Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Question Fluid time and how to deal with it


So time isn't absolute when role playing around here, and I'm encountering a situation I don't know how to deal with.

I am participating in a thread that is being written after my first thread, but in my personal timeline I was putting it's events prior to that first thread. Another character is in the thread that also participated in that first thread, and is making a mention of it in the new one.

How do you deal with this typically, do you politely ask if they wouldn't mind adjusting, or just abandon your time line and adjust to them? Do you ignore that call back and maintain as usual despite the discrepancy?

Let me know what you guys do usually, or what you would do in this situation.
Gluk, Stock, and Two Smoking Lasers
Oh you laugh but it's true: space-time messes are the best underutilized IC way to tackle the OOC wrinkles.

Up to and including this one fleet battle when one side insisted a ship was destroyed and the other side insisted it wasn't. The ship entered a state of technobabbled quantum uncertainty, both existing and not existing simultaneously. It was fantastic.
Ignore the discrepancy. Not only is it not worth the expended energy, but to act on it would set the tone that "you think you can dictate the timeline of threads", which you cannot.

What if the other guy has the threads in reverse order in HIS character's history? (Which looks to be the case.)

And if so, why do your needs outweigh his?

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