Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Further Down The Rabbit Hole

The Talus Academy
Talus, The Corellian Sector
[member='Kid Starburn']​
A long time ago, in a Galaxy far far away, two Jedi fell in love against the better judgement of their Masters. They had been working together to form a Jedi Academy on the Corell world of Talus, and during this time a bond formed between them. The product of this blossoming romance were two children, twins, who were separated and sent to opposite sides of the Galaxy when their Father fell to the temptations of the Darkside. In her grief, the Mother wiped all recollection of her family from her mind, and continued on her way. The Academy which had been their life's work fell into ruin, untouched for decades...

... Until now.

"I can't believe it's real."

Jyn had dismissed her friend's words, when first the Academy had been mentioned. [member='Asha Hex'] had been researching her namesake, Jyn's mother, for the past year or so, delving into the past through the Force in order to experience her life, and gain a better understanding of who the woman had been, and why she had given up her child.

While she had never found cause to doubt Asha before, the idea that there was so large a piece of evidence for her heritage out there in the Galaxy, that she had never before unearthed, was so ludicrous to her that perhaps she wanted to believe it wasn't so.

The structure before her did not afford such delusions. It was large, towering even, yet hidden by the trees which surrounded its clearing. All around signs of abandonment could be witnessed, saplings which had sprouted through cracks in the paved lawn reached toward the sky, ivy trailed along the outer surface of the building, and moss coated the stonework. Two decades had done a number on it.

Yet despite this, the Academy looked as though it could have been in working order. It was not ruined, the doors and windows remained in tact, there was even what looked to be a starship in one of the outdoor hangars, though it had long since been covered in a tarp of some sort. It was mind boggling, truly it was, and yet each step she took from her ship toward it brought even more excitement within her.

This had been the vision of her parents, parents she had never met. Their blood, sweat, and tears went into its construction, who knew what remnants of them she could find within, datapads they had filled up, texts they had written...

Part of her wished she had brought Asha along with her, worried that this was too much for one person to handle without becoming overwhelmed, but then the chittering on her shoulder drew her attention to Kipo, her baby fat monkey, and she realized that she had the strength of mind to do this, alone. As she always had when it was just she and Fuz.

Petting the funny thing behind the ear, she strode forward again, nearing the monolithic structure in awe.
Feeling somewhat comfortable in his cockpit , He grew rather bored forgetting how vast space was. The forever expanding Black void seemed to stretch infinitely . He was flying towards the closest planet in the sector in search of a spaceport .

Maybe he could find work as a bounty hunter or smugger he thought ,"The Galaxy doesn't need anymore bounty hunters especially another mandalorian " ,he whispered to himself suddenly he felt heat from his pocket .

He took out the Holocron, The prism gold artifact was warm to the touch , The anger of the forgotten Lord of darkness could be felt all throughout the corners of his mind he was unable to concentrate . The relic finally spoke "I sense Light , .The lesser side of an unlimitless power ," mind raced with the word power how would he obtain a better understanding of his own. All of a sudden a sharp pain rose in his mind he had felt something take over his actions and eat away at them .

This grew too much for him until He lowered into the planets atmosphere , flying until he saw a field of grass to land in . He quickly hopped out of the cock pit and sat on the ground for a moment . He took out the Holocron and focused one more time trying to contact "The ghost " through the force but the sound of the wind through the grass was all that could be heard . .

He was getting aggravated , to the point where he wanted to just throw away the relic but something else had caught his attention ,a distant echo .He felt it as though it was leading somewhere . Rhaeon activated his rocketboots and started jetting through the forest until his ship was but a blur. A large Monolith caught his eyes the structure had seemed to be abandoned .
It did not take long for the young Sol to be walking within the shadow of the structure.

A slight chill overcame her, though the weather was surprisingly pleasant - at least compared to the peaks of Aurum which she had just ventured forth from - perhaps it was an echo of the past which crawled along her spine and left goosebumps in their wake, or maybe the humid jungles she had made her home had spoiled her from coping in lower temperatures.

Whatever the cause, she found herself wrapping her arms around her body and striding closer still to the Academy. Her gaze shifted toward the covered spaceship when she passed it by, curious as to what model lay beneath. Jyn still did not own her own ship, the one she was currently traveling in belonged to the Order as a whole, she had simply rented it out for this journey. Would it be wrong of her to call upon her sister, and have her fix the ship up?

A thought for later. First she had to deal with what lay inside. The memories trapped within.

"I wonder how many structures such as this lay out there in the Galaxy" she mused, to Kipo, as the doors to the Academy neared at an alarming rate, "Once a place of magnificence, and learning... Only to be left to decay, forgotten by all."

It was somewhat saddening to think about, but beautiful in another regard. Nature reclaimed that which was not needed, that much was obvious just by looking at this place. It had been the same back on Aurum, in Azar City, when they had first come to it. Ruins covered in life which crept in from the surrounding jungles.

When finally she reached it, Jyn took one hand and placed it against the durasteel door. It did not budge, not at first, but after a few moments she closed her eyes and focused on her inner Bendu, the light and the dark, that which made up the Galaxy and brought order and balance in its wake.

With a creek the door swung inward, on hinges which had not felt motion in decades, and almost instantly Jyn followed it inside...

[member="Kid Starburn"]
Two feelings came over Rhaeon while observing the ruins he felt a brush of calmness and then sadness. The Force Trace was accustomed to began to work in tandem with another how odd it felt to him. It resonated from a single position then began to move in a single direction .

while walking through the stone covered landscape of the monolith , the foliage could be seen growing from the cracks and seems of the ruin. When Rhaeon looked around he came to a realization this place was of some religious background the carvings in the stone, the structure itself seemed to scream ancient .

Rhaeon came to a cracked stone block wedged into the ground and sat on it , He started to hesitate when reaching for the holocron from his pocket but went through with it when he was anxious to know of this place . He felt the Holocron twist open then a voice erupted with a malicious tone "This place is weakness incarnate no true affiliation with either side of the force, You a warrior clouded by darkness you must commit to power over peace "

Rhaeon thought of the words the ghost spoke power and peace but knew that one needed power to fight for peace .

When Rhaeon started to delve deep into the words of The Spirit he stopped and quickly put the holocron back in his pocket. The silence came quick , A moment to himself he thought . He tried to search for the power of the other side of the force the one that made him feel, at rest and calm. When he did, he saw a figure in the shape of women in robes and it looked as if she entered somewhere through a door.The surroundings of the women started to come clear it was almost as if she were in the same area as he was.

Rhaeon got up and walked around looking at the pillars and structures that made up the area , The Grasses have not completely killed of the beauty of this place , He thought. Then his eyes quickly focused on the main building only to see an open entrance . He walked towards the passage way and saw a door

"Durasteel " His eyes lit up when he saw the recognizable metal. Then he figured he was standing in the exact spot where he saw the lady he slowly walked forward into the unknown trying to find her and maybe some information about where he was.
Her footsteps had taken her into the heart of the chamber beyond.

Despite its towering exterior, the inside seemed rather more humble in origin. Though marble tiled the ground, and plants which had clearly first originated in pots and had since broken free from such restraints, forcing their way through cracks in the floor to continue growing, lay all around, there was nothing inherently flashy or unnecessary housed within.

"This was intended for Jedi" she reminded herself, taking several steps around, and eyeing the structure as best she could. It was dark inside, the generators had long since given up and any backup lights had also waned.

Extending one hand from her person, Jyn focused on the mystical energy which ran through her, and all around the atmosphere, and conjured up a very small orb of light which she in turn sent upward toward the ceiling. It proved enough to illuminate most of the chamber, revealing a set of turbolifts to one side, bookcases which held datapads and flimsiplast tomes, and various benches scattered throughout.

An entryway... Somewhere for them to meet with individuals new to the Academy?

Naturally the books were what called her. She walked over to the shelves which housed them, and began to thumb along the spines. Had her parents written any of them? Read them? She pulled one at random, and glanced over the cover of it with a tiny smile upon her lips.

The Jedi Path, ABY Reprint.

This specific tome had been mentioned in the holocron of her Mother's she had found back on Teth. She had never thought that she would see it in person. Holding it close to her chest, the Je'daii Ranger continued on her way... Until something odd pricked at her senses.

A corrupting influence, a mind filled with uncertainty and a desire to prove itself, was nearing. It was almost overwhelming to the Empath, who immediately began to focus on her coping mechanisms to keep herself from becoming subjected to the curse in her veins.

Breathing in through her nose, she banished the emotions and the presence of the other being, and turned instead to look upon the doorway, waiting to see who might emerge...

[member="Kid Starburn"]
He became anxious, his legs grew heavier knowing that he was coming upon the main room , His fingers laid on top of the hilt of his sword . while fixing his cloak , He was rehearsing his fighting style in his mind if things were to go sideways.

"Starburn what are you about to do" , he whispered in a raspy voice, then when he had finally come upon the door way his eyes lit up . The room was illuminated by a ball of light beaming from the ceiling, Trace looked side to side only to be greeted by upright and slanted shelves sprawling with text . When looking at the floor you could see the Greenery eating away at the carved tiles, The outside matched the inside it was truly a ruin he thought.

Then the figure stood out in the middle of the room a women with blue eyes and a graceful composure with a book in her possession , without a second thought Trace knew this women had the same abilities he had but somehow it sensed different .

"Uh... hello my names Rhaeon if you can tell me where I am or who you are that'll be a start but more important where I am " laughing quirkly but ever warily his fingers still on his sword and his grandfathers words echoing "Never underestimate any adversary"

The Holocron flared in his pocket Rhaeon looking to see if it would, speak but instead it lay silent and ever warm, While awkwardly staring at his pocket his eyes still fixed on the women in the room.
By this point, Kipo was picking up on her moderate anxieties which had begun to arise through their bond. The unknown was always something which taunted her, it had done since her life in the Empire, and it was only worsened by the Atrisian Inquisition, and no matter how hard she fought, no matter how far she delved into the sway of the Force, and how much trust she developed, specks of the paranoia she had displayed in her youth remained even now.

When her skin began to prickle, however, she knew that she had to do something about it. She loathed the notion of meeting some stranger, already on uneven ground given that she did not have a clue who it might be, while her curse was in full swing. Most did not take too kindly to seeing her body up in flames. Her mind wandered back to [member='Arekk'] then, he had been so calm and patient with her, he had even noticed quickly that his own emotions were fueling it and taken steps to stop it.

But others?

They saw it as something to experiment on, or to emulate, or to ostracize her for.

Inhaling through her nose, Jyn focused on banishing her thoughts and becoming one with the Force in her mind, peace and serenity rendering the chaos obsolete. A Je'daii she may have been, a practitioner of Balance in the highest form, but that did not mean that utilizing the light or the dark alone was forbidden in moments such as this. It was about knowing when best to use each aspect of the Force, and not delving so deep into one that you forget or forsake the other.

Jyn was physically incapable of doing otherwise. Another laugh that the curse had, no doubt.

And then he appeared.

The stranger held himself a little awkwardly, it was clear that he did not know who she was, or where he was, any more than she knew who he was or why he was here. Kipo clung to her shoulder, tiny little oo's escaping him. He didn't take long to introduce himself, to begin asking questions, yet throughout she made note of the fact that his hand remained upon the hilt of his weapon, and a sickening feeling drifted through the air, similar to that which she had experienced when [member='Ignis Imura'] had brought a Darkside Holocron to be stored in the Restricted Section.

Her gaze pinpointed the source almost immediately, a glower in the Force that diverged upon his pocket. Was he a Sith, then? A Darksider here to ravage the serenity of what had once been a Jedi Academy?

Do not judge before you know, she reminded herself, knowing full well that her doubts and paranoia was being increased by the presence of so dark an artifact, and that they did not represent her usual self.

"Hail," she began, lowering her head into a slight bow. It was not as deep as she usually bowed, and her eyes remained trained upon him throughout. "You are within the Jedi Academy on Talus, in the Corellian System," she informed him, once she had reached her full height, "And I happen to be Jyn Sol."

His focus had shifted somewhat to what she believed to be the holocron in his pocket, and she was curious as to the reason why. She had heard of spirits becoming latched to their holocrons, or even the Gatekeeper itself whispering to those it wished would draw knowledge from it, but Jyn heard nothing herself. Still, that did not mean this stranger, Trace, did not.

[member="Kid Starburn"]
He loosened his fingers from his hilt and eased his grip then he was greeted in a very formal curtsy by this lady Jyn who had answered his questions , He found himself on the planet talus in a Jedi academy.
Rhaeon had remembered listening to the tales by his kin of the victories and losses of his people by warriors with amazing abilities wielding laser swords. Clan Starburn had always revered Jedi for being one of the only group of people in the galaxy to war with Mandalorians and actually succeed in overcoming them in battle.

This lady was not at all what rhaeon would suspect to be one of these warriors but , who was he to judge the galaxy only saw him as a marauder or hired gun but nevertheless the force resonated as frequent in her as it did in him. He did not know to if he was to be impressed by this feat or hostile due to the past history their two people shared.

"So what are you doing here" he said in a curious tone "I mean I landed here because of this..... vision I got but have no idea why it led me here I saw you in it and this place was shown " He almost told her of the Holocron but didn't maybe due to the lack of importance it had on the context of the conversation or honestly to delve deeper into its knowledge.

The artifact had acknowledged his deceit and fed from it , he sensed satisfaction resonating from the Holocron so much so that the entirety of his body had glowed in a slight crimson hue. He quickly covered the exposed areas with his cloak .He then was surprised when he had heard the voice of The ghost saying "revenge in a malicious tone.

He tried to identify where the voice had come from but it was located in a place only Rhaeon would hear, his own mind."Your people quarreled with the Jedi , Many of your warriors were slain in combat whats to say this one would't strike you down without a singe glance " Rhaeon put the information in front of him and analyzed it "Your a jedi aren't you " he said in a tone ever so bold , he then reapplied his hand on his hilt and swayed himself in a defensive posture . He grew wary , he knew to attack only when certain of a threat , but his own power gave him away all he felt was the tips of his fingers flaring and a form of lighting being generated from them .
Jyn was no Jedi, though her origins had begun within this very Academy.

Were he to look, truly look, within her and the presence she carried through the Force, he would realize as much. Both Ashla and Bogan swirled within her, yet neither fought for dominance, neither reigned supreme, instead she remained transfixed within a state of complimentary limbo. At one with the Force in all its facets, with the Bendu.

Drawing both hands behind her back, and perfecting her posture as she stood there under the floating orb of light, Jyn studied the individual intently from a safe distance while little Kipo scurried back down her arm and into the satchel at her side. She could not help but be reminded of Fuz.

"I am researching the past," she stated, by way of explanation, gaze shifting momentarily from him to the chamber they were stood within. Yet in the end she looked back his way, remaining rightfully cautious. "There is so much that can be learned from places most would overlook."

He spoke of visions, and Jyn though of the young Hex girl who had often found herself in strange circumstances because the Force led her this way or that. "The Force works in mysterious ways," she told him, when he spoke of his unknowing state.

Speaking of the Force, yet again there was a tremor to be felt, and a whole swathe of emotions spilled from the stranger. His skin began to glow, and though he did his best to hide it the damage was already done.

"I am no Jedi," she informed him, making note of the way his hand had drifted back to his lightsaber, "I belong to the Ancient Order of the Je'daii of Tython, practitioners of the Bendu. Mind you don't act too rashly, friend," she warned, drawing herself one step closer to him. The orb overhead followed her motions, "We have no reason to quarrel, you and I. Though I don't doubt the thing in your pocket would tell you otherwise. Dangerous things, Holocrons, especially in the hands of the untrained..."

[member="Kid Starburn"]
They both were cautious of each other not knowing if the other would strike at the other ,to quickly dismiss this notion trace unhooked his belt throwing down his sword and sheath tossing it over near a tuft of grass ."I disarmed,...would only be fair if you did the same i suppose,.I wasn't expecting to get cut in two today ". He smirked but was slightly concerned unknowing how good a swordsman she was.

Her word had pierced into his thoughts,"Untrained" ,it had barely crossed his mind , yes since birth these powers came to him freely, but did he truly understand how to fully hone them correctly.To an onlooker without the skill he is a marvel but to one with the force did he appear as a novice.

Rhaeon had never been one to feel as though he needed to prove anyone , he knew who he was and comfortable with it. But truly deep down he was uncertain in what he wanted in his life ,he did not want to conform to the Mandalorians nor stray to far from it . he needed a middle ground

He then *Reached in his pocket and takes out the Holocron*

"You said you weren't a jedi but practiced something called bendu"...whats the difference you both wear some robes and carry a laser sword .Ypu said this holocron is dangerous how" he asked in a curious tone
"I learned quite a bit from it "I need to know how to properly use it and advance in my power"

The holocron had made a note of this desire for power so much so it had filled his hand with a flaming red light . and ominous words said from the holocron itself this time , which came as a shock to him "Leave this place before you follow a false sense of power "
The tension could have been deftly cut with a knife in the silence which followed.

Apparently he knew it. Moments later he undid his weaponsbelt and tossed it to the side, sheath and all, though Jyn was not quite so stupid as to think that a lack of physical weapons made for an empty hand where Force Users were concerned. She tipped her head ever so slightly to the left and regarded him solemnly for a second or two before nodding. Reaching to the back of her belt she unhooked the lightsaber which lay there and settled it onto one of the benches. Far enough away that she'd have to use the Force to retrieve it again.

She also removed a simple blaster pistol, which was placed upon a separate bench, then held up her hands to show she held nothing else. Moments later she slipped one of those hands into her satchel to give Kipo a tender pat, no doubt he was beginning to feel worked up.

"I'm not one to attack without cause," she informed him, once both hands were settled back to her side; her gaze shifted to the pyramidal holocron and it took all of her will to keep the curse at bay, her skin turned ever so slightly ashen but it was barely noticeable in the dim light of the orb overhead.

"Bendu means Balance," she responded, "We do not blindly follow Ashla or Bogan, and instead study all aspects of the Force in moderation. As was intended." His view of the holocron was dangerous to say the least, and she shook her head.

"Gatekeepers will reveal only what they want you to know, about themselves, about the contents of their holocron; a particularly malignant Gatekeeper could easily get into your head, feed you falsities if they wished. A holocron is no substitute for true training and a proper education, and it is difficult to tell when they are deceiving you. Come... Why don't you put the holocron down for a moment? It is at odds with the landscape you have chosen to traverse. The Force led you here for a reason, presented you with the relevant information in a vision. Do not pass up this opportunity over the musics of an archaic mind locked inside a matrix."

[member="Kid Starburn"]
A slight surprised expression appeared on his face when she started unequipping her weapons ,her motion showed no ulterior motive just an honest action.

She had placed her weapons on benches far from her own reach. When Trace had saw this he met her gaze and nodded showing his appreciation , since they met she never showed signs of any hostility towards him. The same couldn't be said of him ,so startled by a stranger , who's demeanor has been tranquil from the beginning . She could have easily pulled them towards herself while his guard was lowered which was just a quick thought of anxiety clouding his actions.

"Thank you I know its a bit much , You seem like a nice person and all but can't be to careful, especially since being able to do what we can do " he slightly snickered

While taking his eyes of her for a moment he glanced over near the benches , The one bench farthest from her had left him with a sense of awe, a straight hilt with no present blade only a button that looked as if used to activate it.

" So that's the famous weapon used by you Jedi " He said trying to sound normal but a hint of content in his voice slipped out "or in your case je'daii , " He had never seen one in person ,thought's such as the design and color of the weapon left him entranced wondering how it got into her possession. knowing of its most legendary feat of cutting through almost anything.

The Nostalgia of the stories being told of the weapons made him think of his home but he also was reviewing what she had said so far of Balance, Ashla and Bogen , he never thought of the alternatives to the force or anything to do with these factions, only glimpses .He knew so little only having a minimal view .

This had made him susceptible to this artifact telling him how to feel but its teaching have made him progress faster than he had hoped in his power. He truly wanted to fully be a part of something but had not known what . He finally kneeled down setting the holocron on the ground , when he began to rise The Ghost voiced creped into his thoughts..

"Balance ..... a possibility but if that could be possible trying to suppress emotion and still achieve power its is a fleeting endeavor must fully succumb yourself in its power to truly understand its worth "
The lightsaber which was presently the envy of young Starburn was simple in design, overly so.

Its hilt was wrapped within simple leather which had been harvested and tanned by Jyn's own hands, on Aurum. The metal casing was smelted using ores found within the mineral deposits of the planets mountains, and even the crystals in its matrix were unearthed upon the jungle world. Painstakingly crafted, each piece that could feasibly be made by her own hands of course, and sealed shut without any emitter button to be seen.

Remotely activated, even if the young Force User wanted to utilize it he would not be able to. It responded to a spike in her Force presence, when her hand was grasping at the leather bindings. The only adornment, aside from the oddly shaped emitter, proved to be a small inset crystal which mimicked the bluish violet of the blade itself.

Feeling no need to follow his gaze toward it she waited patiently as he finished undressing it with his eyes and then watched as he lowered the holocron to the ground and released it from his grasp. Further swirling in the Force, of the malignant kind, had her wrinkling her nose, before she gave him a small nod of thanks.

"Actually, we Je'daii are known for our Force Imbued weapons, not Lightsabers, but weightless hilts are easier to carry."

She offered him a light shrug, before taking yet another step toward him. With a wave of her hand she grasped the Holocron through the Force and carefully moved it away from him - not toward herself, she had no desire to make use of such a corrupting influence - to one of the unused benches.

"There, isn't that better?" she quipped once she released her telekinetic grasp of it, lifting her chin ever so slightly as she peered at him. "Your emotions give you away, friend, I can sense a spike in your blood pressure. You have no need to be afraid, or anxious, I will do you no harm. Come, why don't we walk for a while? There is surely much more to see than just this atrium, and we needn't worry about misplacing our belongings. This Academy has not seen use in decades."

Tipping her head in the direction of a small alcove, which led to another part of the Academy, she indicated the way she intended to walk and waited to see if he would accompany her.

"What has this holocron of yours told you of the Force so far?"

[member="Kid Starburn"]
Her weapon was called a lightsaber, the term had almost been forgotten to him. due to how long ago the stories had been told to him.From veterans to adolescent children around bonfires, the tales had been passed down. "The wars had been long , corpses in armor flooded the fields the slash marks burned through the color coating of their armor, we could out gun them from a distance but they wielded their laser swords which redirected our attacks and had command over a power we did not understand" Rhaeon remembered these tales from his grandfather they made him curious but ever so odd around his own kind having the same abilities of those who had warred with his people.

Once she had a guided the holocron away from him , He thought that the voice would dismiss , if moved far enough but without his knowing its hold on him had grown roots.
" I'm not afraid , I just want to know what role i have in all this , you say the force works in mysterious ways but I haven't the slightest clue what it wants from me, "

The idea had dawned on him, to further roam the enclave he would want to learn more of this place , more of the force , viewing the heaps of decaying knowledge surrounding him .If he would want to learn more of his abilities he would do it on his own terms. He looked her in the eyes beginning to tell her of things he learned from the holocron.

"It spoke to me of emotions and how they are the most dominant aspect of the force ,"One must never hide from power only seek and learn from it " Lessons like this were the only guidance i received about my abilities with the force and it's worked so far" An uncertainty resonated in his voice as if he was unsure of his own statement

When he had finished answering her question he nodded his head slightly indicating that he agreed to follow her lead. The silence had been broken by a recognizable voice from the inner reaches of his conscious
"You subdue your emotions exceptionally well a bold effort , you do show potential , if perfected it could make you ever more powerful
"Nobody knows what the Force wants with them," she said, with a very light shrug of her shoulders, "It guides our actions, leads us to strange places such as this, but figuring out its plans for us... That's open to interpretation. I'm not going to stand here and tell you what to do with your life. Can give you some suggestions, though. For one I'd ditch the holocron, or at least find yourself a teacher who can compliment the lessons the device has. Keep it in check, ensure it's not leading you down a bad path."

Beginning to walk away, satisfied that he was going to follow, she pondered for a moment on what he had told her and hummed under her breath. Through the alcove, and into a room filled with vegetation. Plants, vines, trees, it looked as though they were back outside only she could see the glass ceiling and the walls on the far end of the room. A greenhouse, perhaps? Either way nature had certainly reclaimed it as its own.

"Emotions are useful, to be sure, but succumbing to them without knowing how or why you are is foolish. Everything has its purpose, even more volatile emotions such as anger and hatred have their uses, but it shouldn't ever be all you feel or all you draw upon to reach the Force. It's possible to learn how to use the Force without forcing yourself along a path of light or dark, without entirely limiting your options. It isn't so black and white."

She directed him toward a tree which looked as though it was about ready to break through the overhead glass, before turning to face him.

"Ah, so it's power you seek? But to what end? If you seek power for powers sake, then you will find that your journey is never ending. There is always more to obtain, more to learn, none of which will actually make you happy, none of which you will stop to appreciate. Such is a lonely path to travel, my friend... Tell me, why do you listen to the holocron? What can it give you that someone else, someone tangible, cannot?"

[member="Kid Starburn"]
Listening intently on the words that Jyn said. she spoke to him of the uncertainty of the force how it guides the user halfway and leaves it up to them to form an explanation. It left him visibly dissatisfied , He had begun to delve deep into his thinking, to search for a meaning on how to be apart of something bigger than himself.

He was then being led to a room adjacent from the chamber he had originally entered following her lead . When entering the room had matched the previous visuals the flora had eaten away at the original design of the interior same as it did the last , trying to pinpoint what this room was named would be a wasteful effort

She had scolded him of his perception of the galaxy, in a teaching manner as though she had wanted to change his view, saying things as the likes of " It's possible to learn how to use the Force without forcing yourself along a path of light or dark, without entirely limiting your options" These words stuck with him giving him a bigger picture but something from his life eventually lead him back to where he started holding him back from his potential..

He walked towards the tree and leaned his back on it ,letting out an exasperated sigh while sliding down below its trunk*

"I've never been able to look for a teacher, being the heir of a clan doesn't teach me much about this mystical all powerful force"He said in a sarcastic tone while eyeing the room ,

I was born to be nothing more than a warrior and leader bring glory to all Mandalorians everywhere.I had to be strong , to overcome my share of obstacles. The most prominent .. sharing a power with those who had killed ,my people by the thousands even if I was born to be one of them."

His voice had dropped the clever facade , his tone became somber .
"My own people had to tolerate me , Out of respect for my family name but treated me as if I was less ....when you ask me what the holocron gives me I'll say again ,power , power to become something more than what I already was".

Slight Anger had surfaced from his voice he had noticed the volume of his voice grew he sounded unlike himself

"I''m sorry it's just I only ever acted on my instincts, suppressing yourself and allowing for emotions to run wild isn't as straight forward ,I understand that but bottling rage and sadness may only lead to more suffering in the long run, I needed a change but I wouldn't know where to start so i left my world seeking something out there for me ,the force had answered and just showed me you and this place "
"Ah, I think I understand better now. You are from a culture which has historically tried to suppress and abdicate against the usage of the Force. It makes sense, then, that you were unaware of what the lightsaber was named, and ultimately why you fell head first into the teaching of that holocron."

There was no judgement from her, despite her words. Her voice remained calm, soft, understanding even, and as she watched him where he sat at the base of the tree she tilted her head to one side to regard him solemnly.

"Nobody is asking you to bottle or suppress your emotions, certainly not I. I am not a Jedi, I do not preach abstinence from such things, all I ask for in life is a little moderation. All or nothing, both options are as destructive as one another. It is why we teach of balance."

Lowering herself to the ground before him, legs crossed and eyes settling over him, she let out the smallest of sighs.

"The Force is not something you either have, or do not have. It is not quite so simple as that. It flows through everyone and everything in this Galaxy, even those who cannot touch upon it, even those who rue its existence, the stone beneath our bodies, the tree at your back. We are fortunate, you and I, that we can make use of this mystical energy which binds the universe, but it does not make us any better than those who cannot. It will not make all of your problems go away, but it may help to ease the burden if you allow it."

Her head tilted to the left, still watching him without judgement.

"I will not help you gain revenge, or any similar notion, but I will help you learn - if you allow me to."

The mere notion of releasing him into a Galaxy where his abilities would be so readily twisted to fit an agenda was unpleasant, and so the least she could do was to offer him a chance at normalcy and neutrality if he wished it.

[member="Kid Starburn"]
Pondering on her words understanding that the force did not subside in a mere person but was felt throughout everything in the galaxy. The knowledge from Jyn's words had given him more of a view on his power than any source throughout his lifetime even the holocron. seemed to lack in variety, only speaking a narrow driven philosophy.

He began to get up ,The moss from the tree falling from his cape. standing in a straightened posture, his eyes met hers.

The twisting feeling in his gut became overwhelming but the words started to escape his lips. He was stubborn to a fault but even he realized when he was in a bind " I need your help "

" Revenge is not what had lead me on this quest for power,...but I would be lying if anger towards those in the past hasn't crossed my mind . But the hope of seeking information on the force outweighed my previous agenda .I was just beginning to realize if i was to continue on this path it would had spiraled me into a different direction far from who i truly am . You taught me more than i would have suspected coming here , and for that i thank you".

His hair had fallen down to his face when he knelt showing respect and repaying her from her earlier curtsy. His cloak spread across the tiled ground and his eyes focused on the floor .knowing the steps he must make to take hold of his life he said " I would like to know more of your order and how you were able obtain a balance ,if you would have me as an apprentice" He was born a warrior but slaying rivals was not all what the universe had in store for him and he had made his choice and felt his spirit rise when he did.

While waiting for an answer , he was not surprised to hear the voice of protest from The ghost when he had shown resolve in his choice.
"You have such potential and put it to waste it Peace is a lie and order is the only way the galaxy has a chance of surviving before succumbing to its own turmoil .You will need the power to shape it to your vision ..... Foolish child the day will come when the darkness will overwhelm you and would eventually lead to your destruction for rejecting its power. Rhaeon intently trying to block the words from the spirit understanding the anarchy swarming the galaxy but knew that through the chaos their was bliss . Reminding him of the setting of his planet chaos but beauty.
She watched him for a moment, regarding him solemnly, as he took to a knee before her and pledged himself to the cause of she and her Order. The fact that he sought to become her apprentice was a little daunting to the woman who had only come to this world in search of answers on her heritage, not further duties, and yet she knew that if she turned him away the chances of him falling to the darkside, becoming subject to the whims of whatever malignant entity resided in the Holocron, would increase tenfold.

Jyn would have sealed his fate.

Instead she gave a very slight nod of her head.

"The Je'daii do not work in a similar way to many Orders," she informed him, "beyond being taught the basics, the majority of what we learn is done through the Great Journey, a trial through which we tend to various Temples and learn from each in turn. I will teach you the basics you need to learn, of balance and moderation, and in time you will begin this Journey for yourself. Rise, my friend, we'll head to the homeworld of my Order soon and there your lessons will begin."

She pondered on something for a moment, looking back to the alcove through which their belongings could be found.

"I would like to take the holcron into the possession of our Order. We have a place dedicated to such artifacts, to keep them safe but also away from impressionable minds. If that falls into the wrong hands it would be dangerous, I'm sure you understand..."

[member="Kid Starburn"]
He arose with a smile painted across his face when she had nodded, signifying her answer to his previous question. feeling as if he was glowing , as though the force had listened and gifted him with an alternative to his destiny . One in which he would be allowed to take part in forming.

"I'm ready to learn , I won't fail you " Boldly said but unknowing of the journey that awaited him when leaving the planet. He was curious of the other temples of the Jed'aii scattered beyond the galaxy what states they were in ,which far reaches of space did they touch. All of these questions would soon be answered when he arrived to their homeworld .

Then suddenly to his surprise she had asked to confiscate the holocron, he was taken back as though struck with a jolt of energy. He did not think she would have mind him keeping it since her order was one of balance. But as a testament to his new allegiance he accepted her wish. As she stated his mind was "impressionable", before meeting her he was becoming what the dark lord had wanted of him but will his connection to this artifact overcome ,this personal question stuck with him.

" Yes ,you can have it I realize that if I am to understand the force I will need to really understand and acknowledge both its parts,the teachings I'll get from you will be far more helpful than that of the holocron .. master "

Realizing her original goal was to not come here to teach some kid of his force powers, but in fact took him into her service anyway gave him a deeper respect for her ,he needed guidance from a genuine source and so she appeared . So without words he then reached out with an open hand to solidify their status as teacher and learner.

A voice of powerful words emerged from his head
"You will fail young man and when you do you will regret the power that I had offered ,.....You may suspect I will someday waste away but I will always be apart of you till the end of your days ,... The parts of you which you so cleverly try to hide from those around you will surface...Your true Nature will soon be revealed to your new master.


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