Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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(Galactic Alliance) Merry Life Day, Sith

Life Day. Unknown Regions.

Coren Starchaser was completely done with the way the war was going. It was fighting to a stalemate. The Jedi weren’t much help and he just needed this war to start making headway. Either the Sith or the Alliance were going to fall. He had taken command of a new ship for this mission, a Nebulon B9 named NB9-1138. The ship was sitting along shipping lanes of the One Sith, because, for an opposing nation doing as much work against the One Sith as the Alliance had been, it was not far fetched to understand how products were getting moved. Especially out by Csilla. Coren had a promise to keep, to Fantana, that he was going to be helping the Chiss free themselves from their Sith overlords.

While he couldn’t modify the B9’s transponder enough away from the Alliance, he was fairly sure that it would at least be a messed up transponder. Possibly pirated. The rest of the ships on the operation were given the Underground treatment and each ship would be giving off a scrambled IFF that would not lead back to the Alliance, nor the Republic, nor the Coalition. Neutral pirates, just committing a raid. It wasn’t that hard.

He had been here and the Alliance were cycling people in and out of the ship, but what would happen was there was going to be the volunteers only. Coren didn’t care for Life Day, but some people did. And with people worrying about the holiday, he assumed the security would be lackluster.

He was waiting, waiting… The ship was on its way, a report from one of the Underground operatives in place on Csilla would be feeding the information. To keep the rag-tag look, the fighters in the B9 would be a variety, some X-Wings, other Y-Wings and still some T-Wings. On top of that? Freighters and shuttles the galaxy over. The mission was simple, and Coren checked his chrono.

Powering up the comlink on his X-Wing, he nodded to himself. “Alright folks, grab your throttles. As soon as the transport is pulled from hyperspace, we move. Whys, you’ve got the hyperdrive, Exes, you handle the fighters, and engines. Tees, you’re on escort. Get our freighters in there. We’re looking for transponders and to break the Sith network.

“Santa Claus is coming to town.”

He looked out to the starfield, feeling the gravity well, and the real space reversion. He was on the throttle before the light even turned green. NB9-1138 was already marking a standard transport, one that was reported to have Sith spacecraft on board, as priority.

Objective Zero: Ruin the Sith’s Life Day
Objective One: Space. Destroy the hyperdrive, engines, guns, and fight starfighters.
Objective Two: Infiltration. You’re on a freighter or shuttle. Break into the main transport. Steal Transponders or Sith ships (Priority), mess with the Sith Network, stealing data, or sending false data (secondary)
Objective Three: Do not sleep with Sith (The Alliance is surprised we need to announce this)

Captain Keeli

Captain Keeli, back from the dead.
Post 1/20
Objective Zero
Location: Somewhere.
Keeli arose from his slumber. He was tired after serving deck duty on there cruiser all night. He rolled out of bed and threw on his pilot gear. Keeli raced to his X-Wing and popped into the driver's seat. Switches flipped on everywhere as Keeli readied himself and lifted off from the cruiser. He flipped on the comm and called for [member="Coren Starchaser"].
"Aye Coren, ready to give them a White Christmas!?"
(by that i mean turn everything into ash.)

Spark Finn

Encrypt Code: 1989//
Objective Two
Location: Freighter Heading toward One Sith Main Transport
Allies: Galactice Alliance maybe [member="Coren Starchaser"]
Enemies: Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiith #hatas #nosnacks #nocandy

The freighter rumbled. Thin fingers came up to tighten the crash webbing across her shoulders. Speckled-gaze broke between the streaming screen on her datapad to look at the others on her team. Blue-eyes squeezed closed as the transport dropped from hyperspace.



Data-tuned mind reached forward through the force, feeling the systems of what was to come. Nothing happened yet. She was just...exploring. Becoming familiar with One Sith code. Firewalls. The technopath pinched the bridge of her freckled nose and forced a slow-exhale, shifting her attentions to their own freighter. She would make sure their systems remained online and functional. Had to get to the enemy first.


Objective Two: Infiltration. You’re on a freighter or shuttle. Break into the main transport. Steal Transponders or Sith ships (Priority), mess with the Sith Network, stealing data, or sending false data (secondary)
Tees on escort, 1/20
Allies: Galactic Alliance - [member="Spark Finn"] [member="Captain Keeli"] [member="Coren Starchaser"]
Enemies: Sith.

"copy that" Rekha brought the X wing's engines online, this should be fun. She had never made a run on Life Day. Now get the freighters in and then look for transponders it sounded easy right, all you have to do it pull the trigger, keep the lane clear get on the ground rummage through a few ships, throw the transponders into the X wing and come home.

Yeah, and Rekha had swamp land on Tattooine for sale cheap if anyone believed it was easy. Rekha fought for her home, and the memories of her parents. She wouldn't disappoint them.

Rekha closed her eyes and waited for the command to depart, just fly like usual. it's all good.
Objective One
Location - Cockpit - The Lucky Charm - Space
Remember, Do not sleep with the Sith!

Reaching over lightly, fingers dancing over the main power up controls. She wasn't a fan of being in ship hangers, she preferred to be out in space. Lightly she shook her head, watching as Sparky came up from behind her. She wasn't sure how she was going to fight the fighters while flying herself, she wasn't even sure how she was going to fly the Lucky Charm by herself. More of a reason she needed a co-pilot.

She'd pushed the co-pilot's chair to the side, moving her own to the center of the cockpit. Sparky pulled up the side of her as she nodded, turning on her open comlink channel by flicking a button to her left. “Alright folks, grab your throttles. As soon as the transport is pulled from hyperspace, we move. Whys, you’ve got the hyperdrive, Exes, you handle the fighters, and engines. Tees, you’re on escort. Get our freighters in there. We’re looking for transponders and to break the Sith network."

She nodded, eyes drifting over the controls. She watched out of her cockpit, watched as the scene outside the hanger shifted from the hyperspace blue streaks to calm black. She eyed sparky, nodding. "Let's do this thing buddy" she told the little droid, patting it's dome with one hand while finishing powering her ship with the other. Sparky rolled away, across the cockpit to his R4 compatible panel in the wall.

She was ready to fly.

She felt her hands move, ready to detach the landing gear, watching the lights, waiting for them to go green. She brought the engines online, nodding lightly. Her right hand moved, gripping the throttle lightly. She was going to have to roll the length of the cockpit quite a lot during this, another sign she needed to get on finding a co-pilot. She cackled, eyes still fixed on those lights.

She was, she needed to be ready.
Objective 1 with [member="Coren Starchaser"]

Chevu’s green fingers tightly gripped the throttle of her X-wing as her vintage ship soared along in perfect formation with the others. The Mirialan Jedi Knight wasn’t the most experienced pilot, but today, she had a little help from Two Bit, riding in the socket of her craft. Two Bit was a BB-eight unit that she’d scavenged during a salvaging trip to Halm. One visit to Audrey Starchaser later, and Two Bit was in fighting form. For being such a bad pilot, Coren's niece was surprisingly adept at fixing up astromech droids. Hopefully the mission would be just as simple. Jack a Sith transport, take whatever they could, and make it look like pirates. Not much more to it.

Flicking on her commlink, Chevu checked in with the squad, the Tiburons, lead by her boyfriend, Coren Starchaser. Was that what was she was calling him now? Personal relationships were far down on the list of priorities for both of them, but the description fit, so she supposed that’s what he was. Usually she just called him Commander.

“Vixen reporting in.”

It was an unusual call sign for an unusual Mirialan on an unusual raid, one that took place on Life Day. It was the Galactic Alliance’s way to spread their own brand of holiday cheer to the dark side. One that involved lasers to the face.

Jingle boom, motherkarkers.
Objective: 1
Location: Y-Wing

The thing he loved about the vanguard armor he had recently purchased was that it was able to be used as a traditional flight suit. The y-wing he was in, which looked on the outside as if it had actually been flown way back during the clone wars, was actually quite recently updated. He was able to sync his armor to the fighter with a simple, shielded optical cable from the fighters on board computer to an auxiliary port on his armor. It allowed him to use pressure sensors in the feet of his armor instead of the traditional pedals. Everything else worked as normal.

"This is Scaith, reporting in. Active target is hyperdrives." He reported in over the communication net. He finished up his pre-flight, then signaled his readiness.

[member="Chevu Visz"] [member="Alicia Frost"] [member="Rekha Kaarde"] [member="Spark Finn"] [member="Captain Keeli"] [member="Coren Starchaser"]
Objective Two
Allies: [member="Darius"] , Galactic Alliance
Post: 1/20

Mediha had checked her weapon and her person time and again before they boarded the ship, she so had no worries that she had forgotten something important. In the very likely chance that they ran into a Sith in their Sith-centric operation, Mediha had made sure to slip several magick-related items onto her person, hidden in the pockets of her skirt and the bodice of her dress. This would be one of the few operations where she and Darius were without the Ravens and on the frontlines of the conflict rather than accomplishing important but ultimately side objectives; in response, she had donned her Nightsister paint, settling back into the former routine with ease. She stared across the bay of the freighter they were in, waiting for the announcement that they were ready to depart. Her fingers tapped restlessly on the leg closest to Darius, the other arm pressed carefully against the lightsaber at her hip.

Mediha had heard a great deal about the Sith, but had had minimal dealings with them outside of one who had been a fringe member of her clan-- and whom she had subsequently helped to kill. She was well aware that she should be nervous, concerned that their Force powers could overwhelm her, but no such feelings came to her. She had faced more frightening, more powerful foes than what she had heard described by members of the Alliance; faced multiple foes alone and with Darius at her side as he was now. Any Sith, Lord or otherwise, would be little contest. If she were, Mediha did have contingency plans-- and a Jedi who was showing bouts of good sense.

She closed her eyes and sighed. What was taking so long?
Objective: Two
Allies: [member="Mediha"], [member="Spark Finn"], [member="Rekha Kaarde"]

The shuttle dropped out of hyperspace and jostled Darius about. He held tight on the edge of the bulkhead and allowed his eyes to drift shut, immersing himself in the ethereal realm of the force for the moment. It was his hope that it would guide him to some semblance of victory in the coming battle. Their goal was a simple one; steal transponders and ruin the One Sith's system networks. Spark Finn would be the woman for that job - Darius cast the girl a look. He didn't know her at all aside from the name, but that was enough.

"We'll give you the time you need to do what needs to get done," he quipped toward the technopath, his fingers resting on the hilt of his lightsaber. It brought him a semblance of comfort amidst the sea of anxiety he was beginning to drown in.

"I'm Darius. This is Mediha, my...friend." He cracked a thin smile. It was becoming increasingly difficult to describe their relationship. They were allies to be sure, but otherwise? Friends might have fit the bill. Maybe. Osik was difficult.
Allies: [member="Darius"] , [member="Spark Finn"]
Post: 2/20

Mediha's gaze flicked toward the blonde with the large glasses across the way from them. She had inspected the girl when they had first arrived, but was as disinclined to chatter and interaction as much as Darius was an expert at it, so she had been quite comfortable leaving the other girl silent and alone.


Her pale gaze was distant, but contemplative. An escort mission, but one that promised to give Mediha a chance to exercise her skills. The girl looked younger than Mediha, and not entirely capable, but Darius seemed confident in her abilities as did the Alliance.

Which meant almost nothing, really. Maybe she did need to be worried.

Roth Tillian

Objective: One Seduce Sith ladies with [member="Coren Starchaser"]
[member="Chevu Visz"] @Alicia Frost [member="Harmon Taldan"]

Flying time again. This time as pirates, which was wonderful. Always entertaining to take a walk on the lawless side. He'd done his stint as a smuggler, but never as a robber of the space lanes. Sure, he had had opportunities. But he was Jensaarai, even with a rather complicated relationship to the order, and that was something he would never allow himself.

But this was not true piracy. Only fake piracy. The ship dropped out of hyperspace, an old Z-95 headhunter with a lot of tally marks for kills. Not even exaggerated even. Perhaps even under-exaggerated, since he didn't exactly keep count. Not something he took pride in. Skill, yes. Kills, no. He felt them all.

"Gundark Nine, checking," He replied, adjusting his shields and upping the weapons power. "Targets are guns and fighter escorts."


Objective Two
@Mediha @Darius @Rekha Kaarde [member="Spark Finn"]

Kiyron crossed his arms in his armor, and adjusted his weapons. No sniper rifle this time. Not enough range for something on that scale. One of those new maser scatterguns, Merr-sonn 11r repeater, and his jack-knife pistols, plus a few explosives. Those should all be enough if they ran across any Sith. Definitely for whoever else they might run into.

He moved away from the small armory he had set up in the freighter and made his way towards the others. Spark he knew. She had once been with the Republic before being captured and brainwashed by the enemy. Darius, apparently was a Jedi. Not sure about the other one. Hopefully she would be valuable.

He removed his helmet as he joined them. "I'll take point on the breach. Rest of you follow in behind me. I'll take their fire so you have time to get in."
Objective Zero and One

Coren was grinning. Wings were reporting in as he was leaving the Nebulon B9. Kuat Drive Yards put together a good ship. This one was probably going to be serving Coren a lot more in the future. Could fit exactly what he needed in the way of personal craft and starfighters. That gave him a lot of places where his flag could be at any one time. The fact he was in an X-Wing, and not the Snapper, Coren’s Jal Shey imbued A-Wing was something else.

He felt the X-Wing hit the magnetic containment shield as it entered the vacuum of space, the stereotypical home of the Starchasers. He could feel the gravity well and he really didn’t like the taste it left in his mind. He wondered if Jorus had any feelings like that, but that man was one who took the hyperspace thing to a new level, compared to Coren. But the X-Wing wouldn’t connect back to Coren.

As the first fighter out, he could hear the chatter coming around and the other ships entering the local area. He was looking to see what the rest of the catch was, from the gravity well, and shook his head. It didn’t matter right now. “Get ‘em in safe, Rek.” He offered to the freighter that one of his best friends was on, was it the same that had his ex girlfriend? See? He’d still be crazy protective of whichever freighter Spark was on. Just how he was.

“Keep on my wing, Keel, when you see a target, you go afer them, but watch your six.” He had enough people on this operation that hopefully it’d take the Sith by surprise. And of course, there was Vixen as well. “You too, Vix, and Harmon. We’ve got this.” He pushed the throttle, taking a strafe run down the length of the transport before whipping the X-Wing into a Koiogran turn. He was getting ready to line up to the engines.

With any luck, they’d be in the transport and back to the safety of hyperspace within the quarter hour.

[member="Kiyron Rin'Siul"]
[member="Roth Tillian"]
[member="Harmon Taldan"]
[member="Spark Finn"]
[member="Rekha Kaarde"]
[member="Chevu Visz"]
[member="Captain Keeli"]
[member="Darth Vornskr"] and the Sith Street Band

Spark Finn

Encrypt Code: 1989//
Objective 2 #don'tsleepwithsith
Allies: [member="Rekha Kaarde"] [member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Kiyron Rin'Siul"] [member="Mediha"] [member="Darius"]

As if not hearing Darius or Mediha at all, blue-eyes remained tightly closed beneath a pair of glass-lenses. Sandy-brows crinkled as the ship lurched. Their shields were holding for now. Eyes snapped open, a frown puckering her lips as she looked Darius and Mediha over.


Youth wasn't a bad thing. She just felt...responsible, even if she was the same age. Close to the same age? Probably close to the same age. They looked still in their teens. #guessing What happened with the blonde and the One Sith when she was a padawan and Darth Carach....she didn't want that happening to anyone else.

#someoneelsewasoverprotective #likeCoren #thinkaboutexeslater

"Mediha. Darius. I'm Spark. Watch out for each other." Face scrunched up. Really? Watch out for each other? #soundinglikeanadult #sappy #ohwell #don'tcare The technopath turned to Kiyron. The dude was totally armored up. Reminded her of Rook. "Right. Hope your armor is good and charged."

A red glow flashed through the interior of the shuttle. The fighters must've been doing their thing cause that was the signal that they were getting ready to dock and land with the One Sith transport. Thin-fingers unsnapped the safety harness around her shoulders as her datapad was stuffed into a side-pocket.

The technopath turned her attention toward the Sith transport doors their freighter was coming up to, ready to nudge them open with a little mechu-deru...just enough for a lock and seal for a....hopefully...seamless board.


Eyes fell on Mediha the longest.
Objective Zero: Ruin the Republic's Day
Post 1/20

"Welcome to Anger Management Volume One. Repeat after me: Anger does not dictate my life."The terminal's speakers played the 'soothing' female voice "Anger does not dictate my life." Ghost repeated, kneeling on the floor infront of the terminal "Anger does not dictate my life." The terminal repeated, irritating Ghost "You just said that, you stupid..." A shudder rocked the ship, and Ghost's gaze snapped toward the point of it's origin. It seems to today wasn't going to be totally boring after all. The specter of death slowly rose from her Kneeling, and calmly walked toward her locker. Armor was donned, cloaked and seals were checked and rechecked, weapons were primed and readied. The fun may begin. Ghost activated her stealth field generator as she strode out into the Hall "Death comes in shadows" She whispered, not that anyone could hear her.
Objective 1 with [member="Coren Starchaser"] [member="Roth Tillian"] [member="Harmon Taldan"] [member="Alicia Frost ]

Vixen kicked up her speed a couple of notches and tugged on the throttle. The wings veered elegantly towards their targets, engines, hyperdrives, guns. Anything that would make it easier for the other Galactic Alliance team to safely rip and run. There was an eerie quiet in the air, one that the Mirialan kept expecting to be broken by the scream of tie fighters parting the twinkling spray of stars. So far none appeared on her radar.

Maybe the Sith were sleeping off their Life Day hangovers.

"Shifting to the target," she said over the comm.

But the transport itself wasn't a sitting duck. It fired back at the rag tag formation of fighters as they strafed in. Using the Force to guide her as well as few warning beeps from Two Bit, Vixen dipped her craft to avoid the oncoming lasers.

"Drawing fire," came a more frantic annoucement. "Cover me. I'm going in for the hyperdrive."

It might get a little crispy, but their group could handle a few defensive guns. They needed to get that hyperdrive down.
Sith Objective Zero
Post 2/20

Waiting. Ghost hated waiting. Waiting grated the Sniper's nerves. She wanted to fight, shoot, tear, Kill. But because she wasn't a damnable pilot she had to wait for the enemy to come to them. Never mind that she wasn't technically a boarding crew man. She was an agent and Asassin of the One sith, she could damn well fight whom she wanted. And so she knelt in the corridor by the hangers, waiting for the Republic to arrive. Via fighters, transports, boarding tubes, it mattered little. She simply wished to kill. She waited for the first signs of contact, keeping an ear on the comms incase the Republic showed up somewhere else on her ship. Either way, she would be the first to draw blood, of that she was certain

Setzi Lunelle

Searching for Eleos's Altar
Objective two: Counter attack on infiltration team
Allies: [member="Morningstaarr"]
Enemies: [member="Spark Finn"] [member="Kiyron Rin'Siul"] [member="Mediha"] [member="Darius"] [member="Rekha Kaarde"]

Darth Azurea was one of the nearest Sith to the lone transport when her freighter, The Pirate's Foe, received the transmission that enemy ships were approaching. While she wasn't keen on defying a random One Sith Captain, she felt that she needed to explain: "The Foe isn't a combat vessel, Captain. In fact, it's an old Jedi AgriCorp transport." Suddenly, Azurea laughed at the absurdity that she was still flying around in the ancient ship. But even though it wasn't a battleship, it's noded design made it nearly impossible for pirates to board, hence the name. Azurea also felt quite nostalgic about the ship despite its lightsided origin.

"It matters not, Lady Azurea. There are material assets on that ship, and until the Navy gets here, you're the closest to the transport."

"Nothing sensitive on board I presume?" asked Azurea. The answer would decide how fast she would need to move.

"No, just fighters and supplies. Otherwise we'd have an escort fleet."

"Fine," she said, cutting off the transmission with an irritated flick of the button. He would call back with further information if needed. Grumbling as she programmed the coordinates of the Pirate's Foe to make a short hyperspace jump to the transport, she quickly checked the weapons system on the Foe to make sure everything was operational.
[member="Darth Azurea"]
Objective two: Counter attack on infiltration team
Allies: Darth Azurea
Enemies: Spark Finn Kiyron Rin'Siul Mediha Darius Rekha Kaarde

Staar was on the ship The Pirate's Foe. He was in the passenger bay, it was empty except for him. He pulled a locket out of his pocket and juggled it in his hands. The ship rocked a bit and he looked out the view port, blue streaks of light signalized that they had gone into hyper space. He put on his helmet, pocketed the locket, and got up. He made his way towards the bridge.

"Requesting permission to enter the bridge, Darth Azurea."

He waited patiently for his answer.
Objective Two Antithesis: Repel enemy boarders
Allies: [member="Darth Azurea"] | @Zedova Jaeger
Enemies: [member="Spark Finn"] | [member="Kiyron Rin'Siul"] | [member="Mediha"] | [member="Darius"] [member="Rekha Kaarde"]

Sitting aboard the transport as it rocked gently to and fore was becoming increasingly pleasant, almost in the way that mothers tend to rock their children into calm sleep. Admittedly, the differences between the two were readily notable, especially with the harshness with which the vessel shook. The figure arose slightly at the next explosion, an indication that another vital system had likely fallen victim to the relentless assail of the fighters outside.

They would be boarding soon. It would make no sense for pirates to do otherwise, and he had no reason to suspect these were anything except scum and ilk. It was acceptable, they would board, hoping to find a weakened crew aboard a crippled vessel. They would threaten and revile, deceive and beguile, and in the end they would make the fateful assumption that the battle was all but theirs. In that moment of triumph, they would take notice of a hint of dramatic irony, that aboard the vessel sat a being awaiting the battle, unrelenting in his anticipation for the mortality of young men and women to be tested once more.

Abelain cast a glare towards the crew, each rushing about like ants to their work. Each efficiently attempting to defend a transport shuttling materiel for the hated work of warfare. The Arue'tii sat upon a crate tucked away into the corner of the Bridge room in the same position that he had held since the combat had begun. The intercom flared with warning, not about the gradual destruction of the vessel, but this time giving a final notice that a grittier, bloodier combat was about to begin inside of the metal machine itself. The intercom gave it's message in the words spoken by spacers throughout millenium.

"Prepare to be boarded."
The figure arose, his cape laying gently upon his back, and responded in the time-honored way of exterminators who have been assured that there are pests to be lain flat.

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