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Approved Tech Galactic Translator

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Daren Silvari


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Intent: To provide a translator from Galactic Basic to the wide composite of languages found in the galaxy, or vice-versa.
Development Thread: If necessary.
Manufacturer: Cybot Galactica, Daren Silvari
Model: N/A
Affiliation: Galactic Alliance
Modularity: No
Production: Production:
Material: Durafiber, Computer Components, Wiring, Transparisteel

Description: Utilizing the same modules as seen in most protocol droids, except in a more compact, sleek, design, the Galactic Translator eliminates the need for droids on diplomatic missions to the various planets throughout the galaxy. The mask consists of the TranLang III communications module, the very same seen in the "3PO series protocol droids" and the "LOM-series protocol droids", created into a smaller chip and inserted into the interior of the mask mouth-piece. The mask utilizes voice commands to dictate which language is being translated. The mask is designed with durafiber to simulate the comfort of most environmental masks, as well as to provide some protection to the facial regions during potentially dangerous diplomatic missions.

Some strengths of the Galactic Translator would be it's compact and easily movable size that allows ease of maneuverability without the cumbersomeness of a Protocol Droid, the very fact that it allows one to speak perfect (monotonous) alien languages according to the TranLang III module could also be considered a strength. The system is not water-proof, unfortunately, so one must take care when taking the mask into wet climates, otherwise one might find their face irreparably damaged. Due to the smaller size of the TranLang module, the system is only capable of storing several thousand languages in its databanks, making this system more readily available and easy to carry, but losing the efficiency brought by Protocol droids./size]

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Forgive me for any and all errors on behalf of this submission. I'm not all that 'tech savvy' in terms of Star Wars. So, I would appreciate any willingness to work through this with me. Thanks in advance!

Also, I am aware that Cybot Galactica was a droid manufacturing company, but I wasn't sure where else to acquire the communications module that I make use of in this sub.
[member="Daren Silvari"]

Looks good. Perhaps, because of its size it can only run a few thousand languages at a time so it doesn't completely supplant protocol droids? :)
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