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Approved NPC Firesquad Achilles

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This is a multi entry for a fire team of mine.


Name: GC-2945, Rob V. Ross "Camper" [Also worth including: aliases, ranks, titles and so forth.]
Loyalties: One Sith, Firesquad Achilles
Role: Squad's sniper
Development Threads: N/A
Age: 23
Species: Human
Force-Sensitive: NO
Appearance: Camper under the helmet has short blonde hair, and brown eyes. A few freckles dot his nose.
Personality: Calm, Joker, In-Sensitive, Cocky
Weapon of Choice: Sniper Rifle
Wealth: One Sith paycheck
Combat Function: He's pretty decent staying in the backfield, taking careful shots at the enemy, and watching the squad's back.
Strengths, He takes his time with his shots, making each bullet count, while also great with communicating enemy position, but he can sometimes get on a head count role, and slip up on his shots, while also talking to much on the coms.
Notable Possessions: Speeder Bike, and basic field equipment (i.e. binoculars, recon drone, rations)
Other Notes: Rob started out as a punk on Coruscant, thieving and such, but would later become enrolled into the One Sith army for money and find out that it wasnt that bad really, and the paycheck was better then what he would pitpocket. Years of being a punk still stick with his mouth, but he's always ready to take one for the team.


Name: GC-0706, Geir O. Innro "Tiiny"
Loyalties: One Sith, and his firesquad.
Roles: Squad's heavy weapons expert.
Development Thread:N/A
Age: 28
Species: Human
Force Sensitive: NO
Appearance: He's bald with green eyes. Build like a tank.
Personality: Quiet (Outside of battle), Hothead (When given a reason to beat the crap out of some poor soul), Caring (For his squad)
Weapon of Choice: in his words "They gotta be BIG!"
Wealth: One Sith paycheck
Combat Function: Tiny likes to get up in the enemy's face, mow him down, then crush his skull. He's brutal, but effective. He enjoys laying down a hail storm of fire form his chain gun, blowing up tanks with his missile launcher, and beating up people with his fist when he has no more ammo.
Skills: While being great with just about any big gun, and making sure the team doesnt get pinned down, by pinning down the enemy, he has a hot head temper outside of combat, and keeps to himself, and his squadmates.


Name: GC-5114, Seak "Seeker" Dillraw
Development Thread: N/A
Loyalties: One Sith. Achilles
Roles: Squad's Rifleman through, and through. While also having skills in hacking, and tech.
Species: Human
Force Sensitive: No
Appearance: With black hair kept military cut, and blue eyes, Seeker is a handsome man.
Personality: Cool and Calm, A Little Cocky, Competitive, Professional (when around other authorities)
Weapon of Choice: A rifle, carbine, things of those nature.
Wealth: One Sith paycheck
Combat Function: playing the role of support for the squad, and doing odd jobs for them.
Skills: Though his aim is great, and he can keep a cool head in combat, while helping out with the tech situations of the group, Seeker sometimes plays it out more like a game then war, and is known to pick on others sometimes without mean intentions.


Name: Felix K. Hawkins "Birdman"
Development Thread: N/A
Loyalties: One Sith. and his squad.
Role: While being Medic, he is also the second rifleman.
Age: 24
Species: Human
Force Sensitive: NOOOOOOOO
Appearance: Black hair, kept at a buzzed cut, blue grey eyes.
Personality: Nerdy, Calm, Curious.
Weapon of Choice: Rifle, SMG
Wealth: One Sith paycheck
Combat Function: Usually seen in the middle of the group, his role is major support for the squad, keeping check on health, and mental stability.
Skills: The man's skills are at best amazing when it comes to quick patch ups, and calming down the group, but his nerdy side gets him picked on by others outside the group, and his curious manners can make him seem weird to others outside the squad. (i.e. tasting Bacta, practicing wrapping wounds, reading a lot of books)

(First Picture)
(Second Picture)
(Third Picture)
(Fourth Picture)


@Matus Ike

It maybe a while thatscout trooper was hard to find lol, so bare with me as I go look. Do I really need the three from Star Wars The Clone Wars?


[member="Matsu Ike"]

Credit given. it was very hard to get them under the pictures, slow computer, so I listed the credits in order at the that okay?
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