Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Fleet Commander

Hey everyone,

The Primeval are currently expanding our roster and I'm very interested in seeing us having dedicated fleeters. For the most part our active characters are a variety of archetypes but rest more in the special operations and commando-esque combat styles. We have a few ship submissions accepted, and another on the way thanks to a fruitful contract done with Titan Industries.

Suffice to say many of our interactions with other factions and player groups tends to be in space combat. We're not much of a land-based faction right now so fleets have been where the heart of it all is.

If anyone is interested in creating a new character or bringing in an existing one as a fleeter, please let me know.

The position of fleet commander will probably be done as the result of a skirmish or development thread.


I would be open to having a story arch for Boan where she gets put on "loan" to the Primeval as a fleeter from the One Sith. It would give her some development and i would have lots of fun since i already know i enjoy RP'ing with you.

Up to you though!


[member="Anja Aj'Rou"]

If you set up a thread I'll post to it as soon as i can :)

Though i wouldn't stop looking for another fleeter as well!

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