Taeli Raaf
Image Source: http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/342/0/d/space_corvette_view_2_by_turanicraider-d6x8auf.jpg
Affiliation: Open-Market
Manufacturer: Krayt Industries
Model: Firezone-class Minelayer
Modularity: Slight )just the type of mines it carries)
Production: Mass-produced
Material: Durasteel, transparisteel
Classification: Minelaying corvette
Length: 150 meters
Width: 60 meters
Height: 20 meters
Four launch bays for space mines
Hangar: None
Special Features:
Standard ship systems (navicomputer, com and sensor arrays, and shields)
Upgraded engines
Advanced hyperdrive coordinate calculator
Maneuverability Rating: 5
Speed Rating: 6
Hyperdrive Class: 1
Fast and maneuverable to allow the ship quick access to areas to lay mines
Has four launch bays to deploy a good amount of mines in a short span of time
No offensive or defensive weaponry
If a strike hits the rear of the vessel, instant destruction will occur from the mines being disturbed
Seeing a niche to fill for defensive roles for a ship, Taeli and Krayt Industries began developing a new ship to help with the securing and laying of defenses in a chosen system. Deciding on a minelayer, as the galaxy didn't have many ships specifically designated to the role, Krayt Industries began building the Firezone-class Minelayer for the open-market.
Equipped with four launch bays for mines, the Firezone can quickly and efficiently deploy a spacemine field in a system to allow a quick layer of defense against invading forces. The Firezone is also equipped with an advanced set of engines to allow it greater speed and maneuverability in its role, and to allow it to outrun any ships trying to kill it.
The Firezone does have a few weaknesses, chief being that a single hit to the rear of the ship will result in immediate destruction from the mines exploding from the attack. The ship also doesn't have any offensive or defensive weaponry, as it is only designed to lay mines and not to engage an enemy force, even a few starfighters.
Development Thread: If necessary
Intent: To provide a minelayer for both blockade and defense purposes
Who Can Use This: Anyone who purchases one
Affiliation: Open-Market
Manufacturer: Krayt Industries
Model: Firezone-class Minelayer
Modularity: Slight )just the type of mines it carries)
Production: Mass-produced
Material: Durasteel, transparisteel
Classification: Minelaying corvette
Length: 150 meters
Width: 60 meters
Height: 20 meters
Four launch bays for space mines
Hangar: None
Special Features:
Standard ship systems (navicomputer, com and sensor arrays, and shields)
Upgraded engines
Advanced hyperdrive coordinate calculator
Maneuverability Rating: 5
Speed Rating: 6
Hyperdrive Class: 1
Fast and maneuverable to allow the ship quick access to areas to lay mines
Has four launch bays to deploy a good amount of mines in a short span of time
No offensive or defensive weaponry
If a strike hits the rear of the vessel, instant destruction will occur from the mines being disturbed
Seeing a niche to fill for defensive roles for a ship, Taeli and Krayt Industries began developing a new ship to help with the securing and laying of defenses in a chosen system. Deciding on a minelayer, as the galaxy didn't have many ships specifically designated to the role, Krayt Industries began building the Firezone-class Minelayer for the open-market.
Equipped with four launch bays for mines, the Firezone can quickly and efficiently deploy a spacemine field in a system to allow a quick layer of defense against invading forces. The Firezone is also equipped with an advanced set of engines to allow it greater speed and maneuverability in its role, and to allow it to outrun any ships trying to kill it.
The Firezone does have a few weaknesses, chief being that a single hit to the rear of the ship will result in immediate destruction from the mines exploding from the attack. The ship also doesn't have any offensive or defensive weaponry, as it is only designed to lay mines and not to engage an enemy force, even a few starfighters.
Development Thread: If necessary
Intent: To provide a minelayer for both blockade and defense purposes
Who Can Use This: Anyone who purchases one