Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Gaius Crassus

Gaius Crassus


Gaius Crassus

  • 900
    NAME: Gaius Crassus
    FACTION: Sith Empire
    RANK: Sith Apprentice
    SPECIES: Human
    AGE: 24
    SEX: Male
    HEIGHT: 5'10
    WEIGHT: 154 lbs.
    EYES: Yellow
    HAIR: Brown
    SKIN: Pale
    SHIP: The Crooked Mynock (Sith Curior Ship)
    Credit: This template Created by Pluperfect

  • d2eabnv-aa371b9b-8a6f-4057-bc6f-c02326b2578b.png

    HISTORY: Being a slave in an intergalactic empire is pretty horrible. It's hard to deny that. Gaius can't say that he has had the hardest life, but he can say that he has been around the block more than once. Gaius had lived his life in chains for as long as he could remember. He was born into the service of a Hutt on Nal Hutta, was sold to a group of pirates as a deckhand for most of his teens, then at one point managed to get stuck with a stint at a Galactic Alliance work camp after his owners were arrested. All the while resentment build up in the young man, angry at being a slave to the whims of whoever held his leash, knowing he deserved better, but never being given the chance by life circumstance.

    Gaius had always felt something strange about himself, like he was a ticking time bomb, and sometimes he just wanted to explode around those who mistreated him. He eventually got this chance in the Alliance, murdering several guards during a riot, and fleeing the prison with inmates who were nice enough to pull him along. That was until they tried to space him out an airlock, the events of which Gaius can't recall, other than waking up on a bloodied cargo ship with more questions than answers, and not a trace of his fellow inmates. Wounded, battered, and frankly just wanting to rest, he unknowingly wandered into Sith space and was promptly arrested; being onboard a blood covered Republic ship didn't help his situation much. He was processed into the prison system, suspected of being a terrorist against the Empire, until he displayed a bit of his force sensitivity and murdered a fellow inmate who had slighted him; earning him a ticket out of jail, and an opportunity to finally be someone.
    Gaius keeps his hair cut short, due mostly to habit, but also because he is overly concerned with it becoming dirty. He wears long sleeves and tries not to maintain eye contact with others, mostly wanting to be left alone. His skin is marred with scars that he has built up over decades of his enslavement, and he doesn't much care to talk about it; especially with people he doesn't know. He dresses in rather drab clothing, merely thankful to have clothes that don't cause his skin to chafe, and having no understanding of 'style' or 'fashion'. He very rarely smiles, mostly looking uncomfortable where he is found, and idly staring into the distance as if he wants to be somewhere else; don't ask him what is thinking about, he really doesn't like it.
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  • PROS & CONS (Required: 2 Cons Minimum) :

    Force Sensitive: Gaius possess raw but untamed power in the force. While he can dish it out, he can't direct it very well, especially when angry.

    Tough as Nails: Gaius' life has turned him into a brick of a man. He can take a great deal of punishment before being incapacitated.



    Socially Distanced: Having been raised as a slave, there are a few social cues that Gaius lacks; such as looking others in the eyes, or even proper ways to dress fashionably. It's not personal, he just doesn't comprehend it.

    Untapped Potential: Gaius' rage gives him a great deal of power when he seeks to tap into it, but his inexperience with the force makes him a liability as he can't control it's effects as well.

    Mute: Gaius is unable to speak normally due to damage to his throat.

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