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Faction Flips and Tricks | NJO Ataru Training


Location: NJO Temple, Courscant
Time of Day: Just before Noon

It was a new experience to ask to lead her own training session. Jonyna had offered to teach Ataru, a form she was thoroughly familiar with. She had opened the floor, the training room within the temple that she had designated for her class, to anyone who wanted to come. One day, she wanted to be a jedi master. Part of that would be teaching those under her. She felt she had been doing a pretty good job with Ko and Rayia...

The Knight sat, waiting for any students who would join her. She had training sabers set up, and...

Everything was ready. Why was she nervous? Was she nervous? She was definitely nervous. Stop being nervous Jonyna...

Raphael walked down the halls of Coruscant doing his blend into the crowd as he could. This was fairly easy as, thankfully, the Order was quite filled with both humans and near humans. He'd switched, for the first time since joining, to the inner shirt and outer tunic, overall robe appearance, that many wore. Perhaps it was due to this that he consistently looking uncomfortable... And oftentimes, he did his best to hide the three scratch scar that ran from the top of his head to down below his jaw. He didn't want to have to speak about it.

He hadn't had any real intentions on intending a lesson, that day, yet as he was passing by one of the training rooms, when he saw someone setting up something. He'd not met them, though that wasn't necessarily unexpected, considering how he'd been constantly moving around the galaxy doing, what he thought, was heroic. But that had been the problem. Heroism wasn't heroism. Humility was what he was working on now.

Today, however, Raphael was looking for where a specific lesson was being held. Unfortunately, he didn't know quite where he was going, having not spent tons of time at the Temple prior to his having been captured. He had to ask around a few times, before finally one of the Temple guards pointed him in the right direction. Then, right before he entered the room, he took a breath and knocked on the door. "Uhm, hello? Is this where the lesson on ataru is?"
Another Padawan joined the fray, coming up right behind Rahpael. "I think so" Aveline said, even though she knew it was.

Aveline entered training room with a respectful bow to Jonyna Si Jonyna Si followed by a friendly nod of the head to Raphael Gallustrade Raphael Gallustrade . She wasn't aware what rank the tutor had, but safe to say she outranked her, so she treated her as she would a Master.

"I'm Aveline Cuiléin" she introduced herself and made her way into the room. She wasn't sure if they'd be using training sabers or not, but she'd brought her own lightsaber just in case.

Ataru had been Aveline's preferred form since forever. She wasn't a beginner, but there was so much more to learn that she'd be a fool to ignore the opportunity to brush up on old skills and learn a few new ones. In addition to the lesson subject, Aveline observed it with a slightly different perspective. She was still a Padawan, but all signs were pointing to her completing her final trials soon. In the not too distant future, it might be her standing here offering lesons. She was looking for inspiration on that and how to be a Jedi Knight almost as much as Ataru.

Tag: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si Aveline Cuiléin Aveline Cuiléin Raphael Gallustrade Raphael Gallustrade

to say ryana was happy to learn something new was an understatement she had to stop herself from running to the training room pip was in toe he had sensed her excitement and absolutely refused to be left behind not knowing he would be bored for the entire time. But ryana still happily whent down the halls with pip in tow being good for once she hoped he stayed so because she wanted to learn a new lightsaber form as she got to the training room she saw the other figures. She didn't really know any of them beside jonyna from talking to ko as the lethan twi'lek walked in training Saber on her belt for today as she waited "hello I'm ryana and this is pip he'll be sitting in a corner" she said as pip walked and sat in a corner after ryana gave him a bag of grapes.

As the padawans started arriving, Jonyna steeled herself. Alright, just like Ko and Rayia.

"This is it, yes." She smiled, "So, before we start, and so I can let a few more folks pile in, do any of you know Ataru yet? The basics?"

She hoped not, because starting at level zero would make things a bit more simple. For her, a lot of this was in her nature. Ataru was much like the tree-surfing of her homeworld, and she hoped she could use that to explain much of this.

Tag: Raphael Gallustrade Raphael Gallustrade Aveline Cuiléin Aveline Cuiléin Ryana mina Ryana mina

Raphael shook his head. Unfortunately he did not know ataru.

"I'm familiar with the first three forms, shii-cho, makashi and soresu, but I've not had any instruction in ataru, yet. I was actually thinking about asking about that fairly soon, so this was just a lucky coincidence." He smiled, the scar running diagonal over his face stretching, somewhat, with it. It was utterly laughable how little he actually knew about the other Jedi, realistically, and he tried to make himself as inconscpicuous as possible. He didn't know this as well and didn't want to really draw too much attention to himself.

His mind flashed back to his earlier lessons with shii-cho and even makashi. He didn't know how long it would take him to actually learn all these forms, and he didn't know if he'd ever pick a form of his own.

Jonyna Si Jonyna Si
Aveline Cuiléin Aveline Cuiléin
Ryana mina Ryana mina

Aveline offered another smiling nod as Ryana made her way into the room.

"I know the basics" Aveline chimed in after Raphael. "It's been a personal favourite of mine. But I'm still learning, and looking for ways to imrpove" She wasn't entirely sure how well she shaped up. There was a far leap from adept at something to mastering it, and Aveline was a long way off.


Tag: Aveline Cuiléin Aveline Cuiléin Jonyna Si Jonyna Si Raphael Gallustrade Raphael Gallustrade

Ryana waited to speak up to see what the others knew before she spoke and show up her other classmates. I've read about it ataru the aggression form it relies on wide fast swings and the qbility to use the force to amplify your body past its normal capabilities. Its amazing in one on one melee combat but does poorly against ranged or multiple foes. ryana said she sounded like a book worm and more knowledgeable than she was about the form.

She had read up on the lightsaber forms ataru didn't mesh the best with the hurrikaine crystal but it they where compatible. The lethan twilek awaited a response from the the others in the room as pip sat there patiently he was being remarkably good for just sitting there.

Two our of three. Not bad. "That entirely depends on how you use it. Today we're going to be learning not just the simple techniques, but the philosophy behind it. Ataru is very offensive, but if you're smart, it can also be a great defense." Jonyna smiled, gesturing to the training sabers she had set up. "We'll be using training sabers today just for safety. I encourage you all to practice on your own with your actual sabers, but for now, I just wanna make sure we know the basics."

Jonyna pulled out Lucy, her own saber. She closed her eyes, much like she had with her last spar with Vulpesen Vulpesen , and muttered to herself for a moment.

"Mother, make my saber safe."

After a moment, she took the textbook Ataru stance. "Your first lesson is gonna be about movement. The key to Ataru isn't offense, it's movement. Keeping on the move, no matter what. Your opponent is going to be expecting you to move in a certain way. Don't. Ataru isn't just about overwhelming an opponent, it's about outsmarting them. Put them on the backfoot, then exploit that. All of you, I want you to take my stance, then practice simply keeping moving. Doesn't matter how, just keep moving. I'll be setting up our next section in a moment."

Tag: Raphael Gallustrade Raphael Gallustrade Aveline Cuiléin Aveline Cuiléin Ryana mina Ryana mina


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