going on, Sailo's own men wouldn't just open fire in the same room he would be in. Kevros made the quick decision to step inside and close the door.

"Tell your men to stand down." Kevros said, shaking his hand at his side, eager to use the force to make him comply.

"Now." He finished. Still and ready the Dark Prince waited.

His ears perked as the static voices projected though the radio. Sailo appeared completely unphased by the fact Juro and Kevros had heard his men waiting to ambush them. Sailo's hand reached down and pulled the transmitter to his lips. He spoke clear and stern as if everything was fine. A closer look at Sailo revealed an arrogance that Juro had observed one too many times today, first a dead sith lord than Sailo, no that was not going to happen.

"Stand down men." He confirmed as his men responded promptly with a "Yes sir." Sailo lowered the radio to set it on the desk. Juro's lightsaber landed in his palm as he squeezed the hilt firmly in his grasp. One quick swing and the phone was destroyed laying in pieces. Sailo lost part of that cool calm demeanor he had attained earlier. Juro was not here to entertain the idea of power, superiority, or arrogance, he needed to find that lead on the sith lord Zokaw. Juro closed the distance putting a saber to his chest. They were close enough to touch, Juro peered through his googles and saw right threw Sailo.

"Where is Zokaw?" The question finally escaping his lips as he awaited the dreadful response. Sailo frowned continued as he knew that he could very well end up dead if he cooperated.

"Why should I tell you Juro." The pronunciation on Juro lead him to believe he was acquainted with A sith.

"Because if you don't Sailo." Sailo was pushed to his knees. A light filled his empty hand as both lightsabers were humming and gliding through the air. They came to rest as they crossed just before Sailo's throat. "Than I will kill you here and now, and you will know that I not only ended your life, but everyone else I find in the ruins." Juro's voice ragged as the toll of his previous fight could be noticed.
Sailo complied without the help of Kevros' initial idea to force him. Something was still off about the entire situation. Kevros looked around the room as Juro interrogated Sailo. Either Sailo had something in store for both of them or he was just stupid. Kevros walked slowly around the counter as he looked for anything suspicious. It was all clear, the control room was pristine aside from a few stacked metal tins in the right hand corner. Wires ran through the room from everywhich way and with it fed power to the terminals.

The cameras were moving slowly back and forth as Kevros listened to it mechanically spring to life. With a fierce wave of his hand he ripped all four of them out of the walls. Sparks flew through the air as they all fell to the floor in one fell swipe. Kevros was exceptional at pushing and pulling with the force. While it was a basic maneuver of the force, Kevros would later improve its efficiency. Looking to Juro and Sailo he turned away and looked out the one window he had yet to look through. Well armed soldiers kneeling above the control room on the outskirts of the compound.

"Clever." Kevros said, his mind sorting through all the possible ways to dispatch Sailo's loyal men. Ten of them aiming down their sights ready to fire on Sailo's command. Of course they had the upper ground being perched up on a metal like walk way surrounding the control room in a square-like manner. Looking over his shoulder his mask slightly moved.

"Juro, I have eyes on his men. Have at it."

Kevros knew that Sailo had no ground to stand on. It struck him as he looked back out through the window. Calculating what really was going on in his mind.

Sailo planned to die? Its the only reasonable outcome, why comply to our demands so easily? Zokaw must have warned him of Juro's arrival. No. Zokaw was here! These aren't Sailo's men, their Zokaw's!

Kevros grinned under his Kovani mask, his green eyes locked on the ten gunmen in the distance. He Knew all too well Zokaw had gotten the best of Juro. Which meant Zokaw also got the best of Kevros, a rarity in itself.

Sailo grinned as Kevros gave Juro an order to finish the job. Juro glanced ever so slightly to see out the window, there were men with blasters aiming in on their position, yet they did not fire after losing communication with their leader. Sailo's eyes locked with Juro as he unraveled the truth.

"Now I see why he is so interested in you. I brought you here Juro, not to feed you leads, but to kill you." The calming manner in which he talked gave way to extreme confidence. "Zokaw was merely a tool to get you here. You see, he and I shared a master, not at the same time but it's a complicated story." Sailo began to stand slowly as he Juro kept the lightsabers on his throat. "My master Lord Jinar, he was Zokaw's master. Than he hen flew the coup because he was a coward, and would not challenge Jinar to a fight to the death. I was hand picked to be his replacement and was going to be sent to kill him. These plans came to a halt when word of a Kel'Dorian apprentice spread through my web of spies. Lord Jinar had another idea, he wanted to flip you to his side, and have you and I fight over who was allowed to be his apprentice." annoyance was thick at this point as the subject matter was starting to get personal.

"You see, I don't have any plans of being replaced. I have my own plans of overthrowing him one day and taking my spot as a Sith lord. So I devised a plan that would not only lure you to me, but kill you all the same." He laughed devilishly as he observed his two guests. "Don't you see, I wouldn't expose myself to you so willingly, especially after seeing you make work of Lord Gravid. You have been under an illusion since you entered that hallway," Sailo's fingers went over Juro's shoulder into the hall they had entered from. "So the reality is that I am on my ship leaving this wretched planet while you two are in my gunner's sights getting ready to get mowed down."

Juro's lunged forward and swung his two sabers through Sailo, the room around them disappeared and an empty room remained. Sailo was right they were actually in a room with no monitors, desk, or anyone else. He must have used one of the natural built in defenses of the ruins to his advantage as he pulled the wool over the eyes of these two apprentices.

As if they saw their cue, Sailo's men fired their blasters. The bolts tore through the window splattering the room, Juro reacted quickly blocking the first two shots as he slid against the wall out of their line of sight.
Sailo seemed to have his own agenda according to how the conversation started to unfold. The idea that Kevros had come up with no longer had merit. Sailo apparently was the reason for Zokaw's escape not them. Not only that but Sailo wasn't even with them. Kevros felt the false source of the energy disaptate as he watched the gunmen prop up and fire. Slicing through the window bolts of energy made quick work of the computers inside. The metal tins fell over making a loud crash as the bolts of plasma ripped through the room.

The sweet smell of burning metal reached his nose and before the first blaster bolt reached his face he stretched out his hand. Kevros would no longer submit to the foolish games of another weakling, a coward that rather ran then fought his demons. Juro deflected two penetrating bolts with ease and slide towards his knees. Kevros grinned the energy around him flowing through him with little effort. The bolt swayed its vibrant green hue zipping past his shoulder as he yanked his arm downward.

The dark side was strong with him, the battle with Gravid had manifested his natural capabilities even more. The metal walk way was ripped from the wall and sent crashing into the ground as the men continued to fire during their unbalanced descent. Igniting his lightsaber he deflected what he could and quickly crouched behind the wall with Juro.

"Ten men, not counting the droid probably making their way from our previous endeavor. I'll take the five on the left. You get the right. I observed further into the compound, it goes deeper than this. Your call Juro." Kevros knew it wasn't his fight. He had found an odd liking to the Kel'Dor, the fact he wasn't human made it even better.

Peeking from below the window he looked out to see the ten men slowly regaining their footing and slowly approaching. The fire had ceased. If they were going to kill them now was their chance. He looked to Juro and nodded.

Soon the tomb would have more bodies to hold.

His breath slowly left his mouth as the mask muffled his exhale. Juro listened to his surroundings as the blaster fire came to an abrupt halt. Kevros' words filled him with hope, hope of a release for his rage. The fact that Sailo wasn't actually in the ruins, infuriated Juro needed an outlet, and that is exactly what these troops would be. He lifted his head ever so slightly to obtain a glance through the window. He observed ten men creeping upon their location. Juro foresaw the battle before it happened.

"There is no choice, only mayhem." His words were fluid as his movements to hurdle the window sill. Focused and motivated Juro's free hand pulled his second hilt to his palm. Red beams danced through the air, slicing apart the soldiers that stood before him. Juro predicted all of their movements, as if the slaughter was choreographed. Only a few of the men even got off shots. The bodies fell to the ground as the Juro released his wrath upon.
Juro broke free from the room, the glass shattering behind him. The green beams of light began to increase in numbers until Kevros leaped over the wall in response. The soldiers were distarcted on who to focus on and before their hesitation was corrected the duo made quick work of them. it was easier working together, something that Kevros wouldn't have liked to admit. Usually he'd be on his own taking care of business in his own unique way.

Kevros grinned the hilt of his saber finally striking down the last of his group. He could feel the crunch on the outer side of his hand. His pinky finger to be more precise as the hilt smashed into the last soldiers skull. With a few lost limbs spread among the floor he looked to Juro.

"Now What?" Kevros said, looking into the distance to make sure no reinforcements were on their way.
Juro's enemy, and purpose for visiting this planet, fled with the information he needed. No matter who they were, anyone trying to manipulate and control Juro would meet their maker. Juro drew the red blades back into his hilts. He attached them to his waist as he glanced up to Kevros.

"My purpose for being here has run off." his hands glided towards his face as he played with his mask as he spoke. "I am not entirely sure if I will pursue, or continue walking my path. If there is ever a time you need helping ending someone, let me know. I take an unusual satisfaction out of butchering those who defy me. " This was Juro's way of extending a hand without showing signs of caring or weakness. For his current interpretation of the force was the weak have bonds, the strong break them.

"Either way my next destination is to go back to my ship and get off this rock. I have much to attend to."
Kevros had felled a ancient Sith with his newly found acquaintance and not only that, they both had much to show for it. The knowledge of the Sith Gravid made them all the better in how he finally sought redemption for his dark side ways. Killing Acolytes in his tomb for years meant little balance was brought to his moral personifications. it mattered not, and in the end Juro came away with little information on his old friend.

"Juro, it's been an honor. Unfortunately I too must be off. May the Dark Side guide you to better horizons."

Kevros turned away as he exited the compound and made his way back into the opening cavern. Two saber hilts were left on the ground, each from their fight before with Valis and Gravid's spirit. Shaking his head he keeled down and inspected the hilts. Well built and sticking vertically out of the ground, Kevros snatched it.

Leaving the other hilt behind for Juro, he smiled, the Kel'Dor showed him another side of lightsaber combat even if only for a brief moment during their trials and tribulations. Like the dark side itself Kevros vanished, the only thing remaining within the depths of the cavern was Valis' severed head and Gravid's cruel trap, hibernating till the next unfortunate acolyte came upon him.

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