Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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From Kushibah to Coroscant [PM For Invite]

The pilot giggled at the little creature's energy. He seemed to be enthusiastic about anything, even if he should not be. "Well, I have to warn you not to--" She stopped speaking and calibrated her voice to a low volume so as not to make the captain suspicious. She shook her toolpack so the contained materials rattled and banged about and then growled a few curses out loud to disguise the conversation.

Satisfied that she had likely made a good performance, she proceeded to finish her sentence. "I have to warn you not to get to close to anything that might have a problem with your hair--particularly, the life systems."

Tekkio fully understood. He glanced down at his fur when she mentioned his hair. Although it was a warning, his smile continued. He also seemed more jittery when she did not even deny him to follow. His tail swaying a lot more quickly. Almost as if ironic to sight, strands of fur flung off his form.

Tekkio hunched on all fours and looked around. Although there was a few words and gestures Corvetta had made, which he didn't understand, he seemed willing to comply with anything. "Don't worry. I wont cause any problems." He said looking up at her.
The engine room was sweltering as usual, though the air was settling down now that the engines had been cut, the ship being in a distant orbit over Feriae Junction. Corvetta made a beeline for the main hyperdrive unit and quickly unhooked the elements from the core component. On her knees, she borrowed a gauge from her toolpack and set it against the reactor, measuring its decay.

The captain did not want to buy a new core and therefore was asking for a bit of a miracle. All she could do was apply a 'bandage' to the problem that would keep things running until Coruscant. She muttered silly things in spacer speak to herself and became lost in her work, forgetting that [member="Tekkio"] was nearby.
It was a bit hot in this engine room. While Corvetta worked, Tekkio had a few sniffs around. He paused to watch Corvetta for a few moments. Taking in all her movements, all her choices of tools, just too see how she would fix it. He tilted his head this way, then that way as he fought to his attention at the engines and hyperdrive.

But his curiousity soon grew. He only read about places like this on ships. Now he wanted to see more, more of what the engine room had to offer. He set about, sniffing in directions, exploring the place. He would pause occasionally to stare at some buttons and gadgets. Soon he was out of sight.
Corvetta pulled on a pair of gloves and wrapped a cloth around her lower face like a bandit to shield herself from the decaying core's radiation. Actually pulling her goggles down over her eyes for the first time in ages, she had to wipe her multicolored hair to one side to keep it from impeding her vision. Maybe it was time for a haircut. Though it might be pretty this way. But she supposed that was the least of her worries for now.

Uncapping the core's casing, the flygirl positioned the end of a tube inside and began pumping a coolant into the chamber. This was a time for focus and whatever Tekkio might be doing did not even cross her mind in the moment. This was serious biz.
Tekkio has stumbled onto a series of colorful lights. What they was, he didn't know. He tilted his head this way and that way trying to remember if he read about these. The colors was arranged in a random order, starting with green and then red, then blue, then yellow. They switched almost the second after, making him jump a bit.
With heavy tongs, Corvetta gently twisted the core just enough to change its reaction points. That was all she would be able to do for now and they would have to limp on it until Coruscant--where she would promptly demand her pay and discharge herself from the merchant's service. After removing the coolant tube and sealing the hyperdrive unit, she removed her face protection and flung her gloves into the toolpack before slamming the lid to the container.

"That's how ya do it," she declared, clapping her hands with finality.

That was odd. Where was the furry guy? "Tekk! Where'd ya go?"
Tekkio's ears perked to the lights and then shifted toward clapping. He then heard Corvetta shout out his name. "I'm here!" Tekkio declared and ran for his right. He tripped over a few wires, unintentially unplugging them and then shot for Corvetta's sight.

He ran up, looking at the patches. He smiled at the repairs and tilted his head taking in how they worked. His tail swayed eagerly. "Does it work now?" He asked.
She nodded. "Should be good enough to jet to Cray-land, but I'm not gonna tell Mr. Business that. Otherwise, he'll dump me off if his piece of scrap conks out before then." Though he was willing to dump her off no matter what happened, as long as it was something he could manage to blame her for.

Wiping the sweat off her forehead, she peered around the engine room. "So, how was your... tour?" she inquired, wondering what he had been up to while she was busy.
"There was a lot of lights." The Kushiban said, flinging his tail about, oblivious to the damage he did. He smiled up at her and looked around wondering if she is looking for more damages.

It wasn't long before he was sniffing around again this time looking closer at her patches.
"I was just looking at lights, over in that direction." He said, turning around and extending his paw to point. His fur was slightly ruffled on his belly, probably from the fall he just took.

[member="Corvetta Salvo"]
Crazy little rabbit... Was that xenophobic? Corvetta dropped her cloth mask and toed over towards the area the Kushiban had indicated, not particularly aware of anything that should be blinking so fantastically. But there it was: a brilliant display of alternating colors attached to one of the primary support scrubbers.

"Aw, nothing to shift about, Tekk. It's just lettin' us know life support is Ay-Oh-Kay." The pilot pointed at the devices. "See, green flashes per inhale, blue lets me know scrubs are keeping us breathing, and red--well..." She scratched her head. "Well, it means somethin'..."
[I cant add color to the words for some reason, everytime I click on the word color icon, the cursor jumps back to the start of the paragraph]

He tilted his head at the colors. "Oh wow. I guess every light does mean something." He looked up at her when she paused for the red light. He blinked and flicked his ear. "What does the red light mean?" He persisted, tail slightly swaying.

[member="Corvetta Salvo"]
Corvetta ground her teeth in annoyance. "...I think red means we're gettin' kicked off at Junction, pal. Air tanks are hissing." She kicked at a box, exasperated with everything going wrong this trip. And now she had a color-shifting fuzzball to take care of on top of that. He was a good little dude and all, but he knew nothing about the universe outside Kushibah, from what she understood. He would not last a day without her guiding hand. Not until she brought him to Coruscant.

"Keep your li'l paws crossed that we'll be able to patch this. Quick slap of a sticky 'n' all. We can hope there's enough to get us clean to Crosses, but that's not Coruscant. What a rustbucket he bought." The pilot/mechanic groaned and went back to her tools. If this did not work, they would be thumbing for a ride on Junction.

Tekkio looked down at his paws, tilting his head. He did not fully understand what was going on, even though he read much about space craft and their capabilities. He wanted to help, wanted to try something.

After listening to her, he blinked a few times. "Junction?" He asked. "What sort of planet is it?" His ears flicked when he asked, and twitched when he saw her working on the ship.

[Member="Corvetta Salvo]
Meandering through the cords and panels that made up the aft section of the ship, Corvetta came upon the hissing air tank. While oxygen and the other gases contained within the air systems were colorless themselves, there was a phosphorous, benign chemical found inside them that did show itself and betray where a leak may be. "Just a hosedown kinda planet," she answered Tekkio as she began to chew on some of the gum she had in her toolkit. Yeah, it was a desperate sort of fixer, but it most often worked. "Not much there but boneyards and traders. Nice place, but too far from Coruscant."

After masticating her repair material to a sticky enough composition of gum and spit, she removed it from her teeth and stretched it out over the air tank. "Cross your fingers, buddy. Let's hope this works 'til we're off this tin cup."
He flicked his ears, tilting his head. A chewable tool? This was not something he had seen or heard of, but then again, there was all sorts of things he had not seen before. He flicked his ears listening and paying attention. Perhaps he could apply the same treatment later on in the travel.

He looked at his hand paws when she told him to cross his fingers. He was not sure how it would help, but he placed his fingers from his left paw onto his right, crossing them. "I hope we do not have to get off at Junction. Sounds too much of a hastle there." He said.

[Member="Corvette Salvo"]

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