Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Galactic Republic Weekly News

Only a few items of note to be covered this week. Anyone who tuned in to read the Faction Leader’s review of the month will have to wait until next week as even though we can travel across the stars through hyperspace, a lack of Internet access means an unavoidable delay.

And talking of our GrandMaster, I’m sad to say we have no update on her whereabouts.

So, over to the news. Firstly we’re planning our next Invasion which should start the day after Valentine’s day but once it’s been agreed we’ll let you know.

It’s also worth mentioning that there are a lot of things going on in the political arena - from the moving of the capital to discussions about a newly formed Army of the Light serving as allies to the Republic.

But I’ll spend a little time this week answering a few questions that came up this week that seemed to confuse new and old members alike. So, without further ado…

Out of character leadership

We have a Faction Leadership team and it comprises a Faction Leader (Kiskla Grayson) and two Faction Admins (Avalore Eden and Corvus). So the term Faction Leaders includes all of these people as we are a team. Kiskla invariably leads discussions on Invasions but we talk about it as a team every step of the way. This time around, Ava is taking the lead and doing an excellent job (despite my input :p ).

In character leadership

There are three involved here too. A Chief of Government Aurelia Selari, a Chief of Senate Alena Beswin and a Chief of the Military Zane Watts.

Collectively they make IC decisions (like the Army of the Light conundrum above) as well as governing their own areas.

In addition Kiskla Grayson is the GrandMaster of the Order and makes Jedi-related decisions. At present there is a Council to make any judgement calls that she would have made. Its composition was decided by Kiskla before her capture.

Who decides what?

Invasions are invariably managed by the FL team and they also deal with all the behind the scenes stuff.

Dominions and skirmishes can be instigated by anyone at any time - but common sense suggests it’s worth talking about it on the boards here before you start a skirmish on a planet that we might currently be discussing having an Invasion on. Why? Because any damage caused in a skirmish will be factored into the subsequent Invasion.

If I’ve missed anything, then just ask :)

Until next time, you stay classy Galactic Republic…

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
could we get a group together before the invasion to deal with a some what fortifications and traps? due to been ground weak.

I think this would lead to a good story, we are struggling to keep ground so setting up a defence in rp would be fun and maybe take the opportunity to push back.

(this is just an idea)
Sanya Val Lerium said:
could we get a group together before the invasion to deal with a some what fortifications and traps? due to been ground weak.

I think this would lead to a good story, we are struggling to keep ground so setting up a defence in rp would be fun and maybe take the opportunity to push back.

(this is just an idea)

Note, while OOCly people already know what planet it will be.

Icly, it is not known.

The established fortifications and previous RP's are already being taken into consideration in the current invasion talks.
[member="Sanya Val Lerium"]

Pre-emptive IC work on the target planet would be seen as Meta, as we are not aware of the impending invasion, IC.

However, OOC, once the terms are a little more solid, we will be gathering to discuss teams, objectives, and setup for the invasion. Keep your eye out on the stickied Invasion topic at the top of the forum, as i will be posting updates there soon.

Jack Rand

Captain of The Love Boat
Avalore Eden said:
[member="Sanya Val Lerium"]

Pre-emptive IC work on the target planet would be seen as Meta, as we are not aware of the impending invasion, IC.
Jack is also a psychic turns out.



Disney's Princess
*slaps [member="Jack Rand"] around*

That's enough of your space hippie ways Mr Disney. Leave the scrying to the professionals. Mmm. Yes... I foresee much 'munchies' in your future. Yes. Yesss.

Much doritos. Such mountain dew. ... Oh dear. :D :p

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