Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Freedom through Victory. Victory through Contest. Mandalorian Empire Dominion of Nyriaan HexAA20

Objective : 1

His rage and fury was taken out on the Krayt Dragon before him, there was a couple of gladiators that tried to attack him from behind but he impaled one of them with the handle of one of his axes that he threw in the heart and blocked the blade from the other before punching him hard through the chest.He gripped his heart and crushed it without mercy before pulling his now bloodied hand out of the gladiators chest and threw the axe hard into the underbelly of the Krayt Dragon going for the weakest parts of it for quick kills he curb stomped the other gladiator that was thrown to him by Tuulu. He turned to go collect [member="Adara Raxis"] but he saw that [member="Kaine Australis"] with the Nexu who seemed to have been tamed already at her location, It calmed him a little to see her safe but he continued his onslaught and leaped up on top of the dragon and started slashing at its neck repeatedly. He looked around when he saw three new arrivals 2 of them he recognized as [member="Yasha Cadera"] and [member="Ambrose Cadera"] Reinforcements finally started to show up the shield mustv been weakened enough to allow Tuulu to enter the fray as he saw Yasha and Ambrose outside to destroy the remaining generators.

He raised his hand to the air and the sound of destruction could be heard and get close as it exploded through one of the walls and surged with lightning as it slammed into one of the generators weakening the shield even more so before it flew through the opening it provided and into Skorveks hand. Once it was in his hand he raised it high into the air before slamming the crude axe he was using into the skull of the Krayt dragon having lightning surge into the metal and no doubt into the Krayt dragons own head, Like a hammer putting in a nail he kept swinging the axe further into its head with the intent of not stopping until thrown off or until the dragon falls dead.

[member="Stardust Australis Skirae"] [member="Damian Starchaser"] [member="Mig Gred"] [member="Padran Rodarch"] [member="Hush Sarad"]
Objective 1

Fight or flight. There was always a mere moment in which a person had to decide which he was going to do. For Damian flight was often his best option as he usually attempted to perform clandestinely away from prying eyes, but now the option was fight. "Guards saw him as he prowled the corridor looking for the nearest exit and in a display of brilliance they attacked. No stop and identify, apparently they didn't get men in fine suits often. Fair enough.

Blasters fired, pinpoints of light reaching out towards Damian who responded by opening up his umbrella. The red lights struck and were deflected flying up to hit the ceiling or otherwise deflecting away from the Jedi’s body. With open umbrella giving his upper body protection Damian knelt into a near crouch and charged forward.

The guards panicked as their fire was ineffectual and they fell back allowing those with stun batons a chance to show their own mettle. Damian found them wanting.

As he reached he poked hard the first with the umbrella before closing it and wielding it more like a lightsaber. The wrinkled nature of the cloth prevented him from deflecting the blaster bolts back his attackers light the lightsaber he was used to, but was good enough at protecting him while he slammed the heavy shaft of the umbrella into his melee assailants.

Parry, riposte, strike, and twirl. Damian reacted with all the skills he had available to him as the guards closed in. Stun batons fell out of hands as heads cracked and limbs broke. It took took nearly two minutes to round up the guards who were shooting him, a short enough time to deal with four armed men, and a long enough time for reinforcements to summoned.

With a sigh Damian turned and ran, blaster fire going down the hall being deflected by his umbrella as he ran. He continued toward the source of sound, the crowd, hoping to go up into the stands and escape to the outside world. Boy was he wrong.

Damian ran straight towards the door slamming past two guards as doors slammed behind. Light blinded his vision for a moment before his eyes adjusted… and suddenly he was in the middle of the arena… where there was apparently a giant deathmatch happening.

Several men with primitive weapons looked at him, deciding it was better to fight the ponce in a suit than try to savage their current opponents. Damian dodged a blow from a cudgel before sliding underneath a deadly slash from a sword so rusted he doubted if even an inch of it could be made to shine.

At the edges Damian could see several guards arriving at the periphery of the ring. They drew blasters and aimed down their sites, upset no doubt of the proper thrashing he’d given them. Damian opened the umbrella above his head and depressed the button within the hooked handle. The various runners began to smoke sending a special laser inhibiting smoke out in a thirty meter radius concealing him from view and protecting him from anyone attempting to shoot a blaster into the zone.

[member="Kaine Australis"] | [member="Stardust Australis Skirae"] | [member="Skorvek"] [member="Mig Gred"] | [member="Padran Rodarch"] [member="Hush Sarad"] | [member="Yasha Cadera"] | @The People I probably forgot
Location: The Arena
Objective: Run.
Allies: [member="Kaine Australis"] [member="Stardust Australis Skirae"] [member="Skorvek"] [member="Damian Starchaser"] [member="Mig Gred"] [member="Padran Rodarch"] [member="Hush Sarad"] [member="Yasha Cadera"]

Mig and Padran had her front protected, but the girls were the most massive target on the field. It was impossible to protect every angle.

A twi’lek male rushed Tamar and Adara, knocking the nanny over. The nexu lunged. He lasted longer than his compatriot. Bleed out with a scream.

“Kaine, Reyn was with us. Where is... nngh.” Tamar gasped as Kaine helped her up, red stains growing on her back. “Nexu, you tamed a...”

Adara threw herself into her father’s arms and buried her head in his chest.

“Baba don’t go. Baba, stay!” Nuzzled into Kaine, Adara clung until Tamar peeled her forcibly away. “Baba don’t leave.”

“Hush, child. We have to run.” Tamar rushed to the Nexu’s Side, keeping it on their unprotected flank. Kaine rushed. A fury fell from the sky. Pandran and Mig were the best chance Adara and Tamar had of being protected. The Panathan Nanny dove under the Nexu as Tuulu raged in, dropping the guns he carried.

“Stay! Stay with the Nexu! Climb onto its fur!” Her back burned in lashes of pain as Tamar ran for the nearest blaster pistol. She was a former Wet Nurse of House Zambrano, a slave trained from birth to serve. While the Zambrano children had guards and dogs to protect them, all servants of the house were charged with the sacred duty to protect the young with their lives. Useless at close range, Tamar’s training had been near exclusively the use of the firearm.

“At least it got me something.” Tamar mused, now a free Mandalorian making an honest living. Bringing the pistol to bear, she aimed and fired without hesitation. Armed, Tamar slumped her wounded back against the nexu’s fur.

Adara yelped as Skorvek rushed the dragon, her protector growling at the beasts. Above her head, Tuulu flew down to protect his fellow Mandalorians. Tamar’s mouth felt like cotton and ash. Liquid... she needed liquid. Vision temporarily dogged by dehydration and blood loss, the Nanny almost dropped her gun.
The blocked the talons of the dragon watching that blade shatter before her as she moved forward with what was left of her blade roaring out as she started stabbing right into its stomach repeatedly watching as crimson flowed out and onto her getting in her eyes as she was forced to close them and rely on the force as she growled moving back

stupid ferfek!

Wiping her eyes she opened them and slammed a guy down to the ground stomping his neck and turned seeing Kaine arrive to adara she relaxed internally. Something occurred to her something she honestly forgot, she looked to her right arm and transformed into a blaster as she chuckled

slavers will always be idiots hehehe

Picking up another crude weapon she sliced a guy running for her then shot a few others as she pressed back towards the dragon so she could help skorvek eliminate it
Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii
"Well, guess we can't help each other. Get back!" Mig then pushed Padran back with the Force and slammed the ground in front of him with a powerful blast of Force Lighting. The electricity arced through the ground before finding its way to the nearest gladiators and sending then a powerful shock. The closed men and women fell down, but more just seemed to come. It was then that he heard Tamar confirm his suspensions. That was the Mand'alor's kid! Mig could tell Tamar was hurt, but there was no time to check. More gladiators were coming. Mig continued to but he and Padran couldn't stop everyone. Two of these gladiators tried to get around the side of the guarding pair before the Nexu tore one of them apart, and a club bashed the other one.

"Perfect timing, Kaine!" Mig quickly zapped another gladiator as he eyed the man. He then asked the question. "What's the plan," Mig asked before hearing Kaine say he would take on the group responsible by himself. "What do you...?" He then saw Kaine shoot off with speeds he had never seen a human move at before, attacking any gladiators in his way. Mig just couldn't believe it. "Pehea o'r te (How in the).... Guess that's where she gets it from." He still couldn't quite believe the use of the Force. And then another great sight came to his eyes. Blasters! Mig quickly grabbed the lightest blaster he could get to in his left hand, keeping his saber in the right, and began keeping more gladiators at bay. It was only then that he saw Tamar nearly drop her weapon and pulled back to help keep her steady, before looking around.

"We can't wait for them to get the shields down." He looked at everyone and quickly lifted Tamar up to help her walk. "We need to get to the outer wall. Come on!" Mig began to walk towards the wall, still helping Tamar as he did. The Mandalorian hoped the Nexu got the idea and would follow. Mig used the blaster he picked up to stop every gladiator that tried to get close. Once they made to the edge, the alor gently put Tamar down and looked at the others. "Keep them back." Even if what Mig was only able to do only shorted one generator it'd be worth it. He placed his hands near the shielding, and used every bit of his connection to the Force to send a powerful bolt of Force Lightning into the shield. Man he hoped this would work.

[member="Stardust Australis Skirae"] [member="Adara Raxis"] [member="Kaine Australis"] [member="Damian Starchaser"] [member="Skorvek"] [member="Yasha Cadera"] [member="Padran Rodarch"]
Location: Arena Shield
Objective: Destroy Opposition
Allies: [member="Kaine Australis"] [member="Stardust Australis Skirae"] [member="Skorvek"] [member="Damian Starchaser"] [member="Mig Gred"] [member="Padran Rodarch"] [member="Hush Sarad"]

Mand’alor the Infernal roared as she leapt toward the next shield generator. Ambrose followed, shooting the guards as they came to halt their progress.

One, then another generator fell to the Infernal and her war hammer, the shield weakening each time.

Skorvek’s battering hit another, and then there were only eight more.

Mig Gred’s crackling energy weakened yet another. The crowds jeered and screamed in their revels, a silence falling as the Mand’alor’s guards rushed to assist their sole ruler.

A cackle through the loudspeakers.

“It’s time, folks! We promised entertainment, and we deliver on Nyriaan. You wanted a chance shot at the Mandalorians... now’s... your... chance.”

The crowd erupted. Yasha raised her gaze up from the remains of the shield generator to see the throng of thousands... all with weapons.

“Maybe next time the Mandos won’t keep freeing our slaves, and stay out of our business.” The MC’s voice turned cruel, as a rustling sound came over the audio.

The entire arena. Remnants of the slavers the Mandalorian Empire has been ending for months. Years. Yasha cleared her throat, and called for reinforcements...

... only to receive static in her MBE-II.

“MOMALOR, get me comms! Call the troops on the Hell Wolf!”

“On it.” For once the AI didn’t give any lip.
Stardust looked around, see the crowd drawing weapons as she growled and looked around then to adara...that was her main priority then she would come back for her sister, her mand'alor, the person who she would fight any time she was called upon

oi! Skorvek! Think the dragons dead dead but weve got a big issue now

She picked up a blaster as she looked it over and gave a grin looking towards the crowd as a idea occurred to her...they had to have their weapons and armor around here somewhere maybe they could make it towards there and make a stand

I've a idea! We need to find where our weapons are then we can mount up and level the field yeah?

Stardust moved to where [member="Mig Gred"] was and watched the shield weaken, the rate things were going they needed help and fast otherwise it wasn't going to go good at all. Meanwhile in her ear the dark side whispered

take a little more...wipe them out with the help of what you

She bit her tongue, glancing around the arena as she choked her head and ignored it raising a blaster to fire at a few of the gladiators

They needed help and fast
Location: The Arena
Objective: Run.
Allies: [member="Kaine Australis"] [member="Stardust Australis Skirae"] [member="Skorvek"] [member="Damian Starchaser"] [member="Mig Gred"] [member="Padran Rodarch"] [member="Hush Sarad"] [member="Yasha Cadera"]

“Thank you. The glass... it..” Tamar leaned on Mig, raising her pistol and firing into the gladiatorial forces, who seemed to increase in number. The loudspeaker confirmed the soreness of the Mandalorian situation.

Tamar slumped her shoulder against the outer wall. She aimed at three armed guards, now, rushing them. Her first two shots were wide.

The third, forth and fifth hit centre mass.

Adara curled into the Nexu’s fur, roused off the beast when it shook and gently nipped at her dress with its teeth. The child ran to Tamar, struggling under one prone arm as Tuulu transformed into a nexu-like black furred creature, and charged the influx of guards.

“Adara, how is she?”

“Tamar needs naptime.” Adara whimpered, curling up in Tamar’s exhausted arm. Tuulu grunted.

“What she needs is you, little one. Do you remember when you were scared on Vena? Dar’ika, Tamar is going to die unless you get scared, sweetie.” Harsh words from the gurlanin, who lashed out as the Nexu also hit for the streaming guards.
Location: Arena Shield
Objective: Destroy Opposition
Allies: [member="Kaine Australis"] [member="Stardust Australis Skirae"] [member="Skorvek"] [member="Damian Starchaser"] [member="Mig Gred"] [member="Padran Rodarch"] [member="Hush Sarad"]

With the advent of the slaver’s trap rushing through Yasha’s ears, she ran at the shield generator keeping the northern hemisphere blocked from entrance and exit. One half of the shield down meant a modicum of protection for the people she had left, while letting the others remove themselves.

Her daughter was down there. Her riduur roared into the stands. Goading on the crowd to take fire away from the others. The last of the shield generators crunched into rubble.

The Infernal said no words, for her presence was enough. She mouthed no calls to her companions, nor struggled with orders beyond the obvious call to survive. Mouth quiet, Yasha waited and listened for the ping from MOMALOR, that proof the comms were working.

Ambrose beside her, she leapt from the arena’s engineering rigs to the crowd. Her hammer cleared a place for her feet, with a burst of its’ arc reactor and concussive swing.

“Kain’ik!” Yasha tossed Kaine one of her two pistols.

Yasha’s shoulder-mounted turret gun clanked in place. The cannon fired into the heartiest parts of the crowd. A swath of destruction cut into the crowd.

Padran Rodarch

It is an understatement to say that Padran was relieved when they got blasters. He picked up two and followed Mig who helped Tamar, Adara and the nexu to the shield. While Mig disabled one of the generators, Padran held the attackers away, shooting anyone that got close, even if they weren't targeting them.

Then came the announcement. Padran swore loudly. It had just got a lot harder. Attackers were already coming towards them. Padran didn't hesitate a moment, shooting at them at once. But it would not be enough. Luckily, Kaine had taken the attention of most of them when he leapt out into the crowd. Still, many off them was coming for the group of mandalorians in the arena. Most of them were now together, making the defense somewhat easier. reinforcements would be very good about now.

[member="Yasha Cadera"] | [member="Kaine Australis"] | [member="Adara Raxis"] | [member="Stardust Australis Skirae"] | [member="Mig Gred"] | [member="Damian Starchaser"] | [member="Skorvek"] | [member="Hush Sarad"]

Objective: Destroy Opposition
Allies: [member="Yasha Cadera"] @Kaine Australis @Stardust Australis Skirae @Damian Starchaser [member="Mig Gred"] @Padran Rodarch [member="Hush Sarad"]

He stopped pounding into the dragons head his rage slightly subsided when he noted that Adara was safe again but it was a trap as the entire crowd started to arm themselves and attack he activated for the first time since he tested refining it a mobile version of battle meditation, A way for him to use it while still being able to fight while giving all of his vode and allies the benefits of the Meditation as he used his necromancy to bring those that fell back from the dead as his puppets and had them either act as meat shields or grab a blaster and fire at the enemy. His rage was replaced with something else a hunger to kill and destroy the enemy by all means necessary, the slavers made a mistake pushing his buttons for there entertainment for now the beast is on the hunt for their blood and he will carve through any that are not his brethren to do it, He called forth several spears of a blackish ichor and sent them flying towards the crowd making sure to avoid any Mandalorians within only targeting the slavers.

Several gladiators climbed up the dead dragon and charged for him he responded with one powerful swing sending them both into a wall with enough force to crush every bone and organ in there body as he leaped down to a sizeable formation of slavers and slammed his hammer into the ground as lightning exploded sending the group flying in every direction as he continued his onslaught sticking with Stardust as much as possible along the way, He didn't speak he simply struck and kept moving nothing but adrenaline keeping him going as he kept his mobile meditation in effect it would be clear to even his vode that getting in the way of his rampage at the moment wouldn't be advisable He did suffer a few stabs and cuts but that didnt stop his rampage he worked through the pain.
Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii
Mig's arcing lightning quit as he brought his hands down, panting from the strain that the massive Force use had put on him. He was about to lift Tamar up again until he heard the announcer. Osik! This wasn't good. Now there was an entire stadium of spectators against them. The alor's father had always taught him there was no such thing as chance, or luck, but that everything was the will of the Force. If that was the case, Mig had a few choice words for the Force right now. Mig then sensed a bolt coming. He instinctively, and stupidly, blocked it with his saber only to see the blade be shot off.

"You've got to be kidding me!" Mig still had his blaster and the Force at least. Mig quickly blasted a pair of attackers before Force Pushing another away. This was going to be a long day than before. It was then that he heard Tuulu speaking to Adara. To be honest it almost made him roll his eyes. That wasn't the best way to get anything out of a child, especially not the Force. "Great tactic. Scare someone into using the Force." The man couldn't help but comment with a dash of sarcasm. Mig then took a step back, firing at more fighters before feeling... something wash over him. The Mando'ad'jetii couldn't really explain it. Either way, hopefully he could help some.

He turned for a moment to see Yasha, Kaine, and... um... whoever the large canine was tear into the stands. When he turned back he gasped in shock. The dead.... They were.... This was just way to freaky. They were alive again, and apparent under the canine's command. Mig wasn't even going to try to explain that. He was almost jumped by an attacker though, along with Pandran, but Mig soon let sparks fly from his hands and his to pair of attackers. "There has to be a way out of here!" Mig then eyed Tamar. "Someone needs to try and get her and the girl to safety, or at least find a medical center on site with some bacta."

[member="Skorvek"] [member="Padran Rodarch"] [member="Yasha Cadera"] [member="Kaine Australis"] [member="Adara Raxis"] [member="Stardust Australis Skirae"]
Location: The Arena
Objective: Run.
Allies: [member="Kaine Australis"] [member="Stardust Australis Skirae"] [member="Skorvek"] [member="Damian Starchaser"] [member="Mig Gred"] [member="Padran Rodarch"] [member="Hush Sarad"] [member="Yasha Cadera"]

The arena was chaos. Reinforcements from the slavers in disguise rushed the arena, as those on the stands flooded around the Infernal, around Kaine Australis and Skorvek. Tuulu transformed into his lupine form and fought beside Mig and Padran, lashing out with gurlanin animal ferocity.

A child lived in a perpetual state of believing her parents and loved ones were immortal and omnipotent. In the arena, surrounded by mortality, Yasha’s firstborn stared up in Tuulu’s orange eyes.

“Stop scaring her Tuulu! Leave Adara alone and go help Alor Gred and The Mandalorian defend us.” Tamar grabbed Adara weakly, trying to smooth the girl’s hair and keep her eyes from the sight.

It did nothing for Skorvek’s roar. Adara gasped. Her eyes flashed up at the stadium stands above them. All at once, things went south. Tamar was too weak from blood loss to keep hold of the child in her arms.

“Uncle Skorvek.” Adara’s whisper carried. She ran into the middle of the arena. Her rumbly tumbly felt oddly full, doubled over and shaken about by Skorvek’s battle meditation.

If Buir, Baba and Ba’vodu ended up like the still people, what would Adara and Reyn do? What about Lily-Grace? Lam and Lov?

The fear built within her. And the child whose earliest meals were a feast of the Dark Lord’s essence...

... screamed.

Anything not secured around the child swirled in a destructive torrent, fed by the fear, the terror of losing every strength she ever had. Fed by the Battle Meditation enhancing her abilities ever slightly. Dross disintegrated around her. The child hovered inches from the ground, body curled into itself as her force scream gained momentum, swirling as a destructive explosion through the arena.

Tamar reached for her charge, thrown back by Adara’s scream.

“Child… Adara, no love… no…”
[member="Skorvek"] [member="Padran Rodarch"] [member="Yasha Cadera"] [member="Kaine Australis"]

She turned around as she roared at the gladiators coming towards her and pushed them back picking up another sword and started running them through and pushing them away her arms being nicked but she was glad they werent real

blasted ferfeks! Stay back and stay dead!

She screamed at them as she started moving close getting beside skorvek as she felt his battlemedition ans sighed feelimg that edge taken off and focused on routing them dividing the enemy into smaller groups. Using her fore and then cutting them down with her sword

Then suddenly she felt herself lift and was thrown into the make shift cover as she grunted and cried out in pain feeling a gash go down her back as she growled and seared it shut before slowly standing covering a ear and looked to the center as she gasped seeing adara...screaming...destruction all around her. Stardust closed her eyes and slowly began to move towards her feelimg that dark side energy hit her in waves as she grunted sliding back a bit
Location: Pits
Objective: B (Gladiator in disguise)
Allies: [member="Adara Raxis"] @Skorvek @Yasha Cadera [member="Kaine Australis"]

Aedan yawned as he slowly stood up from the small corner of the pit he had been laying in stretching and reaching up to pull the now useless wig he had been wearing off letting it fall onto the ground reveling his normal black hair he pulled it back into a ponytail. He removed a pair of contact lenses revealing his mismatched eyes before he was hit with a rather powerful force scream his body rocking back into the wall before he stood up. He looked forward and than sighed before he started to walk forward drawing immensely on the force using the pain caused by the scream as a focus. He willed the force into and around his body using it to push through the force scream until he crouched down near to the child willing a mental projection that he was fine to cover his face and body as he lifted a hand to gently pat the girl's head. "Easy there little one you are safe now just look up and around. I promise you that none of your family shall fall here." He watched the small child feeling the force around her his eyes filling with sorrow as he knew she would always be chased with a grin he stood up and held his hand out to her hoping she would take it a grin on his lips. "How about you help me to save them little one? Together I think we might be able to do it but you have to trust me in this okay? By the way my name is Aedan I work for your mom in a way."
Location: The Arena
Objective: Run.
Allies: [member="Kaine Australis"] [member="Stardust Australis Skirae"] [member="Skorvek"] [member="Damian Starchaser"] [member="Mig Gred"] [member="Padran Rodarch"] [member="Hush Sarad"] [member="Yasha Cadera"] [member="Aedan Miles"]

“I’m scared! They took my brother. They hurt Sloobie and Baba an-and...” Adara stuttered, all in all only a small child in the face of something too large to understand. She threw her spindle arms around Aedan and buried her tiny head in his shoulder, blubbering like the five year old she was.

Far be it for Adara to act so tall in the realm of giants.

Rubbing her grubby face in Aedan’s shirt, Adara sniffled large and loud. The tempest around her faded to dross. Hiccuping sobs burst out of her, drained in Aedan’s clothing.

“Yyyeeeeeaaaaaaah.” She whinnied. It would be good to save everybody. Snuggling in, Adara sniffled and dried her eyes on her sleeve. Look at her, blubbering like a four year old. Tamar would tut her tongue. Scrubbing at her face with both hands, Adara took Aedan’s hand and wiped her nose with the other.

“We can save them? Baba, Buir, Ba’vodu Sloobie, Starry, Tamar and everyone?! Even that guy?! Even my brother? He might be annoying and breaked my doll but he doesn’t deserve to die.” An adult who worked for Mommy? He would make it better.
Location: The Arena
Objective: Teach
Allies: [member="Adara Raxis"] [member="Kaine Australis"] [member="Stardust Australis Skirae"] [member="Skorvek"] [member="Damian Starchaser"] [member="Mig Gred"] [member="Padran Rodarch"] [member="Hush Sarad"] [member="Yasha Cadera"]

Aedan smiled down at Adara before nodding his head and moving to sit cross legged subtly waving his free hand behind his back erecting a Force Barrier around them to defend from any stray fire. He gestured for her to copy his position at his side smiling brightly his mismatched eyes gleaming. "Yes we can but I am going to need your help. I need you to sit like this and than close your eyes. After you do I need you to focus on your breathing in and out deeply while reaching out in your imagination like you can feel the very air around you. Follow it to those you want to protect and than imagine them stronger, faster, and their eyes to be sharper. Put your will power into this while maintaining your breathing and you can help them just like that." As he spoke he did what he was saying reaching out with the force and attempting to guide her in the act of Battle Meditation it was a hard skill to learn but he had a feeling she would get it with his help. Her desire to help everyone was strong it would make it come easier to her. He guided her through the force at first showing her what he meant by giving their allies a boost through the force than sending out encouraging feelings to her wanting her to pick up where he was at. Turning a portion of his focus from that he sought out her nanny finding her he used his control of the force to pull her into the Force Barrier where she would be safe as well.
Location: Arena Shield
Objective: Destroy Opposition
Allies: [member="Kaine Australis"] [member="Stardust Australis Skirae"] [member="Skorvek"] [member="Damian Starchaser"] [member="Mig Gred"] [member="Padran Rodarch"] [member="Hush Sarad"] [member="Aedan Miles"]

There reigned no thought but that of combat. No sight but those of her compatriots who mounted a defence against the slavers and their multitudinous ilk.

Some of the gladiators began to turn their guns and weapons from the Mandalorians to the spectators above. They leapt over the fallen shield into the stands, crying out to take down who they could.

Captors roared with laughter, even as their numbers began to lessen. Rushing back to back with Kaine, Yasha sent powerful blasts from her auto cannon into the foray.

Skorvek joined the barrage on the stands.

Adara screamed.

Yasha’s gaze swerved to her daughter, whose scream bashed and beset the arena.

“Dar’ika... Kaine! She’s... nnngh!” The momentary distraction cost her. Yasha took a double shot from a ripper to her stomach plates. The concussive Force nearly bowled her backward.

Aedan moved to help Adara and Yasha had to trust that her Warden would, above all, have the girl’s back. None of them would make it out of there if they didn’t survive the battle. To lead, Yasha had to leave her screaming motherly instincts behind.

“MOMALOR I NEED COMMS!” Yasha bellowed, arm back against the seats. She kicked an oncoming rodian, feeling the crunch of his knee under her armoured boot. Striking with her hammer, Yasha decimated the being.

“Working aren’t I?”

“Faster, feth it!”

“Oy, now! I just gone and done it! They’s using a clever encryption I think I’ll knick it if’n you don’t mind.”

Stabbing a human with her katar, Yasha slashed and roared.

“Gilamar!! Skirata! Quo!! You know that trap we suspected?! We’re in it!! Send down the cavalry!” Yasha grunted and stabbed, throwing her hammer into the strut holding the upper stadium stands together. A searing pain tore at her side. The diagnostic on her HUD listed no severe damage to the armour.

Caz. She’d need to see Caz’ika.

“Reinforcements are en route! We will hold out. Fortify your positions! If any of you gladiatorial slaves wish to save your lives and join my troops, do so now or lose your skins!” Yasha let the audio processors on her helm carry her shout.

Yasha panted beneath her armour, lower ribs tense and throbbing. A cackle from above.

“Always the optimist, eh Mand’aloser?”
Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii
Mig continued blasting at the enemies. He didn’t have a choice. He wasn’t about to let these bantha poodoos hurt his fellow Mando’ade. The Force sensitive kept blasting at every opponent in sight until he saw something he never expected. Adara running into the middle of the arena! Then he felt it. A chill. The Dark Side welling up from... the girl? It was almost too late for him to react. Mig was able to stop Tamar from flying, but it came at the cost of him flying back and into the wall, slamming his leg in the process. The Mandalorian grit his teeth as he stood back up, limbing as he did. The Dark Side used in the scream had also thrown him for a loop. Mig couldn’t get his focus back in line, but he didn’t know why. He was a “grey” for lack of a better term. An affect of the scream maybe.

It was then that Mig the man approach Adara. Somehow, he knew she’d be ok with him and focused on attacking those still trying to get at the others. He also looked to see a Twi’lek there, apparently able to resist the scream, unlike himself. He also heard the Mand’alor’s words. “Good timing... Yasha,” he said between breaths before trying to step forward. He yelped a bit. How hard did he hit. But at least there was someone coming.

[member="Aedan Miles"] [member="Stardust Australis Skirae"] [member="Adara Raxis"] [member="Skorvek"] [member="Padran Rodarch"] [member="Yasha Cadera"] [member="Kaine Australis"]
Location: The Arena
Objective: Run.
Allies: [member="Kaine Australis"] [member="Stardust Australis Skirae"] [member="Skorvek"] [member="Damian Starchaser"] [member="Mig Gred"] [member="Padran Rodarch"] [member="Hush Sarad"] [member="Yasha Cadera"] [member="Aedan Miles"]

Blubbering was for those naughty four year olds. Adara plunked down beside Aedan and triple checked to see she sat just like him. Hands and toes and everything.

She shut her eyes. Okay maybe she peeked a little. At first, Adara didn’t understand what Aedan was talking about. Feel for her friends? Rubbing her eyes with a palm, Little Adara huffed and crawled into Aedan’s lap, tugging his arm over her shoulder.

There. That was better. Even Tamar was there, although she didn’t look so awake. Maybe Adara would read to her in Mando’a later and make her feel better. Even if Adara had to put her finger on the words and sound out each syllable.

Being a child, she didn’t look up to see the reinforcements coming in the distance, or the stumble her mother took. Adara shut her eyes and focussed. At first it was all pink vornskyr stuffies and peppermint sticks. Slowly her mind began to wander back to what Aedan was saying.

Even if he did have a horribly ordinary name. She would have to fix that, when a better one came to mind.

“Am I doing it, Aedan?” Adara scrunched her face and held her breath, trying again to imagine the right thing. Heaving out a breath, the child gave a frustrated grunt and stopped.

Imagine her Buir and Baba stronger and faster? Imagine Sloobieboo swifter? Imagine the good people who were helping Tamar and her survive? A child could do that.

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