Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Friend of a Friend

Coruscant was home of the enemy. Home of the Galactic Republic and home of the Jedi Order. It was a city that was known as the "Jewel of the Galaxy". Trixter hated it, with a passion.

That's why he was there after all; fueling his hate by going to the place he hated most. Everyone who walked by made him sick. He couldn't stand the sight of any of them. People would always stare at him for a moment; trying to comprehend why someone would paint their face up the way he did and to have his facial scars stand out more than they already did.

He paid no mind to the "filth" as he walked by. He made his way to a small bar on a street corner. It was a popular one for smugglers and bounty hunters, who stopped there before descending into the dark underworld of Coruscant's lower levels.

Trixter didn't drink, he thought drinking was poison. So instead he walked in, ordered water, and moved to the corner where he could watch everyone who entered. He examined everyone. Their clothing, the way they walked and talked, he analyzed everything trying to deduce why they were in this bar. He had his reasons, as did everyone.

Today he was meeting someone. One of Trixter's few "friends" had informed him of a girl who could help him with his goals. He had plans, big plans that could potentially change the Galaxy if he pulled them off. He knew he would. He just needed help getting their. So he waited in the corner for this friend of a friend to arrive.

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

Circe had received an anonymous note. She had no clue who the note was from, nor how whoever it was determined to contact her specifically in order to 'get to Circe,' so to speak, but seeing as Coruscant was a relatively safe place, she felt comfortable answering the summons. Well, technically it was Vanessa Vantai answering the summons on behalf of Circe, who still had faded into obscurity, but that was understandable.

Entering, she immediately noticed the one man out, the one with the scars and every other such thing. Sitting down at the table with him, she raised an eyebrow.

"I was informed you wanted to talk to Circe."
Trixter didn't move. He simply raised his eyes to the lady. He hadn't met this 'Circe' in person, nor did he have any way of proving who she was. So he assumed, based off her high stature, this was a representative.

"I would like to speak with your boss."

Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

"She currently has chosen to remain under the radar for reasons you likely would understand and sympathize with. I have been put in charge of all her operations for the time being, and have all knowledge of connections and resources at her disposal." She preferred not exposing her identity here to this man, and would try her best to prevent such from occurring.

"So, what do you need?"

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