Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Fleet Tournament Interest Check

So for a while now I've wanted to run a fleet battle tournament. Priorities:

1 - Equal, preset loadouts created by me. Skill against skill, not tech against tech. It's like that no-Force, simple-sword-only tournament we ran a couple years ago. That was a good one.

2 - Accessible for relatively new fleet combat writers. Think you can take down today's big names on a level playing field? I'm curious too.

3 - Simple mapping, complex battlefield. Asteroids, space stations, that kind of thing. I'd set all that up.

4 - I'm thinking an ultra-realistic IC simulation tournament; participate anonymously or not as you see fit.

5 - No complex systems/rules unless both parties agree.

6 - 1v1 or 2v2 options.

Anyone interested?
Cyrus Tregessar said:
Dibs on [member="Aedan Miles"]

But I'll be rolling with an alt, most-like.

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