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G03-M0N, diplomat and thief

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Seeker of Enlightenment

Image Source: rights to Disney/Marvel Studios.
Intent: A new "Disciple" and general attache and colleague for 50H31's various adventures.
Development Thread: Upon request
Manufacturer: 50H31
Model: Custom
Affiliation: 50H31's Acolytes.
Modularity: Not really, but you can upgrade the software easily enough after plugging him into a terminal.
Production: Unique
Material: Inflated layered membranes of Glistaweb (won at auction) and armorweave with a skeleton of plasteel not entirely unlike the IG-88 series internally.
Classification: Third/fourth degree, as the unit is programmed initially for both protocol and hand-to-hand combat functions.
Weight: Surprisingly light for its size at around 95 kilograms
Height: 2.2 Meters
Movement: Bipedal, but light enough to "Float" when it jumps, creating an agile, hopping movement.
Armaments: No built-in long-range armaments, but a basic echani and teras kasi hand to hand program was included in the design, as well as shock-glove integration installed into both hands.
Misc. Equipment: Standard photoreceptors, a fairly advanced vocabulator with over 400 languages, and an advanced gyroscopic equilibrium system that allows for a large amount of acrobatic twirling movements. There is also a chemical sniffer (mainly used to detected explosive and flammable chemicals) and a Heuristic brain, allowing the unit to learn and adapt. A Neurosaav coating exists for the skeleton, but not the fabric.


After winning an auction an acquiring a large amount of Glistaweb, Five-oh began working the organic fabric into some of his more experimental designs. By layering it in conjunction with armorweave and then inflation the body via a pressurized air suit, Five-oh was able to create a surprisingly durable, if somewhat thoroughly unintimidating, droid design. The armorweave was insulated with ionic buffers in order to prevent the charge-neutralizing field from affecting the underlying components. However, due to the effects of said field, a more advanced sensor package could not be included, leaving the unit to rely on basic photoreceptors and audio.

Despite it's sheer size, G03M0N is reactive and fairly durable, being highly resistant to energy weapons. However, partially due to his heuristic brain and somewhat eccentric creator, he has developed unusual behaviors, most notably a fascination with theft, particularly joy-riding--and frequently crashing--in various vehicles. It should also be noted that while he is highly resistant to energy weapons and blunt trauma, sharp pointed weapons (thorned whips, garrottes, real swords) will deflate the fabric portion of his body if punctured, leaving only the basic skeleton, which is not armored against much of anything. While he has several layers (preventing small burrs or bits of broken glass from ruining his superstructure), a large blow with a sword could rupture them all at once.

G03-M0N's movement is rather off-kilter. While it isn't exactly 'graceful,' the unit has an exceptional reaction time and is prone to fluid, rolling motions that utilize it's near spherical build. This makes for a nimble, if rather goofy-looking, close-range combatant. The shock glove system and Teras Kasi programming was designed to incorporate the mix of reaction time and rather soft body build into a reciprocal function, allowing him to redirect an opponents assaults with a focus on defensive postures. The internal gyroscopic equilibrium systems allows him to be at ease in multiple postures, including upside down and tumbling around. Combinign this with the round, somewhat bouncy body structure allows him to move in unorthodox, fluid patterns that are somewaht outside a normal combat droids system.

Another weakness is that while he inherited Five-oh's curiosity and love of new experiences, he did not inherit his father's patience. The robot thief has a bit of trouble with his attention span, and shouldn't be left on his own for too long even after being given orders. However, he loves meeting new people and conversing, and will always be happy to listen to strangers talk to him.

Primary Source:[SIZE=12.2222px] [/SIZE][SIZE=12.2222px]Link to auction where I won the Glistaweb, which I am using about fifteen kg of for the creation of this droid.[/SIZE]


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I like this. It has a lot of character, and the glistaweb layers thing is a neat idea.

However, a few things don't fit for me. Looking at this, he seems to be a rather bulky design. You mention the droid is surprisingly agile despite his size, but the picture doesn't go well with that. Given the distribution of weight and the thickness of his limbs, this droid would find ti very hard to be agile.

Pickpocketing also doesn't tie in too well with this. How does a hand the size of a man's head complete with sausage fingers steal stuff from people's pockets?

Furthermore, Glistaweb is a Yuuzhan Vong thing, and to play around with it, you usually need a Shaper of some sort, otherwise it will likely misbehave. Combining it with technology (i.e. the skeleton and the droid brain) makes this even more complicated.

So what I'm asking you to do is give me a more fleshed out description of how this thing works given all the above points. If you've got any questions, shoot, and tag me when you're done. :)


Seeker of Enlightenment

Okay, so in order:

  1. Corrected agility into what I would better describe as fluidity. Basically, his movements are somewhat circular, although I feel like I'm still reaching for the right description. It's not that he's superhumanly fast, it's that the overall droid design allows it to move in a less linear way, allowing for a movement that is less rigid than most droids I've seen, letting him roll with the punches, actually use his bounciness to an advantage, and other things like that. Think of an inflatable sumo suit. The movement isn't fast, but after some practice, it's still capable of things others aren't due to a largely unorthodox air-profile.
  2. Edited pickpocketing to vehicular theft. I get to keep a quirk, but I think it fits the flavor in a way that's more reconcilable with the overall design. You are right, sausage fingers does not a wallet-snatch make.
  3. I'm open to more suggestions on the Glistaweb, but I really can't think of what would specifically conflict with the droid's design in a meaningful way. I added the limitations on the sensor package (pretty much dooming later upgrades without a chassis redesign), but frankly, this stuff is one of the less-interesting Vong things out there. As far as I can tell, it wasn't worn or wielded alive like many other vong things, some I'm a bit less certain of the need for a shaper's involvement. I think multiple layers of other fabric would create a decent amount of insulation from the anti-charge effect, but I'd need more source material than is available to back that up.

I also cleaned up some typos.

Thanks for the feedback, tag me when you've got more thoughts!


Well-Known Member

Awesome work on the edits, thanks. Upon rereading, another question came to mind:

50H31 said:
shock-glove integration installed into both hands
  • How does that work, considering he's wrapped in layers of Glistaweb?

As for 3), you make a fair point. Most Vong tech is alive, so I'm not willing to go out on a limb and say that Glistaweb isn't, but for the purposes of this submission, it shouldn't be that big of a deal. My remark regarding the conflict of Vong biotech and 'normal' tech would be only in how the innermost layer of Glistaweb is attached to the basic chassis. Give me some sort of explanation for that (doesn't need to be super elaborate, just so that it makes sense), and this should be nearing approval.

Tag me when it's done. :)
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