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Forging a New Star [Ovmar/Fringe]

Iron Crown Shipyards
Drydock 9-A

Ket stood there on the drydock where his newest acquisition, a SH-LS-78 Winter Eagle, sat upon it's landing gear like a gleaming bird ready to take flight. Soon enough, she would, but for now, there was much work to be done. Ket's personal ship, a Sinear GAT-12m Skipray, had been around the galaxy more times than most, and truthfully, had become a relic. When you got right down to it, she was an antique, and even while well-maintained, couldn't hold a candle to the newest designs that the galaxy seemed to pump out at will. It was a new technological age in this time, and he'd finally come to grips with that. Silk Holdings workers had begun to off-load the rest of the equipment he'd purchased; a QQ-4U85 Tractor Shroud, a QQ-543N/53R Cap Drain Module, a Savant-class Cargo Container, and a QQ-C15 Silkworm Hypertransit Package. There were more deliveries to be made, but for right now, he simply was tapping on his datpad, composing a message as the Iron Crown dockworkers and engineers began to get to work.

He was waiting for [member="Jared Ovmar"], whom had agreed to help him in this endeavor.
The Admiralty
Codex Judge
Iron Crown Shipyards
Drydock 9-A
[member="Ket Van-Derveld"]

Usually the Iron Crown Shipyards didn’t handle the modification of sub-capital ships. Then again… usually I don’t come all the way down from my own place to supervise the modification of a ship, ain’t nothing standard or by the book ‘bout this particular appointment.

Merrill told me about Van-Derveld, seems an extreme guy, but we live in strange times. Extreme men were just what we needed in those kind of times, they are the ones who pitch the balance between slipping into obscurity and retaining the position as a Galactic Super power.

‘Sides, she told me I’d like the guy and I don’t usually like people.

So the recommendation raised a few eyebrows.

Found my way towards the Drydock 9A with a few worker stranglers waltzing in behind me, they immediately went for the ship while I stopped besides the guy in question.

Good ship you got on your hands, mister Van-Derveld. High Lord Ovmar, at your service.

I extended my hand for a shake, giving him a nod of the head.
Ket looked up slowly from his datapad, turning his head to look to Ovmar with cold, piercing sapphire eyes. For a few very fleeting moments as he spoke to him, he drank in the visage before him. He truly did look everything like he'd been told. The ancient Sith was dressed much more dapper than he'd normally be, if only due to the fact that he'd an agenda, and a goal he was working towards. In that respect, he was garbed in a black three-button pinstripe suit, with a black silk tie, white dressed shirt, and a terenterak leather coat that fell almost to the heel of his black leather loafers. His bearded features grew a bit less cold, a bit less unforgiving, and a small smile formed across his lips as he reached out to take Jared's hand. With a firm grip, Ket shook, nodding his head in kind.

"Lord Ovmar, a pleasure, to be certain. It seems Miss Merrill wasn't lying about having the right connections."

[member="Jared Ovmar"]

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