Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Galdua Ruins

Region: Deep Core
System: Beshqek System
Planet: Byss
He had landed hours ago, his well-kept Kovani mask gleaming back at the blueish hue spanning across the sky. Had the planet of Byss not been titled on its gyrating axis the sun may have held a different characteristic, instead the vivid colors of green and blue continued to taint the sky like a painting. The calming breeze had shifted Kevros's attention to the sky, dark clouds rolling in from the east. Storms were a rare phenom on Byss, something Kevros had read about in multiple books before the mission. He was always a study-bug, page by page Kevros was known to drain as much information out them as he could.

That was neither here, nor there, the force in its whispering dark ways had lead him here. Islands still untouched, living ruins behind. Information was a valuable resource, something Kevros paid for aplenty. The rumors back on Tython might have been true. If the information he paid for proved useful, Kevros was going to be a lucky man, but even more, one step closer to uncovering the secrets of the dark side. He knew the trip wouldn't be easy. Although, Kevros was never in it for the easy situations, he was a man of goals, superior ones at that.

The ride across the vast sea had taken less than expected as he stepped out onto the dirty sands of the Island. "Galdua Island" is what most the locals called it. Turning back to the captain on the ship he nodded, reaching into the underbelly of his cloak he grabbed a light brown bag. Tossing it to the captain he grinned underneath his mask. Whatever was in it was payment for the ride. Droids passed, and the local indigenous people began to mingle. The tall skinny trees dug deep into the sandy foundation of the island, their grayish trunks filled with rigid scratches and grooves. The smell of fauna was rich and the sound of crashing waves played a relaxing tune.

Reaching for his datapad he stroked the prompts with his lengthy fingers. A red display popping up to greet him.

Location: Galdua Island
Current Position: 1 km from desired destination.

Ashlain's Log

The Commander has been telling the guys that Galdua exists, being the measly scientist to brute force like them, means I can look into these myths. I've collected data on all of Byss, sub-outlet islands. Galdua apparently exists, small but not untouched by the few thousands that live there. Droids are usually swarming the beaches, mostly to take care of drifting junk from the sea. I've went even further and told my assistant to look for any odd anomalies in the geographical loop. I still have yet to find one. The map does show one small blip, I've provided the coordinates to them below, along with a tracking sensor to anyone who is willing to take this datapad with them and collect an official survey.

-Ashlain Log Out-

Sliding the datapad back into his cloak, he strutted forward. His visceral appearance forced the commoners to the side. The dark side was present on the island, whether through Kevros himself or the dark ruins that laid ahead. Clenching his fist he sternly walked off the beaten path, his mind stirring with potential outcomes.

If the ruins are truly here I must be on guard, getting the datapad in my hands was hard enough without causing trouble back on Tython, let the force guide you Kevros.

Dorin's Phoenix touched down in the grass, the door lowered as Juro walked down the ramp. He took in his surroundings, so much color, he was not use to seeing worlds this vibrant. He kept to the task at hand, pulling out a bloody cloth from his pocket. A rough sketch mapped out the surrounding area. This map was acquired as a lead. Juro heard that Zokaw, the man he had left for sure death, was alive and looking for vengeance. This information was written with the blood of the smuggler who fed him this information. The map illustrated an ancient ruin that was supposedly was home to a force user by the name of Sailo. He was discussing Zokaw's recent endeavors to the smuggler, now Juro was hoping to repeat his 'torture and annihilate' scheme.

Walking down the path, the land marks were evident to Juro, he took in information in like a sponge, the Kel Dors are known for their awareness and perception. Juro felt confident, honing his skills while traveling on his ship should prove sufficient to deal with a force user and his old master. That isn't even the proper word, Zokaw wasn't a master, he was a novice teaching others his skills. Thought Juro's short time away from Dorin he had witnessed power that far surpassed his own. Zokaw was not a threat, only a lose end that needed to be tied up. The last thing he needed was to have Dorin's guardians on his trail. He approached a small entrance to the ruin, judging from the sheer size of it, Juro concluded that this was not the main entrance. He slid though the door way and entered the ruin to find empty halls filled with artifacts. He could sense beings near by but could not pin point their exact location. He began walking through the halls, he was not concerned with concealing himself, he was more focused on finding Sailo.

The sound of metal rattled the floor behind him, Juro glanced over his shoulder to see two ruin droids rolling through the halls towards him. Turning to face them he used the force to pull his light-saber hilt into his palm. The droids stopped and stood up tall with weapons drawn, they were obviously not here to welcome him to Byss. The sound of metal churned in the distance, there were more, he needed to make quick work of his foes before he became overrun.
Kevros stopped dead in his tracks, the whirring sounds a distant ship hummed over head. The ship zipped by Kevros. Tilting his head upward he watched patiently. The ship slowed as it slung itself nicely around the canopy of trees to the north. Before losing sight of it Kevros squinted, a vibrant stripe of orange written across the side of the ship.

"Dorins Phoenix..." He said it to himself quietly.

The name was intriguing, worst of all it landed nearby Kevros's hypothetical, ruins. had the informant that he paid yapped his mouth to others? Was it the rebel soldiers from Tython still tracking him down? Or was it another optimist like himself, trying to steal the glory for themselves? So many questions began to conjure in his mind, then like a gear of cogs it happened. Kevros broke free from the sand below and ran forward. The sudden tingle in his neck indicating a potential force user had come to play.

Breathing heavily through his mask as he ran, his cloak snapped at the light breeze. The dark clouds had finally reached Galdua Island. The sun began to fall behind, fighting for dominance over the sky. The sudden sound of chirps and crackles began to flood his senses as he leaped through the tiny forest. Unaware of all the dangerous fauna abound, Kevros knew the more prominent plants to stay away from as he rushed himself through.

Jumping over a large thick log, Kevros landed, his boots digging into the saturated soil. Free from the forests inciting grip he stared forward. Cloaked and exiting the Dorins Phoenix, emerged a Kel'Dor. Its stature was firm, although the Kel'Dor's feet told a different story. He was quick and to no surprised of Kevros's own, wielded a lightsaber. Droids had cornered him as he arrived. Tall and made from metal alloys the four of them closed in on the Kel'Dor.

Kevros had to deduct his choices, siding with the droids could result in whoever brought them their to cause even more problems. Although siding with the Kel'Dor, who clearly wanted something in the ruins as much as himself could pose a threat. Walking past the last of the brush he reached a stone pathway. The ruins of Galdua weren't a myth afterall.

Reaching for his Massassi Blade Kevros entered from the opposite end of the Kel'Dor, revealing himself. The metal clanks of the droids legs slammed into the stone floor, the hallway shaped with pillars far beyond any stonework of the current age. Sliding his right leg across the dust floor he lightly bent forward, the hilt of his Massassi Blade magically appearing in his right hand. Playing with the nooks and crevices of the hilt his thumb flicked upwards quickly.

The vibrant red of his blade reflected off of his Kovani mask. The droids would soon have their hands full, blasters and ion rounds at the ready.

He held the hilt firmly, taking in the situation. Two ruin droids, stood about eye level, blasters equipped to each limb, they were not as sophisticated as those he faced on Nar'Shaddaa. The wires wrapped around each limb, while remaining completely exposed, and fed in to the power core. The technology was a tad out of date, there were no built in shields, or signs of targeting equipment. Juro felt confident he could destroy these droids, his only concern now was figuring out where they were being controlled from and how many more were on their way. He continued to take in his surroundings, now that he was in combat, every detail was being processed in archived in his mind to calculate the best maneuver. The old columns that outlined the hall were covered with moss, ancient symbols were engraved in the revealed stonework. This place was old, and the negative energy ran through this sanctuary.

Juro's eyes now locked their position, which was now peering directly between the droids. A masked figure presented itself at the end of the hall, light armor and a cape were visible from his position. With a quick motion a sword rooted itself in the being's right hand. 'A force user..' the thought quickly entering his mind as he started piecing together the situation. This was either Sailo, one of his henchmen, or another random element thrown into the equation who was strong with the force. Juro was not one to lay all of his cards on the table, aces in your sleeves was the key to success, or his robe in this instance. He left the hilt of his second light-saber veiled beneath his robe.

"State your title." The droid murmured as a robotic voice traveled through the hollow ruins. It was clear that the ball was in his court, a decision needed to be made. If the figure is Sailo he needs to be kept alive, if it's a henchman than he needs to be turned into a distant memory, and if he is here for something else, he would have to wait before taking action. One thing was for certain, he was not in need of these droids, they were simply an obstacle that stood between him and Sailo. A light flick of his left wrist and a heavy piece of stone dragged along the ground from left to right. The stone swept the legs out from droids and dropped them to the ground as the stone smashed into the wall. Parts of the droids flew abroad as the landed sporadically in the hall. The droids were destroyed, though one of them made one final noise before turning off.

"Intruder alert, send reinforcements."
Mechanically the Droids were maintained, the light hum of their inner cores churning for more power. The figure at the other end of the hall dealt with his set of droids. Scrap metal flying side to side as the Kel'Dor efficiently took care of them. Protocol droids were the worst, their robotic voices out of date and at times hard to heard. Kevros watched as the droids were finally turned into shipyard dust. Four droids were his count from earlier, the two remaining droids blocking his way to the other end of the Kel'Dor.

A tiny spark flew up from the trashed and scattered droids from the other end. A slow bionic voice slipping through the failed wiring of the busted droid. The Kel'Dor was good, but forgetting to strike at the core of a droids fusion cells would have prevented what came next.

"Intruder alert, send reinforcements." The Droid bellowed before it met its final demise. Reinforcements would only cause more trouble than Kevros wanted. Frustrated at the idea of more droids Kevros snapped into action. Pivoting off his left foot his tone body twisted with momentum, his red saber piercing through the first droid. A dim line of melted red metal dripped to the floor. Kevros had dismantled the droid in one quick stroke. Retracting his blade in a more rapid fashion he readied himself for the next droid. The protocol droids weren't the usual assistance droids many used, dressed with modifications, mainly in the weapon area, the droids were deadly.

The droid arched back, clanking its steel hooves into the stone below. Coking its metal arms in a upright position it let loose. Its metallic arms shook and rattled as the beams of blaster bolts escaped the ends of its guns. The bolts were no match for Kevros, the precognitive advantage of the force prepared him. His blade moved like a river, deflecting the beams down and away from his body. Heat marks scarring the hall walls as the droid continued to buck backwards from the attempt. The smell of molten liquid filled the air, a side effect when saber met blaster bolt.

Finally the droid slowed its assault and Kevros gained more ground. Ducking past the last bolt Kevros stopped. The loud echoes of backup could be heard in the distance. This time it wouldn't be just regular Protocol droids. He had to deal with the remaining droid, the Kel'Dor would have to wait. Gripping tightly onto the hilt of his saber he waited for the droids next barrage, but it never came. Instead Kevros darted forward, mere feet between them. Sliding across the slippery dust below he felled to one knee. using both of his hands he swung violently at the droids construct, its legs rupturing and forcing the top half of the droids body to fall over.

Smiling under his mask he knew he bested the simple droid, standing he lunged his saber into the helpless droid and kicked it towards the wall. Being so focused on the confrontation at hand he turned to see if the reinforcements arrived. Instead the lonely Kel'Dor stood. The dark side had shown him his eagerness to strike. Kevros wasn't sure of his next endeavor, all that mattered was getting deeper into the ruins and finding what he came for.

Fixing his mask with his free hand he grunted, helping the Kel'Dor seemed to be in his best interest.

"The fusion cells, aim for the fusion cells." The voice was cold, and held weight.

Moving his head back and forth a light crack in his neck sent chills down his back, a small grin forming as the new squadron of droids rounded the corners.

The masked figure began his barrage of attacks as chunks of metal hit the ground. It was now obvious that this man was the latter option, a wild card. Neither Sailo nor one of his henchmen he was simply a new variable to account for. The last droid hit the ground as the figure muttered the droids weakness a loud. It was an obvious weakness that he observed earlier, purely in arrogance, Juro chose to tempt the droids and not go directly for their power core. He was testing the droids reactions, movements and their protocols when they are damaged. One swift maneuver allowed him to verify that the droids had limited mobility when engaged in combat, tunnel vision when focusing on their targets, and their malfunction protocol is to call for backup.

The gap between the two had shrunk, getting a closer look at this curious fighter, he took in his appearance. His weapon was one that he had not come across before. The mask was also very unique, though most of the masks seems unique because Juro had not left Dorin until he was nearly twenty. The sounds of the incoming droids began to grow louder as they rounded the corner. They drew their weapons and aimed them at Juro, as he sized up his opponents, the masked figure would have to wait. Though he was not going to fight him, Juro made sure this masked force user was not behind him, he could not afford to be wrong and let a challenger get the upper hand.

Blaster bullets began to fly down the hall, a red light illuminated from his hilt as he ducked. He rose, two hands fastened on the hilt of his saber to deflect the dodge the bullets that headed towards him. His studies on Dorin in the art of Niman allowed him to see the correct path. Fighting these units in smaller numbers was going to be very advantageous. Finally freezing in place, bullets continued whipping past him, his left hand glided from the hilt of his saber and was stretched out from his body. Squeezing his hand he noticed one of the pillars along the wall started to shake. Than with one violent whip of his arm, he used the force to knock down the pillar. Separating the droids, there was only three droids left on their side of the collapsed column. Dashing towards them, in his eyes this fight was as one sided as three infants fighting a rancor. The light-saber went from his right to left hand as the light show mimicked a propeller, with three quick strikes he reduced the remaining droids to mere scrap metal. The destroyed power cores were scattered across the ground. He turned and faced the mask figure. The light-saber still in hand, he gauged him, now that it was finally just the two of them, for now.
The squadron of droids were quickly dealt with, a pillar ripped from its internal design smashing into the annex of the other hallway. The force displayed was intriguing, the Kel'Dor was ripe with energy, his calculations minimizing the droid threat quickly. Kevros watched as the display of art began to present itself with the Kel'Dor's movements. The robed Sith vanquished the inadequate droids with ease, Kevros took this time to deactivate his Massassi Blade. Strapping it to his side, he wanted the other force user to realize his intentions were anything but hostile.

Looking over the Kel'Dor as he stepped closer, he noticed the reddish-brown skin, common among the race from Dorin. The ship name made sense to him know as well. Pride in ones homeworld was something that made Kevros didn't share. Reaching for his shoulder Kevros fixed his light armor, straightening his attire along with it. His cloak spread apart to reveal a small red cloth stretching from one side of his chest to the other. Tightly wrapped around his chest was his normal black sleeveless shirt, and his black pants to match. His grey boots grinding the last power core beneath his feet.

Growing impatient with the Kel'Dor he finally broke the stare.

"While I might have been hasty about our current situation, if you're going inside these ruins, we're doing it my way. Got it?"

Kevros turned away looking to the dark opening behind him, steps leading down to two giant metal doors.

"Up to you, figure it out on your own." Disregarding the Kel'Dors true purpose for arriving on Galdua Island, he began his descent. The force whispering to him, tempting him to continue forth.
Juro listened as his options were laid at his feet, he could either proceed on his own accord and fight his way through waves of droids, or he could follow this man who appeared to have knowledge of the ruins. As long as Juro didn't let his guard down, taking this opportunity would be the fastest way to finding Sailo. The red glow retracted to the hilt as his saber was notched back on his belt. Questions of why he was here could drive a wedge between the two, and as much as Juro didn't want to admit it, he might need this strangers help. He decided to cut the tension and respond.

"We'll do this your way stranger." Juro replied as he began to follow Kevros deeper into the ruins. Juro was used to working in small groups, though the last person he worked closely with lead him to this exact situation, Juro was usually self sufficient, but he was also smart enough to know that when there is help present that he should take it. Personifying himself would be a good way to place doubts in this strangers mind, in case he did decide to betray him.

"You can call me Juro for now." Juro muttered as he continued walking down the corridor behind Kevros.
The steps were filled with vines and weeds entangling their way to the top of the surface. The air grew cold as they descended down the winding staircase. The walls were filled with etched markings, symbols of a earlier time. What had once been a superior mechanism in the past rested on a wall directly to the left of the two curious Sith. Kevros looked to the Kel'Dor, he already knew he'd been following.

"Juro, wise decision." Kevros turned away and made his way to the ancient mechanism on the wall. Scanning it with his lush green eyes he knelled, reaching for a tool in his back pocket. Pushing his long cloak out of the way with annoyance his hand revealed a long metal splicer. The informant told him he would need it, saying that "all ruins like that had some ancient tech that needed to be spliced." The information proved useful, a sly grin forming under the mask, Kevros ripping the metal box off the wall with little effort.

Behind the metal case rested wires, circuitry boards, and tiny metal prongs sticking out from the side. In the very middle rested a tiny circular ring, Kevros inserted the small pen like splicer and tunred. A loud snap shook the ground, the giant rustic metal doors slowly began to open. A powerful gust of wind forced itself through. The doors opened inward, causing a low pitched howl as the wind slipped off the edges of the metal doors. Reaching his feet Kevros bent sideways and looked inside.

The dark emptiness of the entrance filled him with excitement, his first shot at finding another holocron just like the one from his childhood. Tiny specks of light crawled in from above, the smell of muddy water reaching his senses. The bright blue crystals that randomly found their place throughout, what seemed like a cave, enticed him even more. Droplets of water could be heard in the distance. Twisted against their will rocky pillars continued to hold the foundation strong. Arches and small stone pillars formed throughout the abandoned cavern. Strong green vines covered many of the arches, some swaying from the cold current. Breathtaking in its beauty the grotto held a powerful unease, Kevros could feel the dark side within.


Looking over his shoulder at Juro, he waited. Finally he spoke.

"Kevros, Kevros Kovani." He paused, pivoting on his foot he leaned forward and bowed to Juro. His arms waving in the direction of the entrance, clearly being sarcastic he offered his new acquaintance the opportunity to enter before him. "After You." He said.

Kevros was quite clever, even though he got the giant doors to open he still didn't want to trip off any traps. If this was a ancient tomb of a Sith Lord, anything could be treacherous. Many were known to be attached to their previous valuables, something that could cause vengeful Sith Lords from the dead to possess potential intruders. It was a scary concept, something that Kevros studied over his many youthful years. Sending in Juro before him would make it easier to determine how dangerous the ruins could be.

His hand glided along with chilled stone, his fingers traced the old symbols etched in the walls. He trailed Kevros and saw the arch way abroad, the massive room with dark energy surged before him. His senses were heightened as a natural response to sensing this kind of energy. He attempted to analyze the smallest of details. The massive pillars at the foundation of the chamber were large and natural, the ruins must have been built around this place. A vale of light cast it's grace across the majority of the floor, only the back side of the pillars were left in undisturbed darkness.

The words left the mouth of Kevros that invited him in to the chamber. Juro continued glancing around the chamber, there must be a reason that the man so persistent on being a leader to the chamber suddenly wishes to relinquish the reigns. Juro crouched down and laid his palm along the ancient ground, he slid his had back and fourth lifting the dirt and the dust into the air, as if he was looking for something. Juro than rose and pulled back his hood, he would not need anything obstructing his vision while he was in there. Juro was not sure if this was a trap, or Kevros' way of using him for a bit of detective work. The bottom line is the answer was irrelevant. Juro also visited these ruins for a purpose and nothing stands in his way.

He took a few steps forward officially crossing the thresh hold of the chamber. He could feel the dark energy swim around him as he cut through it with his body. His eyes were now sharp as he looked for the slightest movements. Juro was ready for anything. He continued into the heart of the chamber, his head slowly turned from ear to ear looking for anything that could give him a clue to why this room was radiating such power. Juro had always had a calling to power, so much so that his mind was no longer on looking for Sailo,, he was more enthralled with the idea of locating the source of this energy and harnessing it.

He whispered with his back to Kevros "What is this place?" As his head now arched slightly upward admiring his colossal environment.
Kevros watched closely as he examined Juro take his steps in. It seemed the Kel'Dor before him wasn't as idiotic and naive like the rest. Juro seemed composed, observant and most of alert of potential dangers within. Had Kevros actually stepped inside first the same precaution would have been taken. Following closely behind his newly found acquaintance Kevros knew something dark resided in the cavern. The puddles of water on each side of them began to ripple. The energy of the force surrounded the two of them like a snake, squeezing till finally calming. Destroyed from an earlier skirmish, a large whole in the ceiling was present, a blue light seeping in to give them vision.

Standing in the middle of the cave Kevros responded.

"Galdua Ruins, for some time now there have been stories. Stories of the Ancient Sith Lord named Darth Gravid, he was an interesting Sith. Said to have several undisclosed locations for his heinous actions against the Sith order. Do you know of the tale Juro? He was reluctant to study the light side of the force, a man of conflict and worse, a man of destruction." Kevros paused the idea of standing in the entrance way of a Sith Lord so old made him tingle. He could have been wrong, only the tales he had heard mentioned something similar to where they were standing.

Stepping past Juro the piercing rays of blue and white light revealed him on a small stone slab. A design resting on the floor. It's silver linings formed an outer circle, resting inside the well designed circle was a four sided clover. in the very center rested four diagonal crowns, white and vibrant as the light hit them. Kevros's green eyes followed the design carefully as he bent down to inspect it. Everything he knew had been true, a myth turned real. If Darth Gravids' tomb lied below, everything would make sense.


​Almost stunned Kevros slowly rose, his entire world would change with the discovery of what was hidden underneath. He took in a deep breath, his mask allowing it through the slits where his mouth would have been. Holding it in he eventually let out a giant sigh, his hands raising to the air, a sinister chuckle escaping lips to add. Turning towards Juro, Kevros tilted his head, an ominous act provided the cutlery of his mask and hood.

As if his intentions changed, Kevros could feel the dark energy, but also the light side was now present. Flickering images of his past life were blocked out. Kevros would need to be careful in such a powerful place. Breaking the silence between the two he lightly stepped down with his right leg from the stone slab.

"Why are you here, Juro?" He asked.

As Quickly as he inquired a loud thud echoed throughout the grotto. Peering out towards the metal doors they had just opened stood a few mysterious figures. Kevros shook his head.

"I think you might have company, Juro..." Kevros couldn't believe others were on their hide. He ws sure no one followed him from Tython. Frustrated, he sucked his teeth, Juro would have to explain later.

The question was bound to rise, as the two obviously did not come to meet by chance. Juro still was unaware of Kevros' true intentions or why he was here, though at this point it could be safe to say that he is looking for the source of power. Juro was no longer aware of how to respond to this question, originally he was here to find Sailo and follow up on leads on his old master he left for death. Now however he was once again gravitating towards the chance to grow stronger.

The mysterious robed figures entered the chamber, their formation told Juro that they fought together. There were three of them total, and the only information Juro could conclude from their appearances is their species. The robes were used to conceal their bodies, weapons, and/or armor. He hoped to lure out any more information before jumping to hasty conclusions.

"Who are you?" The Twi'lek in the middle beat him to the punch. He was tall, about 6"2', the robe hung slightly loose, but a muscular frame was noticed as he took a step toward the two. He was obviously the ring leader out of the three. The question also made two distinctions. Either they were here for Kevros, because were unaware of who Juro was, or the ruins are being guarded by more than mere out dated battle droids. The third option is irrelevant because if they are here to seek the power themselves Juro would slay them. It was already a racing concern that Kevros would unlock the power in the chamber and Juro would be left to fight him for it. This warrior had lead him here and was vital to his mission. These three however were turning out to be a nuisance.

"That is a complicated question,"Juro began as he walked to his left, he wanted to create space between Kevros and himself in case a conflict was to arise. Attacking from multiple directions was the only advantage he could hope to acquire. " I think the more important question is why you are now standing face to face with me. I analyzed the situation and there are only three reasons you would be here, two are logical, one is suicide. So tell me Twi'Lek, why do you and your men stand before me?"

"That is simple Kel'Dor," he dragged it out if to be disrespectful "We have to for what you have, the tomb of Darth Gravid of course." A wicked grin grew on his face as the dark energy started to take full effect. The Twi'Lek removed his robe and an average attire was underneath, no battle gear weapons or anything of the sort to threaten them. The energy must have been currupting the island, starting with the people from the town drawing them to the crypt. This was an odd occurrence and that made him wonder, how much power is there to go around, and what happens now?
Juro seemed to have a talent for negotiating as the Twi'lek revealed his common clothing beneath. The energy of the tomb had been so strong, the locals were being drawn to it. Still capable of speaking the Twi'lek turned his attention to Kevros.

"More will come, with or without your approval. Darth Gravid will not allow weakness in the dark side to break him free from his eternal rest. Foolish and Naive, to think the likes of you two were able to find the source of Darth Gravid's tomb. It matters not, soon you'll realize the only prize at the end of the day will be your death." The Twi'lek grunted, his hands slowly moving towards his other two accompanied worshipers. "Not by our hands, no, he'll deal with you two himself."

Kevros stepped back, the Twi'lek and his two zombie like followers stepping forward. The three of them began to raise their hands, a light hum resonating throughout the cavern of Darth Gravid. The clicks and turns of the staircases around the outskirts of the cave began to cause a sudden quake. The water from before lightly splashing against the vibrant blue crystals lodged into the ground. Dirt fell from above, tiny pebbles falling with it, the twi'lek's hum turned to a chant. Kevros looked to Juro, something was wrong.

Whispers of the force nagged at him, the tendrils of the dark side becoming more and more palpable. Streaks of black and red smoke slithered past Kevros, almost startled Kevros stepped to the side. Glancing over his shoulder, he looked down at the Ancient Symbol, streams of smoke seeping out of the chamber below and swirling around the three intruders. In the distance more commoners approached. Like a horder of Zombies they continued to line up, forming a giant circle around where Kevros and Juro stood.

"We've been under the effect of Darth Gravid's Sorcery the whole time, Juro don't attack them, I can see the energy of the dark side forming a shield around them all. We're blocked in." Kevros said, his voice stern and chilling. His tone held a slight agitation, things weren't going according to plan. Processing the event it was hard to think, the chants growing louder as he tried to find a solution. His mind searched for everything he had studied on the subject of Ancient Sith Lords. Nothing, he had read, mentioned worshiping cultists.

The tall Twi'lek finally broke form, the rest of the chanters continued in perfect harmony. The ringleader finally reached for what looked like an old, golden dagger. With a violent thrust he screamed, the dagger penetrating his palm. The streams of red and black smoke began to circle the dagger, blood dripping to the floor. The Twi'lek stretching his arm out towards Juro, dagger still lodged into the intruders palm.

"It is time."

Kevros's eyes widened, he finally got the answer he was looking for. Possession wasn't this worshiping groups goal. It was something far worse, the resurrection of Darth Gravid...
The dagger pierced his palm and was held out towards Juro, blood dripping down the tip of the blade towards the ground. Juro saw the craze in the fanatic's eyes as he heard the words spoken. The chant carried across the chamber, it was apparent that they were attempting some sort of ritual. Juro's eyes drifted up the the ceiling, tracing the perimeter of the tomb he realized that something was coming. Juro had read about past sith's trying to possess a body, but this seemed different. Juro turned to Kevros as he heeded his warning. This was not out of fear, but from his curiosity. Juro was fascinated by the ritual. Depending on it's purpose he could end up using it himself one day.

His eyes focused on Kevros as he realized that kevros knew more than he was letting on. Juro turned his back to the followers and to Kevros, as he knelt on the ground. He closed his eyes and began searching himself for passion, rage and hate. He began to ready himself for what was to follow. This was a technique he was taught on Dorin to help him channel his power. He was marinating in the dark side of the force.

The tomb shook from a quake, Juro laid undisturbed from his surroundings. Whatever the source of power was finally was among them., Juro could sense it.
It slowly became apparent there was no easy way out of the situation. Chants from the cultist intensified. The cavern slowly clicked and churned like gears to a bigger contraption. The red and black smoke exploding into the air. The group of brainwashed followers all in one synchronized motion stepped forward. A loud hiss escaping from behind him. The steady smoke leaking out from the Ancient Symbol on the floor flowed out faster. The grinding of of the inner sanctum began snap and buckle under the pressure.

Kevros turned. the Symbol on the floor began to move. Its intricate design sliding underneath the outside circle. A large loud of dark smoke rising from beneath. He couldn't imagine the cultist succeeded in the resurrection of Darth Gravid so quickly. Not even more notable Sith Lords from a later time were capable of raising the dead. Sith Alchemy, and sorcery was a tedious thing. The aspects of the force were also taken into consideration during such rituals. Like sliding bay doors, the Ancient symbol fully opened,

Kevros felt the dark energy now more than ever, the force almost went dormant for a slight second. As quick as it left him, the force magnified ten fold. A dark power overtaking the other energies within completely over. Goosebumps reached Kevros's skin, not in fright, but excitement. If the cultist group of worshipers had brought Darth gravid back, Kevros would be part of history. Juro his newly found acquaintance would also be part of a the miracle, if the force allowed the revival to take place.

Looking to the other Sith he smiled, Juro was calmly meditating on the force. Something Kevros had done on his way to Galdua Island. Bright beams of green lights ripped through the room, the source of it coming from the newly opened hole directly near him. A small electronic hum reaching his ears. Something was being lifted to the surface from below or someone. Glancing over his shoulder at the Twi'lek he grinned.

Something or Someone would soon be revealed, Kevros's lips forming a sinister curl.
He rose up from the ground, a hooded figure that stood eye level with Juro. Black smoke drifted from the bottom of his cloak. The figure's hands raised to either side of his head, gently they slid back the hood that hid his face, a pair of red and grey eyes were revealed. A sinister smirk was residing on his face, faded lines emulated gills as they tainted his cheeks. He licked his lips and addressed the two that stood before him.

"It has been a long time since I have had any visitors. I have set up this temple as a lure to sith acolytes such as yourselves." He began looking around the room, as if he was looking for something. "I know, I know, you are probably wondering who I am and why I am here." He turned to look at Kevros. "But none of that is really that important. Soon you will simple exist in the memories of those you have encountered." His fingers were continuously clinching into a fist and releasing as if he was getting ready for something. Juro leaned forward and tilted his head ever so slightly, as if he was trying to figure out what this being was.

"Ah yes the confusion, most of them never figure it out until it's to late." He chuckled as if he was trying to amuse himself. "AH HA! He yelled loudly and than raised his open palm. His eyes began to glow vibrantly as he channeled the force in the chamber. A dusty box flew through the air and into his grasp, his fingers locked around it's edges as he held it tightly and slid it into his robe. "That is your only way out, and it seems you didn't acquire it before I was risen."

Juro resumed his original stance as he spoke "Actually everything about this is relevant, if I ever wish to be resurrected I am going to need to obtain that holocron in your pocket. The figure smiled as if he was impressed he knew a small piece of the puzzle.

"Why yes, this is a holocron, but you do not see the whole picture, you do not understand the whole story." He started pacing as he talked. "You must not be familiar with my past with the Sith, we ended up not seeing eye to eye in the end, and the Jedi are too by the book to ever be a real option. I decided it was time to destroy the sith from within. I stole an ancient holocron that specifically lures those who have not completed their training yet. This holocron was very significant before I merged with it. I made this tomb into my own personal prison. When sith acolytes are finally tempted into the chamber, the holocron would channel the force of this place, and present sith, to create a barrier,. All i need to start the ritual is a little blood sacrifice.

The twi'lek smiled as he stood completely protected by a force barrier.

"Of course I also had to obliterate my body in order to outlive my mortality. Every time I wake I see new sith acolyte, and a new face. and when you are gone the chamber will no longer be able to hold and I will return back to the force. And that is exactly what I plan on doing, he revealed a light saber as it dropped from the sleeve of his right arm. Juro simply watched as he took in all of this information.

"To think someone as strong as you once were, sacrificed their life, to live eternally in a chamber to kill untrained sith." Juro was trying to make sense of what he was hearing.

"Possessing new bodies isn't hard, but not having an expiration date comes at a price, of course I am not as strong as I once was..."He lifted the hilt of his ancient light saber," But every time I wake, I always manage to toy with my prey before I lay myself to rest." His smile grew as he spoke and met Juro's gaze.

"You are right about two things." Juro started to walk toward the possessed body that was now housing Darth Gravid. " You are no sith..."Juro removed his robe, as it hit the ground behind his feet the dust drifted into the air. He revealed a stocky body of a warrior Kel'Dor. His bare chest muscular and scarred. A second light saber was grasped with his free hand. . "and today you will be laid to rest..."
Kevros listened carefully, the possessed figure latching its hands onto the holocron. As quickly as it was taken, he hid it away deep within his cloak. The idea of Darth Gravid using the holocron to lure untrained acolytes to his tomb was almost ingenious. In the end of it all Gravid got the best of the Sith, even in death. The chants from his inner sanctum began to grow silent. The ritual was complete, the only thing that was apparent, at least to Kevros, is Gravid's new host wasn't their only problem.

The Twi'lek ripped his dagger from his hand and grunted. His red skin glistening in the pale blue light of the cavern. The Twi'lek stomped his foot in the ground, mud grinding underneath his tall physique. Wincing at the pain he spoke up, Darth Gravid's speech coming to an end.

"Valis Drove. I will be remembered!" The Twi'lek yelled. A silver hilt dropping into his healthy hand. The ignition of a lightsaber sparking to life. The color wasn't what Kevros expected, the saber was bright orange. It hummed as Valis twisted it through the air, licking his lips. Not only did Juro and Kevros have a ancient Sith possessing some poor follower, but Valis was a force user as well.

Kevros looked to Juro, Darth Gravid's host taking a liking to him. It truly was a sight to behold, the whole situation had become a extravagant stand off. Kevros turned away from the the Ancient Sith and faced Valis. The idea of allowing Juro fight Darth Gravid's host made him disappointed, none the less he was lucky to experience such an event.

Stepping down into the darker part of the cave rocks crunched. He descended down the stone slab steps, the orange light from Valis's lightsaber reflecting off his mask. Valis sneered, pointing his heated blade at Kevros. The energy around the two blocked everything else out. The swirling darkness from Darth Gravid's energy slithered around them. Kevros pushed his cloak to the side, force pulling his hilt into his hand with ease.

"Remembered as a failure." Kevros taunted Valis with his words, his eyes narrowing.

Kevors flipped his thumb over the sturdy ignition switch of his Massassi Blade. Having a Massassi lightsaber was the greatest thing his father had left him. The sudden streak of red illuminated the area around him. Nothing more could have told Valis that Kevros was more than ready to kill.

The Twi'lek wondered through the barrier and approached Kevros as they both drew their weapons. Juro had a great deal of experience in combat with a partner. Before he had left Zokaw for dead, they had numerous occasions when they fought side by side. The battle movements were slightly different when choreographing movements with another combatant. Valis was another distraction, if Juro was to attempt to take on this Sith he had two options. Help kill Valis and than tag team the Darth, or fight separately and play the odds that both of them come out on top. Both had risks considering they were both acoloyte's according to the rituals temptation that lead them there. Though Kevros displayed talent and he would more than likely take care of his part of the deal. Juro always unofficially declared himself a sith after leaving his master for dead, but if he was lured into this chamber that confirms the rumor that his master is not dead. Juro did not kill Zokaw himself and now he is still alive and is impeding Juro's progression.

Juro stood toe to toe with the possessed figure. Every fight has an aggressor, and if Juro had learned anything in his training with the force, it was that sometimes it's better to charge in blindly than be the victim of what he could not see. Juro dashed forward towards Darth Gravid, the red beams extended from the hilts as his two light sabres turned on. Almost dropping to his knee he lowered his right hand and quickly raised it sending rocks flying up in Gravid's face. A red glow sliced through the cloud as it was blocked by Gravid. Now Juro swung his left arm horizontally forcing his opponent to hope back or risk of losing the lower half of his body. Juro used his light sabres wisely, one blade would come high from the right, and the other was swung low/medium from the left. Attacking from completely different angles gave Juro an aggressive edge. One sabre could not be in two places at once, it was more practical to back petal than attempting to block both sabres as they approached from opposite directions.

Darth Gravid did not seem phased as he back petaled and blocked an onslaught of attacks. It appeared as if he was waiting for Juro to run out of stamina. The truth was that Juro was not yet fighting in Ataru, he was simply fighting normally, the aggression that appeared to be an all or nothing assault was merely a ploy to get the darth to reveal his powers. Darth's were among the strongest dark side users, Juro needed to know what, if any, force powers he was still able to perform. Than as he finally found an opening he lunged with force speed to guarantee a strike. Suddenly he was sent flying backwards through the air, Juro attempted to flip and land on his feet, but Gravid had other plans. Juro landed on his side and slid into the wall. A burn from the rough ground drew a bit of blood on his left ribs. Juro stood, that power was tremendous, the smirk reappeared on Gravid's face as he saw he struck first. Gravid now turned his eyes to Kevros and Valis, running towards them he stole Juro's idea on tag teaming one opponent first. Juro rose to his feet hoping he could prevent this from happening.
Juro sprung into action, his blades weaving through the air. Kevros side stepped Valis, his eyes watching Juro in action. Still aware of Valis in front of him, Kevros waited patiently, Juro's style was unorthodox, no true form blossoming as he attacked Darth Gravid. Kevros couldn't fault the Sith for his effort. Juro was truly an interesting duelist. The clashing sabers caused a chain reaction of magnetic zaps. The light show intrigued Kevros, until Valis charged. His orange blade gunning for his chest.

Kevros leaned lightly on his back heel and hopped. The blade just missing its mark. Valis followed up, another overhead swing heading for Kevros's head. Pivoting on his left foot Kevros spun, his saber deflecting Valis's attempt. Valis shook his bloodied hand, sucking his teeth as he let out a mean warcry. Valis Blindly charged forward, Kevros was impressed by the Tw'lek's talent to give himself over to the dark side so quickly.

The orange saber came for his waist this time. Kevros had to act fast. His red saber locking in place as the two sabers met. The smell of heated plasma gripping at their senses. Kevros pushed, but Valis pushed back. Valis's blade slowly etched forward, the bright orange tip almost singed Kevros's shoulder. Pushing with more strength, Kevros finally broke free. His hand quickly stretching to the air, gripping at the blue crystals on the ground he felt the swaying energy of the force tug at it. Turning his head for only a moment, Juro was flung across the room.

Snapping back into focus Kevros lifted the blue crystal to the air. Valis charged forward. Quickly snatching his stretched arm back into his cloak the Crystal flew towards him. Valis's orange balde missing his arm as he retracted in time. The crystal in a few short moments would smash against the side of Valis's face. Gripping his hilt with all he could muster he glanced to Darth Gravid. The odds were now against him.

Kevros watched as they both charged him, smiling under his mask he knew he had enough time. The blue crystal smashed against Valis's cheekbone, shattering as the tiny pieces hit the floor. Darth Gravid's vicious strike came sooner than he had planned. Kevros dropped to one kne and swung violently upward. Darth Gravid was knocked back from Kevros's strengthened effort. Gravid wouldn't allow such a acolyte to get the best of him.

Gravid stretched out his arm, gripping at Kevros's throat. The air escaped from Kevros almost suddenly. His saber deactivating from the struggle. His free hand lifted to his throat trying to prevent it out of a panic. The host was incredibly strong, even after so many years. Valis yelled, charging towards him with a killing intent.

Am I going to die?

His only thought running through his mind as he gasped for air.

Crimson drops of blood trickled down Juro's left side, after being flung across the room like a rag doll. Juro saw the attack on Kevros, Juro was not holding his own, he needed to stop this before they both died one by one. Juro thought back to those who angered him most, his father for being weak, the monarchy in Dorin, but mostly Zokaw. The only good piece of news today is that now he would be able to kill him himself. Hatred flowed through him as he took off towards the fight. It was time to stop testing and start fighting. Honing in on his target he went for Valis first. Using his force speed he closed the gap between them. He rose both Sabres over his head and brought them crashing straight down with deadly speed. Valis was just able to react in time and stop the attack. Juro needed to figure something out to take out Valis quick. This opportunity wouldn't last long as his counterpart would soon suffocate.

Juro began dabbling in Ataru pulling more and more of his strength to make more devastating attacks, as long as he saved some energy for Gravid it would not be over. Juro moved with grace and speed. Attacking high and sliding on his knee and attack low, spinning in a complete circle the sabres whipped through the air just barely being deflected by the inexperienced Valis. Juro started whipping rocks randomly at him as he continued his onslaught. Finally he needed to end it and and opening presented itself. Juro lunged forward as Valis stumbled on rubble, and with one slash, it was the beginning of the end. Juro cut Valis' left leg, as he reacted to the pain and hesitated for a split second, Juro continued in a 'propeller like fashion' and chopped off his right hand. Valis screamed and within seconds his other hand and arm followed, before he had a chance to call for help his head was separated from his body, it hit the ground and rolled up against a pile of ruble. His corpse dropped to it's knees than laid on it's stomach in the dirt. That's all it takes against a Kel'Dor warrior, one misstep and they will take full advantage. Juro having been trained in Ataru, the all or nothing fighting style, proved superior.

Juro's connection to the force was growing stronger the longer they fought in the chamber. Choking noises could be heard exiting Kevros' throat. Juro pulled his arm back and squeezed his fingers mid air, he grabbed Valis' head, with the force, and sent it flying at Gravid. He was in such shock he released Kevros from the force choke and caught the head it his hands. Glancing towards the dangerous duo Gravid realized that for once he had a real fight on his hands. He had never faced more than one acolyte at a time since he started practicing this ritual. Dropping the head, his empty hand extended ripping Valis' old light sabre to his hand with force pull. Three fighters remained. Now both Juro and Gravid were dual wielding. With Kevros beside him, it was their fight to lose.

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