Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Frozen Steam

In Umbris Potestas Est
[member="Jala Rekab"]


While ordinarily considered the hedonistic paradise often thought of as a world of partying, Zeltros had a business aspect to it as well. Such was the reason she was here, after all - according to an associate of hers, there was a cave, recently drilled into, with some sort of crystals inside. The crystals made the room too chilly for anyone to go into, but Circe had to find a way in.

Maybe there was treasure of some sort.
Jala had no reason to come to such a planet. The filthy things the Zeltrons did with their bodies disgusted Jala. She had only come to this planet in search of the cache that was promised to her.

That is all.

So she manned her starfighter and flew towards the coordinates told to her by her contact.

In Umbris Potestas Est
[member="Jala Rekab"]

Circe flew over the planet in her landspeeder, ensuring she was several hundred feet in the air and thus well away from any partying Zeltrons. The cave she needed to acquire the pontite crystals from was a few kilometers away, and she would hopefully be there in a good several minutes.

What she didn't know was that she wasn't the only one looking for these crystals.

Then again, maybe there didn't need to be any fighting.

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