Gherron Dragovalor
Space dad

Name: Forest of nightmares
Image source:
Classification: Forest
Location: Netherworld
Size: Massive
Population: Minor
Demographics: Unknown
Points of Interest:
Tree of Solace: In the center of the forest lies a tree unlike all the others, in terms of size. It radiates a soft light, and is the only safety from the nightmarish forest around it. Upon leaving the warmth if the tree, the nightmares will immediately begin their relentless assault on the mind.
Description: The forest of nightmares is, in fact, one massive forest of overgrown trees and foliage. From the outside, that's just what it looks like. Once inside, however, it is very hard to escape. Direction becomes meaningless, and nightmares, as well as ghosts of the past, become reality. The forest seems to feed on the deepest, darkest fears of a person, and do anything to make them real to the individual. This can range from simple visions, to making other people look like things they're not. Some people still roam the forest, either long-gone insane, or simply trying to survive the forest itself.
History: N/A
Links: N/A