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Forged by Flames,Tempered by Darkness [Aros Varr + Darth Vornskr]

Aros Varr

@[member="Darth Vornskr"]
MUSTAFAR, Near the Mining Caverns

Below the observation deck the molten rivers of the various volcanoes spewed out from the craters. The planet itself was weeping flaming tears. The bright hues of red and orange were mirrored in the golden eyes of the viewer. Clad in black robes with red embroidered highlights which themselves mimicked flames as they danced around the torso, the viewer watched with his golden eyes stressing them looking for an entrance. An entrance to the mining caves which deep beneath held the resource he needed. The viewer's image was reflected in the glass of the deck. Face of a handsome man? or perhaps that of a woman? It was an enigma, he or she held features of both and yet acted like neither. In the end the representatives of the Mining Corporation this viewer had come to visit only requested them refer to him as "Aros".

"Is everything to your liking Aros?" a slender looking old man in a Fondor styled business suit inquired. The whited haired figure of Aros turned and met him with a smile, "Yes. My employer will be most pleased. But, to seal the contract I would like to personally inspect the mining caves. Especially the crystal minerals sector. My employer has a fascination for such crystals." Aros replied with a tone that could mistaken for commanding and yet feminine. The old man hesitated but Aros kept the glare. So the man folded and complied with the request. He turned away from Aros and left to see to preparations. Aros returned the golden eyes to staring into the firey depths. A smile crept across Aros' face. The ruse was going quite well, posing as a mineral contractor. Of course Aros was no contractor and Aros' employer was a Sith Lord and Aros- the apprentice. The prize? The famed Lava Crystal, that once tempered into a lightsaber could create a beam hotter and more ferocious than others. Aros Varr would have this crystal and in turn have the saber Aros needed to begin the training.

Turning from the observation windows Aros moved to the open landing pad to await Aros' "Employer". Aros grinned and hummed to oneself, "Master shall be most pleased indeed."
Mustafar was a curious world, one that withheld a plethora of history upon it's burning surface. It was here that the history books stated that Obi-Wan Kenobi fought and defeated the Chosen One after he had fell to the Dark Side, and many older books state that this is where Anakin died, but new history had revealed the truth. However; this was not a time for history lessons, and a time for intricate action and scheming. The shuttle carrying Aros' dark master broke through the black clouds overlooking the mining facility, angling down to land upon the landing platform attached to it. The boarding ramp descended and a man clad in all black with a heavy cloak and hood concealing his features walked down it to stand before the androgynous Dathomiri apprentice. "Has everything been arranged, my apprenitce?"

@[member="Aros Varr"]

Aros Varr

@[member="Darth Vornskr"]

As Aros' dark master appeared from the shuttle, the man who was representing the mining corp stepped backwards slowly. He was unsure of what was going on. He was a simple man, but he knew something was up. These two didn't hold themselves like any other business folk. Aros' golden gaze turned cruel and rolled in their sockets to met the eyes of the man. The white-haired demon approached the man, with each tap of the black boots echoing in metallic rings. Aros stretched out a hand, "The holo-map key if you please. I know you have it." Almost like grotesque puppetry the man controlled by fear reached into his pocket and supplied the stick that held a holo-map of the crystal sectors of the mines. Aros taking the map leaned in closer, Aros' perplexing facial features becoming more detailed to the man. It was almost beautiful how confused her facial characteristics were. "Now, you shalt tell anyone will you?" Aros questioned the man with a cynically sweet tone. The man slowly nodded. "Good." Aros laughed and patted the man to go on his way.

The two separated from each other. The man began with a slow jog and the a sudden break into a run. Aros turned the head to see the man run, "Careful." Aros shouted to the man, "Or you might slip....and fall" Aros waved his hand and the man's legs suddenly felt like they were being dragged across the platform. The man groaned as his head slammed onto the metal deck and his body was then cast off the platform into the molten river below. Aros then turned to the master kneeling Aros greeted his arrival, "Yes my master. The crystal is within our reach now. This map shall lead us there. There is a separate transport awaiting us, the transport is controlled by an automated pilot droid, no one from now on shall get in our way."
"Very good, my young apprentice. Lead on." Aros' disposing of the representative was a humorous one, and Kaine couldn't help but let loose a dark chuckle at watching the man's body spiral into the magma below. His apprentice was coming along quite well, and her distinctive androgynous form would serve his own purposes very well. As they traveled on, the heat was scorching, but it bothered Kaine none. The Dark Master had spent a very long time toiling around a forge creating dark items for his own use, and the use of his most trusted servants, and had grown something of an immunity to various heats. Thus while he was wearing a set of thick black robes and leather, he hardly broke a single sweat in the wake of Mustafar's oppressive heat. "I had heard of this world before, but never had a chance to visit it myself. It's as hellish as they say, which pleases me. If it wasn't in Protectorate territory, I would of loved to create laboratory here."

@[member="Aros Varr"]

Aros Varr

@[member="Darth Vornskr"]

Aros nodded agreeing with the master. As they entered the small transport the droid brain implanted in the transport welcomed the guests and assimilated the map key Aros gave to it. The transport hovered on its own and the automated pilot drive engaged. They flew over the molten rivers of fire and came upon an open chasm that was bordered by two rivers. The transport slowly touched down on an elevated platform that was attached to the roof of the chasm's entrance. Departing from the transport Aros' eyes gleamed with malevolent joy. "My master, the Lava Crystals are in these caverns. Soon I shall have my lightsaber and our work can begin." Aros said. Aros strolled ahead and passed through the hissing mechanical doors. A mining droid hovered over and greeted the two "Welcome to dig zone, 345. ID notifications please." Aros smiled at the droid and replied in an accompanying tone, "Guests 23 and 24, your managers should have briefed on our arrival." The droid calculated and then replied with a confirmation beep. "Understood. Industrial guests follow please." Aros turned and gestured the master to go ahead.

They passed through a corridor and down a set of stairs until they reached a dark chamber that was being illuminated by light fixtures bolted into the rocks. And there at the very end flickering in the darkness like bright stars- lava crystals the most very powerful of lightsaber crystals used. Aros let a wicked grin split across the lips. Aros accelerated his walk cycle and moved for a closer look. The golden eyes complimented the bright orange crystals they were looking at. Aros caressed one of the crystals with his black gloved fingers. The crystal responded by exposing stinging heat but it didn't bother Aros. "They are wonderful are they not Master? They shall work me very well. With Master's permission we shall craft this crystals into powerful weapons of the dark-side. A blade so hot it would burn away its foes. How I've waited for this day." Aros turned and gestured at the droid to remove the crystal. The droid inquired the ethics of the command, Aros replied with a threat to report his disobedience to the maintenance reviewers and have him crushed. The droid hesitated, Aros smiled, "It's just for sampling." The droid complied and removed a rather large crystal. Aros grabbing the crystal held it in the gloves of one's hands. "And now we shall complete the job."

Aros then removed a long staff, crafted of black and twisted metal. At the tip was what could be recognized as a lightsaber- this was a longstaff lightsaber. Aros turned to the master and knelt before him. "Guide me my master. Aros Varr, your loyal apprentice seeks to craft a saber for this one's doing."
The cavern was pleasing to the eyes, made of sparkling crystals bathed in the light of the burning magma that ran through the hollowed cores. Kaine allowed his apprentice to collect his desired crystal, and when he came back and knelt before Kaine with his yet uncompleted lightsaber did he crack a smile. "I will guide you, my apprentice. With this new crystal, you will become my most promising apprentice." Kaine produced a small holocron from her person, and handed it to Aros. "This was the holocron my master used to teach me how to craft my own saber, and now I give it to you. You will go into the deepest corner of this cave, and meditate among the natural hatred and fury of this world, and delve into the darkness. From it will come clarity of reason, and you will truly see your lightsaber for what it is, a weapon. You will understand this weapon, and master it. Only then will you come out from that place, and prove to me yet again why you are my apprentice. I will wait here, but I will be watching you in your progress."

Kaine crossed his arms in front of him, "Another thing, apprentice. To truly appreciate the fury of this world, you must traverse the cavern with nothing but the holocron, your crystal, and your lightsaber. The heat will sear away any doubts you may have, and will open yourself to the darkness. Now go, this is your task."

@[member="Aros Varr"]

Aros Varr

@[member="Darth Vornskr"]

Aros took what the master said to heart. Reaching out and taking the holocron, Aros bowed and replied, "As you wish my master." Aros turned and walked into the corridor that lead to a hotter and more humid part of the caverns. The master was right, the pain one would feel would charge their power in constructing such a dark object of death. Aros walked deeper and deeper, until reaching a large pool of boiling water that spewed out streams of hot heated gas. Aros removed the black cloak and then the red and black robes underneath, to reveal not only a slim black tunic but the female body Aros possessed along with the masculine features. The androgynous Sith Apprenticed rested onto the floor, cross-legged. Positioning the staff and the crytsal, Aros raised a hand and with the force felt out the darkness in the planet. The heat snapped and hissed and began to heat up Aros' body. The heat stung but it was a welcomed pain, it focused one's determination and one's destructive emotions. Aros poured these emotions into the lightstaff and crystal in the form of the force. The crystal rose and the staff rose. The staff began to segment into its constituent parts revealing the intricate components of its design. Aros crunched the white eyebrows atop the golden eyes together and grimaced as every once of the force was pushed from Aros' very being to fully control the components of the lighstaff.

All the while the darkside bombarded Aros, asking to be let in. Of course Aros was afraid of such a ferocious ambiance. But, one only needs to take one plunge to sink all the way to the bottom. Aros relented and the darkside poured inwards ripping into the being of his core and pumped through the veins of the body. The lava crystal began to heat up and burn a brilliant orange and red glow. The storm in the force revolving around the crystal made the nearby boiling lake bubble and explode in violent pops. The entire chamber was reacting the forging of the lightsaber. The Holocron too began to glow and activate with sensing the darkside swirl around the young Sith Apprentice.

[OOC: I'll leave what the holocron says and does to you]
The top of the holocron burned with a glorious radiance that rivaled the magma around them, and from it sprang a cloaked man that was not her master. He was of a different build, and the intrusions upon his head it was clear he was a Zabrak. He regarded Aros with a look of indifferent scrutiny, and then he began to speak in a voice that was a malignant combination of male and female. "Ah, another one dares to peer into the Eye, but you are not the Epicanthix. Hrmmm, but I sense his taint surrounding you, you must be his newest apprentice. Very well then, let us begin on our lesson. The construction of a Sith lightsaber is a very delicate, but immensely significant moment in an apprentice's life. Unlike the Jedi, however; we do not let the crystal choose us, but instead we choose the crystal and force it to obey our whims. The same is with the lightsaber, you must pour all of your emotions into it's creation, make the event passionate. Anger, hatred, fear, they are the weapons of the Sith, and a Sith lightsaber must have the same qualities."

The hologram extended his right hand, and a diagram of a long-handled lightsaber sprung up into view. "Watch now, young apprentice." The diagram began to move, and revealed the intricate steps in how to successfully encase the chosen crystal into the lightsaber itself. "Remember to funnel your emotions into this process, make your own darkness a critical resource in it's creation. Make it one with you, make it a weapon worthy to be wielded by a Sith."

@[member="Aros Varr"]

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