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Free time Freighter


Life is a queen, if not it would be to easy
(OOC this take place after the Unorthodox transport thread)

It had been a day since Tin'tinag and her crew had landed at Fondor, the Jedi Twi'lek taking time to deliver the package to the appropriate people, having to take care of a few bureaucracy issues before returning to the ship, a little worse for wear upon returning. Why? well if there was anything Tin hated more then fighting a master of Ren poised to cut her lekku off, it was big company owners, you know the ones with no idea about out word problem and stuck up. Those types of people were such a pain in the ass, more so for a former smuggler who had little experience in dealing with them and most of the time resorted to punching people in the face when annoyed.

"Arrg, what a day, glad its over, HEY MYLES PINKY, I'M BACK AND HAVE YOU CUT READY!! at the least big wig corporations could pay out handsomely, though to them the amount of money she got was but a drop in the bucket of caving they had accumulated. Still it was a good pay for basically an uneventful trip, it had seemed the First Order did not much mind to a small freighter traveling around, probably too preoccupied with the new and sudden war against the Galactic Alliance. Even so a deal was a deal and both Petal and Davorak would be getting their per-arraigned payment.

[member="Myles Davorak"] [member="Petal"]


Every rose has its thorns
*poking her head out from one of the ships small maintenance hatches face covered in grease and oil* "W-welcome back captain you look flustered d-do y-you won't me to make you some food?"


Life is a queen, if not it would be to easy
Tin gave a slight chuckle to the other Twi'leks care free nature when it came to grease, sure she was not a huge into looks person, but at the very least she liked to stay clean, the shy nature of pinkie, as she liked to call her, never getting old, just making her even cuter. "Yer you could say that and a meal would be nice, just make sure to wash your hands first, days been rough but I go our pay so everyone can relax for the moment". Though this was the first time she had captained a crew, let alone gone on an actual mission Tin wanted to get to know each member a bit more, with nothing on the scope in sight today could be a rest day for the lot, not that much work had been done, well aside from Pinkie upgrading the freighter here and there.

[member="Petal"] [member="Myles Davorak"]


Every rose has its thorns
*giggles and gracefully crawls out of the hatch and blushingly says* "I-I'm not a little kid captain I know I need to wash up first.*while walking to the washroom* D-do you want something strong to drink also" stops at the archway with head poking out with a warm cheerful smile*


Life is a queen, if not it would be to easy
Tin gave her playful wave as she came out from under the maintenance hatch, "I'm joking, let me have a little fun with you, also your just to cute not to tease". She placed the grate back over the hatch as Petal went to the wash room, making her way back to the crew room, but still able to clearly hear her next request. "Yes that will do nicely, some whisky, or what ever we have, will need to take a small trip to the markets later on at some point".



Every rose has its thorns
(after about 30 minutes) "Foods ready!!" *walks out with a warm plate of food and a chilled glass of whiskey and a cheery smile* "I-I'm sorry that it's not much there wasn't much to work with *sets plate down even with the "small" amount of resource available the meal looks very tasty and more than filling. "laughs a little however there plenty to drink in stock" *gives a playful stern look and give [member="Tin'tinag"] the glass*


Life is a queen, if not it would be to easy
Tin gave a quick whiff of the meal that had been brought to her, though simple it still smelt nice, simple dishes always had that little thing about them that was nice, "Ha ha, don't be a worry, I have had much worse, and your a good cook as for drink, I always keep a 'reasonable' amount of liquor on broad, for drinking mainly but they are also useful for antiseptic reasons and sterilizing stuff in a hurry, just don't go around wasting it okay, that stuff ain't cheap". She started digging into the meal, taking small bites, its flavor betraying the look, "Well, your a great mechanic, good cook and pilot to boot, work on that shy side of yourself and you will have no trouble finding a boyfriend".



Every rose has its thorns
*Blushes* i-i don't want a boyfriend *looks down and kinda kicks the ground nervously and awkwardly then kinda scurries off to the kitchen.... few minutes pass and comes back with a small plate of her own looking calmer. sits across from [member="Tin'tinag"] eating like nothing happen earlier.* "I-I have no idea where Myles is."


Life is a queen, if not it would be to easy
'Oh no boyfriend, that is interesting', a bit more mystery to the otherwise odd Twi'lek, was she just not interested or was it a bat for the other team thing, well Tin would not pry, such matters where private, like her multiple sexual partners she had over the years, most being fellow Twi'leks. "Myles, probably sleeping, they guys looks fairly old, stood up guard for almost the whole trip, all paranoid every time an First Order ship went past, he deserves his rest, will probably hightail it out of here now, more jobs out their and the mans a bit expensive to keep on board anyways".



Life is a queen, if not it would be to easy
"You think he is scary hu... ha that guy does come close the scary for me, just your average rough veteran, if he was a little younger perhaps my type", she finished off the last of her meal, placing her fork and knife on the small plate. "Sorry, will have to decline that, were going to go supply shopping soon, best stay sober while doing so, maybe pick out some nice clothes as well".



Every rose has its thorns
Tin'tinag said:
if he was a little younger perhaps my type"
*blushes about this and also has a slightly disappointed look at this*

Tin'tinag said:
"Sorry, will have to decline that, we're going to go supply shopping soon, best stay sober while doing so, maybe pick out some nice clothes as well".
*Then perks up* were going clothes shopping?!

[member="Tin'tinag"] ( OOC just noticed I forgot to tag you in this)


Life is a queen, if not it would be to easy
(OOC its okay)

She peaked her head up at Petal, an amused smile on her face, "Well clothes of course, you yourself need a little wardrobe change, also help to have spare just in case, never know what may happen and all, then we need more food, oh and probably a few things for the ship, that sound good to you"? Usually Tin would not be doing this sort of stuff, be now with a freighter and crew that could increase at any minute she needed to change her living style a bit.



Every rose has its thorns
Tin'tinag said:
you yourself need a little wardrobe change
*looks down at the simple dress ( one of the only two articles of clothing she owns) a gift from her old captain from the last few months of almost constant wear when not working has become faded and a little worn out a small frown creeps across the otherwise cheery face.* "M-Maby your right I-I've just never went clothes shopping before *smile comes back* "but it seems like it will be very much fun"


Life is a queen, if not it would be to easy
Tin wanted to give the girl a new set of drags to wear, but also wanted the shy Twi'lek to live a little and have fun, perhaps it was a slight sister like complex, herself being the older of the two, and since Twi'leks lived shorter lives then humans that 3 year gaps seemed a little bigger. "That it is, something about finding a good outfit that speaks and shows yourself well just has this, nice feeling to it and there is a first time for everything so don't feel to worried"?



Every rose has its thorns
*has a big excited smile on face. then suddenly hugs [member="Tin'tinag"] then suddenly gets embarrassed backs away.* S-sorry it's just your so awesome and amazing and your so cool and your very kind to me and I'm just weak and pathetic and a scaredy cat. ( rambles on)


Life is a queen, if not it would be to easy
Tin was a little taken back by the sudden hug but did not mind, returning the embrace before letting go, "Haha, no its fine and don't sell yourself short, your a great mechanic, leagues ahead of me, a good pilot and cook... erh". [member="Petal"] slight ramble was a little funny, but ultimaly Tin decided to put a stop to it, placing her hands on the pink Twi'leks shoulder, "Petal, look at me, you are not useless, your shy yes, and not a great fighter, but you need to stop fretting over what your not good at and focus on that you are, in time we can work on your social behavior, as for combat, I can teach you, does that sound good"?


Life is a queen, if not it would be to easy
It seems her words had calmed the you Twi'lek down making Tin sigh in release, "feeling better now? Come on let's get you into the refresher to properly scrub up before our shopping spree". She ushers[member="Petal"] alsong towards the ships shower.

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