Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Gadgets and Gizmos a'Broken (open)

[member="Sareen Zar"] | [member="Isaiah Dashiell"] | [member="Spark Finn"] | [member="Holden Tark"]

Hodari didn't miss a beat as he maneuvered his 74-Z speeder bike around the blaster shots flawlessly, not a one hitting him or his precious speeder. The Dug, bordering on insanity, didn't even slow down. Instead, he dialed up the engine output to eleven, zipping around in various circular patterns almost as fast as a blaster bolt. His environment was a blur, but Hodari was very much used to that. Coming in from the distance, he could even make out their attacker was on a speeder. Excellent.

Hodari wheeled his craft around to face that of the attacker, answered the blaster fire with fire from his own forward mounted heavy repeating cannon. On foot, or well, on hands, Hodari was not much of a fighter. But on a speeder, he'd been born and bred for it. Ever since his father had entered him into the swoop races on Malastare and he had inherited his father's moniker of 'Turbo', Hodari had known nothing else. Speed was his bread and butter. Drifting around with unnecessarily spectacular movements, Hodari quickly moved to outmaneuver this attacker, who had now become his prey. Once properly positioned, he released another torrent of blaster fire from his cannon.
Holden was too busy trying to figure out what in the world was going to really answer anyone anything. Shots fired, an attempt to blow one of the speeders, but it seemed the dug got his out of the way just in time. Holden's was hit, but at a very in consequential part, well the tow that box boy would have been towed in. It was going to be a tight fit with three people in the hatch of his speeder.

The dug was pretty quick to action, and that was good. Return fire would keep the attacker occupied so the others could get away. How far they would get, he didn't know.

"Box boy out! Looks like the news of all this attracted a slaver. If you don't want to get sold to some Hutt you better get out now and pack yourself into the hatch of my speeder cuz Turbo just took off."

Holden looked to the lady and shrugged.

"What can I say... sometimes I get weird feelings about things. Now, let's get your pretty little behind out of here, and help Turbo keep from getting himself blown to bits."

Moving targets were harder anyway.

[member="Sareen Zar"] [member="Spark Finn"] [member="Isaiah Dashiell"] [member="Hodari Turbo"]

Spark Finn

Encrypt Code: 1989//
[member="Sareen Zar"] [member="Isaiah Dashiell"] [member="Hodari Turbo"] [member="Holden Tark"]

Pale cheeks blushed at Isaiah's attention. She had zero ability to hide-emotions. Luckily, she was too distracted to feel the heat of embarrassment for long, especially when she felt the heat of blaster fire. Putting her own feelings of personal space aside, she fell into a a more traditional role of jedi....even though she would deny she was one all day long....and night....and grabbed the stowaway's arm, trying to drag him with her as she ran for Holden's speeder carriage.

She squished in, uncomfortably close to the guy that threw out flippant comments about her behind. One of her elbows jammed into his side as she squeezed over to make enough room for box-boy. "Yeah, yeah, yeah! Go, go, go!"

Yup, the technopath was yelling now.
When the dug got on his speeder and started speeding at Sareen, Sareen didn't break a sweat. From his utility belt Sareen selected a thermal detonator and set it to magnetize mode. Once the Dug opened fire he began to take a little more evasive action while keeping his return fire rate high. As they neared each other Sareen primed it, letting the timer tick down. A toothy grin spread across Sareen's face as they passed each other at top speeds, making sure to drop the detonator on his speeder during the transfer.

Deciding that was enough on the Dug, Sareen focused his attention to the others. HIs helmet provided him with a HUD listing the three individuals entering the land speeder, and their information on the Holonet. He studied each with great curiosity, Sareen wanted to know everything about them, strengths and weaknesses.

After his data transfer, Sareen selected another tool from his utility belt, a
. With a grin he ignited the metal cylinder, revealing it's yellow blade. 'This plan is already beginning to become entertaining.' He thought.

Sareen stretched his arm out until it's angle was 90 degress from his body, making the blade perpendicular to the speeder bike he was riding. All Sareen had to do now was slash across the side of the speeder and the prey would be his.

[member="Spark Finn"] [member="Holden Tark"] [member="Hodari Turbo"]
[member="Isaiah Dashiell"] | [member="Sareen Zar"] | [member="Spark Finn"] | [member="Holden Tark"] |

Seeing his the bomb attached to the hull of his speeder, Hodari panicked for a moment, flailing his arms at the bomb that calmly sat beeping away at him. He tugged at it, but it seemed to be stuck in place. If the bomb went off and took his precious Hodari's Groovy Fast Flying Machine, Hodari would go with it.

Desperately, Hodari devised a trick to get rid of the bomb. As the bomb was attached to the side of the speeder, Hodari rolled the bike to its side, his feet clutching to the throttles of the speeding machine and his hands, which he usually used as feet, gripping on to his seat to keep him from falling off. Rolled to the side in this way, Hodari passed over a fallen tree, knocked off its roots by the passing of the crashing ship. He cut it so low that the bast of the tree clipped the bomb, and the impact of the hit, coupled with the speed of the speeder bike, knocked the bomb free as Hodari soared on. "YAHOOOOOO!" Hodari screamed again with exhilaration as he was propelled onward even more by the rush of the explosion behind him.

For a moment, the bike was unbalanced by the lack of its repulsors keeping it upright, and Hodari struggled to angle it up again. Even when he did, the speeder bike swayed dangerously from side to side, as if tryting to throw its rider, but Hodari clung on with his feet for dear life. When he finally stabilized the speeder bike, the attacker with his swoop bike and his targets with their speeder would be some distance ahead of Hodari, and he would need to speed after them. Even the situation called for speed now, which suited the Dug who used it regardless anyway just fine. He grinned to himself. Time to catch up.

Isaiah Dashiell

Crash landing on some back-water world, stuck in a cramped box with and being chased down by a slaver crammed against a nerdy looking blonde space wizard and a salvager wasn't exactly how he had planned this trip. Yet here he was, a mouthful of blonde hair suffocating him in the wind with a lightsaber wielding slaver hot on their tail. He wasn't sure how great of a pilot this Holden Tark fellow was but he hoped he was as good as he looked. For all their sake.

He would get away somehow.

He always got away, at least when Zeke was around. He always found his way out of the trouble they always seemed to wrangle themselves into but now Izzy was alone and being forced to rely on people he had never met before, and at least one person he had met via being unwanted cargo. The Universe would have its game, but if Zeke had taught him anything in their travels it was to always play your hand like you've got all the cards.

He smirked and reached into his boot, pulling out a holdout blaster from BlasTech and turned around to fire at the Bounty Hunter. Green bolts of energy flew through the air at their would be captor.

"Who is this guy anyways?" he shouted over the wind.

[member="Hodari Turbo"][member="Sareen Zar"] [member="Spark Finn"] [member="Holden Tark"]​
"Some slaver most likely. Why else would be going after our equipment and not us directly?"

Holden saw the lightsaber and realized the intercept course was a bad plan. He veered to the oppostie direction hard and fast. The salver was going to need more than a fancy glow stick to stop them. In fact, Holden was determined to speed into civilization. If the slaver had done his homework, he had realized by now Holden was CorSec, and quite decorated. Chase scenarios like this were one thing every cop was trained to handle. He pulled a blaster out of cramped quarters and made sure everyone was armed. It was hard to move with [member="Spark Finn"] so close to him, though he didn't mind. What? Tark was Corellian after all.

"We're going to stay in a zig zag pattern just like you would if running from someone shooting at you. He's got that damned lightsaber, so one of you shoot at him, the other shoot at the engine on his bike. I'm gonna focus on driving. He can't follow us if his engine is taken out."

Well it was the best shot they had, not unless Holden had some kind of episode again where things spontaneously happened. It was weird, and Holden knew what it likely could be. He just didn't want to admit it for himself.

[member="Isaiah Dashiell"] [member="Hodari Turbo"] [member="Sareen Zar"]
[member="Holden Tark"] | [member="Isaiah Dashiell"] | [member="Spark Finn"] | [member="Sareen Zar"]

Hodari bent himself forward over his steer, squinting his eyes as if that would somehow help him coax yet more speed out of the already hurtling speeder bike. He could see his quarry, a small form off in the distance, chasing another small form at a slightly larger distance. But the distance was steadily shrinking, and the target form was slowly growing. That man, or whatever it was, had tried to destroy Hodari's speeder, his precious Hodari's Groovy Fast Flying Machine. And he would pay for it, Hodari was determined.

With a snarl to himself, Hodari opened a torrent of fire way too soon, giving away the element of surprise in his anger as he unleashed a salvo from the speeder's forward mounted blaster cannon that had no real hope of hitting anything. Still, the Dug was closing in, and intent on murder.

Spark Finn

Encrypt Code: 1989//
[member="Hodari Turbo"] [member="Holden Tark"] [member="Isaiah Dashiell"] [member="Sareen Zar"]

She wasn't in a position to fire, half squished between Holden and the hippy, Isaiah. She poured her invisible force energies into Holden's speeder, making sure everything flowed well. Being a technopath had its advantages: a little tweak here made them go faster and a little tweak there made their engine fire a little cleaner making it a little smoother to handle.

She risked as strained glance back.

"Good news is, we've got the Dug on our side. It's four against one. The statistics are in our favor right now. And. I can see the city out line up ahead!"

Thank the stars. Finally civilization!
With the incoming fire of the dug and the scavenger's plan to shoot at Sareen, had been enough for the trandoshan. Sareen was here to hunt, not have a pursuit, especially into a populated area full of witnesses. He decided it was time to stop this little chase. With the lightsaber no use he decided to use a card he'd selected earlier. The metal cylinder clipped to his utility belt without frustration, and the WESTAR-35 slid right out of the holster.

Now Sareen didn't specialize in mounted firing, but he could still hold his own. Sareen was only a dozen meters away when he lifted the blaster so he could see his enemy down his sight. Sareen focused on the blaster sight, disappointed that he could only hit the passengers, not the pilot of the land speeder. Either way, Sareen was getting two down. Hunting was always a pleasure.

Then, he let loose four blaster bolts. Two for each target, the techie and the box boy.

[member="Spark Finn"] [member="Hodari Turbo"] [member="Holden Tark"] [member="Isaiah Dashiell"]

Isaiah Dashiell

Something ticked the back of his throat. Or maybe it was the nape of his neck, either way his entire body tensed up. Time began to slow blaster bolts that looked wild and random found their true mark on himself and the blonde. Holden was driving, Spark seemed to be concentrating...He only had moments to act, the bolts were moving quickly, two speeding plasma covered tickets to the afterlife.

"Get down!" he shouted suddenly, grabbing Spark by the back of her shirt and shoved her down, while ducking himself, narrowly escaping his own blasterbolt. It singed the hairs on his neck.

[member="Spark Finn"] [member="Sareen Zar"] [member="Holden Tark"] [member="Hodari Turbo"]

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