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Forim Viridux

Forim Viridux

NAME: Forim Viridux
FACTION: Corellian Confederation
AGE: 20
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 5’11
WEIGHT: 180 lbs.
HAIR: None
SKIN: Greenish Blue


(Strength) Talented Pilot/Driver- Having spent much of his youth around ships Forim learned to fly small craft and speeder bikes. It is a great passion that has not left him. Added to it is his basic training in the Corellian Starfighter Corps. Of course, he has no combat experience yet.

(Strength) Multilinguistic- With time spent traveling constantly through the chaotic galaxy Forim has become well versed in other languages and dialects. Beside his native tongue, Durese, he speaks Galactic Basic and Bocce fluently. Also understands Rodian, Huttese and Shyriiwook well enough but can’t speak them at all.

(Strength) Determination- While not the smartest or most skilled person Forim has an abundance of determination. The drive to be the best and protect what he loves fosters a spirit that often refuses to quit in the midst . Yes the Duros has a breaking point but it a great deal to subdue that spirit.

(Weakness) Reckless- On the flip side determination to do something can make Forim be very reckless with his own life. Having been looked down as a wandering outsider many times in the past the Duros usually feels the need to prove himself. Not to mention daredevil antics is something he enjoys immensely and can be quite stubborn about it.

(Weakness) Gambling Addiction- One of Forim’s worst habits is gambling. Ever since a teen he developed an addiction for it that has become part of his thrill seeking lifestyle. This often gets him in debt and gamble even more so to earn it back.

(Weakness) Swimming- Following a crash during one flight race on a water world before getting rescued Forim is greatly afraid of drowning. While he can swim in pools and small streams but deeper water is another thing entirely. It is one of the few things Forim that is ashamed of himself.

A friendly thrill-seeking adventurer that’s how most people would describe Forim Viridux upon first meeting him. Like many of his species, Forim is a natural-born traveler and loves to share stories of his adventures across space with anyone willing to listen. Forim can be a loyal friend, though not a perfect one considering his reckless nature.

Also he is a proud Duros who takes inspiration from his ancient heritage and not to mention being a newly made patroit for the Corellian Confederation. On the other side of the spectrum, the young spacer deeply hates and fears the Sith blaming them for much of the chaos and suffering across the galaxy.

Coming from a struggling family that he often disappointed in the past Forim wants to make them proud in the best way he knows how.

Being a Duros, Forim has smooth blue-greenish skin, a lipless mouth, red eyes and a long thin noseless face. He stands five feet and eleven inches tall with the weight of one hundred eighty two pounds. His left arm, right leg and upper chest are marked with past burn scars from accidents in speed racing.

Aside from flight suit and Starfighter Corps uniforms Forim also wears a spacer outfit consisting of a brown jacket, red sleeveless shirt underneath, dark blue pants and brown boots.

Forim Viridux was born as an only child to a family of small-time merchants in one of the orbital cities of Duro. Even as a kid, young Forim loved exploring and he had several misadventures in his home city. One time at eight years old he was a stowaway on board his father's ship during a business trip to Cato Neimoidia. Needless to say Forim's parents were frustrated and yet impressed with the "little stunts" he pulled.

However, the chaos of the ongoing wars finally forced the Viridux family to leave their home world in the Core to the Outer Rim. Forim was only ten years old. Following an attempted robbery where they were saved by a Neimoidian businessmen Shan Yu who bribed the would be thugs.

For the next eight years Forim and his parents, Areta and Onio worked for Shan Yu out of gratitude and also for protection in his shipping company and smuggling operations across the galaxy.

During that time Forim gained a new droid, an astromech he called Pal. Also he expanded his love of adventuring with flying spacecraft and racing on speeder bikes. When older he became more heavily involved in speed races as he traveled on world after world much to Areta's dismay, between or during jobs for Shan Yu. Eventually the Neimoidian released them from their debt and they attempted to return to Duro.

The Viridux family found no job prospects in the homeland and immigrated to Corellia instead. Even then they struggled financially to make ends meet. Yet Forim grew to love his adopted home finding a kindred spirits within the culture. After the sector declared its independence the young man became inspired and begged his mother and father to let him join the new military.

It took a great deal of convincing and quite sometime but in the end they allowed him. With their blessing, Forim Viridux left his parents to enlist alongside his droid, Pal with the Corellian Starfighter Corps.

SHIP: T-90 X-Wing Starfighter- A starcraft that is a great balance of defense, firepower and speed.





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