Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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From Velusia with love (complete)

The Geologists dream volcanos, and oceans. Serena with her pack of instruments, and holopad, and most of all communicator trudged across the island. She had been dropped off a week earlier trying to speak with the Aquar to see how often the groundquakes happened and making her way to the equator had been an adventure worth retelling, and setting into her journal which she would when she had a moment.

Looking out across the oceans she wished she had brought a re-breather so she could look at the coral. She could spend months here researching formations. Even the lichen was interesting to her, the other side of her skill set. And it was quiet here, no voices pounding on her brain. This place gave her empathy a rest until she could learn to block it out better. It was a great relief.

The sound of a ship's engine whining caught her attention she looked up thinking it's too soon for a pick up. She looked hard, this ship wasn't of the design she was used to, and then the emblem on the wing became clear. Ut oh.

Serena ran there had to be a cave nearby, ducking behind formations and moving quickly her eyes scanning the area before her, there has to be a cave! What good volcanic island wouldn't have a cave? She ran, and could hear the ship descending; too late it had spotted her. As she looked back a shot from the ship exploded right in front of her knocking her backwards, throwing her onto the rocks. She laid there hurting, pain ripping through her arms and legs. She could hear the crunching of boots on the stones. She dug for the communicator.

And hit the HELP I'M IN DEEP POODOO BUTTON. It would send the emergency broadcast. But how long till it reached Voss or Shri Tal. She didn't know she knew her vision was beginning to blur, ow. Then the Sith turned the corner looking down, without a word he knocked her unconscious.

Serena woke up in cuffs suspended above a table looking around she could see at least two figures in the shadows. Her head was thumping to the beat of her heart. She might just have a concussion, and slight wiggle to her left told her she was bruised at the least, then to the right, owwww, up something isn't right there either.

"Jedi, you are trespassing" the voice growled from the shadows.

Serena laughed her nervous little laugh, "Last I knew this was NOT Sith space, aren't you a few thousand clicks from where you belong?" Serena tried looking around, the lights were positioned in a manner that kept her from seeing beyond, if she had to take a guess she believed this was one of the caves. But on which island was she. Would the beacon on her holopad activate, and be heard in here.

If there were metals in the walls, it could be a problem. But, then again, Serena's mind wandered, what were the Sith doing here.

Golden eyes peered from the darkness and then slowly moved to where she could see. Serena's mind was filling with their thoughts, overlapping, painful thoughts. She squeezed her eyes trying to find the control to quiet the voices. Why didn't she sense them before..they must have been far away. Which meant she wasn't where she started.

Damn. Would the Order find her, and find her in time before something terrible happened.

[member="Connor Harrison"] [member="Coci Sinopi"]

Silver Shadow Operation Room
Silver Jedi Temple, Voss

A Master.

A MASTER of the Silver Jedi order.

Connor didn’t know how this had happened, not after recent events. But, it meant that he had been given a mantle of trust, of responsibility and of great importance. To lead others; to teach, to guide, to protect and to support.

It filled him with pride and made his dark journey one that had exploded with light at the end of the tunnel; from out of the darkness, the future will come.

Add to this his promotion to leader of the Silver Shadows, the secret elite group of Jedi working within the Silver Jedi taking part in all sorts of dangerous, testing and important missions across the galaxy, Connor Harrison felt truly on top of things.

A few bumps still needed to be ironed out, but that was all the more reason for grabbing life by the hands and embracing it. He had a strong group of those he honestly called friends, and all those in the Order now were partly his responsibility.

Standing on the balcony in the great hall, leaning over the gold railing and looking at the Jedi going about their business, Connor was dwarfed by the great water feature illuminated with green, blue and yellow light that was directly in the centre. Wearing a new black combat suit, brown belt complete with a special holster for his lightsaber, to secure it more, and modified greatcoat with inner pockets and greater dexterity for movement, Connor still looked ever much the rogue he had been when he came to the Order years before, only now his reputation and standing was greater than ever.

He was no longer a threat; he was a defender of the light and servant of the F –


A chime resonated from his wrist mounted com-link, a flashing blue light that signalled one thing. A distress call patched through from a Silver Jedi. As all distress calls on one signal wavelength would come through to the Silver Shadows, and in turn Connor, it would be his decision to intercept them or bypass them to the Rangers or direct to the Grandmaster for action.

Anything deemed too dangerous or “off-limits” would be taken by the Shadows. He wanted to protect and to lead – now was the time to do it with those closest to him.

Connor gently moved back and turned off the beeping with a swift movement of his right hand and moved into the depths of the temple and down to the operations room of the Shadows. Moving down the stairs to the ground floor of the temple, Connor moved with purpose to the centre of the temple, and through a coded blast door, looking no different to others protecting restricted areas.

It hissed open, and Connor remained there until it locked down again once he was through. Turning quickly, he skipped down two flights of steel stairs to the operations room. With a number of control panels on both sides, a holo-map in the centre and seating for all members, as well as some refreshment dispensers and archived files on previous assignments, members and threats to the galaxy, this was a small but tight-knit group of warriors, pilots, healers and other skilled individuals.

Activating the incoming signal, Connor heard nothing, which meant there was no message, it was simply a call. Turning to the holo-map, the signal started to trace and within seconds zoomed down into the Core Worlds; the Velus system – Velusia.

Blue eyes skimmed over the flickering green image of the oceanic world, dotted with volcanic islands and rocky, unstable ground. The signal brought up a rectangular box identifying the Jedi it came from. A blond female he knew was in enough trouble with her empathic nature:

Bouie, Serena

Connor sighed and tapped his fingers on the panel below him. She was a Padawan, and out in the Core Worlds – she needed help, and the Shadows were the ones to do it. He brought up his com-link and spoke into it through the Shadows secure signal.

”Agomar calling all Shadows on Voss. We’re up. Assemble in the operations room at once”.

[member="Serena Bouie"] [member="Coci Sinopi"] [member="Maya Whitelight"]
[member="Connor Harrison"] | [member="Serena Bouie"] | [member="Maya Whitelight"]​
Closing the door of the training room, Coci had dismissed Padawan Rade after a good training session. The two had arranged another meeting to continue and she had no doubt Ana would self practice and bring with her new skills to the next meeting. Starting her way down the long corridor toward her quarters to change out of her rarely worn Jedi robes, Coci grinned knowing she would see Thurion soon, which made her feet clip along the corridor a little faster.

It would not take her long to undress and enter the refresher enjoying the cool water cascading over her body. The tension of the past days slowly removed but duty is a constant and ever in ones mind. Walking into the bedroom of their quarters, Coci thumbed through her part of the cupboard and selected her cream trousers and white cotton shirt. She was part way through dressing when the control panel on the wall blinked indicating a message. It was Thurion, informing her he would be late as business in Lev Sanctum ran over time.

It was only mere seconds later, when her private comlink only used for communications of the Silver Shadows, beeped. That could only mean one thing, a call from Master Harrison on official business.

::Agomar calling all Shadows on Voss. We’re up. Assemble in the operations room at once::

Coci would not reply. She slipped on her boots and left her quarters immediately for the underground Shadows Operation room.

"Here Connor, what has happened?". She asked straight to business.
He didn’t have to look up hearing the sound of boots coming down; Connor felt his Shadow Sister the moment she came into the secret quarters moments before, and her eagerness and inner-strength radiated through the Force around him.

First, he felt her and then he heard her, and finally he looked away from the map to see her looking…rather casual, more than he expected her to, and with slightly damp hair? She was standing strong, looking just as ready for action as much as another within the Order even without her usual black combat suit. Coci had been through hell with (and because) of Connor, but he still didn’t trust and depend on anyone else more than her.

”What’s happened? What’s happened is I think I’ve just interrupted a pleasant little rendezvous between one Thurion Heavenshield and yourself.”

He gave her a sly smirk, secretly enjoying teasing her. Or rather them. Without letting her fire a snappy reply, he nodded back to the planet before them, rotating steadily with a small red dot to the South attracting their gaze.

”Distress call from Padawan Serena Bouie from Velusia, in the Core Worlds.”

Connor twisted a few images and threw them up before her with his fingers on the holo-control.

”Out of Sith space, I think, but the call was just that; a call. No message, nothing. I don’t know what she’s doing out there or if she’s alone, or even if Master [member="Quenladose"] knows why, but I think she’s in trouble. I can feel it. She’s a fragile one, very empathic and very attuned to the Force, but I don’t think she knows just how vulnerable she is.”

He brought up his hand and rubbed his chin for a second, thinking.

”I want us to go in and get her out. If she’s trapped and alone, she won’t have long to wait, but if it’s…something else, then she’ll need us more than ever.””

He looked through the green hologram of the planet to meet Coci’s wandering eyes.

”I know you have been busy and you wanted some time alone to recharge your batteries, I understand that. I won’t ask you to come with me if you don’t feel you can.”

[member="Coci Sinopi"] [member="Serena Bouie"] [member="Maya Whitelight"]
She felt foolish she had not considered that the Sith just might be scouting out Velusia. It was so close to their space anyhow. So much for quieting the voices, it was hard to keep them out, and now..she'd have to let them in to know what they were doing, or intended.

She had hit the button she knew she had, but still it could be a day or two before anyone was able to get here. She could feel vibrations at her wrists, and ankles she thought only Jedi Masters were strung up in such fashion to keep them from using the force. So it must be all Jedi.

She did however feel like it was market day and she was on display. So. How to get down. That was the first step.

"Hey ugly" great Serena that narrows it down.

"She's talking to you SteveO"

Steve O looked back, "No Stevie, it's you she wants"

"Sithspawn I don't care which, I need to pee" She smiled looking at them.

"So what" they said almost in unison.

What!, "Ok if you want me to go right here, it will stink. My species, we have this little gland that when around males makes everything stink" Her mother wished.

Steve O looked at her Serena had said it with such conviction she hoped it rang true to them.

Stevie shook his head, "who cares"

Steve O considered, "She'd make a good test subject if that's true" He walked until he was standing before her, "we like test subjects alive, the screams are like soothing music"

Serena laughed, "I still need to go"

Steve O reached over did something and Serena dropped with a thud. Owwww her mind screamed everything hurt now. She inched forward and then slid to the ground. "Where is it" He reached down grabbed her by the shoulder yanking her up and shoving her forward all in a movement.

She began to look around, ok..there was a cave she could see it above them, it was structures built within the cave which meant, there could be spaces between the structure and the wall, and there could be alternate ways in and out. Oh man she hurt.

He had her before a door and pushed her in, "hurry up" She stood there for a moment shutting the door. He stopped the door, "not all the way"

She frowned, "I don't want you to see"

He growled, "No one wants to see a skinny smelly female now do what you need to"

She sat down, she didn't have to go, and then she put her foot against the door. She had to think, and think fast.

[member="Connor Harrison"] | [member="Coci Sinopi"]
"What in blazers is she doing out there?!".

Coci moved around the the opposite side of the central control panel and looked over the revolving holodisplay of the planet taking note of the red dot, Serena's last known location.


::Velus System::
::Astrographical information::
Region: Core World
Trade route: Shawken Spur
Rotation period: 22 standard hours
Orbital period: 325 local days

::physcial Information::
Atmosphere: Type 1
Gravity: Standard
Primary Terrain: Volcanic Islands
Surface water: Oceans


"My batteries are fine Connor, we have a Jedi in trouble that is all that matters". She left him for a moment, and entered one of the rooms leading off the main control area. She left the door open to the change room so he could hear her as she changed out of her casual clothes and into her black body suit.

"We will need to take an unmarked vessel into the core, we can form a plan on the way. If the Sith are lurking about, they will find her so time is of the essence for us and mostly for Serena", she yelled for the change room.

"You know this Padawan? if so tell me everything you can about her, what skills she might have that will assist us to find her". Coci added as she completed her dress and reentered the control room carrying a long black case, which contained 'The White Mouse'. Not knowing exactly what the terrain would be like, Coci is prepared for all contingencies.

"Come on we had better go", she moved over to the communication panel and sent a message to [member="Thurion Heavenshield"], to inform him she will not be able to meet him as planned, but called out .. on duty. She sighed as she pressed the send button. However, a more personal message was sent to him through their force bond, which would leave him in no doubt of her love.
Upon receiving her telepathic message lightyears away, possible through their strong Force bond, Thurion couldn't help but frown a little. He looked over at the somewhat failed attempt at making dinner for the two, using ingredients he'd never heard of or seen before in his life, and thought to himself that maybe this was for the best. Perhaps it was a sign that he should not meddle in that which he does not understand. Fancy cooking, that is. And he was fine with this realisation.

Finding Nina drawing in her room as she often times would, he gently knocked on the door. "So, uh... We'll have leftovers for dinner tonight. Coci will be home late, I'm afraid."

Be careful, my love. Your family misses you.

[member="Coci Sinopi"]
Giving a salute behind Coci’s back as she went to change, Connor leant on his hands and looked over the green image of the planet, circling steadily and lighting up the ops room.

Flicking through the vessels available for use as she rattled off orders, Connor chuckled as he heard banging, moving and cursing coming from the changing room.

”We have a 3 man transport available, un-marked and ready to go.” He shouted over as he glanced around the room, waiting for his Shadow Sister and second in command.

”Serena Bouie is on the edge. She can either believe in herself to be one of us, learn to control her power, or she can shut down, withdraw and fail completely.”

Connor moved to the right of the room, the exit, leading to the hangar, and stood by the doorframe.

”She is very empathic; in tune with other minds around her. She can hear their thoughts, see their dreams, but doesn’t know how to control it, and this is causing her to lose confidence in herself.”

Coci came out, a grace and purpose in her movement, and busied herself on a display.

”If she is open to us, she could well lead us right to her and tell us just what is happening.”

He smiled gently as she finished, knowing all too well the disappointment behind those focused eyes, and led her out the grey corridor up to the private hangar. Connor elbowed her gently.

”Don’t worry, I’ll get you back to him in one piece. You know, Coci, you’re going soft in your old age.”

Splitting away from her before a small brown ship, very basic and looking very tough, Connor stepped up from the entry ramp and moved to the cockpit. The ship comprised a main holding area, with two loading ramps, a small semi-circle seating area and table, a rack of small blasters and the cockpit. Nothing special at all, but it would do the job. Discarding his new black greatcoat, Connor slipped into the pilot seat and ran over the controls before him.

”C’mon sis. Let’s go find ourselves a Padawan.”

Coci wasn't family, but she may as well have been to him.

”I’ll send a message in the ops room for all Shadows to join us en route to the planet and keep communication to this channel. And this will give you time to try and find her with that wonderful mind of yours…but remember, we need to lock in on a young blonde Jedi Padawan. Not an old blonde Jedi Master.”

He chuckled to himself and winced. Oh, it felt good to be Connor again.

[member="Coci Sinopi"] [member="Serena Bouie"] [member="Thurion Heavenshield"]
Serena thought she had it. She stood up picturing the structure overhead she opened the door quickly sharply shoved him all while trying to begin running her other hand shot upwards making a fist she made a motion as if yanking something down, she wad the structure overhead. There was the creaking of metal the popping of bolts the metal began to fall.

He was quick he was trying to subdue her and throw the falling metal to the side.

Serena had one more thing, "Darth Nico Torrid, that zeltron is pregnant. Do the right thing" Serena was pushing past him, the shocked look at his name and his female made him growl.

Serena now had room to run, all she could think of in her state was how to stop him if she could only think it through. Then a yelp sharp followed by a groan she turned, he was on his knees . She stopped. Oh no.

The other was coming probably sensing the disturbance. She ran but to where?

[member="Connor Harrison"] [member="Coci Sinopi"]
[member="Serena Bouie"] | [member="Connor Harrison"]​
She listened intently as Connor told her of Serena, a Padawan Coci knows nothing of. "A Padawan on the edge?, for the love of the force why so many Silver Jedi Padawans full of angst", she grinned slightly, as the two walked toward the unmarked ship.

As soon as Coci entered the ship the small droplets of sweat had already began to form on her brow. This was going to be a long flight to the core world something Coci did not relish at all. "Who's driving?", she asked not sure of Connor's ability to pilot. Even though Coci simply hates flying she is a very good pilot, it is in her Corellian blood.

"Empathic hmmm, that could aid us considerably. You speak of her as if you have experience of her unstable nature, in what way do you mean?". She asked wanting to know everything possible about Serena as any small detail might help them find her.

As Coci entered the cockpit and stored her White Mouse in one of the hatches, she sat in the co-pilots seat and began to prepare for take off. Checking all systems, navicomp and recalibrating the hyperdrive. The engine began to hum to warm up thereafter to being the take off cycle. "Not too much of the 'old' thank you. You think me soft?", she grinned as her eyes danced over the panel in front of her. "We shall see about that", she added.

At this point, Coci stopped and sat up straightening her back, a gentle and caring whisper through the force entered her mind.

Be careful, my love. Your family misses you.
She allowed the words fill her heart for a moment, allowing the very thing that fuels her, empowers her to strength her body and resolve. [member="Thurion Heavenshield"]'s love.

I shall my beloved, I will return to you and Nina. Tell her I love her.
"Oh very funny Connor", she said with a grin and a slight flush of her cheeks, as if being caught out.
With a smile, Connor ran over his recent piloting of craft, his E-wing mostly, to warm the engines and ensure all systems were up. He held a finger up to Coci, not looking at her, as he concentrated.

”Just…give me…a….moment…”

A moment passed before the ship rose slightly, tipping forward and then back.

”Oops, sorry.”

He grimaced slightly but got a feel for the ship in seconds, pulling the yoke gently left to turn their tranposrt around to the wide tunnel that would lead them out. It was an exceptional secret base underneath the temple forged eons before, but adapted for the Shadows perfectly. As the ships picked up speed and rose, daylight broke ahead through a glistening curtain of water raging down. Connor grinned.

”Brace yourself.”

Pushing harder, the ship accelerated with a roar and erupted from behind one of the many waterfalls raging from the temple grounds. Water broke for a second as it drummed over the surface, and instantly the ship was away up into the atmosphere, shaking slightly as Connor banked right to keep ascension steady. He glanced over at Coci, looking slightly irritated and anxious, but amused.


It wasn’t long before they had left Voss, and Connor kept an eye on the nav-computer to plot the course to the Core World. It would be a long trip, and it would take them a good few days along the Perlemian Trade Route.

”I’ll hit the trade route that will lead us to the Core. Hyperdrive should keep us on a steady course.”

He flipped a few switches and checked his com-link for messages from the Shadows – nothing yet.

”Now, Serena. It was a couple of weeks ago – actually it was a month or so ago I first met her, before I left for Rhen Var, but that was literally by chance and she had come to Voss for a simple expedition. However she knew she had a gift, and I could feel it, so I goaded her to the Temple and left her in the hands of others.”

He dipped his head slightly and winced.

”But, then it went a little awry. I found her again when I got back around some ruins outside of the temple grounds, but this time she was training However, she showed signs of great instability. She heard voices, and saw things - ” he tripped over nearly admitting his own visions, ” – you know, as in nightmares she conjured up about voices in her head, blah blah blah. I don’t know, she wants to be the best she can, but I know she can’t comprehend her ability and it’s freaking her out. I had to subdue her in order to get her to the temple in one piece as she was becoming delirious.”

He glanced over to Coci.

”That’s it. She can be a great asset, but not if she can’t understand the reason why she is amongst us.”

Turning to look out at the beautiful but fragile galaxy before them, Connor skimmed over a moon and turned to face the dark of space. He brought his hand down to a large lever next to his seat on the control panel and wrapped his fingers around it.

”Just gonna be us for a few days Miss Sinopi. Thurion’s going to be so jealous.”

He smiled teasingly at her before looking out to the stars. The small white dots in their hundreds began to steak towards them as he pulled back on the hyperdrive to send them on their journey.

[member="Coci Sinopi"] [member="Serena Bouie"]
Angst filled her as she looked over at the Sith on his knees. She took a breath paused, no don't pause run! She shook her head and ran pulling down anything that was over head, her hands waved wanting to block anything coming after her. Even though she knew they'd find her easily enough.

She stopped breathing heavy she looked around she felt deeper inside the Cave rather than toward the entrance. Ok. She knows caves, focus on the quiet of the cave she told herself, and walked slowly trying to see if she could also sense the Sith.


The words echoed off the walls, Not if I can stop you she thought.

She saw passages that broke off into different directions, one looked like a lava tube, the other looked dug out. She knew the lava tube could end abruptly in water, the other though held intrigue. what was in the tunnel, were the Sith looking for something.

[member="Connor Harrison"] [member="Coci Sinopi"]
[member="Serena Bouie"] | [member="Connor Harrison"]​
She just rolled her eyes at Connor at his last comment. But a smile formed across her lips as she shook her head at his jest. However, she did not allow him to see her grip the seat with white knuckles as he took off and made for the atmosphere. The trip to the Core was several days too long of her, not because of the company but because of the flight, she had spent most of her time in her make shift quarters, mostly meditating to keep calm but at the same time, reaching out through the galaxy to try and find their wayward Padawan. It was far more difficult considering Coci had not met Serena before and had no recognition of her. So she would try something else as they came closer to the Core.


"Connor, we are about to come out of hyper", she said no more relaxed then when they had began their journey, in fact it was these moments she hated the most, anything can happen as they reached a hyp point. Her black eyes watched the chronometer as the seconds ticked down. However, she closed her eyes and pushed out through the force toward Velusia. As her force tendrils swept through space there was much rippling much energy around the planet. She could sense the dark side, concentrated in one area mainly centered around a mountain and the last known co-ordinates of Serena. Coci could sense others, where one was Serena she could not say, but that is where they should look first at least.

"Here", Coci pointed to the sensor scan of the mountain area now visible on the holodisplay. "I have sensed something here, the darkside is present and others, there maybe more then Serena in trouble". Coci pushed back in the co-pilot seat and felt the sudden jolt and the ship existed it's hyper jump.
Connor brought the ship out of hyperspace, back into the wide blanket of stars that looked as if they hadn’t moved since they departed Voss 2 days ago. Following the indicator of Serena’s com, and Coci’s guidance, Connor gunned the engines and raced to the picturesque oceanic world in the distance.

He looked over at her, feeling her Force aura bristle with the mapping of the planet and the Dark Side that was present. Nothing needed to be said – their encounters with dark forces were a reminder enough that their resolve had to be unbreakable for their own sake, and Serena.

The South hemisphere of the planet was where Serena should be – soon it was revealed to be a large mountain range. Connor whistled to himself as they broke the atmosphere and flew over the sprawling ocean, broken up by large and small islands of brown rock and mountains that were like fingers bursting from the surface.

”Hold on.”

The ship bounced and shook slightly as he pushed down harder to get low and skim the surface of the waters, low enough for spray to wrap up around both sides of the cockpit. Connor flipped two blue switches and pulled the yoke back gently as the ship started to slow down and turn slightly as he brought it up and over onto an open ridge in the mountain, one of many he could see dotted around.

With a soft landing that even surprised him, Connor killed the engine and looked out both side of the cockpit to see the mountain range on both sides leading down to the rocks below and splashing water.

”I don’t know how safe we are here, but it’s the best I could do.”

He pushed up from the seat and walked backwards down the passage way leading to the two loading ramps.

”You coming…?” Connor called out.

His palm slapped the yellow button above one of the ramps and with a groan, the right loading ramp fell down to the rock floor firmly but slowly.

[member="Coci Sinopi"] [member="Serena Bouie"]
Serena was running again into the portion that looked like they were digging, she didn't sense anyone there the life sense she had learned when she joined the enclave on Naboo.

But the walls were so smooth in here, she knew it was man made, not changed by age or disasters.

Then the floor dropped from beneath her feet, she fell onto the winding turns of a slide. She tried not to scream, tried to control her fear this had caught her so unexpectedly that she had only a few moments to gather her control.

And then she landed with a thud onto a floor. Not a rock floor, a man made tile floor. She had fallen she figured over a half a mile, she was way below the surface. The cave she was in was an entry way to. She blinked wiping her face and eyes, streaking dirt her brow and cheeks.

She sat there not moving the little bit of dust that rose up around her told her that either they had not swept the floors or no one had been in here in a while. Out of habit she wiped her mouth, she could hear herself breathing.

Slowly she moved to get up, from her backside to roll to her knees pushing up to stand, leaning left and then right peering to see if there was anyone but her.

Geology was supposed to be safe, and yet so far all it had done was get her into places and situations that made her question if what she had been told was a lie. She side stepped to her left.

She had been working so hard on the technique of blocking out everyone, that now when it would come in handy she wasn't sure she was ready to trust letting the small barrier down.

Have to try Serena. It was a voice that was soothing warm, and one she trusted. No one knew how much that voice soothed her, and made it possible to keep moving, and trust in herself.

She looked up, the ceiling had been shaped into a dome, she tilted her head further back something about it felt unnatural, she had seen many caves where work had been done to make it feel more like a structure on the surface. This felt more, man-made, she couldn't explain it better than that.

She side stepped again, as she brought her gaze back down to look around the room. She reached the end of the wall for as far as she could see were what looked like a stasis tube. The steady blinking light indicating power she inched closer.

As she approached a droid emerged from the wall and made its way toward her, "Mistress welcome, are you here to inspect our work"

Serena straightened up, "Yes" She wanted to look empowered the way she thought that Sith looked.

The droid paused for a moment as if thinking, "This way"

Serena followed she glanced over there was definitely something inside, but what was it?

[member="Connor Harrison"] [member="Coci Sinopi"]
[member="Serena Bouie"] [member="Connor Harrison"]

"I am flying back to Voss", she said as she peeled herself out of the co-pilot seat. That would have been the worst trip she has experienced in a long time, doing little for her confidence in ships. Although Connor had got them there, she never felt the love of feeling the ground under her feet quite like today.

Before leaving the ship however, Coci gathered her equipment which included her long black case containing her rifle. She made her way to the ramp to find Connor waiting for her.

"You sense anything?, can you locate Serena through the force?', she asked, but Coci could sense the something close by. Before setting out she wanted a more clear direction if possible, before looking for a needle in a hay stack.
Connor led the way with a grin, finding Coci’s dig about his flying rather amusing. He wasn’t a good pilot, sure, and he navigated mostly on luck and with what he could see before him, judging the terrain and distances from ship to objects. However, it was a thrill, and it was good to feel alive.

He stood on the rocky ground, hands on hips, and concentrated. If Serena was as in touch with the Force as he felt, she may be able to feel them on the surface. IF she was high enough above ground that it and not down in some sinkhole, or worse – dead.

See my path through your eyes – see my thoughts in your mind and tell me where you are; what you saw, where you landed

Connor turned to Coci, glancing at her black case for a second. He pointed.

”What’s that?”

He pursed his lips and continued.

”I can’t…I can’t find her, but I’ve reached out to her. She seems to have a habit of reading what’s floating around in my head and – “


The ground suddenly spat up rock and soil behind them – rifle fire coming from above.

Ducking instinctively, Connor turned and raced backwards to the ship, taking Coci in his arms and pushing her forward with him quickly to hug the landing ramp. More muted shots impacted on the ship with a metallic ring that echoed around the mountainous island they were on, waves crashing down below.

”Brilliant. Why is it on a world so expansive, we always come across trouble. It’s like our fate is pre-written or something!”

He chewed his bottom lip, tentatively ducking slightly as he craned to look up and around as far as he could.

”I see two – 11 o’clock, top of the range, snipers. They could have hit us – they’re toying with us.”

[member="Coci Sinopi"] [member="Serena Bouie"]
[member="Connor Harrison"]

"Oh this?", she held up the case as if she had forgotten all about it. "A mouse". she grinned. But before she could end the jest and tell him exactly what was encased, the peppering of blots interrupted them. "Now that is just rude".

As the wind raced out of her lungs after hitting the ramp of the ship, "I blame you for this, trouble follows you like a bad smell", she winked regardless of the situation. Connor had sighted them, two snipers at 11. She turned to see them, her black eyes now a valuable asset as they always are, and they are one of the many reasons she is exceptionally good with the rifle. That and the force. "I see them".

She jumped up and went under the ship, "Oh .. keep them occupied will you? dance around or something, I will be back shortly". She disappeared under the ship and out the other side only the jedi jump up on the roof and lay flat. Quickly opening the case and laying on her back, Coci assembled the White Mouse, her black Nightstinger rifle.

Turning over on her stomach, her sighted the first sniper. The force calm her body until her breath became shallow and her heat rate slowed. She could hear the pings of the bolts on the ground around the ramp. Most snipers take their shot between beats of their heart, Coci preferred on the beat. Her line of sight, square on the first sniper, a figure clad in grey, but easy enough for her sense to locate and her eyes to train on. She waited ..

Coci counting the beat of her heart and soften her breathing more, and gently squeezed the trigger. The invisible energy bolt rippled through the air and within but a second hit it mark. The first sniper... incapacitated. She reloaded .. but the second sniper had fled.
Sitting back on the ship, pinned down, Connor was half-listening to Coci and her cryptic “mouse”. Shuffling on his legs, he turned and bit his lip as he concentrated, ready to lead the charge.

”Thurion must have the patience – “ he started to mutter, but she cut him off.

Spinning back around, Coci was already crawling under the ship through the soft gravel. Connor couldn’t help but raise his brow in surprise.

”What – “

Cut off by another shot, and more instruction from her, Connor threw his arms up in despair. What a mess! He got up, crouching, and ducked out once…twice…to get a view of the snipers above. Looking out at the rock formations, he would run over and take their attention, and that would hopefully buy time for Coci to get up and around the cliff to them, where he would join her in battle.

More shots spat up the ground and ricocheted of the ship.

”For f - “

And a sharp crack rang out above him, causing him to duck out of surprise and panic. The shot echoed around the clearing they were in and hung in the air. Silence.

His blue eyes slowly looked around as he rose up and peered out from the edge of the ship. The snipers had gone. His mouth a-jar, Connor walked slowly around the ship, seeing the smoking blaster holes, but ignored them all as he stood on the opposite side of the ship and looked up to see the barrel of large sniper rifle and scope.

Coci’s head popped up from the scope. He shook his head in disbelief.

”Wh- y…“ Connor couldn’t finish the sentence. He was in awe, and bewilderment. So much for a mouse.

[member="Coci Sinopi"] [member="Serena Bouie"]
[member="Connor Harrison"]

"Well that scared them off", she grinned down at him. "Nice dancing by the way". She grabbed the case with the other hand and slid down the ship and landed on both feet to the ground. Coci looked at Connor, his face still showing surprise.

"I was once an assassin, an operative for the Republic and I am very good at it", she said by way of explanation. "It was my job before I began my training as Jedi, I keep practice but I don't need the skill as much anymore". Something she actually is grateful for.

But there is still much bite in the girl, not all of her blunt cold ways are completely void and her edge remains, that she needs very much in order to fulfill her duty as a Shadow.

"So this Serena has the ability to get into your head?, that is something you need to stop, whether it is her or others, it is a dangerous thing". She knew well enough Connor would be aware of the dangers, but still, he is her friend and reconfirming a problem is always beneficial. "But in this case it might prove valuable".

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