Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Fixing the Mistakes of the Past (Open to all)

Solan remembered it all, the death and the pain of those that died here. He wasn't sure if he could face this place again but he knew he had to help those that survived in any way that he possibly could. So taking his personal funds from his times in the past he called on aid relief and financed his own venture as he stood and watched the few ships glide in while he stood at the ramp of his. The plan was to get these people supplies and food as well as help rebuild what had been destroyed.

It had been only two weeks and people still suffered from the injuries and the hardships that Solan could not sleep over because of. It was partially his fault. all of the Rebel's faults, but mostly the Ravens themselves for letting that mass murderer in their skies. He knew that someone needed to kill Dredge soon, but for now his purpose was a pure one with his mask over his face and a cloak around his body. The only thing that was on him that would identify him would be his saber that was hidden in his sleeve. He didn't want to risk more harm to these people by bringing his signature weapon out in plain sight so he left the Scythe on the ship as he began getting supplies unloaded.

[member="Cryax Bane"] (Caue still your world.)
Trixter was in disguise. He wasn't really here to help. He was here to sabotage. It would be hard for people to comprehend him and his motives. Why would anyone want to stop a relief effort? Even the Sith would have a relief effort on their own planets if it came to that point. But not Trixter. He didn't care. These people who died did nothing to him, yet he was here willing to stop their families and the planet they once lived on to find peace.

He was apart of a small crew that [member="Solan Charr"] had brought in with him. There were other crews too, though Trixter purposely chose to be apart of this mans crew. Instead of his infamous make up he always wore, he instead had nothing on, revealing a nice clean face. Though his scars on his cheeks could be seen ever so slightly, only if you were really close though. From afar we was a normal man.

He was pushing a supply cart, which carried various medicines and supplies for doctors, towards the hanger bay. He tried to hide his sinister smile but it was hard. He had infiltrated a group trying to rebuild. And he was going to destroy.
[member="Solan Charr"]

Drones descended from the sky's, 20 or so larges drones rained over the relief camp. Though it frightened the refugees and some of the personel, the droids landed just outside the camps perimeterin a circle. The center was clear and the Herakles-class Construction Drones went under there protective cases and turned dormant. A Kom'rk-class transport shuttle descended from the Skype behind the drones, landing in the circle made by the drones, kicking up the charred dirt from the ruined ground.

Jaster of clan Awaud exited the shuttle, he looked at the refugee camp then at the ground. He crouched to feel the dirt between is armored gloves. 'By the heavens, if I had waited..' Jaster thought to himself. He walked up to the camp, looked at one of the ragged guards as he only held what Jaster beleived to be a club, "Hello, I am looking for you camps administrator, please point him out of send message I bring aid." Jaster didn't much care if the administraitor would accept or not, held just make a camp on another part of the plannet.

Zenva Vrotoa

The Crimson Devil of Nal Hutta

What an ugly place now. Full of pain and ruin. The Vong had reeked havoc on the unsuspecting citizens of this world and The Red Ravens would not stand idle while their people suffered. At least one Raven wouldn't, no couldn't, stand by after what the Vong had done. A young man named Sage Bane had once said that Zenva was nothing more than a cutthroat with no moral code, and that simply wasn't true. Oh sure, she had intended to hand the man over to a drug cartel which would have tortured him to death, cut him to little pieces and feed him to dogs but that didn't mean she was heartless. The creature known as Dredge had broken one of her only rules, you don't kill children. The Vong were rabid animals that needed to be put down. Zenva just couldn't do that alone. For now she would work toward repairing the damage they had done. If those karking rebels hadn't started blowing things up and messed with The Raven's interests here none of this would have happened. Nothing for it now.

The Crimson Hunter, a Maruader class corvette, sat stationed above a section of the ruined city. Vrotoa clan's only shuttle, a basic Lambda-class, having just landed on the planet for the fifth time today. With this final shipment Vrotoa clan would be able to finish setting up their camp. Doctors and architects. Cooks and machanics. Food, water and medical supplies. Now the last group of soldiers were arriving bringing their military strength to a full eighty Zabrak warriors. All under the watchful eye of their matron, Zenva Vrotoa. Clad in her typical clothing, brown knee high leather boots, black leggings, a small red and black pleated skirt and her armored vest which looked like nothing more than a brown leather corset. Beyond her traditional weapons, blaster pistol, fighting knives and stun grenades, Zenva had a special memento with her today. A confiscated ReCal Rebel Mauler. A fitting addition to her arsenal. The rebels had caused this destruction and she would use their rifle to restore order to Makeb. As the last of the troopers unloaded from the shuttle, one broke off to make her way toward Zenva.

Renesri Aylia, Zenva's young niece, snapped a crisp salute before the elder Zabrak "Good morning lady Zenva! Is there anything I can do for you ma'am?"

Zenva couldn't help but to smile down at the young woman, "Well. Well. Well. If it isn't my little Ren. Let's see you then?" Zenva took hold of the young woman's breast plate, giving it a few tugs to make sure it was fitting proper. The armor was a suit of ECHO Bactarma GEN-1, taken from one of the rebels that had attacked Makeb some two weeks ago. "You look rather fetching in that armor, Ren. But I have a present for you. Come." Leading Renesri to one of the dozens of crates that had been brought down from the clan ship, Zenva popped the latches open and pulled a rifle from within. "I know it is a month late but happy sixteenth birthday, dear one. Quick now, go find your spotter and get out in the city. I need to know what's happening out there."

With a short cry of excitement and a crushing embrace, Renesri shouldered the Doom Hammer Sniper Rifle and darted off. An hour had passed when the call over an encrypted comm channel reached Zenva.

"Lady Zenva. I have a large camp about eleven hundred meters south of my location. Maybe two dozen droids on the perimeter. No Raven markings. They don't look like locals. What are your orders?"

[member="Jaster Awaud"]
[member="Solan Charr"]
@Jaster of clan Awaud [member="Zenva Vrotoa"] [member="Trixter"]

Solan sighed as he leaned back and looked out the view of his mask, he hated wearing the thing but the moment he took it off it wouldn't matter if he was giving the Ravens trillions in aid for the planet, he was probably karked more than a rat in a hole. But hell, he would suffer the stupid mask if it meant helping the people here, and if the ravens did anything to stop the helping of their people but an 'unaffliated and unknown' presence. Then they can shove it up their ass and out their ears for all he cared. He was not here as a Rebel, or as the Shadow Prince, he was here to help people as a human... well near human being.

As he was unloading another crate he heard a voice and looked up as he waved his hand over to Jaster. "Right here? What is it you needed me for?" Solan leaned against the hover crate, setting it in an idle mode to keep it from moving. He noticed something else, something wrong but he would not let that change harm his operations. What ever it was though he suddenly had the feeling he needed to watch his back and that something was wrong.

[member="Jarven Zexxel"]
Edit: I so came from the MSN God of the facebooks. It was a glorious place with all the worlds wealth kept in this bank called paypal.
Trixter moved into the hanger with a nice pace, walking neatly and appearing as any other worker. He walked along the hanger wall until he reached a hall that split off to another facility. He moved into it. The hall was large and void of any other soul. He gave a small laugh, trying to keep it down so others didn't hear.

He moved down the hall until he was somewhere in the middle, ensuring no one would walk in on him and see what he was about to do. Opening up his cloak he took our a small case and opened it. There were several small vials filled with different colored liquids. He motioned his fingers over them, debating which to choose. He stopped over a light orange one and picked it up out of the case. Zipping the case up he placed it back in his jacket.

He put the vial down beside the cart and proceeded to open up the medical supplies. He smirked as he examined it all. Most of it was various medicines however there were also supplies such as syringes. He took the liquid and put a very small bit on the tip of every piece of medical equipment. He took the rest and injected it into every other medicine that was there.

After a minute of injecting the strange liquid, he put the empty vial in his jacket and smiled wide. Every piece of medical equipment was poisoned. He couldn't help but laugh maniacally at it. He grabbed the cart and started rolling back towards the hanger bay. His plan, so far, was going as planned.

[member="Solan Charr"]


Blood Squadron Combat Air Commander
Bounties, information, credits, Zenva, all this ran through the wookie's mind as his Yavin-class starfighter entered makeb's atmo. Yeah this place looked like it went to hell in a hand basket covered in bantha poodoo. It didnt matter what happened here. What mattered was his search for Zenva Vrotoa. Also this bounty on rebel leaders and members wouldnt hurt his dwindling credit count either. It may actually help him break even on his search. Makeb was as good a place as any to start looking since all that fighting was blasted all over the holonet. Foebacca felt no pity for those that died. They shouldnt have rebeled unless they were ready for the consequences.

The fighter made ut to the ground with out exploding although the atmosphere turbuence made the ride a bumpy one the wookie landed on the outskirts of the main resort town where it looked like the most fighting had occured. he stepped out of the cockpit and grabbed the vibro ryyk blades he always carried, his vibro mace he named ' The Hammer', and his pistol belt with the T-6 'Thunderer' heavy blaster in its holster. He left the flechette and grenade launcher in the ship. A small pack wuth his provisions in it went on one shoulder so as not to hinder the mag locks on his blades.

After all was situated he headed towards the port where the information he gathered said the incident originated. "Zenva...this looks like something you would d..." he stopped talking aloud in that robotic sounding voice of his...thanks to Zenva. He noticed children and women were dead as well. That Zenva would not do...not if the women and children were unarmed. He looked for signs of life that would direct him to the informatoon he needed. Foebacca wouldnt be hiding his pressence, how could he. A wookie his size would be hard to hide.

[member="Zenva Vrotoa"] [member="Solan Charr"] [member="Trixter"] @Jaster of clan Awaud
[member="Foebacca"] [member="Solan Charr"] [member="Zenva Vrotoa"]

Jaster noticed the masked man, 'Weird?' thought Jaster. He couldn't care less about who was in charge though, he had a job and it was to deliver the supplies he carried and set up a supply line for this camp.

Jaster stood with real discuss with how the camp was being commanded, 'It's not my camp...' he thought. Walking up to the masked figure, he reaxhed back to one of his five Mandilorian Mariens, he was handed two data pads. One carried the supplies he carried, the other the supplies he could have there by weeks end. He held the two data pads out to the man. "A member of the Healers Guild wishes to assist in the recovery of this world." Jaster still holding the data pads out, bowed slightly.

The supplies Jaster offered: 10,000 gallons of liquid bacta, 10 bacta tanks, 100 creates of first aid supplied (25 in each create).

Supplies offered: 25,000 gallons of liquid bacta, 250 creates of pharmaceutical meds, 500 creates of bacta bandages, 25 medical droids, and 40 bacta tanks.
@Jaster of clan Awaud

(Laughs to self. "You just ruined [member="Trixter"]'s prep lol.")

Solan nodded and looked over him for a few moments before his brow raised and he turned his head with an almost surprised look. "Healer's Guild? I must regret i had never heard of your people but the amount that you have given this effort is more than appreciated." He bowed low to the man, holding it for a few seconds before looking up from behind the mask and motion with his head to those that need the bacta tanks the most as well as those that need the meds.
[member="Solan Charr"]

Jaster was glad he hadn't heard of his guild. "The only request that we make is to keep our involvement in this a secret, my guild is a secreat sociaty and we do not wish to be revealed at this point and time, please respect this and we will fulfill any supply needs this camp and others will require."

Jaster looked around, 'To think this is the only refugee camp around', "I would also like to request I leave some men here to protect the supplies we deliver, unless you have protection to guarantee they are not tampered with, again these supplies must last a week."

Jaster bowed to the man again, "With your permission, we shall start the off loading."


The Nameless Soldier
Makeb. A planet only just recovering from a recent invasion, and now it had been ravaged by a Galatic murderer during what should've been a nonviolence rebellion. Whoever was to blame, it didn't matter. That wasn't the reason Apoc was present on the planet. The reason the nameless man was on the planet lied with Solan Charr, a fellow Rebel and wanted man. Unlike many others, Apoc did not seek the bounties that accompanied Solan, but instead he wished to aid him by offering protection.

Unknown to Solan, Apoc had been shadowing him since his arrival on the planet. The Red Ravens still controlled Makeb, and therefore it was considerably dangerous for any Rebel to be situated on the planet, expectially someone who's bounties exceeded 100,000 credits. Armed with a large duffle bag that contained his modified AR-70, it was concealed under a layer of clothes that helped Apoc with his disguise as an aid worker. On a war devasted planet, the large respiratory mask that he never seemed to be seen without, did not look out of place as many other citizens wore similar apparatus to protect themselves.

Silently and covertly, Apoc continued to watch Solan. He would wait for a situation where the man may require his assistance. Something may happen. Something may not happen. Nobody knew, all Apoc could do was wait.

Apoc's modified AR-70:

[member="Jaster of clan Awaud "]| [member="Solan Charr"] | [member="Foebacca"] | [member="Trixter"] | [member="Zenva Vrotoa"]

Zenva Vrotoa

The Crimson Devil of Nal Hutta
"Ren. Hold position. Mark leaders and track movement. Do nothing else. Do. Not. Engage." Zenva turned away from the communication console and stormed out into her people's camp. Off worlders were involving themselves in Raven's affairs once again. Unacceptable! "ORLUK! I need a squad ready NOW!"

The large Zabrak known as Orluk Aylia wasted no time in obeying the order. In moments he had gathered ten of his best warriors. A sound strategist, Orluk's squad was diverse and heavily armed. Two men with the newly delivered Doom Hammer Sniper Rifles. Two heavy repeating lazer rifles. One shoulder mounted missile laucher and a whole mess of different grenades, wrist launchers and assault rifles spread amongst the remaining troopers.

Zenva looked over her camp for a time before nodding to her kinsman. The large male stepped forward, his deep voice booming, "Move out, Vrotoa!"

Twelve Zabrak left the camp in short order. The single line moving quickly, most scrambling over rubble in a mindless effort to keep up with their matron. The troops behind her were all heavily armored and carrying much heavier gear than Zenva herself and soon she began to out distance her forces. Once she stopped, allowing her men to gather together again and catch their breath. Only to sprint forward again, beginning the process of distancing herself.

Suddenly she stopped. The clan warriors behind stumbling to a halt as Zenva's eyes tracked a lone star fighter's approach to the planet. Zenva cursed under her breath. That was the same style fighter the rebels had used during their attack on Makeb. "Orluk with me. The rest of you link up with Renesri. Move out."

The group divided. Ten troopers continued south toward the unidentified camp and Renesri's sniper team. Zenva and big Orluk turning away to track down this lone Yavin-class fighter. Zenva pulled her comm from a belt pouch as she ran, it only took a second for the encrypted channel to open, "Ren. Stay put. Reinforcements are in route."

Little Ren smiled to herself, "Of course lady Zenva." Laying her cheek back on her new rifle, Ren dialed her sights in again on the masked figure some thousand meters away. "Why do you hide your face, pretty boy?" She whispered.

[member="Solan Charr"]
@Jaster of clan Awaud [member="Zenva Vrotoa"] [member="Apoc"] [member="Trixter"]

"Feel more than free to station your people here, it is amazing to see someone else here to help with this... You." He pointed to Trixster as he waved him over. "I need your help unloading the next crate and make sure nothing spills inside it. Its the building materials for some of the temporary housing and it is a pain in the ass to pick up anything lost in the mess it might cause." Solan was already moving towards the ship to go and get the crates ready. Meanwhile, the only things Zenva would see are a large amount of craft of different sizes and variation with very few people with weapons, as well as the fact that no money was being exchanged between those with the supplies and those without.
[member="Solan Charr"] [member="Trixter"]

"Understood." Jaster confirmed with Solan. He walked to the side giving the man room to finish his commands to others. Jaster opened his comm unit and sent a message to his transport in space, "XO, this is king ground, we have an all clear for supplies to rain from the skies, send squads Foxtrot and Bravo as security till other units arrive."

The second in command of Jasters crew radioed back almost instantly, "King Ground this the XO, what supplies are we to send to the second camp?"

"Second camp?" Jaster answered confused, he looked over his shoulder at Solan.

"Yes sir," said the XO over the comm, "there's a second camp due south of your position from scout reports and space observation.

Jaster didn't like that he was not informed of this second camp, but it wasn't his concern. He was to make a supply run and get a command post ready for other refugee camps, also settle matters before security units arrived with more transports. He had to ask though, he walked over to Solan and waited for him to finish his final orders, "Sir, do you have more camps then this in the area so we can separate these supplies evenly?"


Blood Squadron Combat Air Commander
Movemnet to the left. A civilian running from a building with something big in its arms. Scavengers, he detested those that picked clean the dead. The dead deserved respect not to be picked clean of valuables. Foehammer walked down the middle of the torn street. Rubble syrewn about haphazardly, like a child's toys strewn about the livingroom floor. Another movement this one was further down the road. It didnt lool like a scavenger, too precise, the form picked their way through the rubble carefully avoiding loose rocks, the head moving like they were watching for threats. Merc? Securiry? Lawman? They werent moving to the side so the wookie would find out soon. Foehammer raised one arm to let him be seen and show he wasn't a threat. His cybernetic arm went up to shield the sun from his eyes even though he didn't need to shield his right eye the circutry and filters would help with that.

"You there!"

With no doubt he was now seen he lowered his arms but kept them away from his weapons..well the obvious ones anyway.

[member="Zenva Vrotoa"]
(OOC: TRIXTER. NOT TRIXSTER. Hahaha. I'm just joking, but really...)

Trixter nodded politely and moved over to him. He got to the crate and started pushing it with him. In his mind he got a smile that stretched from ear to ear. He took not that he said, 'Anything lost in the mess it would cause'. Perfect.

As he pushed the crate he very sneakily reached into his jacket and pulled out a small, sphere object. On it was a button, which he pressed. He then dropped it and, almost as soon as it hit the floor, it exploded into a massive cloud of smoke.

It filled most of the area he was in. He didn't waste anytime. With the vision he had, he grabbed the cart and pushed it over, causing it's contents to flow all over the floor. After the smoke cleared he stood confused and scared, as most did, and utterly horrified at the sight of the crate spilling.

[member="Solan Charr"]
[member="Trixter"] @Jaster of clan Awaud [member="Foebacca"] [member="Zenva Vrotoa"] [member="Apoc"]

Solan saw as the smoke lept up around him and without thinking he thought that someone was attacking them, his blue saber leaping from his sleeve and into his hand, though he didn't activate it, instead he watched as the smoke clear and all that remained was the spilled contents of building materials and sighed. His eyes going to the man that ha pushed the crate with him and noticed something, the slight scarring on his mouth. Then he realized that theirs was the only crate that had been smoked out... "Whats your name..." He asked the man, eyes narrowing as his mind reached out and his empathy did as well, he tried to both break into this man's mind and leech off his emotions to see if what he would say was the truth.

Zenva Vrotoa

The Crimson Devil of Nal Hutta
-Renesri Aylia

Little Ren frowned slightly. It was no use, the masked man was clearly in charge down in that camp. His gestures had people scurrying to and fro, but there was nothing to distinguish him. No identification or insignia on his person. "Why so stubborn, koochoo. Just give something away!"

The man with him though, he gave plenty of information away. A mando, if the armor was any judge. Interesting. A personal comm,and he seemed to be directing the newest shipment of supplies. Then he turned. "No way! I know you." Ren turned to her spotter, "Cover me. I need to move closer."

With a wicked laugh, Ren slipped forward. Shadows left more of a trail than the young sniper. Slowly, carefully, Renesri made her way to seven hundred meters outside the camp and set up her rifle once more. Shrugging off her gear bag in the process and retrieving a data pad from within. She wasn't a great slicer, she wasn't even a very noteworthy slicer but she wasn't breaking into anything. After a minute though she managed to accomplish her goal. Singling out the mandalorian's comm channel. She smiled to herself as she laid her cheek back on her rifle, she wanted to see his expression when he answered the mysterious call from an encrypted source. When the channel opened she laughed sweetly over the line, "There you are, pateesa! What's wrong? Drink away all your money again, pateesa?"

[member="Jaster Awaud"]
[member="Solan Charr"]


-Zenva Vrotoa

Zenva and her kinsman Orluk moved with a purpose. Intent on locating what was believed to be a rebel star fighter. Along the way they directed several refugees to the camp that clan Vrotoa had established. Reminding each that The Ravens had not abandoned their citizens to suffering.

There! The ship and a pilot. Zenva slowed her pace, waiting for the slower warrior to catch up, "Orluk your on point. Keep the pilot's attention. I'll flank. Go!" Without waiting for a response, Zenva sprinted off to her right. Using the ruins to break line of sight and provide her concealment as she moved to circle behind the pilot.

Big Orluk on the other hand continued forward down the center of the street. The pilot called out and waved a hand. With a vicious grin, the large Zabrak raised his own hand, calling back, "Over here! Double time, now!" This poor fool didn't know what he was walking into. Orluk smile held nothing friendly in it.



Blood Squadron Combat Air Commander
[member="Zenva Vrotoa"]

Foebacca headed towards the figgure. Hmm great..another Zabrak. Not the one he needed but one just the same. Foebacca kept his hands where they were if he needed to he could indeed make enough room to draw his Ryyk blades from behind his back. He hadnt even seen Zenva break away. Then again the big lumbering oaf in the middle of the street had commanded attention. The command given to double time it however was not obeyed. Some random guy tells him to hurry up..maybe he had somethin to do.

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