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Fort Kushiban

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The base plans of the vanilla Imperial prefabricated garrison base, upon which Fort Kushiban is built

  • Military Base Name: Fort Kushiban
  • Classification: Army Base
  • Location: Kushibah
  • Affiliation: The Dominion
  • Population: 3,000 active combatants, 1,000 support staff
  • Accessibility: As with army bases hosting planetary headquarters, it is heavily guarded and has heavy defenses; it is built on a high plateau overlooking the main inhabited landmass of the planet.
  • Description: Built on a high plateau overlooking the main inhabited landmass of Kushibah, Fort Kushiban plays host to the planet's garrison headquarters, and has a 10-meter-high death fence with several emplacements dotting it, just like the old Imperial prefabricated garrison bases, with the central bastion being a hexagonal star fort with the lower walls being high and wide enough to contain an upright AT-AT in a postern entrance, and several heavier emplacements being positioned across the two levels of the battlements. Opposite the bastion's main entrance is the docking bay, large enough to accommodate one AT-AT barge or four Neimoidian Yachts side-by-side, and high enough to service AT-ATs.
  • The outer wall: it is a 10-meter-high electrified fence designed to zap intruders that dare approach afoot from the ground. Commanders can set the death fence's shock intensity to either stun or kill. Units had to pass through force-field gates, flanked by two guard towers and spread evenly across the fence. One of the edges is a little irregular due to it being at the edge of a plateau
  • The outer catwalk: Running parallel and behind the outer wall, the outer catwalk contains a wide array of sensory equipment, as well as searchlights and is guarded by defensive emplacements every 100 meters
  • The listening post: Due to the wide array of sensory equipment being installed inside the fort, powered by the antenna at the fort's center, comparable to a dedicated listening post, Fort Kushiban is able to detect enemies from well beyond long-range turbolaser range and provide advance warning to call for reinforcements as well as to prepare to mount a defense.
  • The landing pad: Opposite the bastion's main entrance is the landing pad, large enough to accommodate one AT-AT barge or four Neimoidian Yachts side-by-side, and high enough to service AT-ATs.
  • The shield generator: Located deep underground, alongside the fort's power generator, the shield generator can protect an area of five kilometers from the center of the fort from orbital bombardment, which places the outer limits of shielding well beyond the outer wall.

The garrison of the base comprises the following:
The very edge of the fort's outer perimeter is a 10-meter-high death fence with two raised Kushibah all-purposed turrets at each entrance. Also, the outer catwalk is dotted with Kushibah all-purpose turrets every 100 meters, with more Kushibah turrets mounted on the edges of the main bastion, while the inner bastion features three triple Ziost super-heavy long-range turbolaser turrets on the upper level, and six triple Toprawa heavy long-range turbolasers on the lower level, both of which have the ability to hit targets in orbit from the surface. Finally, a DSS-02 shield generator projects a shield of 5 kilometers from the center of the base, protecting it from orbital bombardment.

Fort Kushiban was built using some unused surplus garrisons bought at a discount from Rothana Heavy Engineering in the aftermath of the skirmish at Vjun, where the Dominion realized that no world was safe from attack. However, due to the protests of local Kushiban residents, no minefields were deployed around the base, especially in the light of the inefficiency of minefields against hovercraft. In addition, the prefabricated base came with no weapons emplacements, forcing the Dominion authorities to scramble to get weapons emplacements fitted on it, even though the planetary garrison, while initially spread across the planet, is now gathered in the fort almost in its entirety, with little to no additional troops being deployed on the planet.
[member="Jessica Med-Beq"]

The link to your image credit is broken, please fix it.

Jessica Med-Beq said:
The shield generator: Located deep underground, alongside the fort's power generator, the shield generator can protect an area of five kilometers from the center of the fort from orbital bombardment, which places the .
This sentence is unfinished.

Other than that, this is a very heavily fortified base but I'm inclined to approve it based on how it leaves the rest of planet's defences relatively scarce which is an appropriate balance.

Tag me when changes are complete.
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