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Fire and Blood [Iron Empire T3 Dominion of Miasma & Tera Lush]

Isamu Baelor

Protector of The Iron Realm

“They have made my people bleed. They have taken my niece. I will not forgive that.”

The streets of Csaplar ran red with blood. Chiss nationalists, disgusted at the thought of bending the knee to a human, struck at the heart of the Iron Empire. Though the Emperor survived, many innocents perished. Although they had failed in their ultimate goal, they had abducted the Emperor's niece, Aster Rose Baelor. Taken by force, she was to be a bargaining chip, one for if the assassination failed.

Before being put to death, the captured terrorists revealed the location of their base, and that of the crown princess: Miasma. It was on this charred planet, where they built up their forces, in preparation for a bloody invasion of Csilla. To rescue the Crown Princess. To destroy the terrorists. And to exact revenge, for all those who had lost their lives during the attack. The Iron Empire, and the Chiss Ascendancy, mobilized.

However, it would seem their vile kind had spread like a plague. Additional reports revealed the presence of Chiss Terrorists, on the nearby terrestrial world of Tera Lush. There, a sizeable force had broken the clans, and subjugated the local Lushiens. Forced into hard labour, the Lushiens toiled day and night, mining resources for their captors.

  1. As part of a strike-team: infiltrate the main terrorist stronghold, and rescue Aster Rose Baelor.
  2. As part of the Iron Imperial Army: Meet the bulk of the Terrorist’s forces in the field, and devastate their army.
  3. As part of the Iron Imperial Navy: Join the Chiss Expansionary Defence Fleet, and together, lay waste to the Terrorist’s fleet.
  4. Do your own thing.
Tera Lush:
  1. Join together with local resistance forces, and free the shackled Lushiens.
  2. Do your own thing.
[member="Aleksander Miles"] | [member="Arisa Yune"] | [member="Aster Rose Baelor"] | [member="Atheus"] | [member="Bato Golden"] | [member="Benedict Rotadaria"] | [member="Kimiko"] | [member="Kiriko"] | [member="Krayzen Dratos"] | [member="Lyle Baelor"] | [member="Siva Mortini"] | [member="Talos Rygat"] | [member="Thaddeus Braken"] | [member="Théodred Heavenshield"] | [member="Yoss Nomiamk"] | [member="Zeradias Mant"]
Location: Tera Lush
Objective: Free the Vampir
NPC's: 1,000 Dubrillion Legionaries
Equipment: I.E.-1 Rifle, I.E.-4 Sidearm, Legionary Armor

Standing aboard one of the Empires destroyers, Talos and His Legion of Sephi warriors, prepared to take back Tera Lush from the Terrorists. Legionaries grabbed ammo and gear to make the long trek, this wasn't a full out war scenario, so extra supplies were needed.

The Empire was sending in their more Fringe forces while the main forces headed to Miasma to save the princess and squash the insurrection at its source. Talos was that Fringe Force, on the edge of what the emperor would have allowed in his ranks and strange enough to get the job done.

Loading into the numerous landing ships, the Legionaries would be escorted by fighters to ensure they landed safely. Haradesh was their target, then to the mines to end to subjugation for the Vampir.

[member="Isamu Baelor"]
Aleksander Miles also known as the Raven sat in the command throne of the ship that served as the flagship of his little flotilla he had put together when he left his father. It was one of the few Shinigami-class Star Destroyers named Raven's Beak to go with its name it had been almost completely coated in a black coloring he tapped away on the edge of the command throne his armor pitch black as well his red eyes gleaming above it all as he smirked. "Oh this will be fun won't it men? Let's show them what it means to have Raven's Fury on your side. The beak will lead as we are stationed on the right wing I want both Talons on either side with their fighter squadrons launched. Also have the Chimera push forward I want to have us prepared for any instance that may call for large amounts of fire power." He smirked as he watched Talon 1 and Talon 2 move into position his eyes gleaming as he laughed madly throwing his head back. The fleet he had taken from his father was extravagent to be sure both of the Talon ships were carriers his father had stolen and he had commandeered for his own forces. One was an old Justicar-class command carrier that moved steadily into position its fighters launching the other was an Apollyon-class carrier its own fighters launching. Of course the fighters had all been replaced with this created by his father he hummed a cheery tone as his fathers favorite ship a Centurion-class battle cruiser moved into position just behind the Raven's Beak. Activating his communications he sent a quick word to whoever the admiral for the day was. "This is Alek Raven's Fury is in position and ready to engage at your word."
Location: Miasma
Objective: 1 Rescue Aster Rose Baelor
Equipment: Duster clothes, Rapier

Post 1

Benedict had recently returned from a luge trip up in Hoth. It was a sport he'd taken up to supplement his lack of a personal life. He was training for the Galaxy Wide Championships, a tournament where many athletes of all sports competed in one mass exposition. "I hope Aster will be easier to find, I don't know what we're up against." An immense wave of suspense swept over him. This mission was to save someone's life. Failing meant that Aster would die, and that wasn't an option. Landing his Delta 7-B Aethersprite in a clearing north of the objective point, Benedict got out. "I've got a bank and a Luge to get back to, we need to find her."

He grabbed his Rapier out from the cockpit and checked his ship for any damage. Other than a small scratch near the cockpit, the ship was fine. Benedict called for backup. "This is Benedict Rotadaria of the Iron Empire. Where are you guys? I'm north of the target point but I don't see any of you. Over."
Location: Hyperspace, enroute to Miasma
Objective: Miasma (Fleeting transitioning to ground ops/close air support, deving ship and unit.)
Allies: IE
Opposition: Terrorists

Fresh of a joint anti-piracy operation with the Iron Empire, she would remain in the area with her Spacy expeditionary group for another mission with her new allies. This time to wipe out terrorist strongholds on Miasma. As she was expecting to encounter more fierce resistance she was going in with the full might of her expeditionary group, built around a trio Star Destroyers. Perhaps overkill, but then war wasn't supposed to be a sporting competition.

Her plan was to link up with the CEDF battle group, then offer them support while deploying her Dragoons in an orbital insertion to begin knocking out ground-based air defense systems below. After softening up the opposition in the air, she would transition to providing long range artillery support to her airborne units planetside.

A smaller formation of Silver Jedi traveled with the the main body of Kiribian warships. They had a different mission, to provide support to local resistance groups on Tera Lush. They came with both weaponry and supplies to help improve the capabilities of the resistance. Long term, the plan would be to use the groups as a nucleus for a formal military for the new regime.

[member="Isamu Baelor"] [member="Talos Rygat"] [member="Aleksander Miles"]
Location: Miasma
Objective: Assist the IE army in destroying the terrorist forces
Equipment: Iron Auxiliary armour, Two double bladed lightsabers, DC-17M sniper rifle, anti force user grenades

This was Yoss' first assignment and his chance to show the Iron Empire his full potential. He could not and was not going to hold back in this battle. Yoss had been deployed to the front lines tasked with helping the army destroy the terrorist forces.

Yoss jumps down from the ship and starts running towards the front lines. A soldier runs besides him and briefs him on the current situation. "Alright, got it, thanks". The soldier splits away from Yoss and he continues to run towards the trenches.

Yoss jumps down into the trench.
"Hey boys hows it going?" Yoss asks.
"its goin alright sir" a trooper would answer.
"Alright lets win this" Yoss would say with determination.
"sir yes sir"

Yoss stands up in the trench looking through his sniper waiting for the terrorist forces to attack. Having eye stalks made this an extremely difficult exercise. Yoss sees something and begins firing wildly at it. Yoss learnt two things from that, look before you shoot and he is a really poodoo shot. He sits down in the trench and looks around the trench everyone is looking at him. "Sorry about that" Yoss would say in a nervous voice.

He would stand up and look over the trench through his scope.
Location: Miasma
Objective: Build a new garrison

The Iron Centurion knew that most of his soldiers had gone to the front lines to rescue [member="Aster Rose Baelor"]. The core of his units, however, by his command had decided to stay here in order to build a new garrison for the Iron Empire. Krayzen admired the military infrastructure of the First Order, and the Galactic Alliance. The two superpowers had hundreds of garrisons on various planets, and if all would go as planned, the Iron Empire would soon have that.

"How's the comm tower coming up?" Krayzen asked.

"We are nearly finished it's construction sir."

Krayzen then nodded. A part of him remembered his time in the One Sith, and that he had a similar job.

The Anzat then proceeded to help his troops, while the rest patrolled the area.
Location: Miasma - Ti'Xal Ruins, Just north of the fighting
Objective: Discover more of this planet, Then maybe fight a few insurgents.

"So why are we not fighting against the people who threatened to kill the Emperor?"
"Because others have that covered for now. We are on call as a last resort for now. If more forces show up than they anticipate, we are brought in to shut them down."
"Okay, but why are we here instead of closer to the fighting?"
"Research Thalia. Research about the planet, and was that the Empire could learn from the past. Or even find powerful relics."

Having a group of twenty men with me, including the four other Iron Legates and Iron Centurions that followed me. Even then, I still sometimes referred to them as Iron Lords and Knights. Technicalities with names were stupid. I believe I was the only "Iron Lord" left who didn't want to change their title. Why? Changing names with the same structure was like calling the Je'daii, Jedi. Their name changed, yet their teachings of controlling themselves did not.

Kneeling down in the dirt covered ruins of the place, I brushed my hand across the brick that lay on the ground. Aged yet could still support my weight. I smiled lightly behind the mask. Everyone here was wearing one due to the toxic atmosphere. It was difficult to breath without any kind of filtration system, or oxygen system. Even when fighting, the men there wore masks as well. If you didn't you will die a slow and painful death because you simply inhaled.

Looking up at the men around me, all in their various armors for different reasons, the only two who stood out, were myself and Thalia. I dressed in my own Military standards, and she was dressed in a mix-mash of robes, and armor as though she grafted armor onto Jedi garb. Honestly, it looked good with the darkened black metal and the brown cloths. Holding the helmet in her hands, she knelt down next to me, and smiled lightly.

"You trying to be a kid again by playing in the dirt?"
"No. Trying to determine how long this brick formation has been here. How was it destroyed. See the scorch marks?

Tossing the brick into my left hand, I then crushed it with ease. The metal upon my arm was not even damaged, and even had the red dust slide off. Showing it to her, the outside of the brick was darkened black. As though an explosion or ash hit the exposed surfaces. Yet the inside was red. Thalia then looked at me with a question.

"Something caused the brick to become black. Likely an explosion of some kind. Its like cooking meat. You slowly cook it to make sure you don't have a bloody center. Whatever caused it wasn't a simple fire. An explosion, or even a flash large enough to imprint upon the brick caused it."

She started to realize what was going on. All the bricks were like this as she picked a second one up. Only one side was darkened while the rest were red. The red came from mud or dirt that was baked into the sun, or even the solution of sludge that created this was red. The black came from a sudden impact with an exothermic reaction.

"So Thalia, tell me, what could wipe out an entire civilization with one blast, over an entire planet?"
"Solar flare?"
​"Not quite. That would incinerate everything. It would act like Napalm. Instant fire, but last a while. No. What is instant, and is gone before you can blink?"
"A star going nova?"
"Yes, she can be taught."

Zeradias Mant

Democracy Dies in Darkness
Location: ISV Retribution, Miasma, High Orbit
Objective: III
Allies: [member="Arisa Yune"], Iron Empire, Chiss Expansionary Defense Fleet
Enemies: Chiss Liberation Front Fleet

"All Iron Empire forces, Overlord Actual. Report in.", the newly minted vice admiral ordered. As the vessels of Battlegroup Gryphon and the Chiss Expansionary Defense Fleet began checking in sequence, Zeradias looked outwards off the bridge towards an enemy that was brazen enough to strike the royal family. Though he knew better, Zeradias found himself to be in a strange position where he knew he'd never be a part of it, yet he felt as if he was.

"Sir, all vessels reporting confirmed.", the comms officer reported. Without acknowledging, Zeradias continued to gaze forward. While he was the first to understand peoples' desire for complete and utter freedom from outside influence, the Chiss Liberation Front had gone too far. To even conspire to put a member of the royal family was something that would be met with swift justice. The CLF's headquarters on Miasma would soon be aflame in craters, but not from orbital bombardment - but rather from smoldering hulls from CLF ships raining from the stars.

"Divert power to the frontal shields.", Zeradias ordered.

"Turbolasers charged, concussion missile tubes loaded, sir.", the weapons chief reported.

"Leftenant.", Zeradias said, looking to the tactical action officer on the bridge. "You may fire when ready."

[member="Arisa Yune"]
Location: Tera Lush/Haradesh
Objective: Free the Vampir
NPC's: 1,000 Dubrillion Legionaries
Equipment: I.E.-1 Rifle, I.E.-4 Sidearm, Legion Armor

The first thing Talos ordered was the Fighters to move in and clear a path before the transports could safely land. It was surely a difficult enough task without the escorts. The Vampir weren't as technologically advanced as the rest of the galaxy, but they weren't the issue, the Chiss Inserectionists were, and they were always ahead of the times. Talos was sure they'd made some changes to the planets defenses with the recent subjugation of the local population.

The fighters moved in and began to work their way around the city and eliminate the defenses as well as any enemy fighters. Soon after the dogfighting began, Talos and his Legion would descend upon the city. Talos sat aboard his transport and meditated in the Force and bolstered the pilots around them to ensure their safe arrival on the ground. As soon as they touched the ground, the Legion flooded out into the city and began engaging the Chiss, using their abilities in the Force to aid their success.

Talos would find a safe spot with a few guards to keep him safe, he began directing the Legion through the Force, meddling his mind with all of theirs and providing strength to their fight.

[member="Isamu Baelor"]
Location: Chiss Liberation Front Stronghold, Miasma
Objective: IV - Do whatever hostages do?
Post: 01/27

Taken hostage by the Chiss Liberation Front, Aster had been taken by force from the Iron Empire's Capitol planet, Csilla to the Chiss Liberation Front's stronghold located on Miasma. Unaccustomed to space travel coupled with the stress of being held hostage, the trip was not an easy one for the teenager but she stayed strong. She did not cry. She could not allow the extremists to gain what little power they had yet to take from her. She needed to stay strong - like her family - no, like her uncle who had the weight of an Empire on his shoulders.

With only the four windowless walls that trapped her like a mouse in a shoe box for company, Aster sat on the hard bed as she scanned the small room that was illuminated by a single lightbulb. Opposite the bed was an old toilet and sink that looked it hadn't seen any use in years - absolutely disgusting - like the men who had so cowardly and mercilessly slaughtered her personal guards.

"Adair..." she said, whispering the name of one of the murdered guards. Their time together was brief but his life was dear to her as were the lives of every member of the Wolfsglaive. Although the men had taken a solemn vow abandoning everything, there were still those who missed them. Tears welled up as Aster recited each of the deceased men's names, threatening to fall but the young Baelor could not allow that to happen.

In an attempt to take her mind from thoughts that tempted her to cry, Aster began to count the number of cracks in the room that was her prison. "One, two, three..."

Isamu Baelor

Protector of The Iron Realm
Post Count: [2/27]
Location: Miasma’s Surface
Objective: 2
Allies: Iron Empire
Enemies: Chiss Liberation Front

As the battle raged above Miasma, a convoy of transports broke though, and made for the planet’s surface. Under the threat of anti-air fire, the shuttles landed far amongst the outskirts of the Chiss Liberation Front’s installation.

Garbed in that of his battle armour, with faced obscured behind helmet, the Emperor stepped out onto the planet’s charred surface. It was a depressing scene. Grey and lifeless. Death lingered in the air, requiring the use of breathing masks.

“Deploy our forces.” He ordered. ”We are to march on the Liberation Front at once.”

“Your grace.” The Iron Wolves commander replied, bowing to his Emperor.

With that, the landing site became abuzz with activity. Swathes of soldiers and vehicles, departed their transports. There, they prepared for the looming battle, to rescue the princess.
Location: Chiss Liberation Front Stronghold, Miasma
Objective: IV - Stay strong
Post: 02/27

Cruel hands dragged Aster out of the windowless room and marched her into a makeshift broadcast station within the walls of the Ti'Xal fortress ruins.

"Shall we commence the broadcast?" one of the Chiss extremists smirked as he spoke, his tone sinister as he gazed at the princess with his pupilless red eyes.

"Yes," the man replied as the blonde was thrown to the cold, hard floor. "Commence the broadcast," he ordered.

Moments later a video would be broadcasted through an open signal for all to see.

"Greetings Emperor Baelor," the man who appeared to be the leader of the Chiss Liberation Front spoke, his tone mocking. "I have an offer for you might want to consider: let us take our leave of this planet unharmed and you may see the return of your niece," the man spoke with an air or arrogance then reached down to grab something from the ground.

Aster's scalp throbbed with pain as the Chiss took a handful of her long blond hair that was a mess matching her dishevelled appearance. Her elegant white dress had turned a dirty shade of beige, her skin dull with bags underneath her eyes that suggested she had been unable to sleep.

Do you have anything you wish to say to your uncle?” the Chiss asked the young
Baelor who wore an expression of fear mixed with determination.

Bend the knee to no one,” she said, her voice pained and she was thrown to the floor once more, bruising her cheek.

"Enough,” the blue man yelled before he continued. “To show you we're serious, I am going to do this," he said with a sinister grin and pulled his gun out of its holster.

"Hold her down,” the Chiss ordered one of his men who promptly obeyed and a shot rang out through the room followed by a girl's pained cry as he aimed
a round into one of Aster's legs once his cameraman gave the signal - an affirmation he had the camera aimed at the scene of intended violence.

"I hope you watched that dear Emperor," he said as the video feed zoomed in on the wound as crimson fluid flowed out of it. "The longer you take, the more we will be forced to harm her because of your stubbornness," he said as the feed came to an end.

[member="Isamu Baelor"] - [member="Talos Rygat"] - [member="Zeradias Mant"] - [member="Atheus"] - [member="Krayzen Dratos"] - [member="Yoss Nomiamk"] - [member="Arisa Yune"] - [member="Benedict Rotadaria"] - [member="Aleksander Miles"]
Objective: 3
Location: High orbit Miasma

Alek narrowed his eyes as his comms officer sent a signal to his personal communications area on his command throne they had intercepted the signal sent to Baelor and Alek was less than please. The first thing he noted was that this girl no woman was the niece of the Emperor and secondly she was near his age. Nodding his head to his communications officer he stood striding forward to stand at the head of the bridge his communications officer sent a signal to all of the Raven's Fury forces Alek's face serious as he looked into the camera and prepared his speech mentally.

Finally his mouth opened as he started his gaze strong and angry. "Men and women of the Raven's Fury battlegroup just now I have found out that we are not fighting soldiers who fight for freedom but cowardly terrorist who hide behind hostages. Earlier I said to take prisoners if they surrendered I now rescind that order anyone who carries a weapon or mans a ship dies. Anyone who turns violence towards those who do not seek out violence die. This I swear to you for every drop of innocent blood that they spill I shall kill 10. For every innocent that dies in this conflict WE shall slay 30. And when the day is done and they are defeated and dead the name of Raven's Fury and our vengance against cowards shall spread. Remember this my soldiers we fight to defend those who won't or can't fight for themselves. WE FIGHT FOR THEIR SAFETY!"

All across the ships under his command a cry rose drowning out orders for a time. Alek let it continue his men working themselves up into a fury as the prepared for the slaughter. Fighter pilots finishing checks and preparing to launch weapons crews double checking their equipment and targeting assistance software. Engineers preparing reloading and refueling stations all of them now driven by their leaders desire for the death of the cowards they fought. Turning to face the view port Alek lifted his hand silence suddenly reigning on the sihps as the communication was sent video to everywhere possible on the ships he pointed forward. "NOW MY SOLDIERS OF VENGEANCE WE FIGHT! ALL FIGHTERS LAUNCH ALL SHIPS MOVE INTO STRIKING DISTANCE BEFORE FIRING ALL WEAPONS!" His pointing hand turned into a clenching fist as his words finished and from his ships launched a true horde of fighter craft not cheap or expandable types but the kind that were meant to deal and take damage in greater quantities. Today the Iron Empire and the galaxy saw the true strength of Aleksander Miles and Raven's Fury his personal force of soldiers.

[member="Aster Rose Baelor"] [member="Isamu Baelor"] [member="Talos Rygat"] [member="Zeradias Mant"] @Atheus @Krayzen Dratos [member="Yoss Nomiamk"] [member="Benedict Rotadaria"] [member="Arisa Yune"]

Zeradias Mant

Democracy Dies in Darkness
Location: ISV Retribution, Miasma, High Orbit
Objective: III
Allies: [member="Arisa Yune"], [member="Aleksander Miles"], Iron Empire, Chiss Expansionary Defense Fleet
Enemies: Chiss Liberation Front Fleet

Iron Empire forces were further bolstered by the arrival of Battlegroup Raven, the sister fleet of Battlegroup Gryphon led by Commander Aleksander Miles. To command a fleet of such a size at a junior command level was unheard of by Zeradias, though he placed his faith in the emperor all the same. If he saw fit to grant that command to him, Zeradias would not stand in his way. Caution would be his watchword with him though, as he recognized the surname as that of the infamous Aedan Miles - a man who aligned with the Galactic Republic only to betray them at his earliest convenience. Though Zeradias had no lost love for the now fallen Republic, he was still a man of principle that condemned such a betrayal.

That was not the conflict before him though. A thick concentration of ships stood before him, with dozens of frigate size vessels spotted with light cruisers. Outnumbered and outmatched, Zeradias admired the CLF's tenacity. He deplored their stupidity though, as this was a battle they could not hope to win. They had meddled with the wrong empire, and now they shall feel it's wrath. The Chiss Liberation Front would martyr themselves to see Csilla free of the Iron Empire. Vice Admiral Mant was happy to oblige.

"Move the heavy cruiser line forward in the vanguard, weapons free. I want the contingency line right on their heels and to split wide on their right flank and open fire. Keep the pursuit line on standby to hunt any stragglers following the battle.", Zeradias ordered. "We'll wait here.", he said in reference to the command line holding position. The ships of Battlegroup Gryphon moved forward to engage, green turbolaser bolts cutting through the black vacuum of space. Peering out the bridge, the glow of the ships' engines glowed at half power, slowly moving to destroy their target.

Turning to his comms officer, he gave his next order. "Inform Commander Miles to move forward to engage the CLF's wide left flank." He hoped the commander's tactical prowess would understand the meaning of his specific order. He cared not how Battlegroup Raven achieved it's goal, only that casualties and damage was minimized.

At this moment, the Battle for Miasma had commenced.
Location: Raven's Beak, Miasma, High Orbit
Objective: 3
Allies: [member="Zeradias Mant"] [member="Arisa Yune"]
Enemies: Terrorists disguised as freedom fighters (CLF)

Alek looked up as the order came in looking over the map he gestured to the left once indicating for their ships to start moving that way in a slow turn presenting broadside almost mockingly to the highly outclassed CLF. Watching them for a moment he gestured and as one his ships rolled presenting a greater amount of their weapons before firing the abnormal violet turbolasers of his battlegroup flaring through space as the flashed towards the enemies left wing. Along with the trubolasers a volley of missile trails flared to life behind missiles all speeding into the enemy fleet some lucky ones impacting the lesser shielded fighters of the enemy by chance others exploding against the larger ships shields. Aleks fighters flashed away form his fleet leaving behind half a dozen squadrons of Devastator-class heavy fighters to be a fighter screen. The agile Raider interceptors the first to come within firing range followed shortly by the more armed Dread light fighters. Lasers and missiles exchanged as the dead dance of fighters began meanwhile around this flew Remnant multierole fighters and Cutlass gunships moving to assault the larger ships directly coming at them from either above or below the plane of fire to avoid friendly fire.
Location: Tera Lush/Haradesh
Objective: Free the Vampir
NPC's: 1,000 Dubrillion Legionaries
Equipment: I.E.-1 Rifle, I.E.-2 SMG, Legion Armor

As his legion spread into the city, Talos found a small room and with a couple guards for protection. From there he sat, closed his eyes, and began to delve into the Force, bolstering the attributes of his legion. The Force swelled around him and spread out to his men, giving them the ability to overcome their surroundings and the Chiss terrorists that were in the city...


The Legion had begun to work its way through the city, engaging in small firefights with the Chiss terrorists. It was easy at first, the Sephi were far more experienced, being trained from their days in the Primeval military. Their leader Talos had since continued their training and helped them further their powers through the Force.

The four Archons lead the Legion in place of Talos as he was staying back and providing assistance through the Force. The Archons had tracked down the local leader of the terrorists and had the Legion move in, to take him out. From there the Legion could set up a FOB and move to the mines to free the interned Vampir. It would take some time, while the location was known, getting to the leader would mean fighting through the whole city first. With Talos at the helm, the Legion was sure to succeed.

[member="Aleksander Miles"] [member="Zeradias Mant"] [member="Aster Rose Baelor"] [member="Isamu Baelor"] @Atheus @Krayzen Dratos
Location: Miasma, surface
Objective: Destroy the terrorist forces

The battle on the surface was raging. shots were being fired in every direction. Men were dropping dead left to right and in the middle of it all stood Yoss. Blood and cuts all over his body, his cape had been ripped and torn apart. But he battled on swinging his light sabers wildly killing man after man.

"Forward men" He would shout, the men cheering and charging into the battle.

The terrorist forces were beginning to slowly get pushed back. Yoss charges with the men deflecting bolts and stabbing soldiers. Then something hit his shoulder, he dropped his lightsabers and the world suddenly became clouded in darkness. His body hit the floor and he looked around him dead men everywhere, soldiers being blown to bits right before his eyes. Then he fell asleep.

Yoss woke up in a bed in a small tent full of sick and wounded soldiers. Yoss looks at his shoulder to see it covered with bandages.

"What... the hell... happened?" Yoss grunts as he tries to sit up.
"You have been shot sir" says a medical droid standing next to him.

Yoss sits up on the side of the bed and reaches for his lightsabers to find they are not there.

"Where are my lightsabers" Yoss would yell at the droid.
"I do not know sir" The droid would reply.

Yoss stands up and lifts the droid into the air using the force.

"Where the hell are my lightsabers!"

A soldier would run into the tent holding both of yoss' lightsabers. The soldier would hand them to Yoss and he would let the droid down and snatch them out of his hands. Yoss then attaches his lightsabers to his belt. and feel that his cape is no longer there.

"Shit, I guess I need a new cape"

Yoss walks out of the tent and into the command tent.

"Hey sir, what's happening out there?"

Isamu Baelor

Protector of The Iron Realm
Post Count: [3/27]
Location: Miasma’s Surface
Objective: 2
Allies: Iron Empire
Enemies: Chiss Liberation Front

As Isamu surveyed the Liberation Front’s forces, a lone soldier beckoned his attention. “Your Grace, the Liberation Front have begun broadcasting over an open channel.” He announced. “I believe you should hear it.”

From within his armor, Isamu produced a holo-communicator, and activated it. It triggered a blue hue, one which illuminated his profile. The face of his niece, and that of her captor, materialized.

“Bend the knee to no one” She said. A sense of pride swelled from within. Though not of his blood, she was truly a Baelor. As dutiful, and stubborn, as any were.

However, pride was soon swept away. Replaced with shock and anger, as the terrorist discharged his firearm into Aster’s leg. Through gritted teeth, he said “Before this day is done, I will see you dead.”

“I will not bend to their demands.” Isamu announced. It was not pride, nor stubbornness, that spurred his words. Rather, it was doubt. The terrorist’s words were hollow. Deceitful. To allow them safe passage, would be to condemn his niece to death.

“Prepare to attack.” It was not only vengeance which he sought to bring, but rather, distraction. One that would mask the strike-team’s infiltration, so that they may rescue the Princess.

The Emperor’s reply was swift, as the guns of the Lohengrinn roared. Their mighty cannons rained death upon the Liberation Front’s forces. Sewing chaos throughout their ranks.

The Battle of Miasma, had begun.

[member="Yoss Nomiamk"] | [member="Talos Rygat"] | [member="Aleksander Miles"] | [member="Zeradias Mant"] | [member="Aster Rose Baelor"] | [member="Atheus"] | [member="Krayzen Dratos"] | [member="Arisa Yune"] | [member="Benedict Rotadaria"]
Objective: Build A New Garrison
Post: 2

An open channel to broadcast the horrific torture [member="Aster Rose Baelor"] was going through, one which Krayzen witnessed. A flame of anger lit from the depths of his soul. Despite his experience, only one thought was in his mind: how could one do this to an innocent girl?Krayzen then remembered his time as a bounty hunter, and also serving the Dark Lord. It only reminded him of the fact that his previous self was capable of doing this, although he knew it would only be done in rare circumstances, and if it benefited now-defunct One Sith in a massive way.

In a way, he sympathized with the Rebels. Some of them truly believed they were benefitting the Chiss people. Krayzen also knew that, despite the changes he had undergone in his exile, and when he had returned to known space; he would most certainly do the same thing, albeit as a last resort. Nevertheless, the Anzat remembered his true allegiance, and that the enemies of the Iron Empire would fall. Those that had captured Lady Baelor would be punished with extreme prejudice, there fate already having been sealed when they kidnapped her.

"Sir, we finished the construction of the comm tower."

"Excellent; has the shipment of redundant molecular shields arrive?"

"Yes sir."

"Then let us discuss how they will be placed."

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