Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Forging of Bonds & Faith

It had been a long time since Veiere Arenais had come to the Force Praxeum on anything relating to the business of a Force Order. Though it was the home of the Knights of Commenor, he had seen and heard little evidence to assure him that the Praxeum was being put to much use. A place that he had originally established for those of the Force whom wanted to expand their knowledge in learning and yet not dedicate themselves to either the light or the dark out of concerns that they might only bring about further harm or threat to others. It had befitted the running ideals of Commenor back then, back when the world was simply in its own, a world of trade before the establishment of the Commenor Systems Alliance and the Senate.

Today Veiere himself had returned, changed and with a reaffirmed faith in the path that he was walking. Atrisia and the collapse of the Republic had taken much out of him, it had taken years to recover from blow after blow of failure and denial from those who would claim to be of the same mind and adherence to the Jedi Code. Striding through the edge of the forest and stepping onto the grounds of the Praxeum, he came accompanied by those of the reformed Jedi Order. Here with a purpose in mind, they would seek to make great use of the Praxeum's facilities, teaching their students while too equipping them with not only the knowledge but so to the tools that they would need to progress down the path that was theirs by choice to follow.

"And so you see the first steps I took in building upon the Order, with the ideals and teachings that I was raised to live by..." Veiere explained to them all as they moved through the main hall, wings falling away to the east and west, while ahead of the would lead to the outdoors, the center of the massive square estate hollowed out within the heart, a garden to emphasize the beauty of nature at the center of all things big and small.

"Here is where I first began to guide others in the ways of the Force. Not as Jedi but as individuals who had no one else to turn to. A place of sanctuary where they would not be judged for their sensitivity to the Force itself like so many are. Here, volunteers would choose to stay in service to my Wife, at the time my Queen and the lone Monarch of this world. The [member="Lady Kay"] graced us with the support in finance and discretion that this Praxeum would not be interfered with. Such is fortunate now as it seems we've the place to ourselves mostly...".

[member="Romi Jade"] | [member="Kahne Porte"] | [member="Trextan Voidstalker"] | [member="Sochi Ru"] | [member="Alexandra Feanor"] | [member="Calder Icehammer"] | [member="Cambria Zadira"] | [member="Cath Lorr"] | [member="Karren Trask"] | [member="Ella Nova"] | [member="Jagen Wren"] | [member="Aarshlût Muyel"] | [member="Dane Teraan"] | [member="Gabriella Rhayne"] | [member="Grace Whitestone"] | [member="Jadis Branco"] | [member="Lox Gartner"] | [member="Nylea Apollodor"] | [member="Stephanie Swail"] | [member="Tashra"] | [member="Teynara Jeralyr"] | [member="Thom Arden"] | [member="Tin'tinag"]

((The Following is a Faction-wide Development thread for the use of future Factory Submissions: Force Imbued Blade/Lightsaber Creation))
Force Praxeum, Commenor

Such a significant contrast from living aboard a starship, Teynara reflected as they walked the halls of the silent facility that Veiere had brought them to. It was an out-of-the-way place that she doubted she would have found had someone simply told her it was roughly here, and sent off to look for it. A clever protection against unwanted company. Clearly lessons had been learned from past incidents: to have a Temple somewhere out in the open made it more vulnerable to attack. Perhaps the Jedi have suffered enough of such to know better now. She couldn't be sure, in truth.

The whole complex was surrounded by forest - the Illaria Woodlands, as she'd learned they were called - a vast facility made of gleaming stone rapidly giving way to the foliage that surrounded it. Mosses and weeds had sprung up here and there, covering the artificial facility in a fashion that rather suited it, particularly on the intricately-designed sloping roof that served to protect whatever was inside. The sole clearing she had seen had been just beyond the entrance, where the forest had been cut away such that only a thin layer of neatly-trimmed grass had been left, perhaps for outdoor exercises to take place.

They'd already walked through much of the Praxeum already, Veiere giving them a guided tour to show where they might be living for some time. The student quarters had been shocking: bunk beds were what they were assigned to, with private living space given only to those who had successfully graduated from their training. It had been some time since Teynara had found herself with a roommate - the last time she'd done so was when sharing a dormitory at University, during her first year there - but now suddenly she was faced with the prospect of several, with four assigned to a sleeping room. That should be interesting.

Now they had come to a stop in the central gardens: an area from which all other sections of the Praxeum might be accessed, designed with a reflection pool and a number of trees that had been planted to give a feeling of life even in the midst of the artificial nature of the place. It was a point where a person might come to relax, or to think, unburdened by the need to be doing something.

"And now that there are Jedi here, and not those who work solely in service to the Queen...?", she asked, in response to Veiere's words about how the Praxeum was originally formed. Jedi lived in service to the Force rather than in alignment to any single individual or state: their moral function, as Teynara understood it, was to use their powers in service to life. "Is she happy to host us here, Master, knowing that we serve something more than her needs? She does know that we're here, yes?"

True, Tey felt a little absurd in questioning a Jedi Master of his standing: truth be told, as approachable as Veiere was, there was still that undefined aspect about him that made him the sort of person not easily questioned. Not really for me to ask, but when have I ever kept my mouth shut when something needed to be said? The blonde knew she might be skating on thin ice, but even so, she'd prefer that to trespassing.
As the grand tour of the Force Praxeum on Commenor given by Jedi Master [member="Veiere Arenais"] continued, Cambria was impressed with what she saw. The neutral training facility for Force users was nicely laid out, and aesthetically pleasing to the eye. Course the setting was half of it, being located within the Illaria Woolands in a mountainous region west of Chasin City, the planet's capital. It was strategic as well being hidden for the most extent and away from the world's populous or prying eyes, which was the smart part.

The Jedi Guardian looked very much forward to exploring the surrounding area further when time allowed outside the Jedi Order's group studies they were there for, but now she would be most content in training with the other Jedi who had come to the praxeum and learn how to Force-imbue an object. In her case, Cambria had brought a Twi'lek dagger she wished to have imbued. It would be used as a shoto to go with her cerulean blue-bladed lightsaber. Another crystal of the same color was in her possession for this.

The question asked by the very inquisitive padawan of Master [member="Kahne Porte"]'s made the Twi'lek Knight chuckle within. [member="Teynara Jeralyr"] had an uncanny way to just cut to the chase about things in a rather bold fashion. For now, silence on her part would be best as listening ear buds waited for the Master Jedi's reply.
Factory Judge
Coming to learn more, I had only just became a Knight. By making it of my previous knowledge of the force, and my adept skills with a blade, they allowed me to pass. The trials are always difficult. However, being that of the force and of the spirit were the more difficult ones for me to overcome. My life was not a happy one. Filled with strife and my desire to right the wrongs of my family, it ran hot in my blood. Some of the masters questioned if I should have been given the rank of Knight with how hot they felt it run. They reminded me after the trials that I was to study more of the force. Learning and dedicating myself to a tighter discipline. They tread lightly around me. I was unsure if it was for fear of me turning like my father before me, my sudden change in pace from being a child barely able to resist horsing around, or so much more.

Keeping my head down and letting the words of Master Veiere flow around me during our tour. During my time here, I was unsure if I would be given a bunk like other students, or be given a room to my own. I did not fret over it much as it wasn't something that bothered me. What I almost dreaded was having to explain why I carried a physical sword and shield in place of the iconic lightsaber that many held. More so, where I got it from, instead of inheriting my fathers own saber.

I didn't want these questions asked, but I would answer if it was a necessity. The grip on said sword on my hip made light clinks of the metal gauntlets I wore that connected with the grip. The creaking of leather from the glove itself, with footsteps echoing just under the volume of a student speaking to the Master. I took a moment to focus on what was being said. Mostly getting the knowledge of the Queen of Commenor financing the creation of this temple for their own force of students. However, it was then handed over to the Jedi Order as usage for their own students. It was mentioned that it was here for force users to not be discriminated against. So was that a hint there could be Grey Jedi or even Dark Jedi here? I was unsure of this question, and kept it to myself rather than piping up about it before the man could answer the first question thrown at him.

Feeling out of place, I kept my peace, and would save it for a later date. I was just waiting for us to visit the library. Maybe even end the tour short so I could study more on discipline like I was advised. Maybe learn more about my weapons and how I could go toe to toe with other force users with weapons that I shouldn't be able to wield.

I began to yawn and pulled up my arm and shoved my mouth into the crook of my elbow to cover my mouth. Trying to stifle it as much as I could to not make it seem like I was ignoring them. I don't think I would succeeded, but I tried anyways.

[member="Cambria Zadira"], [member="Teynara Jeralyr"], [member="Veiere Arenais"],
Hands tucked deep within his pockets and looking at the ceiling Vlarem examined the temple in which they would all be staying when not aboard the Providence. Vlarem hadn’t been on the planet long and already knew which he preferred. The natural environment that surrounded them, the trees, the ponds, the grass fields. This was a place he could truly feel at home. During the days of old Jedi were said to have numerous enclaves, perhaps Veiere would deem the area worthy of making it a permanent one with one of the higher ranked Jedi tasked with its upkeep. Anything to keep himself from having to spend his life confined on the ship. There was also far more room to craft a garden worthy of the Jedi, they could be completely self-sufficient. Vlarem was giddy about the possibilities, imagine that a being who’d lived for over a century excited about the idea of a garden. In comparison to humans Vlarem would be ancient but from his species he was still relatively young having a few more centuries of living left in him.

Walking at the rear of the group Vlarem mainly kept to himself always a few steps behind, for the most part the people that made up the majority of the Jedi were humans, there was perhaps the one or two odd off aliens but they weren’t common, and they weren’t Falleen. Falleen weren’t the most accepted of species due to their ability to control pheromones and the history of crime or political maneuvering that most found themselves participating in. There were very few Falleen to ever grace the Jedi order, hopefully Vlarem would be the one to truly leave a mark on the galactic records. Upper body completely bare revealing his green form, he wasn’t like a majority of the trained jedi where his form was athletic and lean, no Vlarem was built like a mountain. Lavender eyes scanning the temple Vlarem was already making arrangements in his mind to set up a temporary camp outside the temple, who in their right mind would want to stay cramped in those quarters with numerous others?

The bluntness of the young Teynara was always refreshing, far too often did Jedi or older individuals speak in riddles to seem wise. Teynara cut straight to the meat of the issue and it was a valid question though one that probably meant little. From what Vlarem had gathered Grandmaster Veiere was the husband of Commenor’s Queen so why would she mind? The squabbling, if there was any was possibly done long before the decision was made to land or give the tour. “How long do you plan for us to stay here?” Lavender eyes falling on the blonde boy who attempted to stifle a yawn Vlarem smiled. He too was growing bored of the tour.

[member="Zephyr Carrick"] [member="Cambria Zadira"] [member="Teynara Jeralyr"] [member="Veiere Arenais"]


Life is a queen, if not it would be to easy
This was the first time Tin'tinag had been to a force training temple, well one that was not in ruins that is, even if it was for grey force users the force surrounding the place was a thousand time lighter the Vaders Castle, she shuddered a bit reminiscing about the time spent there. The Rylothian Twi'lek followed closely behind [member="Cambria Zadira"], being one of the few Jedi she felt comfortable around, as it seemed to her that the other members were still a bit skeptical of the former Ren.

Her main reason for coming was to learn more about the force in any way possible, but most notable getting a new blade. The saber she wore was the one made back on Mustafar, a saber staff embedded with her darkest thoughts, with a blood orange blade, something that would make her very much look like a Sith rather then a Jedi. Though knowing how powerful the Light-saber was and its badge of office in a sense for Jedi, Tin'tinag had grown up mainly using a electro staff. Because of this, the blade she wanted to force infused was an old Echani Ritual Brand, one she 'picked up' on her past travels though its cortosis weave had long become ineffective.

though she was enjoying the time here it seemed the others were a bit more inpatient, seemed a bit ironic, but then again being a smuggler meant having to wait very long periods of time. "Pray tell, what do you find soooo tiresome about this tour, or have you seen so many temples that they all look the same to you"?, her Rylothian accent, with the added amounts of sarcasm made it easy to note that she was not really asking a question.

l [member="Vlarem"] l [member="Zephyr Carrick"] l [member="Cambria Zadira"] l [member="Teynara Jeralyr"] l [member="Veiere Arenais"] l
"I've not yet informed her of our presence here, seeing as you've asked..." Veiere quietly chuckled in light hearted amusement as he glanced back to Teynara Jeralyr, ever the inquisitive and studious one among their students, hers was an invested interest in learning; "One of the few benefits of being King among the Commenori people however is that I need not ask for her hand in where I choose to go, especially this place in which served as my home before that of the Providence" he grinned further, turning back to continue to lead them, listening to the remarks and reactions of their group.

The deeper they would roam into the Force Praxeum there, the few they would come into contact with. Students and mentors alike whom would greet them as they passed as if the group were people of their own, the Jedi there from the Providence not terribly standing out among the others as Veiere's encouragement to his people in attire and behaviors had been the same taught to those of the Order of Commenor going about their business there. "It would seem there remains some life here after all..." He chewed on the inside of his cheek as he slowed to watch the few momentarily, The Order of Commenor by no means as busy as it had been when he had lived there full top. Once it had taken him away from his wife in the very same manner as the Jedi Order often required of him today. Now however, much of the established praxeum seemed to go unused and neglected of maintenance.

Moving on, Veiere brought the group to a flight of stairs leading up into the second level of the grandiose estate buried within the woods, there they were nearing the artisan quarters of which seemed to change the deeper they were led into that portion of the Praxeum, there environment meant for the manipulation and construction of technologies, the molding of metals and electrical works that bred out into an open area atop the rear of the building. From the outside there surrounded by a grand balcony of stone, the furnace and smelting area for those qualified were meant for the work there. Benches for craftsmanship and the regular duties over the Praxeum's upkeep. Adjacent to this on the other side of the Praxeum accessible only from the first floor, they would be able to see a large landing pad meant for the use of dignitaries from Chasin City or peoples of great importance, representatives from other worlds for example.

"Truthfully..." he began to respond to [member="Vlarem"] as he gestured to the others to go about and look over the area where they would be creating the make for the next step in their path, "I've half a mind to speak to Kay about returning this place into my care so that I might offer it up to our Order. The Providence is all well and good but there really isn't anything like this place, this is where a great deal of my heart went into in it's construction. I slaved my mind over her design and the hope I had of building her up only to see her residing over shadows and decay..." He paused, his tone fading, turning to glance back to the others feeling as though their eyes were lingering on him in the moment of generous expression, "Well..." He chuckled abruptly, "we could liven her up I'm sure; as I plan to do so now with wing".

"Tell me...What do you all know about the creation of Force Imbued Blades?"

[member="Romi Jade"] | [member="Kahne Porte"] | [member="Sochi Ru"] | [member="Alexandra Feanor"] | [member="Calder Icehammer"] | [member="Cambria Zadira"] | [member="Cath Lorr"] | [member="Karren Trask"] | [member="Jagen Wren"] | [member="Aarshlût Muyel"] | [member="Dane Teraan"] | [member="Gabriella Rhayne"] | [member="Grace Whitestone"] | [member="Jadis Branco"] | [member="Lox Gartner"] | [member="Nylea Apollodor"] | [member="Tashra"] | [member="Teynara Jeralyr"] | [member="Thom Arden"] | [member="Tin'tinag"] | [member="Lady Kay"]
Factory Judge
I listened to the few words that were spoken holding one long yawn as a rather large green man looked almost apathetic at my yawn. Was he getting tired of this tour? However, my great and oh so good feeling yawn was rudely interrupted by a twi'lek who questioned that I was really tired of this. I took a moment to look her up and down. Dressed to perfection of the Jedi Code. Robe was folded neatly. Feeling for her signature within the force. There was light, but something else hovered around it. Almost as though she had a few things go wrong with her situation. This was likely one of the few times she had seen a temple, and was thus angry at me for living in one and not all to enthusiastic about the lay out of this one.

​"Lets just say I'd rather be studying than walking around taking a gander at the art collection."

As soon as I was done, Master Veiere spoke up about force imbued blades. I feel like I have heard that term before. I decided this time to answer him before the other students. Sure, they could raise their hands up all they want and become the teachers pet if they'd like, but I too, would like to learn.

"Aren't those the swords the Jedi and Sith used before Lightsabers were created? They were bonded with the force during creation unlike other bladed weaponry.... right?"

After reading so much about weapons and the force, and having to learn about different disciplines over the years, you could slowly learn about the idea of what kind of technology that they had. Much like how the Sith lords wore battle armor that looked more like savage natives in a tribe that discovered metal. Or how they advanced in technology from the Rakatan empire. Was I saying that empire wrong? Not sure. It was the weird aliens that had their eyes outside of their egg shaped head.

Tossing a glance over to the twi'lek who had given me a tone, I was half tempted to throw her a bone for being so... condescending.

"Jayce is the name by the way."

[member="Veiere Arenais"], [member="Tin'tinag"], [member="Vlarem"], [member="Cambria Zadira"], [member="Teynara Jeralyr"],
It didn’t take a master of the force to see Veiere’s attachment to the temple, it was in his every word. This seemed more like a tour of him reliving what had once been more so than showing the newer members of the order the temple. Vlarem had studied with many individuals over his lifetime, the jedi were the latest in a long line and while they spoke ill of attachments not all attachments were bad. One could never truly be rid of such things, that was perhaps the failing of Jedi of old. They didn’t realize they had attachments till it was too late. These were just Vlarem’s musings as he watched Veiere speak wondering what had brought this man on the path to being the newest beacon of light in the galaxy.

How do they wear those karking robes? Vlarem asked himself as he gave nods of greeting back to what few members of the Commenor Order they had come to pass. Just the thought of wearing that wool made the Falleen’s skin crawl. Perhaps it had been due to how in his youth he was accustomed to the lush, silken robes of his people or due to his current love for being one with the environment. Either way Vlarem wouldn’t be caught dead in one of the Jedi Robes. “I do not think you will find many complaints about us taking up residence here. While Providence does allow us to be everywhere at once there is always a need for us to reconnect with nature. To touch the living force once more as such if we do remain I wish to take up residence in the surrounding forest.” This wasn’t a request but more so a statement, Vlarem respected Veiere for what he had created and for his actions but he would not live inside the estate. It reminded Vlarem too much of home, while not as extravagant it was close enough to dredge up unpleasant memories of the contemptuous youth he’d once been.

Vlarem had only heard tales of force imbued blades and as such had nothing to contribute to the conversation, in truth Vlarem looked down upon blades. They were not the way he’d been taught, from his time among the Kro Var, and Followers of Palawa, Vlarem realized that he needed nothing more than his fists and a nice pair of gauntlets to achieve his goal. In essence, a blade was a lethal weapon, it could be used to maim or disable but one always risked an accidental killing with such a weapon. With
Vlarem’s fists he knew how to control his blows and could more easily subdue someone, especially in a galaxy where many were accustomed to saber wielders than someone who works their way inside their guard. It seemed like Jayce knew the answer or at least part of it as he answered with what seemed like confidence. “If one can do such things to a blade what stops them from using it in other ways such as in the creation of armor or even textiles?”

[member="Zephyr Carrick"] [member="Veiere Arenais"] [member="Tin'tinag"] [member="Cambria Zadira"] [member="Teynara Jeralyr"]
Hearing that Veiere had a mind to re-occupy the Praxeum with Jedi was an encouraging thought, as far as Teynara was concerned - though she wasn't averse to space travel, there was something about living aboard one on a near-permanent basis that just made her feel a little disconsolate. There's something to be said for fresh air and meals cooked from ingredients obtained locally. Eating the pre-processed stuff that was traditional fare aboard a starship wasn't her idea of taking care of herself - even if Master Arenais had gone to considerable lengths to store good Stimcaf grounds aboard. Only reason I still berth aboard the Providence.

Following the others along, her own pace somewhat meandering compared to the more purposeful tread that some of them had, Teynara couldn't help but admire the facility. It was clear it needed a little bit of work: maybe a lick of paint on the walls to freshen it up, the inside of the glowstrips cleaned off, maybe a broom run across the floors. It had potential, though, and she could see why Veiere was interested in revitalising the place.

Force-imbued blades? Her thoughts were distracted by a question from the Jedi Master, one she only caught the tail end of as she caught up to the group. That wasn't anything she'd ever heard of before: as far as Teynara knew, Jedi used lightsabers and had little use for blades of any other kind, unless they were cooking in the kitchens. And there's no way he'd be talking about those sorts, so I missed something here. The young blonde male - Human, insofar as she could tell - commented on the notion that the blades were used prior to lightsabers. Inferior technology, or something more?

The green-skilled Vlarem spoke up next, offering an interesting question: one she might have asked herself, had he not gotten there first. If you can imbue energy into objects to give them different properties, you might possibly be able to get lots of different results. Still, you wouldn't want to give a sword the same properties as armour, or vice versa: it would be unfortunate indeed if you put on armour that turned out to be so sharp as to slice chunks off the person wearing it.

"Maybe you can do something with a blade to give it properties similar to a lightsaber, but you wouldn't want to do that with armour or clothing," she asserted softly, coming up behind the others to stand close to Vlarem, blue eyes meeting his strange lavender irises. "Is it simply enhancement of existing properties? You might make a blade sharper, but making armour stronger might make it more restricting, or have other adverse effects that stop it being useful?" The blonde shrugged: it was all speculation in her mind, given how little she understood of such things, but there was always a reason for why things should and should not be done. "Imagine if you did that to your clothes, and they got as stiff as a board. Sure, they'd offer protection, but they wouldn't actually serve their designed purpose. Right?"

| [member="Veiere Arenais"] | [member="Cambria Zadira"] | [member="Zephyr Carrick"] | [member="Vlarem"] | [member="Tin'tinag"] |​
Veiere chuckled softly as he listened to each of them chime in back and fourth, either asking their questions, offering their thoughts or simply gazing about the new Praxeum that they were visiting. It was truly a mavel that he and his wife [member="Lady Kay"] had managed to establish but whether or not it would be for them long term or short was a question to be answered later down the line. "Pracitioners of the Force, skilled in the manipulation of technologies such as the Jedi Artisan or those who have been taught the ways of Sith Alchemy have been able to strongly influence both weapons and attires with reinforced attributes or traits if you will, empowered by their specific skill or strength in the manipulation of the materials they had before them. Force imbued weapons the likes of which were utilized back before the creation and practice of lightsabers were indeed the go-to weapon of choice for the warriors of the Order...".

Veiere paused a moment to let this all sink in for the ones listening to him before elaborating, "Take note that this is a very long time ago before the Jedi Code was established, the Order wasn't what it is today...-These were very monastic figures of traditional values, honor through action, doing what they believed had to be done in order to maintain order. You'll also recognize that a great many things have changed, beyond the mere advancement of technologies...-However, with these changes also came better ways of creating such tools for practice".

Moving across the area, guiding the students and members of the Order to accompany him, Veiere approached a table lined with a selection of blades, all freshly forged and hone with a razors edge yet not yet paired with hilts, cross-guards nor pommels. This would be up to the rest of them to decide what shape and make of Force Imbued weapon they would take up. "Typically these blades would be forged from scratch...-I however have taken the liberty to garner some assistance and have forged a good selection already for your choosing. What will be required from here is to make use of the Crystals you each have in your training hilts, those that power the lightsabers you were issues aboard the Providence and together, we will seek to meditate, that we may forge the final pieces of these blades together with those of which you've already attuned yourselves to...".

[member="Romi Jade"] | [member="Kahne Porte"] | [member="Sochi Ru"] | [member="Alexandra Feanor"] | [member="Calder Icehammer"] | [member="Cambria Zadira"] | [member="Karren Trask"] | [member="Jagen Wren"] | [member="Aarshlût Muyel"] | [member="Tashra"] | [member="Teynara Jeralyr"] | [member="Thom Arden"] | [member="Tin'tinag"] | [member="Lady Kay"]
Factory Judge
After my little outspoken voice decided to pipe up about the weapons, and what little I knew of them, others began to talk and speak about differences and ideas that were used for such weapons. I kept my mouth shut for a moment as even I was unsure about the use of Force-imbued weaponry used on clothing or armor. The blonde girl was right. Maybe it would make the armor tougher to move in because there was no flex. However, what got me to fight against that, was the mention that these blades were not always at their strongest. They were forged in the force. As such, I heard rumors of people owning such weapons, and them using it in force nullification bubbles only for the effects of the weapon to vanish.

If this was true, then I believe it was more of an "aura" of the force that surrounded the sword. As if the force itself protected the weapon from being destroyed, instead of altering the natural processes. Sith Swords and Alchemy was used to manipulate and shape an item, or being into something else. The Lightside of the force didn't do that in such a way. If it did, it was at the littlest of changes.

Such as a person of the lightside seemingly looking brighter and being in a more cheery mood than that of a Sith who had been infected by the corruption of the dark side. I let Veiere speak about such weapons and confirming part of my hypothisis. As we followed him to a room with a table. Blades were placed and were given to use to finish the forging process. While everyone else would be going to work, I walked over to the man and simply shot a question at him.

"I don't know if I am allowed to speak, but I do have this question."

Drawing the sword on my hip, and presenting it to the Grandmaster, I handed it to him.

"I inherited this blade from my grandfather. He mentions that its a relic of the past, and that it has protected him against much. He told me stories of facing other force users with this weapon and a complimenting shield. The same on my back. So, with your permission, I would like for us to figure out if this really is one of these weapons, or is it just an heirloom?"

I was worried on what he would do with the weapon. What would he do with it. I mean, I felt almost empowered whenever I used the sword and shield. The very limited times I had, I felt fine with it. However I was dealing with what I was given. I wanted to know more on this. Was it really a weapon, or just a lie that my grandfather fed me to go to sleep....

[member="Veiere Arenais"], [member="Tin'tinag"], [member="Vlarem"], [member="Cambria Zadira"], [member="Teynara Jeralyr"],


Life is a queen, if not it would be to easy
Tin'tinag just rolled her eyes at [member="Zephyr Carrick"], not really in the mood to be smart ass just yet, and also out of respect for master [member="Veiere Arenais"]. Though it was not the most rewarding training, the Rens did instill a scene of keeping ones mouth shut when around your betters, so far it had stopped they Rylothian from doing something stupid. For the moment the Twi'lek kept silent as force infusing and the history of the skill was explained, not entirely understanding the whole thing, but getting a sense of how such weapons where produced.

She looked down at the blade brought with her, though it was nice of Master Arenais to have some blade already selected this particular weapon she had borught held some sentimental value, being on of the first things she 'acquired' after leaving Ryloth. Before Tin'tinag could pose the question about person blade the blonde haired boy piped up again, asking about his own blade and shield. "Interesting story, though I have a question of my own, can we use our own personal blades for this force infusing seeing as I have brought me own blade".

[member="Teynara Jeralyr"] l [member="Vlarem"] l [member="Cambria Zadira"]
Cambria walked amongst those gathered as the tour given by Master [member="Veiere Arenais"] of the Force Praxeum on Commenor continued. The Twi'lek Knight had remained quiet as they did so, mindful of what was being spoken and not. There were no stupid questions or comments per se, but asked or stated with an attitude of some degree made them appear so. This was just not the Jedi way. The young ones needed to learn not to be so judgmental or impatient. Everything had a purpose, and a lesson to take from it. Hopefully they would pick up on the significance of what the Grandmaster was trying to convey to all there.

[member="Tin'tinag"] [member='Zephyr Carrick'] [member="Teynara Jeralyr"] [member='Vlarem']
"What are you doing?!" Someone called out from outside the kitchen and came walking inside hands on their hips and a rather amused and irritated look on their face.

The Jedi Master glanced up his face appeared out from behind the book that he was reading and he shrugged his shoulders and chuckled. "What does it look like I'm doing. I'm trying to prepare lunch for everyone. Jedi get hungry every now and again you know." Kahne smirked as he shook his head as he began to scrap the second dish he had tried to prepare, the book was completely knew to him so he had no idea what in the world he was doing. However the instructions weren't exactly clear just seemed jumbled together like a puzzle that even Yoda himself couldn't solve.

"Shoo! I will prepare this meal for everyone and it will be marvelous, and I'll make sure to give you some lessons on them in the future! Off you go!" The woman moved forwards shooing the Jedi Master out and Kahne had just enough time to wash his hands and take the apron off and toss it to the side before being rushed out of the kitchen. "Thank you very much!" Kahne called back into the kitchen Kahne cleared his throat as he glanced around and then dusted himself off slightly as he started to walk away.

However busy he was, it seemed the grand master was even busier as he led the group throughout the Praxeum and tour that he wondered how the others were faring on it. He knew that his padawan was among them, his mind wandered to her and how she was enjoying the tour and the possibilities of what today could bring for them and especially her. Hands clasped behind his back as it took a little bit of time but he finally caught up with the group, opting to hang back for a little bit as he gauged more reactions and such. Kahne smiled as he heard his padawans voice, more than happy that she was of the inquisitive mind and was always asking questions.

Kahne crossed his arms as he leaned to the side slightly as he smiled and took a deep breath, it was a pretty good day thus far.

[member="Cambria Zadira"] [member="Tin'tinag"] [member="Jayce Amoren"] [member="Veiere Arenais"] [member="Teynara Jeralyr"] @Vlarem
Slowly walking over the tables arrayed behind Veiere, Teynara examined the weapons arrayed upon them with an appraising eye. Most of them were very different in nature: simple straight blades intended to be held in two-hands, as would have been traditional for lightsaber combat, some more exotic blades with hooked or jagged edges, their purpose clearly something vicious. There were larger blades and pointed tips, clearly intended to form the basis for spears or polearms, designed to keep an opponent at range, though less versatile in close quarters. There were even a handful of more vicious-looking choices: axe blades and hammer heads, of a sort designed to be wielded by someone with sufficient strength and lethal intent that they might cleave flesh from bone, or crush someone with enough force to dent even armour plating.

For a non-militant order, we're certainly well-supplied with weapons, she thought in amusement, wondering where the Jedi had managed to get all these from. She was no expert on weapons, it had to be said, and some of them were designed in such a way that she couldn't quite fathom how they would be used - nor how someone might go about protecting themselves from their use. True, they weren't completed yet: it was clear enough that Veiere had only ordered that the cutting edges or crushing forces be forged, such that they might be turned into weapons of varying type, depending on the choice of the student.

As for herself...well, truth be told, she'd not really considered what kind of weapon she might want to carry. I don't really want a weapon at all, but pacifism is foolish in a galaxy where others don't share your values. It was a simple truth she'd learned early during her Tai-Jitsu training, having protested the fact that they were learning weapon skills: those who didn't know how to use a weapon could still die on the end of one. Something the Jedi have clearly taken to heart, if this is any indication.

A tickling sensation in the back of her mind prompted her to look away from the array of weapons for a moment: something akin to a nagging thought trying to draw her attention. Her eyes narrowed for a moment in thought, and she turned to see Kahne standing casually against the back wall of the room, his arms folded and his posture relaxed. A walking definition of easy-going, that man, she thought with a smile. Waiting until she could see his eyes observing her, the young woman beckoned him over, so that they could talk.

"What would you pick, if you had the choice?", she asked, gesturing to the blades. Teynara was well aware that Kahne already carried a lightsaber at his hip, but perhaps he'd never been encouraged to use something along the lines of what sat before them now. "A weapon should reflect the person who uses it, don't you think?" The blonde grinned as she pointed out the heavy head of what was undoubtedly intended to be a hammer. "How about this one for you? Thick-headed, blunt, a little on the heavy side?"

The young woman chuckled slightly at the thought, hoping that Kahne would know that she was teasing, particularly given that he was really none of those things: he was more the type that would fight only if he had to, but do so with the sort of surgical precision needed to get the job done with minimal fuss and considerable regret, or so she felt. I don't think they issue Jedi with surgical scalpels for use in combat, though!

| [member="Veiere Arenais"] | [member="Cambria Zadira"] | [member="Vlarem"] | [member="Tin'tinag"] | [member="Jayce Amoren"] | [member="Kahne Porte"] |​
Like many of them, the choice of what sort of blade to use for his own practices was a difficult one; the make of a Force Imbued Blade was something of a clear cut design with a singular purpose. The Defense or offensive natures within combat and what that pertained to. For those present, these weapons would serve as tools for practice but perhaps too weapons that would serve to save their lives or those of others. The problem therein however was that they were undoubtedly weapons and unlike the lightsaber for which Jedi justified had alternative uses, the likes of a sword had fewer. Intimidation and bloodletting. Inflicting wounds that wouldn't cauterize like the strikes of a lightsaber did and giving penance to an age more brutal than they'd like to be perceived and so judged by. The fact that Veiere Arenais was going ahead with this lesson was not only to represent one of the ways the Force could serve as a tool for incredible design but so too his trust and confidence in the integrity of those around him.


Needless to say the end vision of a sword imbued by the Force would have more symbolic meaning to one such as himself, the make of the weapon to hold little complexity in it's overall design but for the engravings that he put the time into shaping and smoothing out, polishing and refining the art of the handle. What better representation of the struggle the Jedi Order faced than the mythical Angel some sentients believed in, carrying the edge of a blade that others might not need to fight. A golden legendary creature of protection and purity whose shoulders carried the burdens of darker beings, held out with open hands, calling to the woes of man least they seek to drown out all society known to the galaxy. Indeed, though the blade was but a simple piece of straight cut metal alloy with a refined edge, over time it would become this vision for which Veiere might hope never to have to use.
[member="Romi Jade"] | [member="Kahne Porte"] | [member="Cambria Zadira"] | [member="Karren Trask"] | [member="Jagen Wren"] | [member="Dane Teraan"] | [member="Gabriella Rhayne"] | [member="Grace Whitestone"]
[member="Jadis Branco"] | [member="Lox Gartner"] | [member="Nylea Apollodor"] | [member="Tashra"] | [member="Teynara Jeralyr"] | [member="Thom Arden"] | [member="Ulic Adraya"]
Ulic stood at the forges adorning the armor around his chest - his muscular arms revealed all the way to his shoulder from the outside. His azure blue eyes stared at the weapons available to him. His eyes averted quickly to the weapon chosen by their king and leader [member="Veiere Arenais"] . A force imbued blade, for a Jedi Master was quite symbolic in and of it self and perhaps even show-cased the inner darkness that this man struggled with.

The stereotypical Jedi has in the past been referred to as being akin to a Robot, following only the ideals set in place by the current council or codes that were passed down by their predecessors. But in truth, it was much different than that - each Jedi had his or her own ethics and moral guidelines that they followed outside of the code. Each Jedi had their own inner darkness that they faced day in and day out. No Jedi or sentient species was perfect, and no Jedi existed without Darkness dwelling inside of them just waiting to take hold.

The current weapon that Ulic used was an Azure Blue Lightsaber, signifying that he undertook the Guardian path. This was representative of the symbolic justice and protection that he stood for in the galaxy - all that was good and pure in him. This new weapon would be symbolic of his inner darkness as well. A Force Imbued blade that would only be drawn in times of dire need, in times were he could no longer hold his inner darkness for the sake of those around him. This blade would only be drawn in times where it could still be used to represent his core values of: protection, justice, and hope. It would also never be used alone and only be used in tandem with his lightsaber, a true dichotomy of his inner-self.


The blade was naturally a two handed blade though - so it would be sheathed across his back and kept safe until the moments that he would need to use such a weapon against an enemy deserving of it. Most wouldn't be able to wield the two-handed blade with much skill in one hand; however, this was a technique that Ulic had been practicing for awhile, and knew that while he may be slightly slower than for example a double-bladed Ataru user with two lightsabers. This blade would back much more of a punch should it land on its intended target.
Cambria Zadira's choice of the weapon to be imbued with the Force here today was an easy one to make. Being that she was a Twi'lek and a warrior, be it a Jedi Knight no less, the blue-hued Guardian carried upon her person a traditional weapon of her native culture: a Twi'lek dagger. This particular one had meaning and was given to Cambria by a clan elder when she saved him and his family during an attack while visiting her homeworld on a pilgrimage of self-reflection and knowledge seeking.


For sometime now Cambria had mediated often about making a shoto to go along with her lightsaber. She didn't necessarily want to wield two lightsabers yet desired to have the added defensive nature of a second melee weapon at hand. Now this presented a perfect merging of the two options. Like the other Jedi gathered, the Rutian Twi'lek was eager to see this endeavor to fruition though showed patience learned over time and well-fought practice.

[member="Ulic Adraya"] [member="Veiere Arenais"] [member="Teynara Jeralyr"] [member="Kahne Porte"] [member="Tin'tinag"] [member="Jayce Amoren"] @Vlarem
Their eyes locked for a moment and Kahne showed a small smile to his padawan and dipped his head brief moment and then returned to his posture as it was before. The Jedi Master pushed off the wall as he made his way to Teynara's side. Kahne cocked his head to the side as he looked over the weapons with a curious expression on his face. The lightsaber that was at his hip had never failed him before. There was another outlet that could be used in combat as continued his hunt for a proper weapon for himself should he decide to take this route and forge such a weapon for himself. The Jedi Master opted to think that it was something that he and his padawan could do together if that was something she would like or appreciate.

"Which would I pick...?" Kahne repeated gently as he looked over the weapons a few times and there was one in particular that stood out the most to the Jedi Master. He reached for it and picked it up slowly and held the blade his hands hands for a moment as he looked over every inch of the weapon and noticed the fine detail of the hilt itself. The small patterns that were carved in the area surrounding the brown leather hilt.

Kahne put the weapon down for a few moments as he looked over to Tey and she made a slight jest that caused the Jedi Master's arm to nudge her arm playfully.

"Perhaps in another life maybe, if I was more a fool and had a spoke in one word sentences." Kahne chuckled lightly as he glanced over to the weapon made to be a hammer and what his eyes had come across before.

"This appears to be a very good idea, I just may create such a weapon. Perhaps we could create one together, for the both of us?" Kahne inquired as he looked over to Tey and then glanced over the weapons again.

[member="Cambria Zadira"] [member="Ulic Adraya"] [member="Veiere Arenais"] [member="Teynara Jeralyr"] [member="Tin'tinag"] [member="Jayce Amoren"]

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