Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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From one Coalition to another...

Port Dameron Redux (in final construction)
Deep space between Kal'Shebbol and Kesh


High Marshal Bryce sat in the great hall of "the law" as he waited for ambassador [member="Claire Organa"] or one of her aids to arrive. Build in the center of Liberty Falls it has been painstakingly dissembled and re-assembled within the great station. Around the circular table large white statues of the great marshals were carved into the walls. Their faces were hard and rugged like the systems they cared for. Trench coats upon their backs and gun of legend hung at their sides. Yes while many area's of the galaxy had monuments to the Jedi, Sith, or Ren. Here it was the Judges what were honored and feared. He they had kept the law, died for the people...

The sounds of strings struck by a skilled hand filled the air as Bryce played one of the many six strings. He played a local folk song, one he had been learning and that brought him peace. He was hoping for peace today. Good will, free trade, communication. They had reached out to the outer rim through more "private" means but today was to be a formal meeting to open things up.

Bryce has been the first to arrive, other may be coming. It was always hard to tell with the ORC folks, scattered over such a vast and dangerous area it was not always easy for folks to make it to social events "on time".

OOC: All ORC and FWC folks are welcome to join. Stage has been set, mood and all that. Pop in as you wish!

[member="Claire Organa"]

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Bryce Bantam"]

[SIZE=10.5pt]She had accompanied Bryce to this delegation but remained oddly quiet. She knew this was a big deal for the Coalition for both of them. It was also an opportunity for her people. The people that trusted her to protect them and make the hard decisions no one really wanted to make. This girl... no this woman who had fell so far and built herself up from the ashes caused by her hands had grown, faced her mistakes head on and took responsibility. She had been punished, mocked, threatened. Many would have caved in to everything shed endured, yet she stands here. Alive, safe while countless people had paid as well for her mistakes. the guilt that still bears its toll carry’s weight, a guilt she will spend the rest of her life owning up for.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]right now. in this moment Sanya took solace in Byce’s talent. "You're getting good at that. I wish I had learnt to play. the sounds it makes are pleasant when played in sequence." She'd take a pause in her words as the woman let out a sigh. "Could you ever imagine life without music Bryce? I couldn't. Everything would be dull like there was a missing needed colour." She said softly as the feline woman would push away from the wall, walking from behind the orange haired man. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]"Maybe you should teach me sometime. Although I’d have to do something about these claws. It’s a pain having to dull them every few weeks. The problems I never faced as a human I guess. well almost." Been human again had crossed her mind from time to time. She'd imagine the life that could have been. What would the outcome have become if she didn't persure her [/SIZE]passions. Would the life of a Jedi be as for filling as she dreamed as a child. Had the taste of been so much more impurity those dreams?
Claire had tried to get a number of the Coalition members to consider the proposal of coming to the meeting with the ORCs. A few had made some joke about bringing their elves and dwarfs which she only smiled at and tried to understand.

Even now she wondered what could she offer them way out here in this part of space. Trade. That was the only thing she could think of, and perhaps they had something that Alderaan, Delaya or any other planet within the Coalition could use. She tapped her foot nervously on the deck of the ship as they moved to make their approach.

What to say.......what to WEAR!

She laughed to herself looking around at everyone who was staring at her as if she had just burped out loud. "We should be there shortly." She looked down again at the datapad.

They had a lot in common...why were they not closer to the Core? She sighed heavily.

[member="Alasdair Sitra"]
[member="Alessandro Waak'Tu"]
[member="Alexander Sannes"]
[member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"]
[member="Andulf Nicholas Teraan"]
[member="Asha Mataya-Syrush"]
[member="Bazette Royalblaze"]
[member="Brad Solo"]
[member="Cal Sedaire"]
[member="Camellia Swift"]
[member="Delila Castillon"]
[member="Dexen Yash"]
[member="Draco Vereen"]
[member="Dresden Verbrennung"]
[member="Elpsis Elaris"]
[member="Fiore de Noir"]
[member="Gilamar Skirata"]
[member="Hadleigh Purkis"]
[member="Jada Raxis"]
[member="John Ash"]
[member="Joza Perl"]
[member="Kaida Taldir"]
[member="Kosu Goram"]
[member="Lucien Dolos"]
[member="Maria Natalja"]
[member="Matthew Calderon"]
[member="Myles Davorak"]
[member="Natalia Sorenn-Syrush"]
[member="Nima Tann"]
@orloch moretti
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Sirius Nova"]
@taryc ap'lrae
[member="Tek Sidereal"]
[member="Thalia Rist"]
@tomas yarrow
[member="Vaena Askari"]
[member="Vanja Del'Vaan"]
[member="Von Kyux"]

[member="Allana Badeaux"]
[member="Relina Zhan"]
[member="Jomyn Ravos"]
[member="Bryce Bantam"]
[member="Claire Organa"] [member="Sanya Val Swift"]

Aiming to continue trying to put investment into her world's standing with the Free World Coalition, Camellia felt she had lagged behind missing out on a few endeavors though the RPDF had made a showing at least after the trade deal a while ago. Nonetheless, when the word about invitations to join an ambassador's group meeting with the Outer Rim's Coalition came up it added some determination to her efforts again. The coalition concept was an appealing one and the FWC was certainly an interesting entity itself. Having the opportunity to learn more about this one in the Outer Rim with the potential to expand to new markets was a god send for the woman who now looked out of her shuttle's viewport at the location the delegation's would be meeting at. "So that's where everyone will meet. Message their hangar control of our arrival and request guidance to where they intend for people from the FWC's worlds to dock. I hope we're not too late, I should have checked the invitation sooner."
[member="Claire Organa"] | [member="Camellia Swift"] | [member="Bryce Bantam"] | [member="Sanya Val Swift"]

Delila stretched her legs out in front of her, growing sore from sitting for so long. She was quite familiar with ORC and several of leaders inside the quasi-government. Having spent time with the time the trip was more reunion with several people rather than a formal meeting. There was little need for her to be along for the 'ride' so to speak. Delila saw it as the perfect opportunity to catch up on the southern end of the 'verse while she could.

Should be there shortly? Time was funny in ORC space. Stretching again, Delila pulled out her datapad. This could take awhile.
Exiled Count of House Teraan (Alderaan)
[member="Claire Organa"] | [member="Delila Castillon"] | [member="Camellia Swift"] | [member="Sanya Val Swift"]​
And so it was that after painstakingly having to go thru all the current assessment as well accounting of the family holding. That Andulf finally was able to get a better grip and idea of the situation at hand of which. It was then when the call came in and with very little time to spare he found himself back in his ship. Accompanied by his trusted captain of the guards Ja'rrod and his men heading off to another meeting where he was to rendezvous with Countess Clair and her entourage. To what he informed to be a possible new coalition as well trade venture. At which time soon he was in transit for the meet he then sends word to Countess Claire that he had received her message and would be come along soon to accompany her yet again.
[member="Sanya Val Swift"] | [member="Claire Organa"] | [member="Camellia Swift"] | [member="Delila Castillon"] | [member="Andulf Nicholas Teraan"]

On the display screen next to him Bryce saw reports of the Free worlds folks beginning to dock, he smiled and keyed in the codes granting them full docking rights and the "red carpet" treatment. (Literally a red carpet would be rolled out to them and an honor guard would be waiting to escort them to the great hall of "the law".

Sanya Val Swift said:
"Maybe you should teach me sometime. Although I’d have to do something about these claws. It’s a pain having to dull them every few weeks. The problems I never faced as a human I guess. well almost."
"Claws will be no issue for your plucking hand Sanya, actually may even help. If you are serious sure we can scare up a 3/4 size for you to start learning on, just let me know, looks like we have some time to kill and all."

Bryce went back to then playing, a new song in old Kathol. It would be the song those entering the hall would here as they came in.


Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Bryce Bantam"] ※ [member="Andulf Nicholas Teraan"] Ξ [member="Camellia Swift"] Ξ [member="Claire Organa"] ※ [member="Delila Castillon"]

She'd look back over her shoulder slightly but not exactly at Bryce but somewhere off In the distance. "I'd like that. I can bet it helps with long ship journeys huh. Make them a little more bearable. Although I'm used to seeing empty space." Sanya said with a happy tone to her voice. The man would begin to play another song once again pleasing to her ears.

She knew soon the other parties would soon show although she wondered if any others from the outer rim coalition would show. She'd giggle to herself for a moment thinking about those who come that late they'd miss the meeting. Still the people who fill this group are spread out and most often busy. It's the way things went. It was why she assumed they don't exactly rule over planets and instead letting them remain their own state. The influence from these rag tag rebels hit the worlds mostly in a positive manner. For her people in a very good way. "Guess I should sit down if the others will be arriving huh."
Exiled Count of House Teraan (Alderaan)
[member="Sanya Val Swift"] | [member="Bryce Bantam"] | [member="Delila Castillon"] | [member="Claire Organa"]​
And so it seemed with some expert navigating by his current pilot that it didn't take long before Andulf ship made it safely to the appointed meeting point. Then hail the tower they were then guided to dock into one the open designated landing pad prepared for them. At which time once docked Andulf prepared to then change into some more suitable suit for such a meet. Figuring being that this was more of an official meet rather than one his other meet he'd done prior that he suited up.

And that soon with his trusted House Captain by his side he then exited his ship to meet up with either the rest of the delegation or their appointed host.
[member="Bryce Bantam"] [member="Claire Organa"] [member="Sanya Val Swift"]

Once her shuttle received permission to land and guidance into the hangar bay to dock, the Rendili woman sat back with a smile as she looked out her viewport at the other ships also making their way toward the station now. It seemed like the big get together was getting underway, and with quite a reception as well seeing as Camellia certainly wasn't expecting a literal red carpet to be laid out for everyone's arrival. It seemed like quite a bit of fanfare she wasn't expecting to find considering the Outer Rim and all. Not that she looked down on the worlds in the Outer Rim, but they typically didn't tend to have the luxury to spend on something so trivial yet presenting lavish wealth. The head of Rendili Stardrive wondered if it was because of an effort to impress the incoming guests or the individual wealth of the one hosting the event.

Regardless, she put on her best business smile and followed after the waiting escort while hoping to find the evening an enjoyable one.
They were on approach to arrive Claire stood silently trying for the traditional Alderaani look in her dress. The soft blue floor length dress with it's long white vesture with the insignia of her house on her shoulder visible for all to see. She walked slowly down catching her breath and making sure she didn't slip and fall on the hem.

She looked around to those with her [member="Camellia Swift"] [member="Andulf Nicholas Teraan"] there was music playing this seemed to sooth her worn nerves she exhaled, "Ok let's go meet the folks from ORC" She took a more sure step and headed towards the entrance.

She began to have the idea of what she would say to them, and what she would offer. What other business offerings did they have? She wished for the list again.

Red carpet, how lovely well this was something wasn't it. "don't anyone be nervous just be yourselves and I'm sure this will go smoothly." It should, right?

[member="Sanya Val Swift"] [member="Bryce Bantam"] [member="Delila Castillon"]
Exiled Count of House Teraan (Alderaan)
[member="Claire Organa"] | [member="Camellia Swift"] | [member="Sanya Val Swift"] |[member="Bryce Bantam"]​
It was then stepping out onto the landing area Andulf alongside Ja'rrod he then steps forth to then come to meet up with the rest of the delegation. At which time come to stand before Countess Claire. He then turns towards her and giving a respectful nod in acknolagementAndulf then spoke.

"don't anyone be nervous just be yourselves and I'm sure this will go smoothly."

At which time he then replied back.

"As you wish Countess Clair and have to say its so good have met up with you again."

He then extend a hand and offered to escort her to the meet.
[member="Andulf Nicholas Teraan"] | [member="Claire Organa"] | [member="Camellia Swift"] | [member="Bryce Bantam"] | [member="Sanya Val Swift"]

Datapad safely stored - the trip didn't last as long as she expected - Delila was disembarking from the vessel with everyone else from FWC, taking the rear. She yawned and tried to stretch sore muscles while trying not to trip down the ramp. Speaking of ramp, there was a curious thing at the end of the ramp. Red carpet.

Eyes nearly rolled. Who was the prankster of the group? She wouldn't know, hadn't stepped in ORC space for awhile.
The hanger signaled that three delegates were inbound along with an old acquaintance of the underground who had decided to grace the re-founding of the old alliance port. It felt uniquely alive here in the center. Lush greenery of Liberty square surrounding the marble structure they waited in. Bryce pressed a few keys on a pad next to him and the circular table began to shift slightly. Panels in the table open revealing holo-projectors, one by one they came to life displaying the representatives from the remaining member worlds who were not able to make it to the station in person.

"Just about time to begin." Bryce said to Sanya with a smile, just before he went back to playing. "They should be here shortly."


[member="Sanya Val Swift"] | [member="Claire Organa"] | [member="Camellia Swift"] | [member="Delila Castillon"] | [member="Andulf Nicholas Teraan"]
A small ship had been tracking the Alderaan vessel since their entry into the quadrant. The visages of peace and tranquility these Alderaani and far from home the pilot thought as he tracked the ship to its rendezvous point. It would have been easy to destroy the vessel but the conditions had to be right.

What was it that the group from the Core would have to say to those this far out in no man's space. Slowly he let his ship drift not wanting to draw too much attention to himself. If the intent was to make friends perhaps there was a way he could prevent that. Maybe.

He maintained radio silence as he imagined the purpose of the visit. He had an advantage an inside man, or woman it didn't matter which. What mattered is he didn't need to be inside he would know soon enough what it was they spoke of and then he could determine if a strong message needed to be sent.

He settled back watching the scene unfold before him enjoying the silence as he listened to the voices in his head.
[member="Bryce Bantam"] [member="Delila Castillon"] [member="Andulf Nicholas Teraan"] [member="Camellia Swift"] [member="Sanya Val Swift"]​
Claire took Andulf's offered arm and looked by at Delila , "Ms. Delila have you met members of ORC before?" They followed the red carpet much like an old school story holo she had seen...follow the yellow brick road. She looked about as they walked interesting.

It would seem someone really didn't want them getting lost. She wanted to know as much as she could before speaking. As well as repeating what she could do and not do.

Sometimes being a diplomat felt very much like groundhog day same thing day after day the only thing that changed really the background. Last week it was Onderon this week..a station and quite an interesting station. It did however creak and grown like the metal was protesting their visit. She only hoped that it held together and no one spaced her.
Exiled Count of House Teraan (Alderaan)
[member="Claire Organa"] | [member="Bryce Bantam"] | [member="Delila Castillon"] | [member="The Story Narrator"]​
It was then no sooner had hand been offered and Countess Claire had taken it that Andulf had somewhat silently felt a bit at ease. Thought to be far away from home yet again as he fulfilled his duty after having been appointed by the Royal Alderaan House of Organa. Having least one familiar face was a welcome sight as though it almost felt so long ago. When he was barely a boy when he'd spent time with her as he accompanied his father the late Count during his duties to the crown. Along with the fact that He'd been being apart from most for the longest time since his return after the war.

But then again push that thought aside for the later time as he turns his attention back to today rather than. Let his thought linger to the past that was he felt best left alone.
[member="Andulf Nicholas Teraan"] [member="Bryce Bantam"] [member="Claire Organa"] [member="Sanya Val Swift"] [member="Delila Castillon"]

Moving closer to the other visitors she felt were from the Free World Coalition, the Rendili woman would try to follow their lead to try and get a better idea of how things were going to work. Camellia had to admit she didn't reach out to the Outer Rim that often, at least not in this section of space. The Silver Jedi had territory in the Outer Rim after all, and she had done business out there and even had yards built on some of the planets there. However, she simply hadn't extended Rendili Stardrive's contacts this direction so she felt she lacked knowledge about the people and such out here. Hopefully by keeping close to others who possibly did have a better idea she could pick up on what was the best way to hold herself in conversation and maybe even some information about who specifically was who within the Outer Rim Coalition. "I actually don't know much about the ORC myself, so I'd love to hear what you both know to present myself appropriately in all honesty."
[member="Delila Castillon"] [member="Camellia Swift"] [member="Claire Organa"] [member="Bryce Bantam"] [member="Sanya Val Swift"] [member="Andulf Nicholas Teraan"]

“Gorrammit, Saggy, wait up. I know we're late as all feth, but I'm not as fast as you-”

The droid breewheeped and vanished around one of Port Dameron’s many awkward corners. Jorus, still fumbling with his gunbelt and buttoning his shirt, skidded to a halt. An occupied red carpet stretched out before him.

“Dells? The feth? You're one of the Free Worlds delegates? Outstanding.” He tucked in a stray shirt corner and looked to the other faces. “Welcome to Port Dameron, folks. I'm Jorus Merrill. Won't be taking point on this, but good to meet you.” He spotted the door to the meeting chamber and moved ahead to open it. Another familiar face caught his eye in the process.

“It's Swift, right? Rendili? We used to teach at the Levantine Astronautical Academy around the same time.” He wedged the door open and braced it with his boot. Inside, someone was playing a lute or some such. He raised his voice. “They're here, Bryce.”
[member="Camellia Swift"] | [member="Jorus Merrill"] | [member="Andulf Nicholas Teraan"] | [member="Claire Organa"] | [member="The Story Narrator"] | [member="Bryce Bantam"]

"You can just call me Dells....but yeah, I've spent time in ORC space previously. Semi-decent folk."

There was a small smile at her joke, hopefully it still held true. She hand't been through ORC space since picking up that job for the Alderaan Royal House and started working at their Embassy. It was hard enough for an ex-soldier to find steady work and taking the time off to travel back down to Kathol space wasn't exactly a high priority. Vagrant Fleet split half her time....

Jorus had appeared by now, busy tucking in his shirt. She cast a skeptical look - as if to silently ask if he and Alna needed a few more minutes alone. Being in company that required her to act semi-professionally, she skipped asking such a thing out loud.

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