Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Gabriel Audemars

Gabriel Audemars


NAME: Gabriel Audemars (Formerly Kal Vhonte)
FACTION: None as of yet.
RANK: None.
AGE: 24
SEX: Very much Male.
WEIGHT: 230lbs
EYES: Blue, so blue it's almost Cyan, baby.
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Slightly tanned.


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+ Weapons Savvy: Gabriel was born a soldier pure and simple, good knowledge and accuracy with explosives and all sorts of weaponry.
+ Goin' for the beatdown: Good ol' Gabe can handle himself in a fistfight.
+ That all you got?: He has an absolutely massive damage threshold and he is littered with many scars all over his body, he can shrug off a punch or two.
- You drive worse than my fethin' grandmother! : Gabriel isn't the best pilot or driver around, sorry ladies you're the designated driver here.
- What is wrong with you!? : He isn't exactly well-behaved, so good luck getting him to behave.
- I hate Jedis : Not exactly force dead.
- Cry me a river! : Hardly the most forgiving person around.


Gabriel is a lightly tanned male who stands at a pretty comfortable height of 6"2, he's rather muscular as well, obviously working as a mercenary for over 11 years requires some kind of physique. And that physique is what Gabriel possesses: Strong arms and legs along with toned abs is what he has on offer. His rather muscular physique is tattered with scars ranging from slashes from all sorts of bladed weapons along with blaster wounds which even the indescribable amount of bacta tank sessions couldn't clear up.

He has a rather nice swept up hairstyle with light facial hair to accompany, he's got almost impeccable white teeth along with bright almost shining blue eyes.

Gabriel was born on Mandalore to two proud Mandalorian parents Atin and Briila Vhonte, who had been mercenaries living on the edge throughout all of their young lives, and Gabriel was literally the work of two Bonnie and Clyde style Mandos who decided it was time to quit the shenanigans and settle down to a family life and finally step back from the whole "pillaging and exploiting for money" game. And with that, Gabriel was brought into the world under the name Kal Vhonte, his birth name for that matter.

Just like his father, the young Kal was always very interested in firearms, explosions and killing and the like, what could they say? He was a happy energetic and "interested" kid, who were they to shoot down his childish thoughts? Not as if they were any better as kids.

He was dreaming to be the big mercenary that his mother and father could be classified as, and as so often with ambitious boys, his father was his idol, c'mon smuggling, blowing sith up and firing blasters was absolute heaven to him, and his father gave him his first shooting lesson at the age of 3 and since then he just couldn't get enough of it.

As he aged, the innocent, adventurous young Kal descended more and more into rebellion, not wanting to really conform to any sort of law or live his life as some accountant or a boring civilian, he wanted to go out and be something. And with that came his almost anarchic attitude, and unfortunately at the age of 13, he started to drink and he started to smoke, spending his time in bars with shady people and womanizing. Then again you could hardly expect two bounty hunters to form an absolute angel of a child could you?

His parents, obviously not the best in the world, had no clue how to control him, the easiest option? To kick him straight out of the house and leave him to his own activities until he finally learned the error of his ways. Which proved to not be the best option at all, as Kal then decided to dabble in some more...illicit activities. Selling illegal substances, loan sharking and then the icing on the cake as soon as he could afford his first blaster...Bounty hunting, he had accomplished over 30 bounties in the space of a year alone as a mere adolescent, and that got the planet talking. Which lead to a massive intergalactic mercenary corporation named Armtech to recruit him with the promise of endless fortunes. As a curious and clueless young teen, he accepted.

He spent a long time at Armtech, performing numerous tasks not only as a bounty hunter but also as a paid mercenary force, he had been sent to numerous planets, such as Felucia to oust the population of insane Dark-Side natives so a rich mogul could build a massive resort, he had captured Rancors, destroyed Republic crafts and engaged in several beat ups with the Black Sun and other crime syndicates.

And eventually, they clashed with another high-rolling mercenary corporation. Executive Orders, who tried to rock up on one of Armtech's bases with a surprise attack. Very outnumbered the Armtech forces suffered massive casualties, but under the courage of Gabriel, who had changed his name to enter the corporation they managed to claim an almost miraculous victory.

Tensions rised between the two factions, but Gabriel was still performing his tasks and doing incredible work with every mission he had been sent on, higher-ups singing his praises, he soon became a Sargeant at the tender age of 18.

He was then sent to numerous mining planets to destroy the corporations running them and claim them to whoever had hired them, extinguishing any natives or hostile corporations in the way and taking total control, and Gabriel proved to be a real leader and also a soldier nobody wanted to mess around with.

The mercenary life suited him very well. What was better than blasting people and then going back to base for some serious boozing and a couple of paid women? Soon, he was running an entire squad of his own as his success in missions was so frequent and with the sheer destructive force he possessed when he was on a battlefield.

At 22, the leader of Armtech called him in and assigned Gabriel the rank of Paladin, of which there were only 3 in the entire force and outranked everyone else apart from the leader himself, and they were those who were to be elected to run the entire syndicate should the leader perish for whatever reason.

And indeed, that was what happened, a year later. The leader was killed in a Exective Orders bombing on their Felucian outpost, which meant? That's right kids, election time.

One of the leaders however, didn't want to face competition, so a hit was ordered on Gabriel, which subsequently failed, as he had managed to wipe out the entire squad who assaulted him, oops. Gabriel was quick to make this news public, which caused mass hysteria from a good third of Armtech, but the advisor failed to see any truth behind Gabriel's claim, and the votes continued.

Eventually, Umut Bellarin, Gabriel's rival for the elections had rigged them, and during his rise to power, blamed Gabriel for treason, but one third of the Armtech corporation was behind him, and with that Gabriel fleed, taking that one third and forming a group called "The Underground." goal? Exterminate and take control of Armtech, but, due to Armtech's sheer numbers, the group found themselves annhilated after 2 years of fighting, his officers dead, Gabriel fled, hoping to remain out of sight from the many factions he had enraged.

Tachyon-class Light Freighter




Briika Munin

Shieldmaiden of Clan Munin (retired)
I might be able to help patch up your face @[member="Gabriel Audemars"], if you'd like unless you're going for that roughed up look to get sympathy from the ladies. lol

Evi Sohl

It's not a bad just won't work on a Mandalorian woman :D

And welcome, Gabriel - looking forward to seeing you around.

Evi Sohl

Oh honey...*pets*...we've all got bullet holes and knife wounds and scars...we're Mandalorian :)

It's the stories behind the wounds that will make you interesting.

Evi Sohl

Fortunately for you, I do like stories. Might buy you a glass or two down at the Oyu'baat to hear a few.

Unfortunately for you, I'm spoken you'll have to content yourself with drinks :p

Evi Sohl

*grins* Liar.

*eyes carefully* How do you feel about clones? I've got a friend who's coming over to the faction after leaving the CIS. She's more prickly than I am though...

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