Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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First Steps in the Galaxy (Jin Empire Introduction / Chazwa Space)

Keira Ticon said:
"Senator, there's been a slight change of plans. I'll be docking with the Jin vessel soon, and you may follow suit."
"Understood, Commander. I will see you there." He signed off with her and accessed the holonet to see if anything was in any records of the Jin Empire. There were some third hand references using language that sounded similar to Jin, but was thousands of years out of date and all sounded like tall tales told from the friend of a friend perspective. Nothing concrete, nothing telling of their history, or their temperament.

"Sir, we've arrived at the coordinates. The Commander's ships beacon and another beacon are still active in the hold of that ship there." The copilot said as she highlighted the ship on the cabins screen.

Khyros nodded, then pressed a stud on his chair, turning on the communications array.

"Jin Empire Vessel, this is Khyros Sunblade, Senator and Justice Minister of the Galactic Republic. I offer the welcome of our governments legislature to the Jin Empire, and the Princess. We request permission to dock and offer our welcome in person." He spoke calmly into the pickup, a small smile on his face.

[member="Keira Ticon"] @Zheng-Mei @Ella Nova
[member="Khyros Sunblade"]

As soon as Keira was set in, she recieved a communication through her portable holocommunicator. "Welcome, Senator Sunblade. This is Princess Zheng-Mei. We have room in a hangar in the rear of the ship. We ask that you come by small shuttle or starfighter, as our room is limited for now. A small escort will be waiting for you."

Once again, a small group of Imperial Guardsmen awaited, stoic faced at attention for the arrival of a new guest. "You should be informed that both Commander Ticon and a representative of the Jedi Knights known as Ella Nova will be joining you. Any preference for tea?" She gave a smile at the last bit, sounding more like a soft-spoken house host than the princess and heir apparent of a pan-planetary empire.

Khyros smiled back.

"For tea, I would like to try what you think is best from the Jin Empire. I'd very much like to learn about your culture." He replied. "I shall have my ship wait off twenty kilometers and bring a shuttle in. As a matter of protocol, Senator's usually must go around with a bodyguard. Would such be alright, and if so, are there any restrictions we should observe?"
| [member="Zheng-Mei"] | [member="Khyros Sunblade"] | [member="Keira Ticon"] |

Ella bowed her head at the same time as the Princess. "It is good to finally meet you, your Highness."

Lowering herself into a seat, the Jedi Knight waited as Commander Ticon and Senator Sunblade were also brought on board. She was keeping one eye on Arsix, her faithful astromech. He seemed to be behaving, which was good because Ella didn't want him to play a prank in an otherwise important ceremony, as the Jin Empire made first contact with the Galactic Republic.

Ella had questions, but she deferred to Sunblade or Ticon to ask theirs first. As her tea was poured for her, Ella turned her gaze to the two Republic officials. "Senator Sunblade and Commander Ticon handle governmental matters in the Galactic Republic, your Highness, so I will defer to their good judgement on any questions that are asked, as they are more likely to know the answers. As a Jedi, I am here in an adversary capacity. But if you have any questions for me, I will be more than happy to answer."
[member="Ella Nova"] | [member="Khyros Sunblade"]

"I wish to know more about your faith, Jedi." The Princess smiled at Ella, “The Jin worship the Fangshi. The Way. What you call the Force. We believe in the harmony between the two paths of the Fangshi. There is Ying Lujing, the Path of the Hawk. It is the passionate, selfish, primal side of the Fangshi. Then there is Gezi Lujing, the Path of the Dove. The complacent, serene, compassionate side. We are taught to keep a balance between the two. Become too Ying, and it spawns violence. Too Gezi, and you let others take advantage of you.”

She returned to her communication with the Senator. “As for you, Senator. A body guard is understandable. But we ask that all weaponry is kept sheathed as to show no ill intent.”

The Princess smiled as she noticed Arsix. “Oh! You have Jiqiren. Automatons.”
Zheng-Mei said:
“As for you, Senator. A body guard is understandable. But we ask that all weaponry is kept sheathed as to show no ill intent.”
Khyros smiled and nodded.

"Then I shall be aboard soon, Your Highness." Khyros executed a bow, then closed the connection.

The ship stayed out the distance promised, then disgorged a sleek shuttle. The shuttle sped it's way towards the Jin ship. Sensors would show no weapons, decent shields and engines, and only two life signs. The pilot, who was also the bodyguard, spoke to the flight control aboard the ship and landed the shuttle neatly in their bay.

The guard preceded Khyros out of the shuttle, then let him lead as they moved away from the shuttle.
The one that had been pouring the tea stood next to her with an unspoken question, and Keira merely nodded her thanks, allowing a cup to be poured for her as well. When [member="Zheng-Mei"] put forth her questions for [member="Ella Nova"] she remained respectfully silent despite retaining her own knowledge. Her time as a Jedi had long since expired; the military was her abode now and forever, it seemed. "I do have a few questions of my own, if that's agreeable with the present company." Her primary focus was the safety and security of the Republic, as that had been her motivation for making contact in the first place. True back-and-forth conversation would come in time, she had no doubt, but for the moment her focus was a touch more professional.

"I assume that your arrival above Chazwa was purely accidental, and I have no issue with your presence here. In fact, I would argue it's welcome. New allies are never a bad thing. But I must ask, what is the intent of the Jin Empire within the galaxy at large at the end of the day? Do you intend to exert authority in any manner, or would you rather remain a peaceful and diplomatic people? I only ask to ensure that relations can continue between the Republic and yourself in a friendly manner, and that they won't be impeded." In truth she had little to do in the way of those affairs, but supposed due to the lack of officials presiding that it was the proper inquiry to put forth. "I am, of course, open to questions as well."

[member="Khyros Sunblade"]
[member="Keira Ticon"] | [member="Khyros Sunblade"]

Upon hearing Commander Ticon speak up, the Princess nodded to her question. “That is a fair question. I actually have response in the mandate given to me by my father, the Emperor of the Jin. The Lingshi is a diplomatic vessel, as you know. We are an entirely peaceful people, and would only result to war if every diplomatic negotiations failed or there was direct attack on Tiantang, our homeworld, or one of its colonies.”

She made eye contact with every, keeping a communication open with the Senator as well, whose party had been met with a similar escort by the Imperial Guard to the conference room where the others were. “We are here to explore, create trade, and if at all possible, peacefully find a place in the Galaxy where the Jin people where we can make a new settlement beyond our own solar system.”

She thought in a moment. “He has also instructed me to tell you that we are also willing to send a permanent representative to the Empire to whatever congressional body there is. On the condition the Empire is allowed to remain autonomous.”
Zheng-Mei said:
[member="Ella Nova"] | [member="Khyros Sunblade"]

"I wish to know more about your faith, Jedi." The Princess smiled at Ella, “The Jin worship the Fangshi. The Way. What you call the Force. We believe in the harmony between the two paths of the Fangshi. There is Ying Lujing, the Path of the Hawk. It is the passionate, selfish, primal side of the Fangshi. Then there is Gezi Lujing, the Path of the Dove. The complacent, serene, compassionate side. We are taught to keep a balance between the two. Become too Ying, and it spawns violence. Too Gezi, and you let others take advantage of you.”

She returned to her communication with the Senator. “As for you, Senator. A body guard is understandable. But we ask that all weaponry is kept sheathed as to show no ill intent.”

The Princess smiled as she noticed Arsix. “Oh! You have Jiqiren. Automatons.”
| [member="Zheng-Mei"] | [member="Keira Ticon"] | [member="Khyros Sunblade"] |

Before Commander Ticon and Princess Zheng-Mei begun their conversation about the Jin Empire and their prerogatives, Ella explained the Jedi and her understanding of the Force. "The Jedi Order has existed for centuries, your Highness. We have studied and learned the ways of the Force since the inception of our Order all those years ago, studying and learning from other cultures, so on behalf of the Jedi, I welcome future relations with the Jin. I look forward to learning your perspective of the Fangshi, as you describe it."

"As you said, the Force- as you referred too as the Fangshi- is an energy that lives and binds all living beings. There are many theories about the Force, some that have been suggested by the Jedi and many others subscribed too by other cultures, such as yours for example. I do not subscribe to a specific theory on the Force. I put trust in what the Jedi Code states, which dictates the mandate of the Jedi and our understanding of the Force."

"I know of a Jedi Master, called [member="Mantic Dorn"], who can explain in better detail than I about the aforementioned theories that the Jedi have discovered and follow. But I will recite the Jedi Code, and at a later time, I would be happy to teach what it means."

"There is no emotion, there is peace.
There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.
There is no passion, there is serenity.
There is no chaos, there is harmony.
There is no death, there is the Force."
Ella fell silent, after explaining the basics of who the Jedi were. It would take years of time and practice for the Princess and her people to fully understand what it meant to be a Jedi. But it was far easier to gain an understanding of the basics of what the Jedi Order was. Nothing explained it better than the Jedi Code.

When the Princess finished answering Keira's inquiries, Ella had some of her own. "You said that you represent the Jin Empire. Perhaps you could explain how the Empire was formed? It would help us gain a better understanding of your people, and from there, the Republic would be able to build a discord with your government."
[member="Ella Nova"] | [member="Keira Ticon"] | [member="Khyros Sunblade"]

The princess sat quietly as Ella explained some on the Jedi view of the Force, nodding as she finished. “It sounds like the Jedi are mostly Gezi in nature. Of which I have no problems with. My ways will not be the same as yours, but I shall remain respectful.”

Then the question of how the Empire was founded was brought up. “It is a long story. I will condense it as best as I can.” She said to the delegates. “Firstly, the Jin have known for a long time that ancestors came from the stars. One of our most holy sites is the point of landing where the Jin’s ancestors came from.” She placed a holographic projector on the table, producing a large holo, showing the inside of the Fangshi-Da Temple, inside of which was a large ship. One that these Galactic Alliance would recognize as a style from the ancient Old Republic, thousands of years old. “This is the so called silver egg that brought the ancestors of the Jin to our homeworld. For the proceeding millennia, the Jin fought back against the natural threats of Tiantang, along with numerous civil wars between its peoples. It was not until my ancestor, the First Emperor, ended the Final Civil War, and united the peoples Tiantang under one banner. Thirty dynasties later, my society has made massive strides in technology and trans-planetary travel. The Lingshi, of where you sit now, is our first attempt at the power to travel faster than light.”

She looked to the Jedi once more. “I believe that some of your Order were my ancestors as well, Jedi. All of the Emperors and their children have had a strong connection to the Fangshi. And the blade of the First Emperor has since become my own, being given a more decorative handle.” She unhooked the Wanghou-Jian from her hip, standing and holding it out in display. She activated it, a somewhat familiar sound of a pop-hiss of a lightsaber blade ringing out, but it sounded a little higher pitched than the average lightsaber.

“For many generations, the Imperial family ruled absolute, but we have learne to be democratic. The will of the people helps elect governing officials of provinces, and decisions on laws. My father then, in his wisdom, approves or disapproves based on what will keep order in the Empire. We never force our hand on our citizens, aside from those who choose to dabble in the criminal element.” She explained, deactivating her blade and returning it to its place at her hip.
Her voice came out while working with them, the princess leading them had found something and that wasn't important... What was was the numbers while she stood there ordering a few of them around mostly calling out numbers for the main ones cooking. THe scents of the food as it was being grilled and the whirring of the fans were a welcomed thing while it got the smoke out of their faces. The main man was setting the plates and trays of food as she went to the back getting some of the bowls of soup and drinks to deliver to the princess [member="Zheng-Mei"] and her visitors for this delegation that had come.

[member="Ella Nova"] [member="Keira Ticon"] [member="Khyros Sunblade"]
Khyros followed the Imperial Guard into the reception room and smiled warmly at Princess [member="Zheng-Mei"], Commander [member="keira ticon"], and Jedi [member="ella nova"]. He accepted the tea from a servant and sipped it, and smiling at the pleasant taste. His single bodyguard had only one weapon, it was a hip holstered blaster pistol that was peace tied with a bright blue ribbon, with a wax seal over the knot. The seal was Khyros's own seal of office, affirming that he had personally seen to the peace tying of the weapon. The guard remained by the door, and did not follow as Khyros approached the women.

While he had been accepting and sipping the tea, the discussion had gone from diplomacy to talk of the force. An area that he lacked both proficiency in and in depth knowledge of, so he politely remained silent, letting those who knew better of such things continue the conversation.

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