Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Finding one's way in the darkness.



Sasha slipped into her new clothes made of light yet durable Dathomiri spider silk in the color of blood red, then attached her lightsaber that had been returned and picked up a witch staff that had been laid out for the reborn full Nightsister. There would be time later to adorn the new attire and make it her own.

She drank in the energies of the dark side as the Sisters of the Night sat together on the shire with the spiders all around them in the green ground mist; letting the dark energy wash over and through her soul, filling it up and feeling the loving embrace of the power strengthen Sasha once again as it pulsed through her very veins and being. There was something else too, perhaps the essence of the spider that had bonded to her.

"Together we shall rebuild, the symbol of our power is in the caves and slowly we shall rebuild it but not make it to wage war. That caused the rift that destroyed us previously. We must be patient and wait for the moment when everything is ready."

Sasha switched the newly acquired witch's staff to the other hand, then took Lavania's free hand in hers.

"Together, my sister. We shall."
[member="Sasha Voss"]

The path from the river was what they needed, she had gone in a circle as it were and was now slowly leading the way down the river towards the pathway leading up to their home. The closest thing to a home for the spider clan that was there. She passed the lower path to the fields tht stretched out for miles and sections that went to crevices that leaked green mist. The mouth of the cave that was their home but living in a cave would attract the wrong attention. "Then come."



The newest Nightsister followed her sister as she lead them further down the river, then up a trail leading to where the Spider Clan's home was… or should be; the caves that were in the side of the mountain where the old clan resided. Lavania wanted to rebuild the Spider Clan, but to do that they would have to change the previous vision a bit. It would take time to do the things the leader of the new Spider Clan wanted to achieve. But in the end, they would be stronger and more powerful for it, and Dathomir would be too.

"Tell me of your life on the mountain? Have you encountered any more sisters or are we it?" Sash inquired, then continued to follow her sister past the caves and towards a shack ahead that looked to be a home; their home?
[member="Sasha Voss"]

"As far as I know we are all that is left." She was leading the pathway down to the fields and there was the large cave entrance under the shack. An overarching section of stone that had a pathway up to the back area of her shack and where her rancor went while they moved. "The cave here houses all that is left and we will work to protect it, secured from the rest and in this field we'll rebuild carefully. Take and have our slaves but not raid the other clans to attract their discord. We'll work in the shadows."



Sasha was silent and inner reflective for most of the journey with her sister in the lead, taking in the new surroundings, committing them to memory as the words Lavania said. This was to be her new home, and a home it was to be with the Sisters of the Night on Dathomir.

But what of [member="Jaron Lesan"], and the hideaway they had built together at Sanctuary Rock on Arbra? Was the Sith Apprentice still in the picture? Would he still see her as his equal, his partner as they had called it; a Force bond forged during her initial fall to the dark side… Would the man still desire her as he did before? How indeed would the reborn Sasha see him in all those ways now that she is a Nightsister? Was that Force bond even still there after her baptism? There was also the situation of what to do with his precious ship she borrowed to get here? Send it back, or have him come get it. Enslave him or take the man for her mate... Did Sash even want to? Things had been rocky before she'd left… Sasha had not liked the thought of sharing him with the Sith hussies he was encountering during his private training sessions. "It's all for appearances sake to keep you safe and a secret," he always reassured her. Yeah, right… Men?! Not everything had been forgotten from her past.

"I was trained originally to work in the shadows so that won't be a problem… Speaking of slaves, do you have any, or a mate?" Sash asked curiously of her sister as they walked up closer to the shack. "I mean… It must get lonely by yourself here?"
[member="Sasha Voss"]

"I have no mate or slaves." It had been lonely and being there in the mountains she had just been alone. A smile on her face though as the caves mouth was opened for them with spiders going within it. "Beyond the spiders I have been alone here." She was moving into the caves now though and leading the way while thinking about what was happening to her sister, in her sensations within the force before speaking. "You though seemed concerned, thinking far to loudly about things."



The realization that she was projecting her personal musing about her lover in the Force made Sasha blush both in girlish embarrassment and self-frustration. The redhead slam down her mental shields to stop that nonsense. It wasn't that Sash wanted to keep anything from her sister, but… some of it was not for prime-time knowledge, and she was still trying to figure out where [member="Jaron Lesan"] fit into to her new life.

Perhaps later there would be a more appropriate moment to share the intimate details of the one the former Dark Jedi had called her "partner". For now the new Nightsister needed to focus on the present… And that was venturing into the caves along with the spiders that seemingly were a part of their entourage with Lavania in the lead.

"Well I am here now, and will keep you company, though at some point finding you a mate should be a priority since you are the Spider Clans' elder. In order to gain in strength and numbers, we shall have to each help with that along with finding more sisters and males as well."

As they journeyed deeper into the caves, Sasha could feel the spot on her back pulsating where the spider that had chosen her during the Nightsister baptism ceremony fused with her very being.

"Is there a rank and order to the spider colony," she asked curiously. "Who is their leader, and are there any I should be mindful of, dear sister?"
[member="Sasha Voss"]

Lavania was looking at her and as she walked through the cave it was a strange thing. She never really thought about a rank structure among the spiders themselves their sizes usually showing their age and the bigger they got the deeper within the cave. SHe came to a chamber that had a section above leading high up. "The tunnels here lead under my shack and into the caves allow entrance or exit as well as go deep into the mountain. The queen of the spiders is there alive after all these years and safe." There was the part of the conversation about a mate and slaves as she was thinking about it and her sister was right. As much as she had found those men within the jedi lustful they served a purpose in expanding the clan as she spoke. "When the time comes I shall take a mate to expand the clan but there are less slaves on the planet. One of the things the mandalorians did was limit but not abolish slaves. We will just need to be selective in who we choose. As more sisters come we will be able to have a wider selection. At least one per sister."



"At least," Sasha grinned back, then continued to follow her sister as they made their way through the various tunnels passing through larger chambers.

"So what is your vision for our new Nightsister Cave? I am eager to help you in making it happen."
[member="Sasha Voss"]

"My vision is us strong and returned as the dominant clan of nightsisters on Dathomir the one they flock to and come to join." She came into a section of the tunnels and there were web covered alcoves while Lavania was looking around and the chamber they were in looked over a larger one that was near pitch darkness painted with some torches that illuminated a massive spider. Lavania moved over to one of the alcoves and laid down on the stone that had been worn away for a handful of sisters to sleep in. "Until you build your own place in the area there is always a section for beddings to use."



"I look forward to meeting other Sisters of the Night, who will call this home and help us to rebuild the Spider Clan," Sasha nodded, then laid down next to Lavania on the stone that was smoothed. She closed her eyes and let the the dark side of the Force wrap her in it's loving arms along with the collectiveness of the arachnoid colony. In that moment, they were all as one; sisters, spiders, and the Force.
[member="Sasha Voss"]

"Yes they shall." She embraced her sister as laying there the sounds of skittering on the stone was what she could hear. Ideas of rebuilding their home as one thought came to her head. "We're going to need more shacks above on the mountain. The fields will serve us well but we will need to create something that will allow them to know who we are and find us should more sisters appear but also provide somewhere for the unified clans to come to."



They held each other for a few more minutes, enjoying the closeness and comfort only sisters could, then Sasha rose from the stone.

"I am anxious to find a spot for my shack, then tomorrow we can begin building it and making the Spider Clan village atop the mountain," she smiled, then offered a hand to help Lavania up.
[member="Sasha Voss"]

"Yes your place above must be something that can be used or not. It is mostly for us if we must meet with outsiders who comes seeking our talents... or slaves we do not wish to keep down here in the caves. As much as I am willing to share and be close with my sisters, my bed is only built for one person."



"Well I do hog the covers so you probably wouldn't want to share very long with me anyways," Sasha giggled softly, remembering a particular tug of war session with [member="Jaron Lesan"] that ended up in an all out battle for supremacy… But when hadn't any of their dealings. They both liked to dominate the other.

"I did notice an alcove down here sister that I would like to call my own, if I may? And of course you'd be welcome any time… Just bring your own blanket."
[member="Sasha Voss"]

Now that was the spirit as Lavania stood up in the chamber with a look on her face. "Oh I shall have one for just that occasion." The grin was on her face though while she was moving her hands now and dancing to some of the invisible music in the earth. The green mists rising from the core of the planet with the magics as she was pushing more of it around the both of them. "Oh everything is ringing here as the dark call comes out."



The redhead began to move about too, swaying, touching, and twirling around Lavania as the green mists enveloped them. Sasha let herself live in the moment with her sister, deepening their bond.

"I wish for you to teach me how to wield the magicks like you do?"
[member="Sasha Voss"]

"And you shall." The green mist was there and curled around Lavania's arms as she was speaking. "The first step is here in this chamber where the energy of the planet is easier to find. Yu will need to summon it to yourself for your own use." Lavania kept moving though as the spiders around them were moving about, their webbings to make some seals were it might make a draft and chill them.



Sasha closed her eyes once again and called to the magicks using the same chant her mentor had. After a moment of focused concentration, she felt the dark tentacles come to her fingertips. Reopening her eyes, the new Nightsister began waving her arms around as Lavania had done; directing the green mists to dance to her will, swirling it around her sister as if embracing in a warm hug.

"I saw what you did with the green mists during my baptism. What other power can we wield with it?"
[member="Sasha Voss"]

"Well for those able to there is the ability to scream until slaves ears bleed, restore your stamina and keep in a fight or the different spells. The strongest witches or the ones who work with rituals can raise the dead for a time. We have preformed this ritual for the mandalorians to aid in the defense of their worlds before." She had been there and been the one preforming the ritual to augment and help her people stay protected against the sith at the time.

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