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Character FN-999 3.0



[These files have been compiled from records recovered from the First Order archives as well as current New Imperial data.]

[ISB clearance level “O7” or higher required for file access.]








NICKNAMES: Nines, Baron, Beast of Borosk (colloquial)
BIRTH NAME: Lucas Eilo Hilstar
AGE: 59 Standard years (b. 841 ABY)*

HEIGHT: 2.1 meters (6'10”)*
WEIGHT: 124 kilograms (273 lb)*
BUILD: Muscular
HAIR: Bald
EYES: Emerald green

PHYSICAL DEFORMITIES (lost limbs, permanent organ damage, etc.): None*
MENTAL DEFORMITIES (PTSD, autism, etc.): PTSD (mild-severe)*
PHYSICAL AILMENTS (cancer, diabetes, etc.): None*

PARENTS: Unknown, deceased

ALIGNMENT: Lawful Neutral


CLASSIFICATION: Riot/Shock Trooper (formerly), Special operative*, senior commissioned officer*
RANK: Captain (highest reached in First Order), Colonel (Empire/IMP), Baron (Empire/IMP)**
PRIMARY STATIONS: Reserve & active duty in First Order campaigns (formerly), active duty (Empire/IMP)*
DISCIPLINE RECORD: Minor horseplay offenses (First Order), spotless (Empire/IMP)*

*As of 900 ABY
**Aristocratic title, as of 900 ABY
***OOC: The Imperial Military Protectorate is an Imperial successor state to which FN-999 is loyal.




FIT - While his physical endurance has somewhat diminished with age, FN-999 remains a formidable fighter capable of impressive feats of strength and durability. FN-999 is powerfully built, his muscular body fueled by decades of constant nourishment and honed by decades of constant punishment. In battle, FN-999's physical feats approach the upper limits of human biology: he has been witnessed skillfully dual-wielding machine guns, killing heavily armored soldiers with his bare hands, and trading blows with naturally brawny species such as Gammoreans and Wookies without breaking a sweat.
LOYAL - FN-999 is fiercely patriotic and has proven himself to be almost completely unwavering in his loyalty to the Empire. It is suspected that his brainwashing regiment as one of the first purpose-raised child soldiers of the First Order may have contributed greatly to his willingness to comply with all but the most unreasonable orders.
CHARISMATIC - An outgoing and confident leader of men, FN-999 commands the respect of all who serve under him.

VETERAN - FN-999 has actively fought for or against every major nation-state that has existed in the galaxy since 854 ABY, outliving many. Consequently, he is among the most experienced stormtroopers in the entire Corps, his forty years of campaigns bringing him from the inner worlds of the Core to the edges of Wild Space and giving him extensive knowledge of numerous biomes and types of urban sprawl. There are very few tactics that are unfamiliar to him, and he can adapt to almost any conceivable combat situation. Having fought numerous foes, FN-999 is well-aware of the strengths and weaknesses of the military divisions of nearly all contemporary hostile powers. He is also familiar with many of the Force techniques of the Jedi and Sith.
RESILIENT - As a result of enduring torture, mental abuse, as well as countless difficult battles and powerful foes, FN-999 has near-superhuman physical and mental fortitude. Even after experiencing significant blood loss, physical trauma, broken bones, third-degree burns, shrapnel impacts, concussions, and temporary loss of one or more senses, FN-999 has consistently been observed recovering or adapting within seconds.
ARMY GENIUS - FN-999 is extremely well versed in military doctrine and has decades of experience to call back upon. Therefore, it is not surprising that the Baron is one of the most capable commanders in the Imperial Army, playing a key role in everything from the storming of Bastion to the successful evacuation of Csilla and the rapid suppression of the Chiss Rebellion.


MENTAL SPIDERWEB - It is suspected that, as among other members of the early batches of the First Order’s Stormtrooper Corps, the mental conditioning and propaganda subjected to him were far more experimental than later generations. When combined with his four decades plus of military service, FN-999's lifestyle has had an extremely destructive impact on his mental and emotional stability. This most visibly manifests itself in the Baron's post-traumatic stress disorder, which is triggered by events as mundane as taking his armor off or visiting the former Imperial capital of Bastion and manifests in a variety of symptoms including anxiety, panic attacks, paranoia, hallucinations, and months-long instances of depression.

OVERCLOCKED - At times, the Baron's mind is stronger than his body. Under extreme circumstances, FN-999 will often call upon his nearly inhuman mental fortitude to ignore severe wounds and continue fighting at full strength. However, this demonstration of sheer willpower fails to actually regenerate the Baron's injuries and clouds his perception of pain, causing his body to shut down without warning and against the objections of his brain, ultimately resulting in him falling into a coma in the middle of combat.

FORCEOPHOBE - The only exception to FN-999’s exceptional mental resilience is when fighting against or even alongside Force users. He has a tendency to overestimate the powers of Force users he is unfamiliar with and shows visible anxiety and nervous tics when in their proximity. Even when working with allied Force users, FN-999 is considerably prejudiced and often seeks to interact with them as little as possible.
SPLIT LOYALTY - FN-999 continues to think highly of the defunct First Order, even as he is further indoctrinated into Imperial ranks. It is possible that if the First Order were to be resurrected, or if a rump state were to reclaim the Order's territory, his loyalty to the Empire might be tested.
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[This file was accessed in 900 ABY. All "present day" information is dated to then.]

From his first days in the First Order, FN-999 has been defined by his work ethic.
What began as a way to show gratitude and give back to the First Order that had lifted him out of poverty had become an entrenched ethos of hard work by the time he became a teenager, further reinforced by his successes in the military academy and active duty. Into the present day, he puts 100% effort into any task given to him, no matter how intimidating it may seem. Incentivized by his success as a stormtrooper and a steady stream of promotions, FN-999 is unlikely to become a slacker any time soon.

Extroverted and assertive, FN-999 usually does not have much difficulty attracting a crowd. As a result, he is well-known in the Imperial Army and the Stormtrooper Corps and is on good terms with everyone from Army privates to the Lord-Regent himself. However, while FN-999 has many acquaintances, he does not easily form friendships. By his own admission, he fears that if he gets too close to too many people, then he will lose them just as he lost his friends from the First Order and suffer a new wave of debilitating grief. However, FN-999 also knows that higher-ranking Imperial officials are less likely to end up in dangerous battlefields and is more willing to form bonds with senior military officers or Imperial politicians.

In active duty, FN-999 is
serious and strict, dedicated solely to his Empire and his legion. However, FN-999 can take a joke and will often joke around with people he is friendly with when not actively leading troops. Furthermore, FN-999 will respect even rude and vulgar comrades as long as they are effective in battle. For example, while FN-999 often criticizes the Galidraani commanders he often fights alongside for their brash and rowdy nature, he also recognizes the value of their veteran armor divisions to cover the weaknesses of the infantry-centered 908th Legion.

According to FN-999 himself, he is confident in the Empire and its leadership because of its commitment to bringing order and stability to a chaotic galaxy. By comparison, he sees the Empire's rivals as either corrupt and spineless (most liberal democracies), puppet states in a galaxy-spanning Jedi conspiracy (most Light-aligned states), or simply pure evil (Sith states, alien ethnostates). FN-999 sees himself as a key cog within the gears of the Empire, helping advance its interests with every victory his legion wins.

In combat, FN-999 is a
ruthlessly efficient commander who is willing to use every resource at his disposal and make major sacrifices to secure victory for the Empire. Conscious of the immeasurable complexity of warfare, FN-999 is highly thoughtful and meticulous, often taking time to research his enemy's units, commanders, and even their cultural practices before making any moves of his own. Even when taken off guard by an unknown foe, FN-999 has consistently succeeded in holding his own by securing and strongly fortifying favorable terrain. In battle, FN-999 is utterly merciless, unafraid to massacre his foes should they refuse to surrender. Having abandoned his pragmatic idealism in the ruins of Dosuun, FN-999 exercises only the bare minimum degree of honor in battle to avoid alienating his troops, and often uses the moral compass of his foes against them to secure an opening. While a formidable single combatant at all ranges, FN-999 almost never chooses to duel one-on-one with a foe unless he believes that his foe is so powerful that only he has a chance of stopping them.

It is suspected that FN-999 has deep personal insecurities, with witnesses friendly with the Baron claiming that he hardly ever takes off his stormtrooper armor out of extreme paranoia and fear of assassination or poisoning. Publicly, he is silent on these assertions, simply claiming that his stormtrooper armor "gives him a confidence boost" in everyday life. Furthermore, FN-999 is often self-deprecating, seeing himself as unworthy of his increasingly high position due to his past failures as well as his own personal awareness of the negative impacts of his trauma.

Publicly, FN-999 subscribes to no political ideology other than
pro-Imperial patriotism. However, his personal values strongly align with Tarkinism, one of the three major camps of political thought within the Empire's leadership. The ideology presents a powerful, highly centralized military state that suppresses individual liberties for the collective security as the only form of government capable of bringing order to a chaos-ridden galaxy. As a survivor of the First Order's collapse and the warlordism that followed, FN-999 is strongly opposed to decentralization, knowing firsthand how destructive multiple competing authorities can be to creating a large and powerful nation. He sees direct democracy and movements for autonomy as self-destructive for a state and views decentralization in general as a step in the direction of anarchy.
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[Compiled below is a rough biography of FN-999's life from birth to the present day, which at the time of accessing this file is 900 ABY. This biography is subdivided into "chapters" in order to better keep readers focused and more clearly show the development of FN-999's personality as he ages. However, there is an important disclaimer to keep in mind.

As with all human biographies, FN-999's is limited by the personal biases of key primary sources, biographers, and FN-999 himself. Consequently, critical analysis and appeals to the ISB Department of Records for revision are encouraged.]

Chapter I - A Tale of Two Boys

"'Can you tell me what your new name is?' 'It's FN-999, sir!'"
-FOSB Agent Komeno Korellius to FN-999, FOSB PROFILING 02-#999, 02.21.847 ABY

At an unknown date in 840 ABY, a boy named Lucas Hilstar was born in a poverty-stricken district of the planet Corellia. While no medical record exists of his birth (it can be presumed that his mother gave birth at home to save time and money), later medical and dental examinations by First Order physicians determined with "very high" confidence that his year of birth was 840 ABY.

The poverty of Lucas' family hit him hard, and of his few memories of his early childhood recovered by First Order Security Bureau (FOSB) agents, none are pleasant. Hunger was a given, and by all accounts his destitute parents had no love for either him or even themselves. In fact, Lucas’ conception was most likely the result of a hookup gone awry, and the pair stuck together out of a vague sense of responsibility more than anything else. Furthermore, accounts suggest that both of Lucas’ parents were likely either alcoholics or spice addicts, often vented their frustrations on the young child.

When Lucas was about six years old, a group of the very first First Order recruiters arrived in the Corellia system. They sought children and young adults that could "disappear" without a trace, seeking to abduct orphans, the lower class, and victims of abuse, who would become fanatical First Order stormtroopers. When one recruiter saw a six year old Lucas desperately searching for scraps inside a trash can, he did not hesitate to abduct the child.

From there, the recruiter fled Corellia in a disguised freighter, containing Lucas and several other young children.

Their destination:

While still a minor urban center when Lucas first arrived, Dosuun nonetheless provided the refuge he had always needed. In the First Order capital's army boarding houses, Lucas received three healthy meals a day, a comfortable bed, and a group of lifelong friends among other "recruits" his age. He became happier and happier, his emaciated body growing in size and strength and his confidence growing in his new home.

It was at this point where Lucas met Agent Komeno Korellius, who was assigned as part of standard procedure to profile him and several other boys. For the next ten years, the pair would influence each other greatly, with Lucas eventually seeing the FOSB agent as a surrogate father. For now; however, Lucas saw the soft-spoken agent as an idol-like figure who in return greatly accelerated his assimilation into the First Order.

Lucas' final step to indoctrination came a mere two months after stepping foot on Dosuun.

On the twenty-first day of the second month of 847 ABY, a boy named FN-999 was born in the military district of Dosuun. There was no longer a Lucas, the old name associated only with poverty and suffering. Out of the boarding houses came FN-999, a boy who knew only his own strength and unwavering loyalty to the First Order that had given him so much.

It was this mindset that would define the next ten years of FN-999's life.

Chapter II - The Refining Years
"At the same time, I owe a life-debt to the First Order. They took a poor child out of the slums, raised him as their own, gave him a cause to fight for, and most importantly, granted him the strength to win. For that, I will always be grateful."

-FN-999 to ISB Agent Sai Guida, ISB PROFILING: FN-999 AND THE FIRST ORDER, 07.08.870 ABY

When FN-999 was ten, he began to attend Dosunn's military academy.
Along with nine hundred ninety eight other boys aged ten to fifteen, FN-999 formed the first thousand First Order stormtroopers, in whose footsteps millions would follow.

At the academy, FN-999's brain and body were both put to the test. As the very first First Order stormtroopers, the curricula of the FN batch was extremely variable, with subjects often changing within weeks of their introduction. Competition was intense, and FN-999 found his days consumed by studying. Still, his conviction remained strong. The First Order had given him so much, and he was determined to give back even more.

Over the course of the first three months, FN-999 went from 900th in class rankings to 32nd, and after the end of the first year he was within the top 10. As he came to learn in the academy, FN-999's early childhood experiences with deprival and pain gave him above-average durability and stamina, which he refined to the best of his ability. For ten to twelve hours a day, FN-999 trained both his body and his brain, drilling himself to become the best soldier in the First Order.

At the same time, FN-999 began to broaden his social circle, seeking the positive influence of cadets of similar or higher competitive ranking than him. As the cadets began to experience puberty, cliques solidified, and FN-999 found friends in a group of the top ten cadets simply known as the "Elite Ten".

On the surface, this group of elites seemed to utterly hate each other, each seeking to defeat the other in spectacular fashion to show their devotion to the tenets of the First Order. However, beneath their competitive antagonisms, the Elite Ten genuinely respected each other. Even after they all graduated, FN-999 and the rest of the Elite Ten would remain good friends and contact each other whenever they were on leave, if only to learn from each other's experiences.

After four years of military academy, nine hundred and sixty of the nine hundred ninety nine stormtrooper cadets qualified to graduate, becoming the first batch of stormtroopers to serve the First Order. Graduating 2nd in overall class ratings, FN-999 was immediately rewarded with the rank of sergeant and permission to choose his specialization.

After giving it some thought, FN-999 decided to become a riot trooper, protecting the peace and stomping out abuse in his adopted home of Dosuun.

Perhaps motivated by the violence of his childhood, FN-999 put his all into bringing despair to the hearts of criminals, forming the vanguard of the effort to make Dosuun a model city.

Chapter III - The End of Idealism

"In much the same way that Tarkin was unparalleled in politics and Thrawn in naval command, perhaps FN-999 was perfectly wired to be the ultimate killing machine."

-FOSB Agent Komeno Korellius, FOSB PERSONAL NOTES: KORELLIUS - #065, 05.15.855 ABY

"Imagine you have a sixteen-year old boy. All of a sudden, his childhood sweetheart is killed by a so-called pacifist, a man he saw as a demigod suffocates him out of spite, the state he loves collapses, and nine of his ten closest friends die. All within three months of each other. And he's an orphan.

FN-999 acts fine now, like nothing ever happened. He smiles, he laughs, he makes and keeps friendships, and his leadership is superb. I do not doubt that FN-999 has exceptional mental fortitude, exceeding even his physical talents. But at the same time, no one has seen FN-999 without his armor, literal or metaphorical, in over sixteen years.

If I were to put him in civilian clothes, how would he behave?

The thought has kept me up more nights than I'd like to admit."


After a year of distinguished riot suppression on Bastion, FN-999's mission portfolio expanded.
The First Order was rapidly rising as a major galactic power, its military might turning to pummel the fledgling Galactic Alliance into submission in its most ambitious war yet. As the First Order took trophy world after trophy world, FN-999 was deployed offworld to oversee occupations and act as security during surrender negotiations.

It was during one series of negotiations, on Skor II, where FN-999's longstanding positive outlook began to waver. After accidentally interrupting the meeting, FN-999 was pulled aside by Kyrel Ren, a member of the Force-wielding Knights of Ren who FN-999 idolized. Expecting a quick scolding, he was instead subjected to a Force choke, nearly being killed before Kyrel released him.

It was the closest FN-999 had ever come to dying, and it would soon become his very first trauma. At first, he tried to excuse Kyrel's actions, believing that he had committed a grave infraction in the field of diplomacy, which he had zero experience in. However, Skor II had successfully secured a treaty with the First Order without any uncertainty, and the idea rung hollow.

He would grapple with the implications of this punishment for the next year, his unconditional trust in the institutions of the First Order briefly challenged.

Still, he had reasons for hope.

FN-999 could talk freely with his academy friends, who still frequently checked in with each other. His two closest friends at this time were FN-445 ("Bigfoot") and FN-973 ("Top Shot"), who had graduated 4th and 1st in their class respectively.

Bigfoot too had chosen to become a riot trooper, and was the first to comfort FN-999 after his punishment by Kyrel. Bigfoot's confidence, both for himself and the First Order, made him well-liked and sympathetic, and FN-999 would often lean on Bigfoot as a pillar of stability when he questioned his abilities.

FN-973 and FN-999 had shared a unique relationship, even within their close social circle. As not only the only girl in the top ten graduates, but the number one graduate herself, FN-973 inspired envy and respect from almost every trooper she met. During their academy years, FN-999 and FN-973 had competed on an almost daily basis, even meeting up on weekends to race or brawl.

Eventually, begrudgingly, the two realized that working together would be the best way to shore up their weaknesses. They began to study together, further refining their skills. As the first and second ranked cadets respectively, FN-973 and FN-999 finally found someone who could keep up with them in a way that the other Elite Ten could not, and they began to appreciate each other.

The longer they knew each other, the closer the pair grew, and budding romantic feelings emerged between them. No longer did they beat each other senseless, instead prioritizing spending more and more time together for the supposed purpose of studying. At the same time, with zero previous romantic experience, the pair found themselves in plenty of awkward situations.

The other members of the Elite Ten frequently teased the pair, whose attraction was "obvious to anyone with eyes and ears". Still, they supported the pairing and frequently acted as wingmen to either or both troopers.

One night; however, their budding romance was quite literally cut short.

First Order counterintelligence had reported the presence of a Silver Jedi spy in Dosuun, with a set of coordinates given to where they suspected the spy lived. FN-973's stormtrooper squad was dispatched to capture the spy, which they moved to do with haste.

The squad breached the warehouse the spy was hiding out in and began to search for their target. However, the Jedi spy had somehow sensed their arrival, and used the Force to close and seal the main doors.

What followed was a massacre.

After an hour of radio silence, reinforcements arrived at the warehouse, breaking through the doors only to discover the entire squad dead on the ground, covered with lightsaber wounds.

FN-999 promptly took half of his annual two week paid leave.

When he returned, FN-999 appeared to be normal. However, his friends noticed that he smiled less and ended conversations faster, worrying them enough to refer him to the FOSB. Agent Korellius, who at this point was obsessed with FN-999, was more than happy to take the case. The two met twice a week, performing psychological evaluations occasionally broken up by casual conversation. Thanks to Agent Korellius' reassurances, FN-999's friends became less worried, and their haggling ceased.

Even then, FN-999 had no time to step back and reflect.

It was around then, 856 ABY, that everything around FN-999 began to fall apart.

One day, the Supreme Leader vanished from his Dosuun palace, throwing the city into a temporary state of anarchy. Amidst the turmoil, FN-999 found himself questioning his purpose even more than he had after his punishment by Kyrel.

In multiple conversations with Agent Korellius, FN-999 recalled how the Supreme Leader was a father figure to him and how his disappearance left him feeling isolated. For the past ten years of his life, he had devoted himself to the Supreme Leader, pledging to obey their every word and repay the favor that had been given to him when he was first found on Corellia.

He also thought more broadly, fearing the political and psychological effects of the Supreme Leader's disappearance on the First Order as a whole. "If even the Supreme Leader can disappear", FN-999 had told Agent Korellius one day, "who could possibly take their place?"

His answer would come in the form of the Moff Council, a group of high-ranking First Order politicians and generals who formed an executive council at Dosuun. For a brief few weeks, they stabilized the First Order, ensuring that it stayed in the fight against the Galactic Alliance until its eventual victory.

Even FN-999 could not expect how quickly the tide would turn.

With the majority of the First Order's armed forces on its Core-facing frontier, there were few forces left over Wild Space and Dosuun itself. At the same time, a massive
Ssi-Ruu raiding party penetrated the galactic frontier, barreling straight towards the First Order's portion of Wild Space. In a single day, the Ssi-Ruuk obliterated the Wild Space garrisons and fell upon Dosuun itself, easily disposing of its defense fleet.

What followed was absolute chaos.

What few accounts survive of the fall of Dosuun describe a massacre of unprecedented scale. The Moff Council was the first target, and with the destruction of its headquarters, Dosuun's defenders were leaderless. One by one, its garrison fell to the determined reptile horde, forcing the desperate survivors to flee to the underground sewers.

FN-999's squad was among the lucky few to make it to the sewers, though not without losing half of its ten troopers. What followed was a months-long game of cat and mouse, with the Ssi-Ruuk above hunting them for sport as they looted the city of its riches. The squad descended deeper into the sewers, surviving on rations and cooked rodents and conserving their precious few bullets for only the strongest of Ssi-Ruuk warriors.

At an unknown date during FN-999's time in the sewers, he met Agent Korellius one last time. The two lamented the hell they were living under and gave their final goodbyes before they split up, each searching for a better place.

After about five months in the sewers, FN-999 and his squad finally found an opening to escape. Entering an underground warehouse, they took a derelict shuttle and jumped to hyperspace in-atmosphere, barely avoiding catastrophe.

As FN-999 and his four surviving comrades soared through the blue void, they each came to the same grim realization.

The First Order, everything they fought for, was no more.

Chapter IV - Interregnum
"For five years, I was a vigilante. Everything I had ever known and loved was gone, and for the first time my childhood years, I felt powerless. Sometimes, I still smell it. The burning of Dosuun."

-FN-999 to ISB Agent Sai Guida, ISB PROFILING: FN-999 AND THE FIRST ORDER, 07.08.870 ABY

Emerging deep in Wild Space, FN-999 found the First Order as he knew it shattered.
With Dosuun a burning ruin and the Moff Council effectively disbanded, a massive power vacuum emerged in the former realm of the First Order. In this vaccum, dozens of former generals, admirals, Moffs, and Knights of Ren formed their own fiefdoms, transforming the First Order's empire into a myriad of warring states, with each of its leaders claiming the mantle of Supreme Leader.

Interested only in the preservation of the First Order, FN-999 evaded the attention of the warlords, living off his First Order clearance codes and hoping for the day a unified movement arrived to restore the Order.

Ultimately, what caught FN-999's attention was the Third Imperial Civil War.

In open revolt against the Sith Empire, a league of star systems seceded as the New Imperial Order, an ambitious young state claiming for itself the legacy of the ancient Galactic Empire. Eager to belong and fight in an armed struggle once more, FN-999 traveled to Borosk at great personal risk, knowing that he could be intercepted by the Sith at any time. Nonetheless, he was able to safely arrive, landing near a local Imperial facility.

There, FN-999 surrendered himself to the garrison before introducing himself and requesting to join the Imperial cause. In desperate need of experienced manpower, the Imperial recruiters accepted, and FN-999 was given the rank of captain in the 908th Legion.

Chapter V - Climbing the Ladder
"It's a remarkable growth, really. Over the course of ten years, FN-999 went from a captain in the 908th to the commander of the 908th itself. All while scoring impressive successes on Bastion, Csilla, Nirauan, and beyond. At this rate, it's only a matter of time before he starts to contend the throne itself."

-ISB Agent Sai Guida, ISB PROFILING: FN-999 AND THE EMPIRE, 11.02.873 ABY

Almost immediately, FN-999 made a name for himself within the 908th.
He served with honor on every campaign the 908th undertook, throwing himself wholeheartedly into the cause of what he thought of as a successor to the First Order. At Bastion, he executed Operation Kyber Dark without hesitation, leading his company to execute numerous Sith traitors in the midst of battle. For that, he received a promotion, becoming a major in the 908th.

From there, FN-999 continued in the Home Guard and Bryn'adul Campaign, seeing the formidable Tathra Khaeus in person and living to tell the tale. His star continued to shine, seeing him promoted to colonel and finally lieutenant colonel, becoming the heir to the 908th.

On 05.07.870, FN-999's predecessor was promoted to major general, allowing him to take the mantle of the 908th's commander. At first, it was not easy for the newly minted lieutenant colonel to adjust. At Csilla, he had trouble getting the sheer mass of troopers under his command to move across trench lines, just barely avoiding being overrun by the Maw invaders.

However, by the time FN-999 led the 908th on Nirauan, he was a far more capable commander. With the help of the Galidraani Goidels, he executed a large-scale encirclement of a force of Chiss secessionists, playing a prominent role in their surrender. When the Chiss briefly threatened to ruin FN-999's plans with an orbital bombardment, he deployed his experimental Zero-G trooper company to intercept the Chiss battlecruiser in orbit, disabling and capturing it without a single casualty.

FN-999's competent command began to be noticed by his superiors, and some of them came to take an interest in cooperating with him. Most notably, FN-999 has in various campaigns co-commanded battles with Erskine Barran, the current Lord-Regent of the Empire, and Saul Vandron, a seasoned general known as the "Emperor's Fist". He developed friendships with both, solidifying his reputation as a senior commander.

Chapter VI - A Turning Point
"Making Nines a legion commander is gonna be a big risk, big reward type situation. On one hand, he's a beast on the battlefield and his paranoia is the nightmare of every assassin there's ever been. On the other hand, he's gone through a lot of messed up stuff. Even I don't know what's going on in that head of his. Whatever it is, I'm scared that it's not sustainable.

If you have that authority, PLEASE get some therapy and resources for Nines. He needs them more than anyone I know."

-Lieutenant Colonel "Bigfoot" to ISB Agent Sai Guida, ISB PROFILING: FN-999 AND THE EMPIRE, 11.02.873 ABY

While FN-999 is blossoming in the present, his past is far from behind him.
At the request of Colonel FN-445 ("Bigfoot"), one of FN-999's closest friends and last surviving First Order squadmates, multiple psychological evaluations were done on FN-999.

What they found painted a disturbing picture.

Twenty years of almost nonstop war and personal losses had given FN-999 severe PTSD, which manifested itself in multiple different forms.

For one, he has refused to take off his armor in public since the day he joined the 908th, citing fears of poisoning and assassination. Whether or not these fears are true, FN-999 remains highly committed to maintaining his guard, keeping his armor on even when talking to his closest friends or when at high-profile Army meetings.

Furthermore, FN-999 has been observed to have a deep hostility and mistrust of Force users of all stripes, including Imperial Knights. It is suspected that this hostility comes from his trauma following his incident with Kyrel Ren and the murder of FN-973, at the hands of Jedi, making him associate the Force as a whole with death and betrayal. Recent therapy sessions have somewhat alleviated this stigma, but FN-999's bigotry towards all Force users remains strong.

These traumas form the greatest barrier to FN-999's continued advancement through the Imperial ranks, and likely must be overcome so that FN-999 will be able to better serve the Empire.

As a reward for his major role in the defeat of the Chiss rebellion, FN-999 was given an exceptional promotion, becoming the Empire’s first Baron and joining its official aristocracy. While outwardly happy to receive the role, he has admitted to close friends and associates that he has trouble understanding the political responsibilities of his role, which involves him serving as co-governor of the planet of Borosk and its large military academy. Untested in the field of diplomacy, the Baron nonetheless appears determined to learn all he can about the highest functions of the Empire.

A test of loyalty came for FN-999 when Blacksite Barbarous, a top-secret prison complex on the planet Dorin, was breached by a Galactic Alliance strike force seeking to rescue one of their own. During this battle, security camera footage revealed former Storm Commando commander Tulan Kor confronting the Baron, openly questioning the ways of the Empire and standing alongside the Jedi infiltrators. FN-999 appeared unmoved by Tulan Kor’s provocations, doubling down on his loyalty to the New Order. While he was unable to stop Tulan Kor’s defection, FN-999’s stalwart loyalty reassured later ISB observers that his principles remained firm.

This was further reinforced shortly after the conclusion of the Alliance raid, when the warden of Blacksite Barbarous unveiled a conspiracy to capture the Baron and his second-in-command, Lieutenant Colonel “Bigfoot”. Just like Tulan Kor, the warden had been fed a false narrative of Imperial barbarity, and he sought to defect to the Alliance with a group of co-conspirators taking the two men in tow. However, the experienced commanders did not fall for the warden’s lies and quickly overpowered the conspirators in the command room before the Baron himself cornered and executed the warden. In his closing remark to the doomed man, FN-999 quoted Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin, reinforcing his commitment to the late Moff’s political ideology.

Yet this was not the end of the Baron's time on Dorin.

Barely a week after the Blacksite disaster, Galactic Alliance sleeper agents on Dorin started a planet-wide rebellion, and FN-999 returned to the world with his legion to subdue it. He personally led a bloody assault of the rebel-occupied hangar, culminating in him taking severe external injuries after an indirect impact with a thermal detonator. His personal sword, long a form of therapy for the beleaguered veteran, was destroyed in this blast. Yet FN-999 himself miraculously survived with no permanent injuries; his body having healed at an unnatural rate.

[More coming soon!]
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