Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Full Circle

I should sleep? Bah.”, he said in a sarcastic, dismissive tone; only to be followed by a careless grin.

I suppose I should, but would that thing that might help me sleep perhaps be you?

He opened an eye to watch her, grin still plastered on his jubilant expression. In truth, he knew he wasn’t up for any such activities judging solely by the fact he was winded by just necking; but to flirt was who he was, and to flirt with Joza was still something he enjoyed very much. She was after all an extremely beautiful specimen, and the tension he still carried from the Blush incident carried itself in far more places than just his mind.

Moving his head, he pressed his lips against her wrist, only to let her move her hand from beneath him and rest his head back down on the pillow. Once more he spoke, the same cottequish tone he often seemed to carry with it;

If not that, I wouldn’t mind you sleeping next to me. Might keep me warm.

In truth, he actually did want her to keep him warm. He also wanted to feel her up underneath a blanket; so it wasn’t a complete truth.

│ [member="Joza Perl"] │
A scarlet brow lifted as he planted a kiss on her wrist before lifting his head so as to allow her trapped hand to escape.

As badly as her mother instinct wanted to cuddle him to her and assure him that everything will be alright, she settled on something different.

“I’ll bring you an extra blanket and stay here until you fall asleep.” It was sort of what she did with her son on fussy nights, barring the times where she gave up and just brought the squirming toddler into bed with her. This was different though, John Doe here wasn’t her son. He was a battered and bruised smartass who’d given her a lap dance.

She rose and took a few steps to the conveniently placed closet, drawing out a plush looking blanket made of thick material. “It’s stuffed with synthetic Wampa fur. Probably as warm as the real thing, or close to it.” She laid the blanket over him, tucking in the edges slightly before one hand went to his back and rubbed in small circles.

[member="The Slave"]
The Slave offered her little more than a slim grin, one that offered her a solemn compromise. As she laid the blanket over him, he let its smell riddle his nostrils and the new sensation overwhelm him mind for a few careful seconds before opening his eyes once more; letting them wash over her with their unusual heat.

Thanks, Joza.”, he said; meeting her viridescent gaze before letting the corruption of his own fall quiet beneath his eyelids.

The only hope he had was that he wouldn’t embarrass himself in the middle of the night, not with something like bed wetting, but the unruly noises of a nightmare. Although sleep was difficult while strapped to the crucifix aboard Bastion, he still managed it; if not for a few fleeting hours every few days. The only issue was that how active his mind seemed to be while baking in the sun, and how vivid his memories had become.

A soft sight, and he let the thoughts go for the moment, letting the distant rumblings of the club sooth the unruly beast into an unfortunately light slumber.

│ [member="Joza Perl"] │
She said nothing in response, her closed-lip smile an adequate gesture. Joza was keenly aware of the pang of protectiveness that jabbed inwards, something she felt often while she cared for someone. It was a soft spot, and it wasn’t something hidden beneath layers of carefully crafted grace.

It showed subtly in the way she moved and expressed—something oddly genuine about it when she often seemed so detached.

She continued to rub his back in small circles until his body began to relax and his breathing steadied, gathered into a shallow sleep.

Shifting back in her chair, she ran a hand through her hair before quietly getting up—she’d learned to step lighter since Alan was born—and going about her business. Moreso, she’d shifted over to the desk in the corner to start on some electronic paperwork.

[member="The Slave"]

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