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Approved Tech Gades Vassic's Lightsaber

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Intent: To act as Gades' personal lightsaber
Development Thread:
Manufacturer: Gades Vassic
Model: Lightsaber
Affiliation: Gades Vassic
Modularity: No
Production: Production: Unique
Classification: Lightsaber
Size: Two handed when put together, one handed when apart.
Length: 46 cm(together) 23cm(apart)(hilt) 145cm (Blade)
Weight: 2 Kilograms
Material: Carbon Fiber. Organic Compounds, Once Adegan Crystal, One Illum Crystal
Special Features: Made from organic compounds. Can be used as a saberstaff, or separately. Force Alignment hiding crystal
Description: Gades Vassic needed a lightsaber. So he started looking through the jedi archives for ideas, he found an idea he liked, a lightsaber made from organic (meaning made mainly from carbon, the chemistry definition, not living, the biology definition) parts, mainly carbon fiber, so a body will not reject it. This allows him to absorb his lightsaber into his body, and makes it practically invisible to scanners. This also makes the hilt lighter. Though it is heavier than a single lightsaber, and Gades currently has no saberstaff training, he is looking into the future. The lightsaber also has a crystal in it, that when he activates it with the force, hides his force alignment, and doesn't do anything else, it does not hide emotions, thoughts, or force sensitivity, only alignment. The saber is not as durable as a normal one, though while it is immune to lightsaber strikes, due to being imbued with the force, blunt force may break it, Eg. a giant crushing machine, or a club. Has a yellow blade

Primary Source: (Please link the source of another writer's submission that you are modifying for your use; only necessary for "Chaos Canon" submissions)


Well-Known Member
<p>RESEARCH REVIEW<br /> <br />Star Wars Canon:<br />Pending initial review<br /> <br />Starwars Chaos: <br />Pending initial review<br /> <br />WITHOUT DEV THREADS<br />Pending initial review<br /><br />WITH DEV THREADS<br />Pending Initial review<br /><br />SUGGESTIONS<br />Pending Inital review</p>


Well-Known Member
[member="Gades Vassic"]

Hello there. I'll be your judge today. :)

First thing I'd ask you to do is to please make the body text of the submission regular, as it's a little hard to read if the whole submission is set to bold.

With that out of the way, there's a couple minor edits I need you to make:
  1. Please reduce the crystal's Force alignment hiding "bubble" to Gades only. (As in, it only hides his Force alignment, no-one else's).
  2. You're missing the Material bracket from the submission template. Please add it and fill it out appropriately.
  3. How long is the blade of the lightsaber? Standard length?

Tag me with questions and/or edits. :)
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