Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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For Whom the Bell Tols [Black Sun Dominion of Tol Amn]


Black Sun
Dominion of Tol Amn

[SIZE=11pt]Located in Hutt Space, Tol Amn was a murky planet beset by harsh storms. It was strategically placed on the Oktos route, a key hyperplane, and was utilized by the Hutts as an Agricultural world.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Close to the penumbra of Silver Jedi space, activities within the sector fall under the watchful eye of the would-be protectorate. Fortunately, Tol Amn was the perfect planet for Black Sun to sink its talons deep into the surrounding worlds.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]A remnant of the Hutt Cartel has cut a deal. For protection and cooperation, the Hutts must surrender a healthy number of their slaves and their claim to Tol Amn. Tol Amn is currently under the wrath of a major storm, disabling all discerning eyes that might be keeping watch. This is your chance.[/SIZE]
Objective One
Meet with the Hutt Remnants to negotiate terms and take on a number of their slaves. The storm is raging and visibility is low. How will you pull it off?​

Objective Two

[SIZE=11pt]This is [/SIZE][SIZE=11pt]your[/SIZE][SIZE=11pt] turf now. Anyone who doesn't know it is gonna learn. Rogue smugglers and enemy gangs run rampant in Hutt Space. Board em, kill em, loot em. Take it all- it was never theirs to begin with.[/SIZE]​
[SIZE=11pt]Objective Three[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Entrepreneurship: Then again, maybe you're not a criminal. Maybe you're a businessman looking for a big break. Tol Amn is an Ag World, and someone needs to take charge. After all- extorting people for high prices on food? Maybe you belong here after all. Set up shop, build your empire, and help Black Sun take over![/SIZE]​

Objective X


Location: Surface, Tol Amn
Tags: -
Ship: Upsilon-Class Command Shuttle
Troops: Outer Rim Mercenaries [10/10]

The stormy weather was severe although that did not do much to hamper the landing of the Upsilon shuttle. Within the shuttle was Vitek, coiled up on his standard throne. Sitting in a variety of seats near him were his mercenaries, hired today to provide the Enforcer protection against any upstart gangster who thought they would take him hostage. As the shuttle's large black wing like protrusions began to fold up and the landing gear deployed, four humans wearing slave collars put ornate brass rods through the sides of the slab like throne. Once the ramp of the shuttle lowered, they hoisted the rods onto their shoulders. The Outer Rim Mercenaries lead the procession out of the shuttle with watchful gazes, blasters at the ready. Soon the slaves came forward into sight with Vitek. He was clad in a gold breast-plate embossed with the symbol of the Black Sun, matching bracers, and many rings on both hands for his four fingers. His arms were out to the side slightly, in his left was a deactivated electro-whip and in the right was a Force Pike. Rain and wind pelted Vitek's scales, causing him to shiver only slightly. First impressions, especially with the Hutts, was paramount. He was a member of the Black Sun and he would look the part even if it was uncomfortable.

"Forward towardssss the Palace." Vitek hissed with confidence. Although he could not see the Hutt Palace himself, he was certain that the mercenaries would be able to lead the way. Some of them were not strangers to this area. A Zabrak among the mercenaries peered through a thermal scope and then looked up from it "It should be ahead of us, at least that is the largest hotspot near us." the Zabrak looked to Vitek "Are you certain that we are close?" to which Vitek did not grace him with his gaze "Do not quessstion the information of the Black Ssssun, mercenary. Do sssso again and I will cut your pay in half." This threat did not sit well with the Zabrak but he knew that his temporary comrades wouldn't mind shooting him on the orders of the Enforcer should he get any ideas. All he needed to do was keep his head down and get paid.

The procession moved in the direction that was dictated by the Zabrak's information. Through the whirlwind the Sluissi slaver and his entourage arrived at the large steps of the Hutt's palace. Two Gamorrean guardsmen pulled out pistols, sure of themselves that such a procession was a hostile take over "Put 'em down!" shouted a Chiss mercenary who without hesitation shot his blaster carbine, killing one of the guards instantly "Down!" he commanded once more. The other mercenaries trained their weapons on the last remaining doorman who dropped his weapon "Open it!" shouted a Twi'lek. The Gamorrean made a hurried attempt to open the large doors himself, and after some laborious effort did so. The slaves groaned softly as they made their way of the several steps needed to reach the threshold of the palace. Vitek on the other hand seemed as imperious as he had when they landed, completely unphased by the brief conflict "Tell your masssstersss that Vitek of the Black Ssssun has come. The Black Sssun will have wordsss with them."

Objective 1: Meet with the Hutt Remnants to negotiate terms and take on a number of their slaves. The storm is raging and visibility is low. How will you pull it off?

Ziggaa the Hutt’s Palace


The Dark Remnant used the storm to its advantage as it cut through the clouds and rain once breaking through the atmosphere. Malicar glanced through the cockpit as his pilot crew skillfully weaved the vessel towards the mighty Ziggaa the Hutt’s Palace. Ziggaa the Hutt owned the largest food production company on the planet—raking in most of the profits as a result. Black Sun diplomats had “politely” informed the Hutts that Tol’Amn was coming under Black Sun control and they had a choice: submit or die.​

“Submit” was actually a strong word. They would be left to continue their operations as they always had, but they would now have to pay a “protection tax” to Black Sun…such was the way of things. All the Hutts had made their intentions clear. Some were clear that they would not submit to Black Sun. Malicar knew those Hutts would die tonight. Other Hutts quickly came forward and submitted, seeing what happened to their kin on Nal Hutta. Malicar had made a statement on Nal Hutta and it was clear Black Sun was back, stronger than ever…but Ziggaa did not answer at all, and to Malicar, he was the priority this night…

The silhouette of the massive palace could be seen in the distance between lightning strikes. There was a large anti-ship battery facing them, but had not picked up the Dark Remnant…yet. Its two massive Heavy Guns bucked to life, slamming into the anti-ship battery. Starviper IIs swarmed out of the Dark Remnant like angry wasps, ready to engage any fighters that would be launched from the palace.

Malicar Raith knew that Ziggaa the Hutt would have no choice, but to respond one way or another now…


Objective 1:

Eriate had been offered a Star Viper for this assignment, but frankly she really wanted to try the 'Fireaxe' model she was hearing so much about, so when the Dark Remanent began it's approach and it's Star Viper Squads began to deploy, a single 'Fireaxe' fighter was not far behind. It wasn't as heavily armed as she would have liked, but modifications could be made at a later date. So far she was rather impressed by it's features; it even had a bunk for one, which was just fine by her. The rain that poured down from above did little to distract her from piloting, as she didn't rely on the instruments in her cockpit, but rather with her force capabilities.

Her brother wanted this Hutt to be on his knees -did Hutts even have knees?- begging for a truce, and that's exactly what he was going to get. Besides, she almost never got involved in fighter on fighter combat, it was all rather exciting. She could feel the shifting of the air off the squadrons of fighters that were starting to clash, and the ripples that each parties exchange in weaponry gave off. Yes, it was all rather enticing for the Chiss force sensitive. Her front cannons were ready to fire, and after taking a rather steep dive through another layer of storms, she unleashed a barrage of lasers upon a pair of Hutt fighters, shredding them and their pilots to bits. 'They have deployed fighters, but our forces can contain them. Am I needed somewhere?' Her voice would echo in his mind, he simply needed only think of a command, and she would receive it. Until then, she would be running the perimeter, ensuring the Hutt's wouldn't be able to sneak some bombers in from behind and threaten her brother's frigate. They had given Ziggaa more than enough time to respond, and if it were up to Eriate, she would have chosen death for the Hutt. But Malicar made the rules, and unless he ordered the Hutt to death, Eriate would follow his orders.
Assert Black Sun Dominance in the Smuggling Trade​
Another day, another credit deposited in the account. Elana shifted minutely in the command chair as her ship, Of Sanguine Seas, slipped out of hyperspace and prowled towards the orbit of Tol Amn. Her crew automatically raised shields, charged weapons, and began to plot out the ships in the area. She watched them work for a few moments as things plotted out, before turning to the station to her left.

"[color=#ADA131"]Towen, bring up the verified shippers list we were given, and ping every transceiver leaving the planet. Mark those that don't match.[/color]"

"On it already, Cap." Kal Towen responded, looking up with a nod before turning back to his console.

Elana nodded and stood from the command chair, taking a last look around before moving towards the exit from the bridge.

"Ping me when it's done, and then plot an intercept for the nearest mid range freighter."

She left the bridge without waiting for an acknowledgement.

Towen simply nodded, having sailed with Elana since they had mutinied years before. He knew that when she looked unflinching and uncaring that there was something bothering her.

He also know to leave her to work it out, she didn't like anyone trying to butt in.

Elana moved swiftly down the corridor towards her quarters, but at the last turn she instead went into the officers gym. At least, back when this ship had been a service vessel for some Mandalorian clan or other, it had been an officers gym. Now it was a gym used by her and select members of her inner circle. There were other facilities on board for others in the crew, this she kept largely for herself. Perks of appointing yourself Captain.

She stripped off her jacket and left it on a peg, then grabbed a staff from the wall and stepped onto the mat that took up the majority of the room.

"Activate opponent, medium difficulty." She ordered the room, and an arm with a simalucrum of a humanoid attached to it descended from a recess in the ceiling. Elana barely let it activate before stabbing forward with a staff and beginning her silent assault with an impassive face and blazing eyes.


Location: Groog's Food Stuffs
Tags: -
Troops: Darkfyre Operatives (6/6)
Myra would step from her shuttle and instantly regret coming to this planet herself. Her foot would sink into the muck and the rain would already be drenching her suit. At this point she was tempted to just turn around, burn her clothes, and go back to setting up her operations on Nar Shaddaa. The operatives, in full Asturian armor would fan out in front of her, scanning their murky surroundings for any sort of threat, which, it appears there wasn't. Myra would look at the imposing Hutt palace before her, brightly painted blue with obnoxious green lettering splattered across at random points reading "Groog's Food Stuffs". Groog was apparently a hutt, a particularly eccentric one. Yet his business here had flourished and absorbed many others. He was apparently looking to sell his company, take his funds, and flee to a more "legal" part of the galaxy where his legitimate businesses wouldn't be pestered by other hutts and now by Black Sun as it began to spread across the galaxy.

A hutt running a legitimate business amused Myra as she ascended the ramp to the palace. The door would open before they even reached the top, an old rusted thing which seemed to barely work as it lurched and groaned. Inside the palace wasn't much better. Stuffed beasts of all variety filled the main hall, her eyes were drawn to the massive rancor that dominated the left wall. Her observations would be cut short by a protocol droid at the top of one of the ascending stair cases "Madam Raltel-Thaeleon, Mr. Groog will see you in his personal offices." She'd raise an eyebrow at the droid, usually it was customary for the host to greet their visitors at the door, but, perhaps the slug could barely get up and down the stairs.

She would ascend and follow the droid into an office with a massive desk spanning the room. On one side would be a small hutt with a cheap imitation of a human suit stretched across his body. He was rather small for a hutt, a "dwarf" of their species apparently. "Thank you for seeing me.. Groog." she would bow after a moment of hesitation, it felt sickening to show any sort of submission to such a vile creature, she was happy Black Sun was displacing them. "No need to bow! No need!" The hutt would screech, clapping his hands together before motioning to a chair on the other side of the desk "Please sit! We have much to discuss!" Myra would take her seat, this was going to be a long conversation.


Go then, there are other worlds than these.
Objective 1: Meet Black Sun representatives and negotiate terms. Survive them and get rich.​
Ziggaa the Hutt's Palace​

Messorem stood in the Hutt's throne room with a message, one that the hutt probably wouldn't like, but too bad for him. The message he was delivering was simple, 'The Black Sun is here and they're coming for you.' The fat slug gurgled in anger at that proclamation, as he'd heard such a proclamation before from a different Black Sun. Years and years ago, before the faction had died, they had wanted 'protection' music from the hutt. Ziggaa had survived them then, he'd survive them now.

Turning on his great dias, Ziggaa spoke in his great rumbling voice, in his native tongue of huttese, with his translator droid doing its job(I'll be typing it in English, as it's already translated from hutteese for your reading pleasure).
"Prepare to welcome our guests."

The major domo of the throne room bowed deeply before turning and walking out of the room. Already some fighters had deployed to combat the attacking Black Sun starfighters. They were automatic response fighters, not manned by actual pilots, but deadly enough in their own right. But they were being contained by the Chiss fighters, something Ziggaa hadn't been banking on. Letting out a booming laugh, the hutt shook with his amusement, causing his guards and Messorem to stare at him in confusion. Motioning with his pudgy hand towards a holo device, the opulent device activated to show the outside fighting going on, and one particular shuttle that was coming in.
"Don't shoot at the shuttle, but keep the rest of his fighters busy. Let's see what this Black Sun goon has in store for us."

A few more drone fighters were sent out to keep fighting the Black Sun ships, but nothing approached the main ship of Malicar. Staring at the device, Messorem shook his head, this would either work out well for the slug, or it'd backfire completely on it. But it wasn't his position to question orders like that, he wasn't paid enough for that. No, he was just a simple gunslinger who'd risen above the rest of the crowd. Looking around the throne room, Messorem once more noted the opulence of the place. It was large, spacious, had slave dancers for every fancy, and so much more. There were guards, smugglers, gunslingers, pirates, and more, all being employed by Ziggaa the hutt. Though they only served him because he brought the credits in. Same for Messorem, Ziggaa paid well, but he wouldn't give his life for the slug. No, shaking his head again, Messorem went back to observing the holo gram, even as he tapped on the holster of his revolver.

@Eriate @Malicar @Vitek

Objective 1: Meet with the Hutt Remnants to negotiate terms and take on a number of their slaves. The storm is raging and visibility is low. How will you pull it off?

Ziggaa the Hutt’s Palace


The Dark Remnant got closer to the palace and paused. At that point, the Shadow Hammer exited the hangar bay and streaked toward the top of the palace. Entering into the hangar bay of the palace was not the plan for Black Sun. Predictability was something that Malicar did not want to be accused of. The light freighter deftly hovered atop the roof and the cargo bay ramp lowered. Mandalorians from Clan Sharratt used their jetpacks and landed atop the palace and stormed the top door leading into the innards of the massive palace. Hutt sentries desparately tried to stop the blitzkrieg, but it was of no use. It was disciplined killing machines against lazy watchmen. Malicar jumped out of the light freighter as well. His repulsorbelt kicked in at the last second and his feet lightly touched the roof. Pulling a blaster pistol to each hand, the Underlord Eshro stalked over to the door with his waiting group of Clan Sharratt Mandalorians.

Malicar knew there was risk in an assault, but this one was the lead food producer on the planet...he wanted to make sure he understood every facet of the operation before killing the Hutt...

Ardasz Verd


Ardasz counted the rounds in his scattergun before flipping it shut and shouldering it. The Black Sun precession was dramatically numbered to the point where even though the Hutt in question had ceded authority and pleaded with the Syndicate for protection, there was still an air of intimidation. Perhaps that was just their modus operandi? It was of little concern to the Mandalorian as he armed his weapon and prepared for the possibility of combat.

Torrential rains all but destroyed visibility around them as they made their approach on a calculated vector, and lightning strikes numbered in the hundreds every passing minute. His HUD had a relative idea of their bearing, but electrical interference made the HoloNet uplink less than reliable. Those were the breaks when you were trying to be stealthy, though.

He listened to the Vigo, [member="Vitek"] as he gave orders to the rest of the Syndicate peons. There were other mercenaries who he did not seem fond of. Ardasz made a mental note to keep his mouth shut and his pay intact. The serpentine Crime Lord was in charge of his cut, after all.

When they reached their destination, and a number of unwelcoming slavers turned their attentions on the group, Ardasz readied his weapon. The others put down the threat fairly quickly, but Ardasz cuffed the man who rushed at him over the head with his weapon and subsequently placed the muzzle to his head.

"You invited us," he mocked in a mechanical monotone. "Did you get cold feet?"

Gad's shuttle landed alongside Vitek's. He had a few men accompany him and was going to assist the Sluissi in the task of negotiating with this particular Hutt. He had about 5 mercenaries accompanying him as well. They were people he knew and trusted already. They were also fairly skilled, something he valued over the standard merc. Gad wasn't really one to like Vitek. He was a slaver, someone he had reluctantly already helped before. Vitek reminded him too much of the Hutts themselves.

He exited his shuttle, wearing his standard armor with an added hood so he didn't have to leave his face exposed to the rain. His rifle was in his arms but lowered. Presumably they were here to talk. So long as that was still the objective that was fine by him. He didn't trust Hutts though... There was too much attached to an interaction with the Hutts. They saw everything as their playthings.

Gad approached the Hutt palace and scoffed as he saw Vitek. He was on a throne being carried by slaves. His men killed one of the guards and forced the other to open the way for him. Then he paraded inside like he owned the place. Gad and his men followed Vitek's inside, identifying themselves to Vitek's rear-guard. "We're with you guys, relax." The last thing they needed was to shoot each other in the middle of this palace...

There was a bounty hunter on Vitek's payroll. Gad wasn't sure what to make of him. Gad was on Black Sun's payroll himself. Largely to either assist Vitek or represent the Underlords and make sure Vitek didn't try to undercut them.

[member=Vitek] | [member="Ardasz Verd"]​
Objective 2
Make sure everyone knows who in charge in the Smuggling trade.
"So do we have a deal?"

"What is your definition of deal?"

"Well.. it's all abo-"

"Ah ah ah, let me answer. It's all about the connection. You gotta know who's in who's in charge. Do you know who's in charge?"

"Dah'lek Cho of Cho Enterprises. Requesting to board."

Dah'lek had just arrived at a trade merchant's ship, one that matched the description of the many ships marked as suspicious. It's red exterior with a rusted hull stuck out like a sore thumb to many who roamed the Hutt Space of Tol Amn. He set himself up with a fake description, yet kept his name so anyone who heard could tell the tale. The particular ship was classified and documented to have possibly contained many different items, from spices to illegal weapon parts. Weapon parts. Dah'lek's favorite type of item, and it was his for the taking.

The shuttle doors opened within a second. Three men, one of which was in front of the other two, were standing in the doorway. Two of them were armed, the man in front must've been the leader.

"Your business?" The man in the front spoke up. His voice was harsh and rasp, as if he had been yelling for a while now. He had a violent tone, one of which Dah'lek did not like. Yet, Cho kept his composure. He wanted to stay professional, at least for now.

"Well, you seem to be selling items that might appeal to some one of my expertise. Preferably.." Cho spoke in a low voice and leaned in close to the man."Weapon parts?" The leader smiled contentedly. He gave a hearty laugh. Dah'lek unfortunately got a small sniff of his breath and shuddered.

"Right this way, good sir." The leader said stepping out the way as to greet him inside of the ship. The ship itself was tight and cramped due to the multitude of different items, piled high up to the ceiling. The aroma wasn't so pleasant as he thought it would be. There was a small passageway that the crew of the vessel used to get to Point A to Point B. The leader, a bit big in size, lead the way. Cho followed behind with the two armed men last. They squeeze past the cockpit and head down a corridor that leads into a meeting room of sorts. The room's walls were painted white, surprising because the rest of the ships walls were rather red or a mix of grey and brown due to the rusting metal that plagued what must've seemed as a very old ship. It was new, fresh out of the bucket. There were nice chairs set nicely upon a round table, where a datapad and other things lie neatly on. The leader walked into the room first, followed by Dah'lek. The two guards did not come inside yet placed themselves in a manner so they could block the door. The door shut as soon as Dah'lek entered. "Take a seat, lad." The leader said sitting in the biggest chair in the room. It was a dark black yet a shiny, gold like substance laced all around it, making it seem fancy and elegant. Dah'lek took a seat right across from him, folding his hands across the tabletop.

"Sorry about the mess, just came back from a new haul. The more things the merrier, I'll tell ya. Now, what were you looking for again?"


Go then, there are other worlds than these.

Objective 1: Meet Black Sun representatives and negotiate terms. Survive them and get rich.
Ziggaa the Hutt's Palace


Messorem watched in real time as the Black Sun attackers neared ever closer and closer, yet Ziggaa didn't order them shot down, didn't order their deaths. No, he merely laughed and watched as his men were killed by these attackers. It sickened Messorem to no small extent. Sure he held no loyalty to those mercs being killed, but he also knew that could just as easily be him if Ziggaa so wanted. Good thing he was in here then, though it looked like the attackers were nearing the entrance already. And were those Mandalorians?! He'd never met one before, but he knew of their combat prowess, and if the Black Sun had them working for them, then it really didn't look good for Ziggaa.

The thugs outside were slaughtered easily, even as the fight continued on in the air. However, once they neared the door, it opened automatically for the attackers, as Ziggaa had seen enough. He ordered his men to stand down and allow the Chiss leader and his Mandos to enter. Said men were then ordered to the throne room, to provide extra security and make Ziggaa look more powerful. Even though more mercs came, the slave dancers were told to stay where they were. It was a simple power move, one to make Ziggaa and his men look powerful and confident.

Messorem smirked behind his mask at the thought, a bunch of mercs against trained soldiers like those Mandos, it'd be a slaughter. Sure a few Mandos would probably die, but the mercs would be slaughtered. That's of course if fighting started here, and if that happened, Messorem already had a plan in place. Tipping his hat to the slug, Messorem walked closer towards the throne dias the hutt sat on. There he leaned himself against the wall while motioning a slave girl towards himself. This way he'd have 2 personal shields, the slave girl and the shield that could be activated at a moments notice from Ziggaa's controls. Drawing the slave girl towards himself, Messorem positioned her so that she'd be before him, but made it seem natural, even as he gently rubbed a hand on her cheek while keeping an eye on the door where the attackers would come from.

Throne Room Layout​

Ziggaa the hutt is where the white throne is, that's where his dias is.

Messorem is positioned behind the P over D pillar, leaning against the wall, below the 3rd wall decoration on the left side of the room from this direction. The shield is able to pop up between the pillars, and another shield being able to pop up right before Ziggaa's throne.

Mercs line the walls and are milling along the center, slave dancers mixed in with them. In the air are 2 cages in either of the nooks to the left and right, 4 cages total, where the wall dips to the side by the P over D and Z pillars. They hold 1 slave girl each that are dancing, on the ground are 2 tables in each wall section that holds tables.



Location: Bajiibo Kadijic Palace, Tol Amn
Tags: [member='Ardasz Verd'] , [member='Gad Calgaran']
Ship: Upsilon-Class Command Shuttle
Troops: Outer Rim Mercenaries [10/10]

Vitek's more mundane mercenaries seemed to accept the new companions as they were informed of their allegiances. The Sluissi on his throne looked down with disdain at the surviving guard who shuffled off as only a Gamorrean could, to go tell his masters who they were. Vitek motioned forward with a subtle movement from his Force Pike "Follow." he hissed. The quartet of slaves began to make shallow steps forward, and off the procession went one again.

Down the ornate halls of the Hutt palace the group could hear music, Hutts were fond of it after all. The walk was short enough for the mercenaries but grueling for the throne bearers. Crossing into the large throne room Vitek laid eyes on a brown Hutt with large yellow eyes. A protocol droid near his traditionally styled throne welcomed the group "Welcome to the palace of the mighty Bajibo." to which Vitek curtly replied "Enough with the gamessss, Bajibo, you will sssspeak the common tongue or your'ssss will be removed." the threat was met with a scowl from the Hutt who spoke in mostly perfect common "Do not threaten a Hutt in their palace, upstart." At the comment the Sluissi motioned to his slaves who gladly let the throne down to a gentle thud on the floor, then knelt where they stood "Do not missssundersssstand your importance, Hutt, the Black Ssssun fightsss with one far ssstronger than yourssself assss we ssspeak. You are a ssssmall piece. Replaceable." the large Hutt, who was far larger than Vitek gave an aggravated rumble while clutching his small hands into a conjoined ball "Talk business or leave. You are still out numbered in my halls!"

"Very well. The Black Sssun will grant you immunity from the coming purgesss sssshould you pledge your loyalty to the Underlordssss. In exchange for thissss opportunity you will cede two of every ssssix sssslaves you receive. They will be of value, not wassste." the Hutt took a moment then shook his massive head side to side slowly "This is unacceptable. Your offer is nothing less than robbery! What profits can I expect from this arrangement?" Vitek's long, bifurcated, tongue rapidly flipped from between his scaled lips in an oddly shrewd manner "You will have the backing of the Black Ssssun and the Vigosss. Your operation will be left alone for assss long assss your tithe issss paid in full. Your profitssss will be your own... mossstly." he hissed "Of courssssse thessssse termsss are ssssubject to change or revissssion should the Underlordssss feel it necessssssary. They have resssspect for the older cartelsss. Think of thissss assss the ssssstart of a new, glorioussss, and profitable Hutt Sssspace. A resssssurgence of the passst. Ssssimply under new management."

The cargo hold was quiet as the light freighter moved into position. The ship was carrying a special kind of pay load, a small but frighteningly efficient battalion of Mandalorian warriors. Which was impressive enough, but these were of Clan Sharratt, in this section of space, there were none better. They were silent, and they were prepared. Weapons hot, beskar’gam well-tended to and fully functional. As soon as the freighter reached the rendezvous, the cargo ramp extended and the elite warriors moved as one, jet packs firing up as soon as they stepped off the ship.

Landing on the roof of the target building, Vox Stath was heading up this particular assignment. It was far from his first with the clan, and would hopefully be far from his last. The challenge of this contract excited him somewhat. As Ver’alor of clan Sharratt, he was used to dealing with the Black Suns – and it was in fact them who first introduced him to his new kin. This attack on a Hutt holding was a step forward out into the galaxy, the first step in making the suns stronger and more powerful than ever before. With Clan Sharrattthe fist striking forth. The Zabrak allowed a smirk under his T-visor, a small concession before getting to work. He took point, and the first two Hutt guardsmen were dead before they could take a shot off. There was little glory in it, but they were in the way of the objective. They were eliminated.

On his order, two other Sharratt warriors came up with him, leading a breach into the main door at the top of this gaudy palace. Small explosives blasted the door wide open, concussion grenades flying through the newly made entrance shortly afterwards. Vox stepped through the gaping hole, blaster pistols whirring and the body count rising. His clansmen followed him in full force. The battle was swift, and it was decisive. The welcoming party was dealt with, and this first incursion into the Hutt Palace was a success. There would be more work driving deeper into the underbelly, but so far there were no Sharratt casualties, and several kills on the board. When the Chiss benefactor made his way into this makeshift basecamp the Mandalorians had carved out, Vox Stath approached the Black Suns Underlord.

“On your orders.”

Objective: Swap Meet

Gad listened to the negotiations between Bajiibo and Vitek. The Sluissi was being fairly confident in his position. To demand a Hutt speak basic simply for his benefit was certainly high and mighty. Granted, it also said a lot that Bajiibo was willing to do so. If not for Vitek's sake then for the sake of the Black Sun. The deal was immunity from the purges and freedom to continue his operations, in-exchange for a third of his slaves. And his higher-quality third nonetheless. Vitek had the confidence to make this negotiation but a Hutt was a Hutt. They considered themselves above everything.

"The Black Sun is a powerful name, already we have a powerful network," Gad said to Bajiibo in Huttese.

"Allegiance to the Black Sun is a profitable affair, even for such a cost," Bajiibo seemed surprised by the sudden shift into his native tongue. What really surprised him was seeing a familiar face among the Black Sun mercenaries.

"Hmm... Where have I seen you before Elomin?" Bajiibo asked in Huttese. Gad raised an eyebrow at the remark. Did he know Giqa Dabbo? It's possible. At this rate the Black Sun will eventually run into them.

"No where." Gad dismissed.

"Soon the Black Sun will have all of Hutt space, we already have a number of powerful Hutts within our organization, I am sure they will be pleased to meet you as a new ally." He continued in Huttese.

[member=Vitek] | [member="Ardasz Verd"]​

Rajo Sobek

Don't Sweat the Technique

: Objective :
Knock over a couple of ships for the Suns


"Really?.. All of 'em?.."

The list was truly dizzying. Surely his friend had loaded a list drawn up by the Silvers or some other law-abiding bunch of narcs.

"Yeah, all verified. Should I scan fo-.."

"No! Feth, no! Just look for... A big one! I don't give a rat's arse who they say they deal with, we're makin' it big today, Kas."

There was certainly no shortage of ships coming and going from the world and the young slumlord couldn't see any reason why he and his should limit themselves to any sort of rules when they'd come this far. Whistling as he went, Raj continued to work the old knobs attached to the targeting computer to flip through the list of ships that sat in orbit. It had to be in here somewhere, the ship of his dreams, the big score that would bring him and his boys enough of a haul to justify flying out this far in these old tugs. He wasn't stupid. He knew that he might well piss on the parade of some slug on Hutta, but he wouldn't make any money preying on the filth that was flying in and out of the system if he wasn't willing to be a little bit more bold than the competition! Suddenly, however, his eyes lit up and with a few quick movements he'd flipped back up to a ship that was particularly interesting.

"This one, this big kriffer right here... The uhh.... The Cho'goth?.."

Some alien drivel.

"It's registered to some company called 'BlahStar Holdings', if that's legit i'll eat my ear... Let's hit 'em." He'd command, giving his friend a confident pat on the shoulder before strolling off down the thin corridors of the patrol craft towards his own quarters.

Almost immediately he'd go about preparing himself for the raid, grabbing several things from the footlocker that he'd filled to the brim with different munitions and trinkets he'd thought might be useful on this sort of trip. In years past the only tools he'd carried with him had been a blaster and a pair of brass-knuckles, but times had changed and there was nothing wrong with bringing along a few more toys for the fight. He smirked as he thought fondly back on the days that he'd first decided to make the trip to the core, to a new life. It had been the boldest thing he'd ever done and he was damned glad he'd done it. It wasn't easy for a man to leave everything behind, especially when a future in the stars was as uncertain as it could be. Granted, he didn't really leave all that much behind materially, but that ugly corporate blob still meant something to him! With the strap of his utility belt pulled tight, however, he couldn't have felt more at home in the void.

Soon enough this "Cho'Goth" would find itself surrounded by three, old, but still quite capable Gozanti class cruisers that had been dressed in the livery of the murderers and gangsters that crewed them. This was the small squadron that he, the leader of the so called "Sobeki" street gang had managed to assemble in order to assist the recent expansions of the Black Suns. For him this was only the beginning and, for those aboard the lightly armed freighter, it was most assuredly the end.

With obvious intent, the cruisers readied their weapons and prepared themselves for the attack.


Objective Two

As a haven for smugglers the space station Zeta four it wasn’t necessary the largest. It serves its purpose well enough however, for anyone wanting to make illegal gains outside of the planet. Of course, the gang that ran the place earlier received an invitation to form a partnership with the Black Suns but rejected the offer out of wanting to keep all the profits to themselves.

So business went on as always within the station despite rumors of trouble coming…
Inside the port control room, a group of five operators bored out of their mind looked at the dozen computer screens all around them in the front

The door from behind slid open, revealing a pair of Sullustan twins in red grab. One of the staff, a middle aged heavyweight human turned with a scowl. Before he can bark out a demand the twins swiftly drew their blaster pistols and fired stun bolts. Within seconds the staff with grunts and screams dropped to the floor. One of the twins locked the door while the other went to the main controls and sliced into its systems soon after.

Without warning most of the hanger days closed up by massive blast doors saved for the central one. Watching her brother’s work on the screens Ubaa sent a signal from a commlink. “It’s done captain.”

Half a minute later as the Grievous came out of hyperspace in front of the station. Immediately the pirate vessel opened up a bombardment on the few turrets on top, destroying them in quick fashion. As that happens the vessel’s hanger opened up with a squadron of fighters and another for shuttles. The former flew around the Grievous while the latter transports, speed toward the remaining open bay and entered inside. Smugglers caught off guard by the sudden onslaught either ran in panic or began to fire back at the shuttles.

The one in front opened up its ramp even while still in the air and out jumped Bruticus with a mighty battle cry. Just before he hit the ground, the Kaleesh unsheathed his sword in one hand and slice across a horrified smuggler’s neck cutting off his head before he draws a gun. Landing on both feet as his now headless victim collapsed sideways Bruticus with the other hand drew a pistol, firing into the back of a blue Twi’lek as she attempted to flee.

“The Black Sun sends their regards.”

Bruticus proclaimed to the newly made corpses. Behind him the lead shuttle and the others came down and the first wave of his Corsairs poured out firing their blasters at the nearest targets and shouted their curses and threats. The pirate captain charged with them, roaring his command.

“Forward! Fortune and glory awaits us.”

Ardasz Verd


Ardasz watched the readings on his HUD as the newly prone assailant began to suffer from an elevated heart rate. The fear was palpable as he backpedaled across the ground, and the crotch of his pants grew damp. The first line of defense was breached, and the Cartels could see Black Sun had come in force. That was their play- it was how they would assert control, and how they would consolidate power. They were specific in what they expected of their hires, and Ardasz made a point of delivering in spades.

It just secured his pay, and sometimes coaxed employers to sweeten the deal.

"Hutuun," the Mando muttered as the man skittered away, finally able to cry out in terror as he fled the scene. What a pity. Ardasz would have loved an excuse to seal the deal, but he wasn't supposed to kill unless provoked to do so. These jobs were boring that way. If it were a turf war, and casualties were allowed, he would have been having a great deal more fun.

That didn't mean the opportunity wouldn't arise. He just had to wait for [member="Vitek"] to give a new order, and blood would start sloshing about the Hutt's palace. For now, he followed the Vigo into the decadent hall and hung back, weapon lowered with the muzzle toward the floor. [member="Gad Calgaran"] seemed to be having a fascinating conversation with the Space Slug, but Ardasz didn't care enough to have his buy'ce start translating.

He wasn't getting paid to conduct business, after all.

He was getting paid to make sure business went smoothly.

Objective 1: Meet with the Hutt Remnants to negotiate terms and take on a number of their slaves. The storm is raging and visibility is low. How will you pull it off?

Ziggaa the Hutt’s Palace


The throne room was as opulent as advertised. But Malicar barely noticed. This was business. Striding through the throne room and flanked by the Clan Sharratt mandalorians, his glowing red eyes assessed the room from top to bottom. He pulled up short a bit away and bowed slightly to the Hutt, “Good evening, Ziggaa. I am so sorry you did not receive my communiques regarding our arrival. I am confident you would have promptly replied and welcomed us into this grandiose hall without hesitation…”

The sarcasm continued to drip as the Chiss spoke, “Now that I am in person, I should deliver the message that was intended. Black Sun is taking over Tol Amn. You will pay our taxes…or you will be buried here.”

He eyed the Hutt’s entourage and added sincerely, “Your boss’ fate does not have to be your own…this is a sinking ship you do not have to go down with…”

[member="Vox Stath"]
[member="Akhuna Sharratt"]


Go then, there are other worlds than these.

Objective 1: Meet Black Sun representatives and negotiate terms. Survive them and get rich.
Ziggaa the Hutt's Palace


Ziggaa the hutt let out a booming laugh as [member="Malicar"] strode in, to him, the chiss was every bit as confident as he shouldn't be. Then the slug began speaking, once more being translated by the droid.
"Welcome, welcome Black Sun. It truly is a surprise to see you back already. It feels like yesterday that I was asked this same question, but by others." Ziggaa licked his lips then, even as he stared down at the Black Sun 'representative.' "Of course I would've responded had I known! There's just been so much to do, busy busy busy, you must understand. Always this or that to do, no time to relax. Come now, why let us relax, why straight to business? We should enjoy this time before we have to talk shop."

Motioning with a pudgy arm, several opulent slave girls emerged, they were scantily clad and of every species imaginable, Twi'leks, humans, togrutans, and more. They were carrying trays of food and drinks, and they were approaching the Black Sun members directly, offering drinks, food, and even themselves. Messorem rolled his eyes at that, Ziggaa never changed. The drinks weren't poisoned, nor were the food or the girls, but it was a standard tactic of distracting people and making them feel at ease. Turning his attention on the main Black Sun representative, Messorem was interested tht it was a Chiss, once again another fairy tale he'd heard about, but never truly believed. Supposedly they were very smart, which wasn't good for Ziggaa.

Then came the line, they could jump ship essentially. Smirking behind his mask, Messorem tipped his hat to the chiss before motioning for him to go on. Essentially he was asking what would be gotten if he jumped ship, Ziggaa didn't even notice. No, instead the fat slug had grabbed a slave girl and dragged her closer, stroking her back, even as he ate from the platter she was holding. The look on her face said it all, she hoped that something horrible would happen to the hutt. As for the girl still in front of Messorem, she seemed more at ease, because she had seen what he had done, and suspected something, but she was quiet as well. Besides, she wasn't being touched, aside from a light brush on her cheek or shoulder here and there, which was far better than what had been happening the last few years of her life. Messorem smiled at her calm look, before turning his attention to the mercs in the room. They were all nervous, and only a few looked like they were willing to tangle with these Mandalorians. Those that looked ready to fight were of course the best equipped and best armed, about a third of the mercs were part of their number.


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