Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[member="Dominic Shiro"] [member="Subject 73 Red"]


Einon found himself on the planet of Atrisia this week. Ever since the Commenor Systems Alliance fell, the former Head of Security found himself wandering from planet to planet taking random jobs here and there.

This time however he wasn't looking for work. Instead he merely came to explore the famed planet and tour. It was different to view a place in that way. Instead of looking for potential dangers, he merely took in the sights and beauty of the place.

"I can't see!! I can't--"

The shouts followed by a hard tumble against metal broke Einon from his thoughts. He quickened his pace and found the victim just at the entrance of an alleyway, lying in a crumpled heap with a nasty lump on his head. Einon looked up and saw what had happened. An escape ladder hung low. The guy must have hit it with his head, then fell against the garbage bins. "Take it easy, friend." As he crouched down the man began to convulse, subtly at first before it turned into a fit. Einon grabbed hold of the man's wrists before he started to shout. "HELP!! I need some help here!!"

Subject 73 Red

We're more ghosts than people.

Luckily, Red was also on the planet. He was on the planet for... Reasons. Yes, that's a suspicious and vague answer, but it's what Red told anyone that asked him why he was there and knew that he was a foreigner.

Red was walking nearby when he heard the cry for help. Red ran over to where he heard the cry for help and saw the scene. Red crouched down next to the two and examined the man convulsing on the ground.

"What's going on? What's wrong with him?" Red asked the man holding the other's wrists.
[member="Subject 73 Red"]​
Dominic sat atop a rooftop, snacking on an apple he had just... 'Bought' from a less then understanding Toydarian. Starring at the ships flying through the air, he became lost in thought about the life he once knew. When he snapped back to reality, a crowd was amassing beneath him, with their focus on three people. One lay on the ground, Seemingly spasming, while the other two sit beside him. Starring down the alley the three were in front of, he felt... uneasy.​
Opting to get a closer look, he stood up and packed his things, making sure to grab one of his lightsabers from the rucksack he carried with him, placing it in his inside-jacket pocket. Having thrown the bag on his back he proceeded to climb down the side of the building opposite the alleyway. Pushing his way through the crowd until he was close enough to hear them.​
He turned to someone beside him, "Psst, y'know what happened?" The man didn't even look at him as he responded. "Not a clue. Guy said he couldn't see and then came tumbling down here". Dominic's initial thoughts where that he was simply drunk or so high he had destroyed his eyes. But nothing is ever black and white, so he waited to see what became of the situation...​


Einon continued to hold the man's wrists, his own body moving with the continued convulsions of the other. "I don't know. I just got here. I think he hit his head up there." With a nod of his chin, Einon directed [member="Subject 73 Red"] to look up at the emergency ladder.

More people were showing up. Einon looked at the crowd, with [member="Dominic Shiro"] among them. No one seemed to be an authority figure or emergency personnel. That left him to do all the work.

He shifted his attention back to the convulsing man, only to see him suddenly stop. Yet instead of feeling relief, Einon had a sense of dread. He quickly brought his ear down to the man's chest and listened for a few seconds. Nothing. "His heart stopped. Is there a healer here??" Einon was no Force user, nor was he a medic. But at this point he wished that he was.

Subject 73 Red

We're more ghosts than people.
[member="Dominic Shiro"]

"I am." Red told him.Luckily, Red was trained in medical practices, and he was a Force user. Red examined the man. Red then put two of his hands over the man's chest, and he started compressing it to keep him breathing and to keep his heart pumping.

"Reach into my pack, you'll find a needle filled with a liquid. Take it out." Red ordered as he worked to keep the man alive.

Darth Koaaon

Koaaon had been walking through the streets for what was about 3 hours...nothing. She had came to Atrisia to get lost from the troubles of the galaxy and take a break she had heard it was good for you. You see the Sith didn't exactly offer any "breaks", so when she came out like this she had to disappear and merge into the infinitely expanding galaxy. Because of that she had ditched her long black robes for a simple brown leather jacket and black cargo pants. It was uncharacteristic of who she was but she had habit of pretending to be something she was not.

But nevertheless she managed to find trouble where ever she set foot. A massing crowd was gathering around an alley way, too many for it to be something illegal. Eh what the hell? She walked over to the crowd and pushed through towards the center of attention. The sight she befell was a man slumped over surrounded by 3 men all seemingly with the intention to help. She could feel the departure of a life force and it was going fast. She approached the group and squatted adjusting to the mans position.

"This isn't something I usually do. I reserve this err...."Technique." For people who are already dead."

She wasn't lying either, the intensity of her Pathokinesis was something of note considering it could destroy a person's mind if not used properly. She placed a hand on the mans head and contemplated for a second, did she really want to do this? Yeah it could save this guy's life but it would most likely blow her cover. She was about to walk away when a genius idea came about bringing a cold smile to her face.

[member="Subject 73 Red"]
[member="Dominic Shiro"]

Subject 73 Red

We're more ghosts than people.
[member="Darth Koaaon"]
[member="Dominic Shiro"]

Red looked up from him trying to save the man's life. He noticed the woman. She said something, something strange, and then she had a cold smile.

Uh-oh. Red knew that look. He didn't like that look. He had seen that look on a lot of psychopaths, and it was never a good sign.


Einon nodded as he let [member="Subject 73 Red"] take over. Right away he started to go through his pack, albeit carefully. If it was a needle that he was going after, he didn't want to risk getting pricked by it.

Fortunately when he found it, the needle's tip was in a cover. "Got it." Just as he was about to hand it over, [member="Darth Koaaon"] approached them from the crowd and crouched down. What she had said was enough to raise some warning flags. "Then maybe you should wait for if we fail."

Force users. Einon didn't much trust them as far as he could throw them. They destroyed his life, killed millions in seconds. He's seen good guys go bad. None of it was enough to convince him otherwise that they were all bad news. Did he want them all dead? No. He wasn't an extremist. Instead he'd just rather avoid them as much as possible.

Force users were harbingers of bad news.

[member="Dominic Shiro"]

Subject 73 Red

We're more ghosts than people.
Red nodded to [member="Einon"]

"Good, now take off the cover to the needle, and inject it into him. The liquid inside is adrenaline. Whatever you do, don't cut yourself on it, and don't drop it."

Red ordered. He didn't really trust [member="Darth Koaaon"] , not one bit.

Darth Koaaon

unforgivable, they shut her down and she was only trying to help! Crazy to think that when you slash and dash across the galaxy killing everything in your wake everyone hates you. But when you try to help some dude out everyone hates you all the same. They wouldn't have appreciated if she had shown up and cut cut everyone to pieces would they! Koaaon was getting to worked up over this after all not like she was a trained medic or anything.

Besides if they do mess up then she would have her chance to shine, for real.

"Alright...If you insist."

Her smile went cold and heartless like a dagger to the chest.

"But do be careful. We wouldn't wan any...incidents now would we?"

They knew she had the force she could sense it so there was no point in hiding it now. Still no need to be flashy...well overly flashy. With the force she felt up [member="Subject 73 Red"]'s entire skeleton, teasing him and hoping to raise his guard.

[member="Einon"] | [member="Dominic Shiro"]


Einon nodded as [member="Subject 73 Red"] gave him the instructions. It wasn't as though he needed to be warned not to cut himself with it. He was in his right mind to keep away from the pointy end.

The size if the crowd was a bit disconcerning. They had really seemed to have caused a scene, it seems. Einon uncovered the needle and then jabbed it into the man's thigh, plunging the liquid right into his veins. Within seconds the man woke up, gasping for breath as his eyes almost bulged out of their sockets. He looked from one person to the next, nearly scared out of his wits as he came to realize that he still couldn't see anything. "W-what happened? A-are the lights out? I-I still can't see!"

Einon recovered the needle and then pocketed it. "You hit your head on a ladder. But I think you lost your sight before that." He looked to [member="Darth Koaaon"] briefly. She didn't seem to be the cause of it. If anything, she seemed to have stumbled upon this like everyone else did. So that meant that there was something else...

"Yeah. I came outside from the caf. My eyes started going funny, thought that I was tripping out again so I got myself some fresh air. That seemed to work last time, but I going to be blind forever?"

Einon clenched his jaw. He had seen these types of symptoms before, but usually on backwater planets. Glitterstim. That spice was well known for giving people lucid delusions. Too much use often led to blindness and then death. And like many other spice, it was addicting. "What kind of a caf did you come from? Is that where you meet your dealer?"

"Dealer? What?! No!....Why? Are you a cop? I don't want to talk to no cops."

Einon's eyebrows raised. He wasn't a cop, not here. But in another life....I'm not a cop. And I don't think that anyone else is either." He looked to Koaaon; Red and [member="Dominic Shiro"] just to be sure that his assumption was correct.
Dominic simply stood by and watched as the two went to work on resuscitating the man, all the while keeping an eye on this new comer. He had already felt power like her's before, knowing the feel of it far to well. Dominic was attempting to mask his force presence, through the force, he felt something from down the alley. It didn't feel like any person, it was more of the force equivalent of a hunch. As the three others sat around the newly conscious man, Dominic wandered into the alley In search of what called to him.​
He searched around a bit, looking in trash heaps and through the windows, finding nothing. That is until, he stumbled over a small piece of paper beneath the ladder, unfortunately it ha been torn with only part of a name remaining: "Spheara...". Seeing as Dominic wasn't from Artisia and had been there only for a few days, he hadn't the slightest clue what this 'Spheara' was.​
He turned back to the group who had been asking questions, and as the man was saying how he wouldn't talk to cops, Dominic smirked. "You reckon this place could have anything to do with it?" He deliberately avoided saying the name, partially because he didn't want the man to become agitated, but mostly because he was likely going to pronounce it wrong. He held the piece of paper out toward anyone who wanted it, starring down at the man's eyes while he waited.​
[member="Darth Koaaon"]​
[member="Subject 73 Red"]​

Subject 73 Red

We're more ghosts than people.
[member="Darth Koaaon"]
[member="Dominic Shiro"]

"Nah, I'm not a cop. I'm a commando, and a detective. Now, you will tell me which caf you came from, and if you meet a dealer, or I will insert a terrible neurotoxin into your blood, and it will give you the worst pain you've ever felt." Red threatened the man that was newly conscious.

Red turned to Dominic. He looked at the piece of paper. "Possibly. I'll join you in a sec, first we need to interrogate this man."

Red then turned to Koaaon. "And I would appreciate it if you would stop doing that thing that you're doing through the Force. It's... unnerving. I'm a Force-user to you know."

Darth Koaaon

"My Apologies. But seriously he just woke up he probably doesn't even fully know whats happening. If we really want information we should just get it straight from the source."

She then turned to [member="Dominic Shiro"] to took the piece of paper he was holding out to her. It was torn and covered in what she hoped was water. It had what she figured to be a name wrote in the center. Spheara. In all honesty it was most likely just a scrap of paper and had no real significance. But then again whats the worst that could happen?

"Alright lets find out who 'Spheara' is."

[member="Subject 73 Red"]


Was he hallucinating? It was bad enough that the man couldn't see and had a headache from hitting his head. But now he was going to be interrogated by a commando?? And threatened with pain? Now he wished that they'd of left him unconscious.

With each new voice he turned his head in their direction, his head almost looking like it was on a swivel. And he was very close to panicking. "House of Bells is the caf, okay? I don't have a dealer. I just go there to drink tea. It's great stuff!" Highly addictive too. "Just go there and interrogate them. I just want to go home, maybe sleep this off." If he could. He wasn't certain if it'd even work.

Einon could see the fear in the man. He didn't need the Force to tell him anything about him. "You're going to have to stay away from there for a while. That is unless you want to end up dead. I'll take you home."

He looked to [member="Subject 73 Red"] , Dominic Shiro and [member="Darth Koaaon"] . "You all go on ahead. I'll meet you there?" Surely they were all curious about this now. Enough so that they might pool their resources. If something bad was going down, it was better to get a jump on it beforehand.

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