Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Full of Surprises

Hollis had sent Justice Lesan Justice Lesan on an errand -- to get some Atrisian takeout, of course.

It was a normal occurrence, but Hollis had an ulterior motive: she needed him out of the apartment. Normally, she sought comfort in him whenever she felt anxious. But this time was different, it felt like something that needed solitude. She sat on the counter, legs pulled up and hugged to her chest. And waited.

This bathroom had become something like a second home lately.

She'd thought it was standard indigestion, which was also a normal occurrence. However, a lightbulb -- or, rather an alarm bell -- went off in her mind. Oh, it couldn't be... could it? Hollis still wore her feelings on her sleeve, but she'd insisted to Justice that it was just nerves. After all, there was quite a lot of talk around the temple that Coruscant might be targeted in the near future. Of course, it wasn't a lie... she was very nervous about that possibility.

Her dark eyes shifted, eyeing the countertop next to her and found the answer to her question.

Yes, yes... it could be.

Hollis' heart leapt every which way. And when she heard the door to the apartment opening, she reached over and locked the bathroom door. Why? She didn't even know, but she did know that she needed a moment. Or a few, or many... many moments.


Wearing: xxx
Tag: Hollis Orenn Hollis Orenn

Atrisian take out was happening a lot the past couple of weeks. For some reason Hollis did not seem to have a lot of energy despite the fact it seemed she was getting more rest. Justice had encouraged her to see the healers, but she passed it off as nerves. Coruscant was being targeted and even with the capitol moving to Fondor, there were still a contingent of Jedi left on the city planet. Justice and Hollis were among them for now.

He ensured to order everything he knew Hollis would like. From noodles, to rice, to the spiced and sauced meats, Justice was going to be sure Hollis felt taken care of. He liked to spoil her. It was one of the ways he communicated how much he loved her.

When Justice got home to their little apartment Hollis was nowhere to be seen.


There were not a lot of places to hide. Their bedroom was empty, but the fresher was not. Just saw the light peeking out from under the door, but when he went to open the door it was locked.

"I got dinner… is everything okay?"

Yeah this wasn't her nerves. Something was wrong and Justice needed to get a healer to make a house call.

"I'm calling a healer."

"I got dinner… is everything okay?"

Justice's voice came from the other side of the freshener door. Hollis didn't even know how to answer. Was everything okay?

They were still newlyweds. Of course, people probably wouldn't be surprised...

She finally hopped down from the countertop when she heard Justice say he was going to call a healer. Hollis burst out of the room, "no!" Her behavior lately -- especially now -- was probably confusing for her poor husband. "You don't need to call a healer. I know what's wrong." Hollis regretted the way the words came out. "I-it's not wrong. There's nothing wrong."

She drew in a deep breath, and the smell of their takeout food made her stomach turn.

Hollis closed her eyes for a moment and placed her palm against her stomach, willing it not to send her back into the refresher. She stepped over to the sofa and had a seat. Her dark eyes focused on Justice, standing there dutifully with the dinner she'd requested. "You'd better sit down, too," she said, patting the cushion next to her. While they did talk about the future, they'd never had a discussion about... starting a family.

"I've got something to tell you."

Justice Lesan Justice Lesan


Wearing: xxx
Tag: Hollis Orenn Hollis Orenn

She was not okay, but nothing was wrong? Just was confused. He knew that women were confusing, and he loved his wife, but Hollis was certainly more scatterbrained than usual it seemed. There was a bit of a concern when she suggested he needed to sit down. It meant the news was either really good that it might make him faint, or so bad that he may want to run. He really hoped it was good news though. There had been far too much happening in the space around Coruscant that was frightening to think about.

Some good news was much needed.

Justice sat.

Hollis had something to tell him.

The young Lesan took Hol’s hand and kissed the back of it when he settled in next to her.

“Whatever it is I promise you I am right next to you… literally…”

There he was with his quirky humor. He felt like a well timed joke to cut the tension might help. That was when he noticed Hollis might throw up again. She had been doing that a lot lately. Justice had noticed, but if there was something to worry about she would tell him… he figured at least.

Oh… that must have been what this was about. Was she sick? Okay, but she said nothing was wrong.

“So uh… what’s the news?”

Hollis smiled as Justice Lesan Justice Lesan quipped about being right beside her.

She could always count on him to make her smile. After he kissed her hand, she kept hold of his and drew a deep breath. Though they'd never really touched on the subject of having kids, she had always had a feeling it was something they both wanted. Of course, she imagined it happening a bit further into their marriage.

Justice hadn't grown up with the same family dynamic that she had, though. Would that influence his feelings? Hollis knew that it would, one way or the other. And, he was a Knight now... more risk and responsibility for the young Jedi. She herself was still a padawan, would this hinder her way to Knighthood? She knew she had to stop the thoughts before they spiraled out of her control.

"So," she started as she met his gaze.

There was a flutter deep within, nerves. "The news is..." she said, giving his hand a squeeze. Hollis hadn't meant to make him wait in anticipation, but these were words that she'd never said before. "I'm pregnant."

Hollis offered a tiny smile and let the news sink in.

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