Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Fine Dining Anyone?

William Griffin

Guest anyone up for a 'dinner pary' hosted by none other than me?

William Griffin

Guest no no madam, but between us

Hmm maybe a few undesirable politicians.

[member="Zothan Venn"]

William Griffin

Haha ok, ill start it after later on tonight

[member="Zothan Venn"]
Oh, EWW. Politicians?? C'mon!!! GIMME A CHALLENGE, FOR ONCE!!!! :p

(Don't worry. When she's hungry, she's hungry. And politicians will do nicely. Just try not to get in the way of a crazy hunger-driven Energy Vampire. It won't end well. :D)
[member="William Griffin"]
[member="William Griffin"]

Are any of the meals folks Force users? If so, feel free to tag [member="Tipau"]

I've always wanted her to encounter other sentient-eaters.

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