Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Fun in the Sun


Tognath Hunter
------- BOUNTY PENDING ------
TARGET: [member="Riamah"]



Seski stared at the bounty puck, is this one worth it? He thought to himself. According to the puck she seems to just be a young girl, possible force sensitive. The tognath sat in the bridge of The Pernach and scrolled through the information on the fob. He let out a mechanical growl and sighed to himself, Ah a definite force wielder, uses lightsabers as well. Seski continued scrolling absent minded through the puck, that is until the reward was stated. Seski stopped dead in his tracks as he had been walking to the ships armory. The mechanical voice of the puck echoed out through the unlit hallway, a faint blue light seeping out from the hologram. "Ra'a'mah Numare, reward, 22,000,000 credits, a fully stocked castle on a planet of your choosing and three customized Star Destroyers." Seski stood completely still, without much hesitation Seski shouted out "Co Chuta! Spasba Glee Anselm." A silence filled the room for only a moment after being broken by the ship's AI ringing out, "Order received captain, plotting course to Glee Anselm."

------- BOUNTY ACCEPTED -------

It was time for Ra to come out of hiding. She was a businesswoman, but that wasn't what brought her to Glee Anselm. A vacation had been promised, but not a location. Deciding to get a start on some things, she searched for the perfect planet for that vacation.

Throwing a dart at a map decided where that search would begin. Glee Anselm.

Doing a bit of research, she set a course for the Jalor Sector to scout it out. On her way there, she researched it and wanted to get a closer look. If what she read was true, this might be an ideal planet. Her search might only need to be this one place and she would call it good.

The planet was along a trade route which meant it was likely a highly visited destination. That might be a drawback to Josh, but time would tell there. Just something she would have to keep in mind and inform him of, if she thought this was a good place.

Bringing her ship down, she landed at a spaceport and climbed out. Hoping her bounty was old news by now, she didn't bother to hide who she was with a mask of any sort.

[member="Seski"] [member="ANI"]


Tognath Hunter
The Pernach's engines sputtered to a halt as the ship landed on the peninsula. Seski had chosen to set down on the beach of a large swath of land that jutted out from the main island structure. The waves crashed up against the side of the ship as its landing gear pushed deep into the wet sand. Seski shouldered his rifle and set out from the ship, traversing the tropical forests. It was dead quiet aside from the sounds of fauna and the distant waves crashing. His bounty fob faintly pinged as he headed in the direction of the nearest spaceport, with any luck it was the exact one he needed to find, considering it was one of the few present on the planet. He knew if he could find an elevated position that overlooked the exit to the complex, he could end this quickly.

The tognath trudged over lush ferns and pushed aside branches, his boots becoming caked in wet sand. The spaceport should only be a couple hundred yards out from the treeline, the hunter thought as he crept onto a tall boulder that was covered in moss. The position was shielded by thick ferns and palm trees. Seski pushed the barrel and scope of his Valken-38x out through the ferns, watching the civilians stream out of the massive complex through its primary archway. The fob began to ping loudly. The prey was near.
While the man was setting up to hunt Ra, she came walking out of the spaceport. What she had expected to be a busy port, turned out not to be. Not at all thinking anybody would still be after her since so much time had passed, her red hair was going to be pretty much like a beacon and drawing attention to her.

Drawing a breath, she allowed the air to fill her lungs and she let it out as she walked outside.

Nature was close to the spaceport and she looked out into the wilds. Letting a small shudder, she did not want to go any closer to the forest. It seemed odd things happened to her when she went into them. Maybe she was too much of a city girl, but being out in nature wasn't something she wanted to do.

Walking down the expansive stairs, there weren't too many people and nobody close to her. Soon enough that changed and some hawker tried to ply his wares on her. Shaking her head, she walked on and did not pay him anymore attention. Not wanting to be entirely rude though, she told him she wasn't interested before taking any further steps. Once he was gone, she continued moving.

Even if she wasn't interested in buying from a hawker, she did want to check out what the markets here had to offer. Noticing the tell tale banners of such a place, she headed in that direction.


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